Dobbs offers states a right to impose successful white European Catholic sexual behavior on women or stay out of it.

lennypartiv said: Let's hope these predictions come true. We need something to save America. These dark connections need to be exposed.​
---In the message posted on Monday, Green said God indicated he would "expose" these connections to the White House, which she said involves "the Red Dragon" [seemingly China], Iran, Iraq, Ukraine and Canada.---MSN
lnnyprtv.23.11.02 #1
lennypartiv said: Does the OP not understand we were founded as a Christian nation?​
lnnyprtv.23.11.03 #20

Do you have any historically recorded reality that the United Statesā€™ foundation was ordained by the Judeo Christian God who has a Son named Jesus who you have to believe gave his life by dying on a cross to save you Saint Lennypartiv from this thing called original sin, and if you donā€™t believe Jesus saves humans from original sin you will burn in hell for all eternity.

I cannot find anything about that God or any of His Holy brand of Christianity in the Declaration of Independence or the US Constitution.

Membership In America Percentage of population that belongs to a church: 1776 17% 1850 34 1860 37 1870 35 1890 45 1906 51 1916 53 1926 56 195259 1980 62 1995 65* *Estimated. Source: "The Churching of America: 1776-1990" by Roger Finke and Rodney Stark and Gallup Organization dataā€œ

The US has never been or is now a Christian Nation just because it has a Christian majority since 1906.

No American has any obligation or duty to believe in original sin and that only a belief in Jesus Christ as Son of God will your sins be forgiven by God.

Itā€™s a BIG LIE that America was founded as a Christian Nation.

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Yes yes the butt hurt is string in this one


HikerGuy83 said: The SCOTUS rules on LAW. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ What has been going on here is a moral discussion. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ I don't want the SCOTUS ruling based on morals. That is not their job. hkrgy.23.06.13 #9,193

BackAgain said: + #11,649 Performing an illegal abortion should be deemed a serious crime . . ā€œ​

Having been reduced to posting cartoons from his ā€˜blank but irrational mindā€™ folder, I can remind Saint Hikerguy that what he wants in POST hkrgy.23.06.13 #9,193 Is an irrational ā€œwantā€ and thus it is absurd.

Dobbs was a morally driven decision based on the anti/feminist white Christian moral crusade of Phyllis Schlafly etc etc etc that followed the morality shift in the Sixties because of Black Americans wanting to sit anywhere on a public bus, stopping the Commie Domino Effect in the by defending the Imperial Catholic regimes in Buddhist South Vietnam and the Sexual Revolution that stated with THE PILL.

pblshd.23.06.06 AmandaMercotte​

Faith leaders pray over President Donald Trump during a 'Evangelicals for Trump' campaign event held at the King Jesus International Ministry on January 03, 2020 in Miami, Florida. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)​

See Post #11,309 Here is a point made there:

The white Christian Nationalistsā€™ culture war is really about ā€œthe form of the family.ā€ as social conservatives who in mindless lockstep lament the fact that the godly model of the traditional family that is based on heterosexual marriage is no longer a ā€œgeneral normā€ . The culture war has been and is being fought over the continued advance of the sexual revolution of the Sixties which as a result of the opposition to the War in Vietnam, and the demand for minority civil rights, and ā€œTHE PILLā€ in the words of Yuval Levin the SIXTIES ;
ā€œsurely the most culturally transformative of all the waves of change, liberation, and individualism that swept over American life in the postwar era.ā€​

The wrong side (White Christian Nationalism) was doing well until Dobbs. I have no Butt Hurt due to Dobbs.

nf.23.10.08 #11,309
nf.23.10.22 #11,565

When Saint Backagain in post #11,649 Seeks to make practicing a medical procedure into a crime he is seeking to control the behavior of wonen on a moral basis that is devoid of any legal basis.

Itā€™s why Dobbs achieved a religious moralistic victory for MAGA white Christianity but had to push through the farcuty of it being as a stateā€™s rights issue

nf.23.11.04 #23


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HikerGuy83 said: The SCOTUS rules on LAW. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ What has been going on here is a moral discussion. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ I don't want the SCOTUS ruling based on morals. That is not their job. hkrgy.23.06.13 #9,193

BackAgain said: + #11,649 Performing an illegal abortion should be deemed a serious crime . . ā€œ​

Having been reduced to posting cartoons from his ā€˜blank but irrational mindā€™ folder, I can remind Saint Hikerguy that what he wants in POST hkrgy.23.06.13 #9,193 Is an irrational ā€œwantā€ and thus it is absurd.

