Do You Want To Stop The Impeachment?

<ahem AGAIN> Jitss617

Republicans say Trump impeachment probe is happening in 'secret,' but 47 GOP lawmakers have access
Nicholas Wu, USA TODAY Published 2:53 p.m. ET Oct. 24, 2019
Out of the 432 total members of the House, 103 members sit on the House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, and Oversight Committees, of which 47 members are Republicans.
Republicans say Trump impeachment probe is happening in 'secret,' but 47 GOP lawmakers have access

no wonder trump loves the poorly educated long time.
They are denying people in the house from sitting in on the deposition which is been a common occurrence except for this one ,, they even used to ask questions Democrats are not allowing it .
I wonder why
Liar, Republicans in the hearings are asking questions.
I’m sorry they kicked 50 out the other day.. lol what did they ask?
If you were American, you would have known the 50 they kicked out were not on the committee and were not allowed to be there. Not a day goes by you don't reveal you're not American, comrade.
Umm they are congress men and woman, that represent America and you don’t kick them out unless you have something to hide.

Time and time again, you demonstrate you don't know how Congress functions, comrade.
<ahem AGAIN> Jitss617

Republicans say Trump impeachment probe is happening in 'secret,' but 47 GOP lawmakers have access
Nicholas Wu, USA TODAY Published 2:53 p.m. ET Oct. 24, 2019
Out of the 432 total members of the House, 103 members sit on the House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, and Oversight Committees, of which 47 members are Republicans.
Republicans say Trump impeachment probe is happening in 'secret,' but 47 GOP lawmakers have access

no wonder trump loves the poorly educated long time.
They are denying people in the house from sitting in on the deposition which is been a common occurrence except for this one ,, they even used to ask questions Democrats are not allowing it .
I wonder why
Liar, Republicans in the hearings are asking questions.
I’m sorry they kicked 50 out the other day.. lol what did they ask?
If you were American, you would have known the 50 they kicked out were not on the committee and were not allowed to be there. Not a day goes by you don't reveal you're not American, comrade.
The full House determines when an impeachment hearing will go on in the past. Schiff has tried to obfuscate that with his secrecy shit and you are helping. He better fly right or get outta Dodge. :D
Not always. There have been judges impeached where the full House did not vote on holding an inquiry.
They are denying people in the house from sitting in on the deposition which is been a common occurrence except for this one ,, they even used to ask questions Democrats are not allowing it .
I wonder why
Liar, Republicans in the hearings are asking questions.
I’m sorry they kicked 50 out the other day.. lol what did they ask?
If you were American, you would have known the 50 they kicked out were not on the committee and were not allowed to be there. Not a day goes by you don't reveal you're not American, comrade.
Umm they are congress men and woman, that represent America and you don’t kick them out unless you have something to hide.

Time and time again, you demonstrate you don't know how Congress functions, comrade.
And you think it committee hiding things from Congress is how America operates Lol if this was 1790 you would have been tarred and feathered
You can help. Contact your representative in the House of Representatives and tell them 2 things

1`)Vote to expel Nancy Pelosi

2)Vote NO on the impeachment

Using Twitter or email is the easiest way
Impeachment is inevitable.

Get used to it.
You can help. Contact your representative in the House of Representatives and tell them 2 things

1`)Vote to expel Nancy Pelosi

2)Vote NO on the impeachment

Using Twitter or email is the easiest way

No. I want the impeachment to happen.

and then I want the HUMAN SCUM conservatives all over the country to be dealt with as the murderous traitors they all are.
You get right on that. Please
You can help. Contact your representative in the House of Representatives and tell them 2 things

1`)Vote to expel Nancy Pelosi

2)Vote NO on the impeachment

Using Twitter or email is the easiest way
Impeachment is inevitable.

