Doctor Says Cdc Is Lying About Ebola Threat


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
A doctor walked through an airport with a hazmat suit to warn people that the CDC is lying about the Ebola threat. Obama is allowing people to travel here from Ebola hot spots and no one is bothering to check. Is there some reason he wants another crisis? Over a million people in West Africa with the virus and 10,000 leaving there each day. Gee, what could go wrong? Other third world countries are going to be devastated because it will spread there. I don't even think we are prepared to handle an epidemic. Obama seems to be inviting it by minimizing the threat, halting the quarantine regulation and leaving the borders wide open. Right now, anyone can come legally or illegally since this administration doesn't distinguish between either one. And Obama is not taking the threat seriously or doing anything constructive. The CDC is proving to be worthless. What good are all these government agencies? They cost us millions each year and when circumstance arise where they are meant to spring into action, they ignore the problem and make things worse.

"When […] a million people are in quarantine in West Africa right now, and 10,000 people leave West Africa a day, it’s just a matter of time before this gets to every third-world country, and it’s going to devour them," he said. Then, Mobley said, imported cases could happen weekly, daily or even hourly.

"There’s no advanced nation in the country that can handle that many clusters," he said.
Of course the CDC is lying. That's what they get big bucks to do.
If this shit turns into anything more than a minor problem? Expect some serious repercussions for the dems.

I agree. They are playing around with possible global catastrophe. Just fu**ing unbelievable they are rolling the dice on this shit.

Just the fact they are crossing their fingers and taking the enough to vote every damn one out.

If Muslim terrorists were trying to smuggle an airborne strain from Syria, we'd lock down Syria, right? Well....why not lock down Africa? Ebola don't care how it gets here. It got here.
I do not believe anything that Hussein and/or his Administration says or does anymore.

I just sit back and watch how they destroy USA.:popcorn:

I's sad.
"....a sneeze or cough could spread the virus from someone experiencing Ebola symptoms. 

Officials had previously downplayed this possibility, focusing on direct contact with bodily fluids."
Health officials clam up about effort to contain Ebola in Texas TheHill

Someone sneezing on you counts as direct contact. I've seen people openly sneeze in public places and you see the spray of their nasty fluids. I'd like to slap them. A lot of people sneeze into their hands or wipe their noses before touching door handles. Not to mention that the virus lives about a week on surfaces. It's the same as with the flu. Touch a door handle in public, then touch your mouth or nose and any germs that were on the door are now in your body. There is a reason why you are supposed to wash your hands constantly during flu season. I always remind my kids not to touch their faces during flu seasons and constantly wash their hands.

Parents can easily pass it on to children and young children in daycare put toys in their mouths and easily spread to other children.

Of course, the CDC is going to understate how contagious it is. They always claim they want to avoid starting a panic. Thing is, they should be reminding people of how you catch any contagious illness and the importance of hand washing and taking precautions.

I keep the hand sanitizer in my car and I have one that clips to the outside of my purse. Nothing is foolproof. I always notice how smokers will touch things in a store, then walk outside and grab a smoke with their contaminated fingers and then put it in their mouths. If they touched nasty germs in the store, they just guaranteed they'll get sick.

If it wasn't highly contagious, how did over a million people in Africa get sick in a fairly short time?
Like children telling ghost stories over the campfire, all that's missing is smores, plenty of weenies though.
Even though the Ebola patient is supposed to be quarantined, this photo shows that there are no precautions being taken as janitors clean up vomit from the patient outside the building.

What Quarantine Photos Show Men Cleaning Ebola Vomit With NO Protective Suits - Top Right News

I wonder if people had the same casual attitude toward the first Ebola patients in Africa. Over a millions people contracted the disease and no travel restrictions as 10,000 a day leave Africa to other parts of the world.

If this had happened prior to Obamacare being passed, we would have seen Democrats sounding the alarms at the first sign of illness. the left was in a tizzy over the prediction that swine flu would be rampant and it never came to pass. Now they yawn and make sick jokes.
A doctor walked through an airport with a hazmat suit to warn people that the CDC is lying about the Ebola threat. Obama is allowing people to travel here from Ebola hot spots and no one is bothering to check. Is there some reason he wants another crisis? Over a million people in West Africa with the virus and 10,000 leaving there each day. Gee, what could go wrong? Other third world countries are going to be devastated because it will spread there. I don't even think we are prepared to handle an epidemic. Obama seems to be inviting it by minimizing the threat, halting the quarantine regulation and leaving the borders wide open. Right now, anyone can come legally or illegally since this administration doesn't distinguish between either one. And Obama is not taking the threat seriously or doing anything constructive. The CDC is proving to be worthless. What good are all these government agencies? They cost us millions each year and when circumstance arise where they are meant to spring into action, they ignore the problem and make things worse.

"When […] a million people are in quarantine in West Africa right now, and 10,000 people leave West Africa a day, it’s just a matter of time before this gets to every third-world country, and it’s going to devour them," he said. Then, Mobley said, imported cases could happen weekly, daily or even hourly.

"There’s no advanced nation in the country that can handle that many clusters," he said.
That doctor is a drama queen. This has been going on for 6 months. Thousands of people in west Africa have been affected. Independent reports say the virus is contained in neighboring countries. If so many people are going out of the country infected, why hasn't any media organization around the world confirmed it?

News flash: this disease ONLY spreads when symptoms show. That is what makes it so easily contained.
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Lol if the CDC is lying, why hasn't WHO weighed in on this? Why hasn't any other doctor become this frantic?
Lol if the CDC is lying, why hasn't WHO weighed in on this? Why hasn't any other doctor become this frantic?

This is the guy, by the way: Dr. Gils Immediate Care
Um okay and?

That's the clown in the hazmat suit, the "expert" that Clementine and friends are relying on for their daily dose of bias confirmation.
Ah okay. Now I see lol. Leave it to Fox News to spread fear and panic. This is a new low for them.
"....a sneeze or cough could spread the virus from someone experiencing Ebola symptoms. 

Officials had previously downplayed this possibility, focusing on direct contact with bodily fluids."
Health officials clam up about effort to contain Ebola in Texas TheHill

Someone sneezing on you counts as direct contact. I've seen people openly sneeze in public places and you see the spray of their nasty fluids. I'd like to slap them. A lot of people sneeze into their hands or wipe their noses before touching door handles. Not to mention that the virus lives about a week on surfaces. It's the same as with the flu. Touch a door handle in public, then touch your mouth or nose and any germs that were on the door are now in your body. There is a reason why you are supposed to wash your hands constantly during flu season. I always remind my kids not to touch their faces during flu seasons and constantly wash their hands.

Parents can easily pass it on to children and young children in daycare put toys in their mouths and easily spread to other children.

Of course, the CDC is going to understate how contagious it is. They always claim they want to avoid starting a panic. Thing is, they should be reminding people of how you catch any contagious illness and the importance of hand washing and taking precautions.

I keep the hand sanitizer in my car and I have one that clips to the outside of my purse. Nothing is foolproof. I always notice how smokers will touch things in a store, then walk outside and grab a smoke with their contaminated fingers and then put it in their mouths. If they touched nasty germs in the store, they just guaranteed they'll get sick.

If it wasn't highly contagious, how did over a million people in Africa get sick in a fairly short time?
Again why hasn't ANY other health expert share his panic?

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