Do you want muslim women on your plane?

Do you feel safe on a plane with muslims?

  • No

    Votes: 12 40.0%
  • Yes

    Votes: 18 60.0%
  • Yes but Only Muslim Men

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • yes but Only Muslim Women

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
All I know is that I can't walk around with a black ski mask, overcoat boots and gloves without getting stopped never mind getting on a plane so why should some Muslim women be able to do basically the same thing?
how do you identify muslims?

(1) Stick a pig under their nose. If they react violently, good chance they are muslim.
(2) Look the crowd over after a bombing. The ones laughing are most likely muslim.
(3) If they are carrying an AK-47 in broad daylight, and have their faces covered except for their eyes, good chance they are muslim.
(4) If they have a ratty looking beard, that looks like it has never, ever been properly trimmed, good chance they are a muslim.
(5) If they constantly talk about their past jobs at 7-11 or driving a cab, most likely they are muslim.
(6) If they are in this country illegally, and do not speak spanish, most likely they are muslim.

These are just a few way to tell if a person is a muslim. There are many more.

And you've personally been witness to all of the above? Good grief, they don't come any more bigoted. Perhaps we SHOULD build FEMA camps (like the Beckites think we already are) and herd anyone who sports a scruffy beard or a burka and is dark complected into one of those new prisons, just like we herded everyone with slanty eyes into "gated communities" after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Grow up.

It appears that you have a tough time with comedy. Take a pill...:lol:
Hell, if some gals are required to remove their "nipple rings" to board a plane, I have no concern for muslim or sikh women going thru a good thorough search, especially after its proven that they can hide bombs on their person.
TSA Forces Woman To Remove Nipple Rings - CBS News

this story is just overblown.....first it had to be a large gauge ring to be picked up by the wands....mine has never been picked up by take all nipple rings out with pliers..they are taken out by prying the ring apart, that is why the ring always has a ball on press the ring into the ball...its not something you take out by turning the ball ...3rd by the time you have piercings you are hardly a shy thing....

I'm beginning to think that bones has a nipple ring!:eek:
You have to be very careful when you encounter nipple rings because it's so easy to chip a tooth.:lol:
Is this thread about improving airport security or is it about hating on Muslim women?

The later, I guess.

Nonetheless I'll offer my opinion on what ought to be the real issue of this discussion.

I'm beginning to think we need to use those scanning machines that can reveal liquid and powder bomb making materials hidden on people's bodies. The privacy issue is trumped by the safety issue, IMO. Also, I apparently facial features are not shown so the person doing the screening and seeing people naked on a computer screen are looking at anonymous bodies. Anyone who objects to that shall just have to find some other means of travel.
sad that religions are so bigoted....
Bigotry has nothing to do with it. Her sexual behavior contradicts the tenets of the religion she professes to follow.
Sounds like you are now behaving like the Rabbi, telling a person what their religion allows. Islam is a multifaceted mainstream religion practiced by millions of people. Naturally there will be many interpretations of what it means to be a Muslim. If she worships Allah and believes that her homosexuality is permissible and calls herself a Muslim, who are you to say she is not?

I am merely a lay adherent of Islam. One must assume that the following passage applies to sexual relations between females as well:

Will you come to men lustfully rather than women? Nay, you are a people who act ignorantly. - 27:55

I have nothing against homosexuals or bisexuals, but they cannot be Muslims as long as they persist unrepentantly in their un-Islamic behavior.
Bigotry has nothing to do with it. Her sexual behavior contradicts the tenets of the religion she professes to follow.
Sounds like you are now behaving like the Rabbi, telling a person what their religion allows. Islam is a multifaceted mainstream religion practiced by millions of people. Naturally there will be many interpretations of what it means to be a Muslim. If she worships Allah and believes that her homosexuality is permissible and calls herself a Muslim, who are you to say she is not?

I am merely a lay adherent of Islam. One must assume that the following passage applies to sexual relations between females as well:

Will you come to men lustfully rather than women? Nay, you are a people who act ignorantly. - 27:55

I have nothing against homosexuals or bisexuals, but they cannot be Muslims as long as they persist unrepentantly in their un-Islamic behavior.
If I was to interpret that literally, I would say it means men, and men only. And that it only means male homosexuals are behaving ignorantly. I see nothing in the phrase which says ignorance means they can't be Muslims.

Interpreting that to mean what I might think Allah or whoever wrote it probably meant. I would say it's means homosexuality in both men and women deserves disapproval but I still see nothing which indicates homosexuals must make a choice between their sexuality and their religion.
I have nothing against homosexuals or bisexuals, but they cannot be Muslims as long as they persist unrepentantly in their un-Islamic behavior.

Yet lots of them do consider themselves Muslim. Just as many homosexuals consider themselves Christian or Jewish, despite what the fundamentalists claim.

The Koran is just as vague and as open to interpretation as the Bible and the Torah.
I have nothing against homosexuals or bisexuals, but they cannot be Muslims as long as they persist unrepentantly in their un-Islamic behavior.