Dobbs was a morally driven decision based on the anti/feminist white Christian moral crusade of Phyllis Schlafly etc etc etc that followed the morality shift in the Sixties because of Black Americans wanting to sit anywhere on a public bus, stopping the Commie Domino Effect in the by defending the Imperial Catholic regimes in Buddhist South Vietnam and the Sexual Revolution that stated with THE PILL.

pblshd.23.06.06 AmandaMercotte​
Faith leaders pray over President Donald Trump during a 'Evangelicals for Trump' campaign event held at the King Jesus International Ministry on January 03, 2020 in Miami, Florida. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)​

See Post #11,309 Here is a point made there:

The white Christian Nationalistsā€™ culture war is really about ā€œthe form of the family.ā€ as social conservatives who in mindless lockstep lament the fact that the godly model of the traditional family that is based on heterosexual marriage is no longer a ā€œgeneral normā€ . The culture war has been and is being fought over the continued advance of the sexual revolution of the Sixties which as a result of the opposition to the War in Vietnam, and the demand for minority civil rights, and ā€œTHE PILLā€ in the words of Yuval Levin the SIXTIES ;
ā€œsurely the most culturally transformative of all the waves of change, liberation, and individualism that swept over American life in the postwar era.ā€​

The wrong side (White Christian Nationalism) was doing well until Dobbs. I have no Butt Hurt due to Dobbs.

nf.23.10.08 #11,309
nf.23.10.22 #11,565

When Saint Backagain in post #11,649 Seeks to make practicing a medical procedure into a crime he is seeking to control the behavior of wonen on a moral basis that is devoid of any legal basis.

Itā€™s why Dobbs achieved a religious moralistic victory for MAGA white Christianity but had to push through the farcuty of it being as a stateā€™s rights issue

nf.23.11.04 #23
M14 Shooter said: The court didn't impose anything on women in Dobbs. .ā€¢ ā€¢ ā€¢ In fact, the court reversed the impositions laid on women by the court in Roe. mnnshtr.23.12.03 #18

SIx Catholic robed Republicans on SCOTUS imposed stateā€™s right to ban access to abortion in white Christian nationalist majority states. That is imposing a stateā€™s interest in enforcing the Catholic doctrine that right to life for baby fetus begins at conception.

nf. 23.11.03 #19
Is there something else scientifically, that the baby would be during gestation? It is, will always be, a human baby.
j-mac said: ā€œIs there something else scientifically, that the baby would be during gestation? It is, will always be, a human baby.ā€ jmvc.23.11.04 #26

I believe itā€™s the pregnant womanā€™s private business what to call the unique new developing human organism as it attaches to her uterus in the early stages of gestation. . What is your business deciding and imposing white Christian and Catholic preferences on my daughter and my new little grandaughter who will have a four month birthday next week. We do not celebrate her conception day as I donā€™t think anybody does. Who are you to us and my family.

Science refers to an unborn developing human organism as a Zygote Embryo Fetus so what business is it yours Saint JMac what my family refers to when expecting a new member to be welcomed in according to the one that must assume the risk of full term gestation and the only one who has the right to make that choice.

