Doctor predicts major infectious diseases epidemic to hit Los Angeles this summer


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Doctor Predicts “Major Infectious Disease Epidemic” to Hit Los Angeles This Summer
Los Angeles is on the verge of a significant disease outbreak in the coming months, according to prominent physician and media personality Dr. Drew Pinsky.

Try telling this to the morons to busy hating Trump and their heads are still in the sand..

All you stupid fks who chanted " LET THEM IN" well dumbasses start planning your kids funeral or hell maybe grandkids....... you dumbasses begged for this ...




Australians rally in support of detained asylum seekers
There are reports it has already begun in the skid row area...where the homeless camp out...they do not know what it is but people are dying....
You say there are reports. Link?

Not really smoking gun as far as the disease thing but this is best I could find in as much time as I wanted to dedicate to finding a source for their claim.

Study: Homeless deaths in LA have skyrocketed 76 percent

Deaths among Los Angeles' vast homeless population increased by more than three-quarters last year to a toll of nearly 1,000, a new study said Wednesday.

The report by Kaiser Health said Los Angeles County had a homeless population of about 53,000 in 2018, and more than 900 died -- a spike of 76 percent over 2017 figures. The study said most homeless aren't living in shelters.

Some of the deaths occurred in hospitals but most died in public -- on sidewalks, in alleys, parking lots, riverbeds and freeway on-ramps. Blacks account for fewer than 10 percent of Los Angeles' population but represented nearly a quarter of the deaths last year.
Yes, was ready to post the same article, though it is seriously compromised as to results of autopsies, concluding with a chickenshit reference to a schizo.
oh yes; TrumpKins hoping for disaster in the good ole fucking US of fucking AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

you jerk offs are pretty fucking 'stand up' until you expose yourselves for the shit holes that U really R
Chickenshit because capitalism itself has an intimate relationship to the schizophrenic process.
I wish, but won't happen. Californians have been predicting their own demise since before I was born, and it's been a fucking hoax every time.

"OMG! The Big One is coming by 1990!! It'll split the state!!!"
"OMG! The polar ice caps are melting! It's submerge our state by 2000!!"
"OMG! The Ozone layer! The hole in the ozone is going to destroy the world by 2010!"
"OMG! Climate change! It'll destroy the world by 2020!!! CLEAN ENERGY FOR EVERYONE!!!"

I'm sure, eventually, California will die, but until then, I'm going to keep ignoring Chicken Little and their doomsday speeches.
Doctor Predicts “Major Infectious Disease Epidemic” to Hit Los Angeles This Summer
Los Angeles is on the verge of a significant disease outbreak in the coming months, according to prominent physician and media personality Dr. Drew Pinsky.

Try telling this to the morons to busy hating Trump and their heads are still in the sand..

All you stupid fks who chanted " LET THEM IN" well dumbasses start planning your kids funeral or hell maybe grandkids....... you dumbasses begged for this ...

View attachment 262289



Australians rally in support of detained asylum seekers

I don't care about the Australians, that's their problem. But it seems every major US city run by Democrats has in the last ten years become a disease-ridden pig sty.

Why are the Americans permitting this?
Lets add some more diseases LOL
The New Mexico Department of Health has confirmed the first case of the Hantavirus in 2019. According to NMDOH, a 50-year-old woman was hospitalized with the virus in McKinley County. She has since returned home. There have been 37 cases of Hantavirus in New Mexico. 31 of the 37 people who contracted the virus survived the illness. Hantavirus is a severe respiratory illness that can be contracted by breathing in the virus through rodent droppings that are stirred up and put into the air as mist or dust. It can also be contracted when people touch their eyes, nose, or mouth after having contact with droppings or urine containing the virus. Early symptoms include fever, muscle aches, and possibly chills, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and cough.