Yet lots of them do consider themselves Muslim. Just as many homosexuals consider themselves Christian or Jewish, despite what the fundamentalists claim.

The Koran is just as vague and as open to interpretation as the Bible and the Torah.

Yep how can a Christian come off with a comment like "nuke em all and let god sort em out"?

A joo maybe, but that is very un christlike.
If I was to interpret that literally, I would say it means men, and men only. And that it only means male homosexuals are behaving ignorantly. I see nothing in the phrase which says ignorance means they can't be Muslims.

Ignorance, jahiliyyah, is used to described the status and mindset of those who do not follow Islam... homosexuality between females is specifically described as a transgression in 4:15-16.

Interpreting that to mean what I might think Allah or whoever wrote it probably meant. I would say it's means homosexuality in both men and women deserves disapproval but I still see nothing which indicates homosexuals must make a choice between their sexuality and their religion.

Unfortunately, homosexuals who wish to embrace Islam do face this dichotomy; the Islamic way of life cannot be changed to accommodate homosexuality. For Muslims, the love between men and women is divine and irreplaceable.

And of His signs is this, that He created mates (or "wives") for you from yourselves that you might find peace of mind in them, and He put between you love and compassion. Surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect.- 30:21​

From my perspective, Christianity and Judaism have metamorphosed into collections of meaningless rituals observed by their nominal "adherents" out of habit or merely for the sake of tradition. As a complete way of life, Islam cannot be changed in this way to suit the sensibilities of those with non-Islamic values and belief systems, even though their intentions may be benign. I do not support denying homosexuals their rights or treating them like sub-humans, and I don't particularly mind if the government chooses to recognize unions between two men or two women. I must, however, insist that they don't consider themselves Muslims as long as they attempt to seek false religious justifications for their behavior.
All I know is that I can't walk around with a black ski mask, overcoat boots and gloves without getting stopped never mind getting on a plane so why should some Muslim women be able to do basically the same thing?

Free country.

They didn't start the mess , the War Party, the warmongers and the neocrazies did,

All I know is that I can't walk around with a black ski mask, overcoat boots and gloves without getting stopped never mind getting on a plane so why should some Muslim women be able to do basically the same thing?

Free country.

They didn't start the mess , the War Party, the warmongers and the neocrazies did,


Not free if I can't do the above but others can because of some religion.
All I know is that I can't walk around with a black ski mask, overcoat boots and gloves without getting stopped never mind getting on a plane so why should some Muslim women be able to do basically the same thing?

Free country.

They didn't start the mess , the War Party, the warmongers and the neocrazies did,


Not free if I can't do the above but others can because of some religion.

Direct your anger to those responsible for our criminally insane foreign policy.

If we banned all muslims (men and women) from international travel I believe the problem would be solved!!!

I am all for it, not a bad idea. However, it would punish innocent muslims but then again the innocent muslims need to put some pressure on the jihadists to keep them from blowing up innocent people all over the world. The silence from innocent and moderate muslims is DEAFENING.

There's no silence. You're just deaf.

Muslims around the world have been loudly speaking out against Islamic terrorism for years. You've just chosen not to hear it, so as to not destroy a favorite talking point.
(1) Stick a pig under their nose. If they react violently, good chance they are muslim.
(2) Look the crowd over after a bombing. The ones laughing are most likely muslim.
(3) If they are carrying an AK-47 in broad daylight, and have their faces covered except for their eyes, good chance they are muslim.
(4) If they have a ratty looking beard, that looks like it has never, ever been properly trimmed, good chance they are a muslim.
(5) If they constantly talk about their past jobs at 7-11 or driving a cab, most likely they are muslim.
(6) If they are in this country illegally, and do not speak spanish, most likely they are muslim.

Stereotype much? I live in a neighborhood with a large Muslim population and none of the above applies. Cab drivers here are ALL different nationalities. And all the muslims I know are here legally.
Do you feel safe when muslim women are on your plane? How about when they wear a Hijab or a Burqua? Do you think they could hide a bomb under their clothes?
Hijab: Question and Answer

Please recall that two Russian jet liners were blown up by Chechyn women wearing
Russia plane crashes caused by explosives - World news-

Bear in mind that every single day thousands of planes take off in this country alone and thousands of Muslims are on those planes, yet incidents like what happened in Detroit this past weekend are considerably rare.
Do you feel safe when muslim women are on your plane? How about when they wear a Hijab or a Burqua? Do you think they could hide a bomb under their clothes?
Hijab: Question and Answer

Please recall that two Russian jet liners were blown up by Chechyn women wearing
Russia plane crashes caused by explosives - World news-

Bear in mind that every single day thousands of planes take off in this country alone and thousands of Muslims are on those planes, yet incidents like what happened in Detroit this past weekend are considerably rare.

dont use facts to confuse the haters.....i am all for more security but i realize nut jobs come in all races, religions etc.

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