ding said: ā€œItā€™s only people who need to dehumanize the unborn child that refer to them as a fetus.ā€ dvng.19.06.12 #812
NotfooledbyW said: to what ding said: The only people entitled to refer to a fetus as a baby are the human beings who are involved as parents and the close people they let into their private life who know about it.​
About eleven months ago {now fifteen} my wife and I visited our daughter and son in law in California and were given the news she had just tested positive in a pregnancy test. They told us we were the only ones to know and wanted not a word said to anyone until my daughter was certain that she was going to have a baby. The image in the ultrasound looks like a cashew so that is what we called it. ā€œCashewā€ among the four of us..
His parents were not in the loop as was their mutual request.​
But the best news was they wanted to move back to the East Coast and be with family if the pregnancy goes well. It is her first.​
So we started making the move happen - We bought a fourth property for them to move into to start a family.​
We got them safely moved and we now have our little granddaughter in our lives.​
Iā€™m retired but my wife is not, so I am grandpa day-care now that both the parents are back to work full time.​
I cannot tell you what a joy little Cashew has briught to my life. I sing the lullaby ā€œSummertimeā€ from the musical Porgy and Bess when she is cradled in my arms and she will be sound asleep in three minutes. {it still works)​
My daughter is pro/choice and when Saint Ding suffers the craving to dehumanize her for her normal human belief, he needs to get a fucking life on planet real. nf.23.10.11 #11,350
nf.23.11.03 #28
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M14 Shooter said: ā€œYour statement is false. ā€¢ ā€¢ ā€¢ The USSC imposed nothing in Dobbs. mnnshtr.23.11.04 #29

They imposed loss of a right that women had in all fifty states for fifty years.

When we get a liberal court, knowing that TRUMPā€™s Federalist Catholic Court has undone precedence and and they undo all your gun rights rulings by interpretation of the Constitution that the right to bear arms must be associated with belonging to a well regulated militia. States can ban your right to play with assault rifles.

When that happens to you, are you gonna sit back and be quiet because the liberal court didnā€™t impose anything on you?

nf.23.21.04 #30
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lennypartiv said: Let's hope these predictions come true. We need something to save America. These dark connections need to be exposed.​
---In the message posted on Monday, Green said God indicated he would "expose" these connections to the White House, which she said involves "the Red Dragon" [seemingly China], Iran, Iraq, Ukraine and Canada.---MSN
lnnyprtv.23.11.02 #1
lennypartiv said: Does the OP not understand we were founded as a Christian nation?​
lnnyprtv.23.11.03 #20

Do you have any historically recorded reality that the United Statesā€™ foundation was ordained by the Judeo Christian God who has a Son named Jesus who you have to believe gave his life by dying on a cross to save you Saint Lennypartiv from this thing called original sin, and if you donā€™t believe Jesus saves humans from original sin you will burn in hell for all eternity.

I cannot find anything about that God or any of His Holy brand of Christianity in the Declaration of Independence or the US Constitution.

Membership In America Percentage of population that belongs to a church: 1776 17% 1850 34 1860 37 1870 35 1890 45 1906 51 1916 53 1926 56 195259 1980 62 1995 65* *Estimated. Source: "The Churching of America: 1776-1990" by Roger Finke and Rodney Stark and Gallup Organization dataā€œ

The US has never been or is now a Christian Nation just because it has a Christian majority since 1906.

No American has any obligation or duty to believe in original sin and that only a belief in Jesus Christ as Son of God will your sins be forgiven by God.

Itā€™s a BIG LIE that America was founded as a Christian Nation.

'There is no freedom of religion without freedom from religion.'
(Seidel, The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American)
Even before copulation, there is never a time that life passed between each participant isn;t always already in process. There is never a time of non-life. Abortion kills life. This is not the realm of the theologian, who tries to confiscate everything for exploitation. Atheists, elementary school students, etc., can also figure this out.
lennypartiv said: ā€œWe were founded as a Christian nation.ā€œ lnnyprtv.23.11.06 #3

America was founded as a nation that would welcome all believers from supernatural religious believers to absolutely rational believers to believers in absolutely nothing at all.

There was no ā€œChristianā€œ limitations to what our rational theist generation founded.

Yet Saint Lennypartiv appears to be saying that America was founded, not as the worldā€™s first secular republic, but as an explicitly Christian nation.when the reality is that Catholicism was repulsive to the founding generation until the idea of separation of church and state was secured.

nf.23.11.06 #35
M14 Shooter said: The court didn't impose anything on women in Dobbs. .ā€¢ ā€¢ ā€¢ In fact, the court reversed the impositions laid on women by the court in Roe. mnnshtr.23.12.03 #18

M14 Shooter said: ā€œYour statement is false. ā€¢ ā€¢ ā€¢ The USSC imposed nothing in Dobbs. mnnshtr.23.11.04 #29

M14 Shooter said: ā€œLook at you making up new and novel definitions for words so you do not have to admit you're wrong. Concession accepted.ā€ mnnshtr.23.11.05 #31

M14 Shooter said: Speaking of anti-abortion: Roe allows states to destroy a woman's bodily autonomy, force her to carry a child to term, and takes away her right to choose. mnnshtr.23.10.10 #1,671

NotfooledbyW said: ā€œNinety-five percent of all abortions happen between six weeks and sixteen weeksā€ nf.23.09.19 #1

Please advise how RvW allowed states to destroy a woman's bodily autonomy, force her to carry a child to term, and take away her right to choose. You have a huge lie going there when the truth is RvW held the line until after the 24th week before a state could appease their white Republican Fundagelicals and Republican Vigano Catholics by banning access to abortions.