RSOE EDIS - Epidemic Hazard event in [McKinley County], State of New Mexico, USA on May 24 2019 05:46 PM
Doctor Predicts “Major Infectious Disease Epidemic” to Hit Los Angeles This Summer
Los Angeles is on the verge of a significant disease outbreak in the coming months, according to prominent physician and media personality Dr. Drew Pinsky.

Try telling this to the morons to busy hating Trump and their heads are still in the sand..

All you stupid fks who chanted " LET THEM IN" well dumbasses start planning your kids funeral or hell maybe grandkids....... you dumbasses begged for this ...

View attachment 262289



Australians rally in support of detained asylum seekers

I don't care about the Australians, that's their problem. But it seems every major US city run by Democrats has in the last ten years become a disease-ridden pig sty.

Why are the Americans permitting this?

Because they went to sleep for way too long......... Now that many have woken up it's near the cusp of " almost" to late.
I wish, but won't happen. Californians have been predicting their own demise since before I was born, and it's been a fucking hoax every time.

"OMG! The Big One is coming by 1990!! It'll split the state!!!"
"OMG! The polar ice caps are melting! It's submerge our state by 2000!!"
"OMG! The Ozone layer! The hole in the ozone is going to destroy the world by 2010!"
"OMG! Climate change! It'll destroy the world by 2020!!! CLEAN ENERGY FOR EVERYONE!!!"

I'm sure, eventually, California will die, but until then, I'm going to keep ignoring Chicken Little and their doomsday speeches.

Shit in the streets IS HAPPENING dumb ass they have SHIT APS so you donn't walk in the shit it's that bad.
I wish, but won't happen. Californians have been predicting their own demise since before I was born, and it's been a fucking hoax every time.

"OMG! The Big One is coming by 1990!! It'll split the state!!!"
"OMG! The polar ice caps are melting! It's submerge our state by 2000!!"
"OMG! The Ozone layer! The hole in the ozone is going to destroy the world by 2010!"
"OMG! Climate change! It'll destroy the world by 2020!!! CLEAN ENERGY FOR EVERYONE!!!"

I'm sure, eventually, California will die, but until then, I'm going to keep ignoring Chicken Little and their doomsday speeches.

Shit in the streets IS HAPPENING dumb ass they have SHIT APS so you donn't walk in the shit it's that bad.
So what? India is 1,000 times worse and they haven't imploded yet. Los Angeles isn't going to fall apart because they have homeless people are shitting in the streets. Your point enforces nothing other than the concept that California is full of shit.
'Yet, it would be a serious error to consider (the capitalist flows and schizophrenic flows [italics]) as identical, under the general theme of decoding the flows of desire. Their affinity is great, to be sure: everywhere capitalism sets in motion schizo-flows that animate "our" arts and "our" sciences, just as they congeal into the production of "our own" sick, the schizophrenics. We have seen that the relationship of schizophrenia to capitalism went far beyond problems of modes of living, environment, ideology, etc., and that it should be examined at the deepest level of one and the same economy, one and the same production process. Out society produces schizos the same way it produces Prell shampoo and Ford cars, the only difference being that the schizos are not salable. How then does one explain the fact that capitalist production is constantly arresting the schizophrenic process and transforming the subject of the process into a confined clinical entity, as though it saw in this process the image of its own death coming from within? Why does it make the schizophrenic into a sick person -- not only nominally but in reality? Why does it confine its madmen and madwomen instead of seeing in them its own heros and heroines, its own fulfillment? And where it can no longer recognize the figure of a simple illness, why does it keep its artists and even its scientists under such close surveillance -- as though they risked unleashing flows that would be dangerous for capitalist production and charged with a revolutionary potential, so long as they flows are not co-opted or absorbed by the laws of the market? Why does it form in turn a gigantic machine for social repression-psychic repression, aimed at what nevertheless constitutes its own reality -- the decoded flows?'
(Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, p. 245, Savages, Barbarians, Civilized Men)
They have people living under tarps and human shit and needles littering the streets all along the left coast. How much you want to bet that they blame Trump.

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