Get used to it.
Lets see exactly how stupid the socialist-communist party has become. Go ahead and impeach. And when you're done making asses of yourself, hand it off to the media and let them have their shot. It's all so predictable that it's boring.
For what, liar?
You can help. Contact your representative in the House of Representatives and tell them 2 things

1`)Vote to expel Nancy Pelosi

2)Vote NO on the impeachment

Using Twitter or email is the easiest way
Are you kidding me? Trump has to go. Now Trump is going to go after his political rivals by politicizing the justice department? Is this really happening?

The investigation began after an Australian diplomat reported that George Papadopoulos, a Trump campaign foreign policy aide, was bragging that Russia obtained email “dirt” on Trump’s political rival Hillary Clinton weeks before Russia’s hack of the Democratic National Committee’s servers became public.

Papadopoulos learned that Russia had such information from Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud, though he has continued to push a conspiracy theory that the academic was actually a CIA plant trying to frame him and, by extension, Trump.

The former campaign aide’s defense lawyers acknowledged that Papadopoulos “lied, minimized, and omitted material facts” to the FBI about his foreign contacts, including about when he had learned from Mifsud that the Russians had information to share about Clinton. Papadopoulos was the first Trump campaign aide to plead guilty and cooperate with prosecutors.

After Trump fired Comey in 2017, the Justice Department appointed Robert Mueller as special counsel to then oversee the investigation.

Mueller found evidence that Russian government officials worked to help Trump win the election — and that the Trump campaign welcomed the assistance. But Mueller did not find enough evidence to determine whether Trump campaign officials were involved in a criminal conspiracy with the Russians. He also found several instances of potential obstruction of justice by Trump and his administration into the investigation.

It’s been widely concluded that Russia was responsible for hacking the DNC servers in 2016 and leaking stolen emails to benefit Trump. But the president and right-wing websites has continued to push a conspiracy theory that cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, which the DNC hired to investigate the hack, falsely accused Russia and instead was the one behind the hack as some sort of elaborate cover-up.

Trump calls CrowdStrike a Ukrainian company, even though it is based in California and was co-founded by a Russian-born U.S. citizen. The conspiracy theory is part of the current Trump-Ukraine scandal in which Trump asked Ukraine’s president to investigate CrowdStrike in addition to his political rival Joe Biden.

Though the Justice Department is meant to be independent, Barr has been seen as someone who tries to win Trump’s favor and do his bidding through the agency he leads. Before joining the Trump administration, Barr expressed skepticism about the Russia investigation.

Earlier this year, Barr wrote a misleading summary of Mueller’s findings and held a news conference on the investigation’s conclusions, characterizing them as favorable to Trump, before the report was released to the public. The attorney general also testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee about his handling of the Russia investigation in which his answers were often combative.

The new criminal inquiry into the origins of the Russia investigation will likely lead to the further politicization of the Justice Department.

Mueller found evidence that Russian government officials worked to help Trump win the election — and that the Trump campaign welcomed the assistance. But Mueller did not find enough evidence to determine whether Trump campaign officials were involved in a criminal conspiracy with the Russians. He also found several instances of potential obstruction of justice by Trump and his administration into the investigation.

It’s been widely concluded that Russia was responsible for hacking the DNC servers in 2016 and leaking stolen emails to benefit Trump. But the president and right-wing websites has continued to push a conspiracy theory that cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, which the DNC hired to investigate the hack, falsely accused Russia and instead was the one behind the hack as some sort of elaborate cover-up.

Trump calls CrowdStrike a Ukrainian company, even though it is based in California and was co-founded by a Russian-born U.S. citizen. The conspiracy theory is part of the current Trump-Ukraine scandal in which Trump asked Ukraine’s president to investigate CrowdStrike in addition to his political rival Joe Biden.

Though the Justice Department is meant to be independent, Barr has been seen as someone who tries to win Trump’s favor and do his bidding through the agency he leads. Before joining the Trump administration, Barr expressed skepticism about the Russia investigation.

Earlier this year, Barr wrote a misleading summary of Mueller’s findings and held a news conference on the investigation’s conclusions, characterizing them as favorable to Trump, before the report was released to the public. The attorney general also testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee about his handling of the Russia investigation in which his answers were often combative.