Dobbs allows six week bans. That is imposing full term gestation on women who are residents of white Republican Christian states.

nf.23.11.06 #36
skews13 said: Overturning Roe v. Wade would be such a significant decision because it would be the first time in the history of the Constitution that precedent would be overturned to limit civil rights, not expand them," according to Neama Rahmani, the president of West Coast Trial Lawyers and a former federal prosecutor.​
"Instead of using the Constitution to expand rights" overturning Roe v. Wade would limit the rights of Americans, an expert told Insider.
pblshd.22.05.22 abortion ā€¢ skvwsnn.22.05.22 #1


Death-Ninja said: ā€œIt never was a right, that is irrefutable, it was an entirely manufactured right ludicrously predicated upon the right to privacy! If I had my way, and I may well get it in near future, you murder a baby we kill you in exactly the same fashion you murdered the innocent baby, whether that be with a coat hanger, or a powerful vacuum cleaner would be entirely up to you evil fucking animals... ā€¢ dthnnj.22.05.22 #4 to skvwsnn.22.05.22 #1
BluesLegend said: ā€œYou claim the SCOTUS forced the people in states to limit access to abortion. We claim you people forced ALL states to OBEY your narrow world view. Who is the tyrant?ā€ blslgnd.23.11.06 #37

It was six Republicans dressed up as Black Robed Catholic Vigano Saints who decided in Dobbs (three appointed by St.Trvmp himself ) who ā€œcausedā€œ the vote in the Republican Red State of Ohio to protect a womanā€™s right to privacy and security of being in control of her body, health and future as an equal individual to men.

How is your attempt Saint HikerGuy83 and Saint Blues_legend to deprive pregnant women of their rights, going in Ohio on this ā€œback to reason and secular sanity ā€ Super Tuesday?

Will you or western civilization die if you, Saint Blues_legend and your fellow Saint Hiker_guy and the entire Republican Party die if you lose your saintly powers to force full term gestation on women cruelly and against their will?

nf.23.11.07 #39
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Please advise how RvW allowed states to destroy a woman's bodily autonomy, force her to carry a child to term, and take away her right to choose.
Under Roe, states had the power to do all of these things after a certain point in the pregnancy, subsequently defined as 20 weeks.

To wit:

3. State criminal abortion laws, like those involved here, that except from criminality only a life-saving procedure on the mother's behalf without regard to the stage of her pregnancy and other interests involved violate the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, which protects against state action the right to privacy, including a woman's qualified right to terminate her pregnancy. Though the State cannot override that right, it has legitimate interests in protecting both the pregnant woman's health and the potentiality of human life, each of which interests grows and reaches a "compelling" point at various stages of the woman's approach to term

c) For the stage subsequent to viability the State, in promoting its interest in the potentiality of human life, may, if it chooses, regulate, and even proscribe, abortion except where necessary, in appropriate medical judgment, for the preservation of the life or health of the mother. Pp. 163-164; 164-16

Court's decisions recognizing a right of privacy also acknowledge that some state regulation in areas protected by that right is appropriate. As noted above, a State may properly assert important interests in safeguarding health, in maintaining medical standards, and in protecting potential life. At some point in pregnancy, these respective interests become sufficiently compelling to sustain regulation of the factors that govern the abortion decision. The privacy right involved, therefore, cannot be said to be absolute. In fact, it is not clear to us that the claim asserted by some amici that one has an unlimited right to do with one's body as one pleases bears a close relationship to the right of privacy previously articulated in the Court's decisions.The Court has refused to recognize an unlimited right of this kind in the past.
You have a huge lie going there
Obviously not.

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