Doctors Quitting - Wonderful

Yeah, I know. Some people really don't like the truth.

"Truth" and "Politifact" should never be place in the same reply box together

Why, is there something on that page that you want to refute? What's "false" on that link?

Anyone with a single spark of brain activity is aware of how slanted Politifact is.

But I'll start with the second one on the linked page:
Is it true or false that the IRS is the primary enforcer of the ACA Mandate?
That is placing a government entity between me and my care.
Isn't working for the VA, working for big government? :lol:

It is sure money,, he will no longer have to wait for the government to decide to pay him and under ACA, he and other Dr.s will have to wait for approval of their money from ACA.

Being a private practitioner of medicine holds a lot of liability these days. He no longer has to carry a huge amount of malpractice insurance

Geez some of you can't think no further than the end of your own noses

Can you please cite the provision in the ACA that the government is the one that pays them and that the government is the one that decides to pay him? Thanks in advance!

Look it up yourself... its in the 2000 pages somewhere!!
and one more thing,

if you read the article it says theres going to be alot more patients wanting care because theyll be covered.

That places doctors in DEMAND, which means they can either charge more or take on more patients thus increasing their profits. And theyre going to quit? Bullshit.

And I'm sure that, in addition to believing the above, you also believe that the cost of healthcare insurance will simultaneously go down. And that unicorns are frolicking in veRdant pastures.
Sigh..sorry I thought you might have some idea about the workings of the ACA.

Insurance Compaies are now required to spend 80-85% of premiums on actual care.

I am sorry, I thought you people had some idea how Business works. Guess I was wrong. Clearly you think you can simply regulate that an Industry spend (X) amount on (A) leaving them (Y) amount to run their company on and everything will be ok, and costs will go Down. You are such fools.

You actually think you can Regulate them to do more with less, in an industry that survives on a 3% profit margin.

ignorance on a massive level.

Our Problem is not that Insurance Companies spend to Much on Bureaucracy, it's that Care cost to damn Much, Telling Insurance companies to do more with less by law, will DO NOTHING to fix our problems.

Well according to the Heritage Foundation, you know them right? the ULTRA conservative think tank? The ones who came up with the idea of an individual mandate in the first place? Yeah them, according to them, a mandate places more people into the category of paying customers. Therefore, more money comes in to the health insurance companies.

Youre railing against something that was the conservative solution and the health insurance companies are creaming themselves over.

But hey, even though thats NOT whats happening here, doing more with less is the American way. Just ask every compnay that tried to survive after Romney laid off 30% of its workforce but expected increases in production.

No dude, I am railing against the ACA, the Heritage Foundation only supported a Mandate, not all the other stuff that is in the ACA, and besides I am an Independent, I really could care less what an conservative think tank says about anything.

But, are you saying the Heritage Foundation endorsess the MC expansion in the ACA?

Which is of course what I have been talking about, because you LIARS keep saying the government wont be paying more for peoples health care, when in fact the largest mechanism in the ACA to cover those who can not afford insurance and are not covered now, is to EXPAND access to MC.
We have an impending shortage of doctors because more people will have affordable access to their healthcare needs??

Short answer: Yes

Answer with context: Staffing within the health care field in general has been increasingly strained for a long time now. Doctor shortages eventually started being offset by increasing the load on nurses. This, of course, was only a temporary fix (and an unsuccessful one at that) which has lead to a major shortage in nurses. Nurses are now in greater demand than doctors. This nursing shortage has, in turn, been somewhat offset by increasing the burden on lower level techs. However, this is not quite as easy as it nurses themselves are having to live up to higher educational standards, and lower levels of nursing are becoming obsolete as a result. As demand for health care services increases, staffing shortages will become all the more troublesome.

The real problem, however, is in the shortage of education opportunities. We don't have enough schools, we don't have enough classes, we don't have enough post-education training facilities, etc. Every year, thousands of medical students preparing for graduation fail to secure a residency on Match Day, and as a result never get to begin their careers. In most states, the requisite qualifications to teach at a nursing school are such that few people are willing to pursue such positions, because teaching is not sufficiently lucrative by comparison to working in the field. Most quality nursing schools are forced to limit admissions every year to a fraction of qualified applicants for no other reason than staffing limitations that prevent them from expanding the size of their programs.
It is sure money,, he will no longer have to wait for the government to decide to pay him and under ACA, he and other Dr.s will have to wait for approval of their money from ACA.

