Doctor Says Cdc Is Lying About Ebola Threat


Dr. Gil Mobley, shady workman's comp doctor and pot advocate is now the right wing's go-to expert on epidemiology. I swear to God, I couldn't make this shit up.

I think he has some valid points on the lack of protocols in place.That's what he was protesting.

"Mobley says there aren't controls in place to stop the spread.

"I came through customs and immigration at the busiest airport in the world last night. They didn't ask me where I'd been.

They didn't thermo-scan me. They didn't ask me whether I'd been sick.

They asked me if I had tobacco and alcohol, and that was it. Where's the screening? This is irresponsible," Mobley said, after arriving in Springfield.

He's calling for protocols and procedures now, not only at airports, but hospitals and clinics, or he believes Ebola will run rampant.

"I've been following epidemics and pandemics all my life," Mobley said. "My admonishment, my suggestion, my plea: start the protocols and plans now!"

Springfield doctor says CDC is lying about Ebola virus Local -

Dr. Gil Mobley, shady workman's comp doctor and pot advocate is now the right wing's go-to expert on epidemiology. I swear to God, I couldn't make this shit up.

I think he has some valid points on the lack of protocols in place.That's what he was protesting.

"Mobley says there aren't controls in place to stop the spread.

"I came through customs and immigration at the busiest airport in the world last night. They didn't ask me where I'd been.

They didn't thermo-scan me. They didn't ask me whether I'd been sick.

They asked me if I had tobacco and alcohol, and that was it. Where's the screening? This is irresponsible," Mobley said, after arriving in Springfield.

He's calling for protocols and procedures now, not only at airports, but hospitals and clinics, or he believes Ebola will run rampant.

"I've been following epidemics and pandemics all my life," Mobley said. "My admonishment, my suggestion, my plea: start the protocols and plans now!"

Springfield doctor says CDC is lying about Ebola virus Local -
Lol I can't believe you people buy into this shit. If the airport had no current connection to west Africa, they aren't going to screen thousands of people a day now are they?

Again I ask. Why hasn't ANY other healthcare professional from around the world been panicking like this guy? Where's WHO on the CDC's lies? What are they waiting for?
Nobody is advocating panic.....taking prudent time tested steps to prevent as much as possible its spread is not panic......... as usual libs trying to redefine everything
YOur proof ,........
My proof is that he was in Liberia covering the story. He never had any intention to isolate himself if he is the camera man lol.

You people crack me up.
According to CDC and you he should not be infected.......just being in the hotzone you argued was not dangerous if you had no direct contact...........
Lol I never said there was no danger being in Liberia. I said that neighboring countries that had outbreaks responded quickly and it is contained.
A doctor walked through an airport with a hazmat suit to warn people that the CDC is lying about the Ebola threat. Obama is allowing people to travel here from Ebola hot spots and no one is bothering to check. Is there some reason he wants another crisis? Over a million people in West Africa with the virus and 10,000 leaving there each day. Gee, what could go wrong? Other third world countries are going to be devastated because it will spread there. I don't even think we are prepared to handle an epidemic. Obama seems to be inviting it by minimizing the threat, halting the quarantine regulation and leaving the borders wide open. Right now, anyone can come legally or illegally since this administration doesn't distinguish between either one. And Obama is not taking the threat seriously or doing anything constructive. The CDC is proving to be worthless. What good are all these government agencies? They cost us millions each year and when circumstance arise where they are meant to spring into action, they ignore the problem and make things worse.

"When […] a million people are in quarantine in West Africa right now, and 10,000 people leave West Africa a day, it’s just a matter of time before this gets to every third-world country, and it’s going to devour them," he said. Then, Mobley said, imported cases could happen weekly, daily or even hourly.

"There’s no advanced nation in the country that can handle that many clusters," he said.

Heck, we've got several physician congressmen who believe the earth is only a couple of hundred years old. Bet the Hazmat doc is a right winger, and would probably give Rush Limbaugh all the oxycontin he wants.
Nobody is advocating panic.....taking prudent time tested steps to prevent as much as possible its spread is not panic......... as usual libs trying to redefine everything
Lol I can't believe you are buying into this. One more time I'll ask: why hasn't ANY other healthcare professional from around the globe come forward with the same panic? Where's WHO's panic?
You trumpeted CDC guidelines.....which according to them you could be in a room of ebola patients and be in no those airline passengers you want to backtrack...btw CDC just changed their site.....

Q As on Transmission Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever CDC Ebola is killed with hospital-grade disinfectants (such as household bleach). Ebola on dried on surfaces such as doorknobs and countertops can survive for several hours; however, virus in body fluids (such as blood) can survive up to several days at room temperature.
A doctor walked through an airport with a hazmat suit to warn people that the CDC is lying about the Ebola threat. Obama is allowing people to travel here from Ebola hot spots and no one is bothering to check. Is there some reason he wants another crisis? Over a million people in West Africa with the virus and 10,000 leaving there each day. Gee, what could go wrong? Other third world countries are going to be devastated because it will spread there. I don't even think we are prepared to handle an epidemic. Obama seems to be inviting it by minimizing the threat, halting the quarantine regulation and leaving the borders wide open. Right now, anyone can come legally or illegally since this administration doesn't distinguish between either one. And Obama is not taking the threat seriously or doing anything constructive. The CDC is proving to be worthless. What good are all these government agencies? They cost us millions each year and when circumstance arise where they are meant to spring into action, they ignore the problem and make things worse.

"When […] a million people are in quarantine in West Africa right now, and 10,000 people leave West Africa a day, it’s just a matter of time before this gets to every third-world country, and it’s going to devour them," he said. Then, Mobley said, imported cases could happen weekly, daily or even hourly.

"There’s no advanced nation in the country that can handle that many clusters," he said.
One doctor out of all the hundreds of thousands of doctors in America protest this and you think that means something important? Seriously? The ability to think rationally and logically is a huge weakness for your isn't it?
You trumpeted CDC guidelines.....which according to them you could be in a room of ebola patients and be in no those airline passengers you want to backtrack...btw CDC just changed their site.....

Q As on Transmission Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever CDC Ebola is killed with hospital-grade disinfectants (such as household bleach). Ebola on dried on surfaces such as doorknobs and countertops can survive for several hours; however, virus in body fluids (such as blood) can survive up to several days at room temperature.
Um I wasn't quoting the CDC. I was giving you facts on Ebola. Your information is irrelevant. Try to listen will you? A PERSON can not possibly spread the disease until the symptoms start. Before that, any bodily fluids left on a door knob or anywhere else is NOT contagious.
I quoted CDC too...that little blurb wasnt on their site before explain how the photographer got it ........
I quoted CDC too...that little blurb wasnt on their site before explain how the photographer got it ........
Dude I don't know how else to explain this to you. The camera man intentionally avoided any health guidelines. He's a reporter. He took the risk. He was in a room with bodily fluids.
Yeah so ...thats not direct now youre saying we need to quarantine everybody on those two planes......
Yeah so ...thats not direct now youre saying we need to quarantine everybody on those two planes......
You gotta understand that over there bodily fluids are everywhere. They don't have the resources to contain it all. That is why infection is spreading so quickly. The outbreaks that have happened here have been properly contained because basic sanitation needs are already here.

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