Do you want $100 billion/year in taxes revenue,your property taxes increase & 400,000


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
jobs disappear?

This is what will happen if Obama has his preferences come true.
Obama has told us :"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"
Which means Obama want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes including in some of your towns property taxes on office buildings,etc while laying off 400,000 health insurance employees!

That is exactly what Obama wants when he "prefers" single payer!

And all because he hates profits! Hates the USA! Hates businesses!

Obamacare is such a mess that creating so much havoc in health care financing that ALL of us are going to be adversely affected!
All because idiots can't seem to count that 18 million people don't want insurance!
14 million are already covered but don't know it by Medicaid!
10 million are not citizens!
That leaves 4 million that truly want and need health insurance so WHY destroy the system for the remaining 99% of us?
So those 30 of you that viewed the above... do you NOT understand the implication of what destruction of $100 billion a year in tax revenue and 400,000 jobs would mean to the economy?

One other further point... As these insurance companies close down, THEIR reserves used for future claim payments are reduced..i.e. assets are sold, i.e. stocks, equities, etc...
What do you think that does to your portfolios???
An actuarial reserve is a liability equal to the net present value of the future expected cash flows of a contingent event. In the insurance context an actuarial reserve is the present value of the future cash flows of an insurance policy and the total liability of the insurer is the sum of the actuarial reserves for every individual policy. Regulated insurers are required to keep offsetting assets to pay off this future liability.

In simple terms, health insurance companies going out of business means these assets used to pay claims will be liquidated regardless of the affect on the economy!
So when idiots want "universal health insurance" THEY are completely ignorant of reality!
He said he was going to fundamentally transform America and by God he's doing a hell of a job, isn't he?

The idiots who voted for him were too stupid to understand what he meant, they thought it was all hope and change, rainbows and unicorns.
jobs disappear?

This is what will happen if Obama has his preferences come true.
Obama has told us :"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"
Which means Obama want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes including in some of your towns property taxes on office buildings,etc while laying off 400,000 health insurance employees!

That is exactly what Obama wants when he "prefers" single payer!

And all because he hates profits! Hates the USA! Hates businesses!

Obamacare is such a mess that creating so much havoc in health care financing that ALL of us are going to be adversely affected!
All because idiots can't seem to count that 18 million people don't want insurance!
14 million are already covered but don't know it by Medicaid!
10 million are not citizens!
That leaves 4 million that truly want and need health insurance so WHY destroy the system for the remaining 99% of us?

It now costs every single person living in the US over $650,000 over their lifetime to cover their healthcare costs. You do the math. For a married couple, that is over $1.3 million. For many people, that amounts to over half of their lifetime pay.
jobs disappear?

This is what will happen if Obama has his preferences come true.
Obama has told us :"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"
Which means Obama want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes including in some of your towns property taxes on office buildings,etc while laying off 400,000 health insurance employees!

That is exactly what Obama wants when he "prefers" single payer!

And all because he hates profits! Hates the USA! Hates businesses!

Obamacare is such a mess that creating so much havoc in health care financing that ALL of us are going to be adversely affected!
All because idiots can't seem to count that 18 million people don't want insurance!
14 million are already covered but don't know it by Medicaid!
10 million are not citizens!
That leaves 4 million that truly want and need health insurance so WHY destroy the system for the remaining 99% of us?

It now costs every single person living in the US over $650,000 over their lifetime to cover their healthcare costs. You do the math. For a married couple, that is over $1.3 million. For many people, that amounts to over half of their lifetime pay.

Not a problem. Just git on down to the emergency room and get your care paid for by those have insurance.

Several outright lies in the op but the one that really irritates me is this:
10 million are not citizens!

Because of Reagan's socialist EMTALA, illegals (and rw's) NOW get free care at the emergency room. They cannot buy coverage at the same (ACA) low rate as American citizens. I wish rw's would stop repeating this lie.
jobs disappear?

This is what will happen if Obama has his preferences come true.
Obama has told us :"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"
Which means Obama want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes including in some of your towns property taxes on office buildings,etc while laying off 400,000 health insurance employees!

That is exactly what Obama wants when he "prefers" single payer!

And all because he hates profits! Hates the USA! Hates businesses!

Obamacare is such a mess that creating so much havoc in health care financing that ALL of us are going to be adversely affected!
All because idiots can't seem to count that 18 million people don't want insurance!
14 million are already covered but don't know it by Medicaid!
10 million are not citizens!
That leaves 4 million that truly want and need health insurance so WHY destroy the system for the remaining 99% of us?

It now costs every single person living in the US over $650,000 over their lifetime to cover their healthcare costs. You do the math. For a married couple, that is over $1.3 million. For many people, that amounts to over half of their lifetime pay.

Not a problem. Just git on down to the emergency room and get your care paid for by those have insurance.

Several outright lies in the op but the one that really irritates me is this:
10 million are not citizens!

Because of Reagan's socialist EMTALA, illegals (and rw's) NOW get free care at the emergency room. They cannot buy coverage at the same (ACA) low rate as American citizens. I wish rw's would stop repeating this lie.

You are absolutely right!

As I pointed out though all done with "good intentions" JUST LIKE ACA!! But instead of telling the truth there were ONLY
4 million that truly needed and wanted WE'VE BEEN LIED to with 46 million and that's what passed ACA!

So why are you so against taxing the idiots that cause $850 billion a year i.e. defensive medicine?
Tax the their $270 billion and use it pay for the 4 million and that's it!
Then the hospitals WiLL not be allowed to markup sometimes 6,000% billing Medicare/insurance companies to recoup uninsured costs!
Watch how quick insurance premiums drop BECAUSE states' regulators require companies to prove their premium requests
and if the claims go down, then insurance premiums decline!
THAT is the REALITY!!!

So yes the FACT you admit this ill thought out bill EMTALA caused these "unintended consequences" then should be proof enough
YOU can't regulate from D.C. what I am doing in my state! Each state has it's own special situations i.e. and you prove that
dictates from D.C. don't work!
jobs disappear?

This is what will happen if Obama has his preferences come true.
Obama has told us :"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"
Which means Obama want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes including in some of your towns property taxes on office buildings,etc while laying off 400,000 health insurance employees!

That is exactly what Obama wants when he "prefers" single payer!

And all because he hates profits! Hates the USA! Hates businesses!

Obamacare is such a mess that creating so much havoc in health care financing that ALL of us are going to be adversely affected!
All because idiots can't seem to count that 18 million people don't want insurance!
14 million are already covered but don't know it by Medicaid!
10 million are not citizens!
That leaves 4 million that truly want and need health insurance so WHY destroy the system for the remaining 99% of us?

It now costs every single person living in the US over $650,000 over their lifetime to cover their healthcare costs. You do the math. For a married couple, that is over $1.3 million. For many people, that amounts to over half of their lifetime pay.

Not a problem. Just git on down to the emergency room and get your care paid for by those have insurance.

Several outright lies in the op but the one that really irritates me is this:
10 million are not citizens!

Because of Reagan's socialist EMTALA, illegals (and rw's) NOW get free care at the emergency room. They cannot buy coverage at the same (ACA) low rate as American citizens. I wish rw's would stop repeating this lie.

This is NOT a lie though!!!
10 million are not CITIZENS PER THE CENSUS !!!
Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

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