Being a private practitioner of medicine holds a lot of liability these days. He no longer has to carry a huge amount of malpractice insurance

Geez some of you can't think no further than the end of your own noses

Youve made the mistake of thinking the ACA is the insurer, it is not. It only dictates the rules by which insurers have to play by, ie, how much of the premiums MUST be paid out in actual CARE.

The ACA is NOT the government is paying for Health Care. That would be a single payer system, which the ACA does not provide.

Your being disingenuous... The ACA will clear the way for single payer.

Give it time... eventually we will all be under gov't HC.

Insurance companies CAN NOT sustain themselves when they are required to cover pre-existing conditions, and if they do... you and I wont be able to afford it.

Think of the bigger picture.

Actually no. Not disingenuous because I see the mandate as the biggest obstacle between us and a single payer system. Thats why I opposed and still do oppose the mandate.

As far as affording to cover everyone...youre absolutely right, no they cant. The health insurance system is a scam. Always has been. It relies on people being denied coverage theyve paid for in order to turn a profit. Theres simply no way someone paying a couple hundred dollars a month for three or four years then getting into a car accident and requiring tens of thousands of dollars of care is ever going to be profitable. So it relies on people being denied the services they purchasesd and/or dying beofre they can fight it.
What do all those disgruntled doctors plan on doing for a living after they leave medicine?

Real jobs?

I don't think so...:lol:

so being a Doctor is not a REAL job?.....:eusa_eh:

They will become lawyers, then politicians. Most doctors are pretty smart....that's how they became doctors. There will be an underground medical system for the well-to-do, and they will run either a practice for cash, big time cash, or they will run it small time while they litigate during the day. Oh, and it takes a little something more than being smart to be a doctor.....a pretty hefty work ethic, and lots of energy....something lazy people can't really comprehend.
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That the article cites the DPMA, and not the AMA, should have been a huge red flag to you.

The DPMA is a Tea Party organization, and a member of ALEC. In other words, astroturf.

So, gee, if you survey a bunch of Tea Partiers about how they feel about ObamaCare, is it any wonder most of them say they think it sucks?

This is a non story.

The survey was random and 699 doctors responded.

Hello? It was a "random" survey of 699 Tea Partiers! If you did a "random" survey of communist doctors, what percent do you think would respond that the state should control the means of production?

This survey is meaningless.

Because it's not the Liberal-Leaning AMA, it doesn't count, hunh?

Can you please cite the provision in the ACA that the government is the one that pays them and that the government is the one that decides to pay him? Thanks in advance!

Have you ever read the bill shit for Brains, one of the ways they cover all the uninsured now, is by Asking the States to Expand access to MC. You do know who pays for MC right?

Wow I mean you guys run around like Experts on the ACA, and do not even understand the basics of it.

No youre right on that. Those who are uninsured and cant afford health insurance will be able to be covered through medicaid expansions.

But explain to me how that would be different if they COULD afford health insurance? Do health insurance companies just pay any claim sent their way or is there an approval process as well?

I was not arguing that, and don't have the energy to get into that Debate at this time, Suffice to say many Conservatives like myself have offered many suggestions as alternative and we are dismissed our right.

I was only here, because I kept seeing you guys claim the Government wont be paying more under the ACA and that is patently false.
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We can import a few more thousands of doctors from places like India and Pakistan. I'm sure there are plenty more there who wouldn't mind working in America.

That should greatly imprOve doctor/patient relationships. Visiting your doctor will be reminiscent of calling customer service hotlines.:clap2:
What are they going to do instead?

Different things. Enterprising people always find a way.

What can a person who spent years in Medical school and residency do and then some years as a doctor do that won't be affected by "Obamacare"? What about it makes them want to quit, a steady flow of clients and money?

Lower reimbursements, patient overLoads, and massive liability are a few minor Reasons....
I am sorry, I thought you people had some idea how Business works. Guess I was wrong. Clearly you think you can simply regulate that an Industry spend (X) amount on (A) leaving them (Y) amount to run their company on and everything will be ok, and costs will go Down. You are such fools.

You actually think you can Regulate them to do more with less, in an industry that survives on a 3% profit margin.

ignorance on a massive level.

Our Problem is not that Insurance Companies spend to Much on Bureaucracy, it's that Care cost to damn Much, Telling Insurance companies to do more with less by law, will DO NOTHING to fix our problems.

Well according to the Heritage Foundation, you know them right? the ULTRA conservative think tank? The ones who came up with the idea of an individual mandate in the first place? Yeah them, according to them, a mandate places more people into the category of paying customers. Therefore, more money comes in to the health insurance companies.

Youre railing against something that was the conservative solution and the health insurance companies are creaming themselves over.