The new criminal inquiry into the origins of the Russia investigation will likely lead to the further politicization of the Justice Department.
You can help. Contact your representative in the House of Representatives and tell them 2 things

1`)Vote to expel Nancy Pelosi

2)Vote NO on the impeachment

Using Twitter or email is the easiest way
So you don't even want to know what all the evidence is or even wait until all the evidence is gathered. You just want the impeachment voted down regardless of what the evidence may reveal.

You're such an obedient trump cock holster, I'm sure trump will reward you greatly.

The Constitution specifies: "The President may be impeached for "Treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."

Show me the evidence for that.
You forgot about "innocent until proven guilty"?

You are ignorant.
Trials determine guilt or innocence. We have gotten there yet, trump cock holster. We're still in the investigation stage.

As far as his crime, he confessed to soliciting a foreign national to help his own campaign...

"The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."

... which is also an abuse of power, an impeachable offense.

That's what I thought. YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE.
You can help. Contact your representative in the House of Representatives and tell them 2 things

1`)Vote to expel Nancy Pelosi

2)Vote NO on the impeachment

Using Twitter or email is the easiest way
So you don't even want to know what all the evidence is or even wait until all the evidence is gathered. You just want the impeachment voted down regardless of what the evidence may reveal.

You're such an obedient trump cock holster, I'm sure trump will reward you greatly.

The Constitution specifies: "The President may be impeached for "Treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."

Show me the evidence for that.
You forgot about "innocent until proven guilty"?

You are ignorant.
Trump likely broke federal bribery laws this week while talking to White House staff: Ex-prosecutor

President Donald Trump has come under heavy fire for suggesting that he will pardon government officials who break the law in the process of constructing his border wall.

But it may be worse than that. As former federal prosecutor and law professor Randall Eliason wrote for the Washington Post, Trump’s actions could run afoul of federal anti-bribery statutes.

This more recent offer of pardons for breaking the law to build the wall probably would not constitute obstruction of justice, because it is not connected to any official proceeding,” wrote Eliason. “But offering a pardon for such illegal acts could easily violate the federal bribery statute, 18 U.S.C. 201. That law makes it a crime to give, offer, or promise ‘anything of value’ to a federal public official to influence the official in the performance of an official act or induce the official to violate his or her lawful duty.”

Next question
Liar, Republicans in the hearings are asking questions.
I’m sorry they kicked 50 out the other day.. lol what did they ask?
If you were American, you would have known the 50 they kicked out were not on the committee and were not allowed to be there. Not a day goes by you don't reveal you're not American, comrade.
Umm they are congress men and woman, that represent America and you don’t kick them out unless you have something to hide.

Time and time again, you demonstrate you don't know how Congress functions, comrade.
And you think it committee hiding things from Congress is how America operates Lol if this was 1790 you would have been tarred and feathered
Suuure, comrade.

This must be the first time in U.S. history only committee members had access to a hearing, right?
I’m sorry they kicked 50 out the other day.. lol what did they ask?
If you were American, you would have known the 50 they kicked out were not on the committee and were not allowed to be there. Not a day goes by you don't reveal you're not American, comrade.
Umm they are congress men and woman, that represent America and you don’t kick them out unless you have something to hide.

Time and time again, you demonstrate you don't know how Congress functions, comrade.
And you think it committee hiding things from Congress is how America operates Lol if this was 1790 you would have been tarred and feathered
Suuure, comrade.

This must be the first time in U.S. history only committee members had access to a hearing, right?
Congress has always sat in on any of the hearings
It’s cool.. not looking good for democrats.. we keep winning

Mueller found evidence that Russian government officials worked to help Trump win the election — and that the Trump campaign welcomed the assistance. But Mueller did not find enough evidence to determine whether Trump campaign officials were involved in a criminal conspiracy with the Russians. He also found several instances of potential obstruction of justice by Trump and his administration into the investigation.

