Doctors blame forks for obesity; Fat people and cheesecake rejoice.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Well folks....seems Doctors in America should be using liberal logic now.

Obesity epedimic? Blame the fork. Not the fat person. Not the cheesecake.

When something bad happens...blame the tool...not the person or motive.

Loved on hit and killed by a drunk driver? Blame the car. Blame beer. Blame the road. Blame the cops. Anything but the driver.

As a matter of fact....I blame Boeing for 9-11. And United Airlines. But mostly Boeing. Without those jets....9-11 doesn't happen.
Uhhh...nnnno. The stuff that causes obesity is rarely eaten with a fork.

Blame Big Food first, and its advertising. And the HFCS.

Bizarre thread. Caliber of PedFan, that attention whore who posts about masturbating on his guns.
Uhhh...nnnno. The stuff that causes obesity is rarely eaten with a fork.

Blame Big Food first, and its advertising. .....

NO, blame big mouths that put big amounts of food into them.
Uhhh...nnnno. The stuff that causes obesity is rarely eaten with a fork.

Blame Big Food first, and its advertising. .....

NO, blame big mouths that put big amounts of food into them.

It ain't the volume -- it's the ingredients. When the ingredients are shit, the result is disastrous, even in small amounts.

In other words, it works exactly the same way as your posts.

Hope this helps. But it won't.
I don't think that's always true that the food type is all to blame, it's about personal metabolism as well. I mean I eat like crap, high fat (pounds of bacon, tons of butter), lots of salt (I love salt... like seriously love salt), I like high fat sugary stuff too (cheesecake omg) and yet despite sitting at my computer all day (mostly retired since HS and I'm a gamer), plus I never exercising at all, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with me health or weight wise. I weigh the same as I did in HS (I'm over 40), and that's after having two kids. All the tests show I have zero plaque and everything... I always figured I'd be struck down for my terrible eating habits (which I've always had) but it hasn't happened...
I can't decide if the respondents here just don't recognize satire or if they don't see the irony of their defending one tool while condemning another. I think the OP got what he was after.

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