But hey, even though thats NOT whats happening here, doing more with less is the American way. Just ask every compnay that tried to survive after Romney laid off 30% of its workforce but expected increases in production.

No dude, I am railing against the ACA, the Heritage Foundation only supported a Mandate, not all the other stuff that is in the ACA, and besides I am an Independent, I really could care less what an conservative think tank says about anything.

But, are you saying the Heritage Foundation endorsess the MC expansion in the ACA?

Which is of course what I have been talking about, because you LIARS keep saying the government wont be paying more for peoples health care, when in fact the largest mechanism in the ACA to cover those who can not afford insurance and are not covered now, is to EXPAND access to MC.

No Im not saying that at all. Im saying that the MANDATE was their brainchild originally. Pretty sure theyd be against the MC expansion, but I havent seen a specific opinion piece from them on it, so I cant say thats a certainty.

Ive been arguing about the Health Insurance companies themselves and the mechanisms put in place to deal with them within the system.

In other words, neither of us are liars, we are arguing two completely different points.
I have said it time and time again, and I will again now. I am no supporter of Single Payer, but God Damn it that would be an Improvement on this Nonsensical Patch Work bill that will fail to cover everyone, Fail to lower costs, and NOT FAIL to massive increase Federal and State Spending.
First, lets TRY to actually use our own brains here, shall we?

83% of doctors are going to quit doctoring and do what? Become truck drivers? Bullshit.

second, why would they quit? The Affordable Care Act changes nothing for DOCTORS. It changes INSURANCE. not CARE. so its bullshit again

Third, The article embeds a link to Jerimiah Wright saying that theres ALIEN DNA in Oabamas it the Greys? Was he abducted and experimented on? Maybe his mother then? Cmon Sniper, even youre not dumb enough to fall for this obvious bullshit story.

For a second, I thought it was The Onion.

Bullshit story ? You think the whole survey was fabricated ? Doctors do not want to wade through government bureacracy, Obamacare is only going to increase that. Just wait and see.


The Health Insurance industry is a HUGE bureacracy. The ACA by limiting the amount insurance companies can keep for themselves, the profit motive is now for them to decrease the bureacracy.

My wife works for one of the major ones in MN and theyve been working to streamline thier plans and how to get doctors through the system quicker for the last six months anticipating the implimentation of the ACA.

Wow. The ACA is going to lead to decreased bureaucracy. Uuuuuuuuuunicorns.......
Well according to the Heritage Foundation, you know them right? the ULTRA conservative think tank? The ones who came up with the idea of an individual mandate in the first place? Yeah them, according to them, a mandate places more people into the category of paying customers. Therefore, more money comes in to the health insurance companies.

Youre railing against something that was the conservative solution and the health insurance companies are creaming themselves over.

But hey, even though thats NOT whats happening here, doing more with less is the American way. Just ask every compnay that tried to survive after Romney laid off 30% of its workforce but expected increases in production.

No dude, I am railing against the ACA, the Heritage Foundation only supported a Mandate, not all the other stuff that is in the ACA, and besides I am an Independent, I really could care less what an conservative think tank says about anything.

But, are you saying the Heritage Foundation endorsess the MC expansion in the ACA?

Which is of course what I have been talking about, because you LIARS keep saying the government wont be paying more for peoples health care, when in fact the largest mechanism in the ACA to cover those who can not afford insurance and are not covered now, is to EXPAND access to MC.

No Im not saying that at all. Im saying that the MANDATE was their brainchild originally. Pretty sure theyd be against the MC expansion, but I havent seen a specific opinion piece from them on it, so I cant say thats a certainty.

Ive been arguing about the Health Insurance companies themselves and the mechanisms put in place to deal with them within the system.

In other words, neither of us are liars, we are arguing two completely different points.

Well, as to you point on the Companies, Like I said I think it is very Naive to believe you can simply Mandate they spend X % on Patient Care, and the Rest on Running their Companies. Insurance Companies are not like the Government, They can't operate at a loss to keep costs down for their Customers. You can't Force an Industry by law to Do more for less, and simply expect it everything will be ok. Something will give.
I have said it time and time again, and I will again now. I am no supporter of Single Payer, but God Damn it that would be an Improvement on this Nonsensical Patch Work bill that will fail to cover everyone, Fail to lower costs, and NOT FAIL to massive increase Federal and State Spending.

And I see single payer as the only way to truly protect the rights of every America citizen. So I am against the ACA as it is currently.

The problem is, I see all these people posting things that are absolutely untrue and am forced to defend the facts when I dont want to defend the law itself.

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