Do you think that Hillary would have cut taxes?

Tax cuts for the rich are more of a repug thing. It's their panacea for all ills. Bad economy? Tax cuts for the rich. War in Iraq? Tax cuts for the rich. Abortion? Tax cuts for the rich. Climate change? Tax cuts for the rich. Shoes too tight? Tax cuts for the rich.

Tax cuts are pretty much always a good idea though.

You make statements like that with such ease.

Meanwhile, economists who have studied the matter for their entire lives say that it is sometimes a bad idea to cut taxes.

So, you end up looking like an idiot.

I am an economist.

Small government and freedom works, large government doesn't. Sure tax cuts without spending cuts may not be a great idea.

Who cares what some partisan hack economist has to say. Such hack probably blames the Bush tax cuts for the housing bubble, which is ridiculous.
Tax cuts for the rich are more of a repug thing. It's their panacea for all ills. Bad economy? Tax cuts for the rich. War in Iraq? Tax cuts for the rich. Abortion? Tax cuts for the rich. Climate change? Tax cuts for the rich. Shoes too tight? Tax cuts for the rich.

Tax cuts are pretty much always a good idea though.

You make statements like that with such ease.

Meanwhile, economists who have studied the matter for their entire lives say that it is sometimes a bad idea to cut taxes.

So, you end up looking like an idiot.

I am an economist.

Small government and freedom works, large government doesn't. Sure tax cuts without spending cuts may not be a great idea.

Who cares what some partisan hack economist has to say. Such hack probably blames the Bush tax cuts for the housing bubble, which is ridiculous.

You are an economist?

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