It’s been widely concluded that Russia was responsible for hacking the DNC servers in 2016 and leaking stolen emails to benefit Trump. But the president and right-wing websites has continued to push a conspiracy theory that cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, which the DNC hired to investigate the hack, falsely accused Russia and instead was the one behind the hack as some sort of elaborate cover-up.

Trump calls CrowdStrike a Ukrainian company, even though it is based in California and was co-founded by a Russian-born U.S. citizen. The conspiracy theory is part of the current Trump-Ukraine scandal in which Trump asked Ukraine’s president to investigate CrowdStrike in addition to his political rival Joe Biden.

Though the Justice Department is meant to be independent, Barr has been seen as someone who tries to win Trump’s favor and do his bidding through the agency he leads. Before joining the Trump administration, Barr expressed skepticism about the Russia investigation.

Earlier this year, Barr wrote a misleading summary of Mueller’s findings and held a news conference on the investigation’s conclusions, characterizing them as favorable to Trump, before the report was released to the public. The attorney general also testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee about his handling of the Russia investigation in which his answers were often combative.

The new criminal inquiry into the origins of the Russia investigation will likely lead to the further politicization of the Justice Department.
When are you going to layout the charges with proof instead of this usual he said she said lies you are famous for?
You can help. Contact your representative in the House of Representatives and tell them 2 things

1`)Vote to expel Nancy Pelosi

2)Vote NO on the impeachment

Using Twitter or email is the easiest way
So you don't even want to know what all the evidence is or even wait until all the evidence is gathered. You just want the impeachment voted down regardless of what the evidence may reveal.

You're such an obedient trump cock holster, I'm sure trump will reward you greatly.

The Constitution specifies: "The President may be impeached for "Treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."

Show me the evidence for that.
You forgot about "innocent until proven guilty"?

You are ignorant.
Trials determine guilt or innocence. We have gotten there yet, trump cock holster. We're still in the investigation stage.

As far as his crime, he confessed to soliciting a foreign national to help his own campaign...

"The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."

... which is also an abuse of power, an impeachable offense.

That's what I thought. YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE.

Yeah, prolly a good idea for you to keep your head buried as far up Trump's ass as possible.
They are denying people in the house from sitting in on the deposition which is been a common occurrence except for this one ,, they even used to ask questions Democrats are not allowing it .
I wonder why
Liar, Republicans in the hearings are asking questions.
I’m sorry they kicked 50 out the other day.. lol what did they ask?
If you were American, you would have known the 50 they kicked out were not on the committee and were not allowed to be there. Not a day goes by you don't reveal you're not American, comrade.
Umm they are congress men and woman, that represent America and you don’t kick them out unless you have something to hide.

Time and time again, you demonstrate you don't know how Congress functions, comrade.
Functions.............LOL..........bad use of the word...........Congress is useless these days.

But enjoy the show............all it is......

Your Mueller time worked so a hail marry because you keep losing.....The transcript of the phone call is out there...........only a nimrod would think it is evidence of jack squat.

But continue..........whining is all the left have anymore..........nothing else.....and a hashtag resistance clown show as candidates.
You can help. Contact your representative in the House of Representatives and tell them 2 things

1`)Vote to expel Nancy Pelosi

2)Vote NO on the impeachment

Using Twitter or email is the easiest way
So you don't even want to know what all the evidence is or even wait until all the evidence is gathered. You just want the impeachment voted down regardless of what the evidence may reveal.

You're such an obedient trump cock holster, I'm sure trump will reward you greatly.

The Constitution specifies: "The President may be impeached for "Treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."

Show me the evidence for that.
You forgot about "innocent until proven guilty"?

You are ignorant.
Trials determine guilt or innocence. We have gotten there yet, trump cock holster. We're still in the investigation stage.

As far as his crime, he confessed to soliciting a foreign national to help his own campaign...

"The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."

... which is also an abuse of power, an impeachable offense.

That's what I thought. YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE.

Yeah, prolly a good idea for you to keep your head buried as far up Trump's ass as possible.
So you don't want to show the evidence, instead, you smoke and spin like always?

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