Doctors Quitting - Wonderful

If I were a Dr. And I loved being a Dr. I would quit too, it is going to become nothing but a huge bureaucratic nightmare with no compassion for the patient and certainty not the Dr.

Adam Sharp, MD said the following
For patients, this means that they will only be able to consume the healthcare that they “qualify” for or be forced to find another way to obtain the care that they want and need. It is the second outcome that is the most intriguing, because as “shoppers,” patients will want to be informed and have choices as they take on more responsibility for the cost and quality of their own care. This approach works very well with Health Savings Accounts, which were conveniently de-emphasized in the healthcare reform effort. Like the lightning going to ground, this is the inevitable future for healthcare in this country (assuming the other alternative, an acceleration to a single-payer system does not occur first).

For physicians … well, it isn’t hard to figure out where this is all heading. EMRs are quickly becoming the instrument by which we are controlled and managed. As an example, many organizations are already starting to restrict diagnostic testing and therapies via EMR.

Why EMR is a dirty word to most physicians
I asked one of my doctors aboout this and he says he now intends to retire within two years. This is not bullshit. They work too hard and have paid their dues to not to have the rewards they have expected. He's a very skilled doctor and will be missed.

I know 3 different Doctors, 2 retired early because of this government intrusion, and one went to work at the VA. Those 3 Doctors are already missed

One of those Doctors took one look at a family member and knew immediately what the matter was after years of tests ect......skilled and gone.

Yes because when a doctor doesnt like government intrusion the first place they think of to go work is for the VA.


Dont you people think before you post?
Bullshit story ? You think the whole survey was fabricated ? Doctors do not want to wade through government bureacracy, Obamacare is only going to increase that. Just wait and see.


The Health Insurance industry is a HUGE bureacracy. The ACA by limiting the amount insurance companies can keep for themselves, the profit motive is now for them to decrease the bureacracy.

This is one of the Most Nonsensical Rants I have ever heard. Private insurance Companies have always, and will always have Motivation to limit Bureaucracy and Maximize Profits. The aim of the ACA was never to save money by Making Insurance Companies "decrease the Bureaucracy" that's Pure Fiction on your Part, and it highlights your Complete Ignorance of how the Private Sector Works, as well as your Complete Ignorance of the Very Bill you defend. The Bill will add People to the Insurance Companies rolls, and they will add even More Bureaucracy to handle it. Seems you are batting 1000, on being completely wrong.

I mean seriously you must be going for the Moron of the week award with that Nonsense. The ACA is going to MASSIVELY increase Bureaucracy at the Federal and State Government Levels, and will not cause Insurance Companies to do anything at all like you are describing.

Jesus man, American really is fucked. So many Ignorant fools.

Totally agree with you! These idiots don't seem to understand the simple process of claim payments meaning premiums coming pay 80% of claims going out!
The insurance companies THEN pay $100 billion a year in federal/state/local and some of the local property taxes that if OBAMA's preference..""I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” Barack Obama on single payer in 2003
that means HE WANTS the 1,400 for profit with 500,000 employees out of business!
He'd prefer that $100 billion in tax revenue and 500,000 unemployment checks go away and go out!
WHERE WOULD that money be replaced???
can you blame them?

Nope! They didn't go to school for 11 to 15 years to be dictated to by the government, for their patients healthcare.....

I'm sure they, instead, went to school for 11 to 15 years to quit their careers and wait tables instead. :eusa_hand:

Most of them talking Quitting have made enough to Retire, or will go off to work in some Related field, Teach, What ever. They are just sick of the Broken system, that wants to turn a Profession that takes More Schooling and More Investment than almost any other to get into, and turn it into just another Blue Collar, Government Service Job.

Doctors are not Assembly Line workers. and Skilled Doctors are in high Demand all around the world. Make it to much of a Head Ache to be one here, and most have the means to go somewhere else, do something else, or simply Retire.

I swear Liberals are so Shortsighted, They simply refuse to see the negative side of the things they do.
I asked one of my doctors aboout this and he says he now intends to retire within two years. This is not bullshit. They work too hard and have paid their dues to not to have the rewards they have expected. He's a very skilled doctor and will be missed.

I know 3 different Doctors, 2 retired early because of this government intrusion, and one went to work at the VA. Those 3 Doctors are already missed

One of those Doctors took one look at a family member and knew immediately what the matter was after years of tests ect......skilled and gone.

Yes because when a doctor doesnt like government intrusion the first place they think of to go work is for the VA.


Dont you people think before you post?

Clearly you don't
I asked one of my doctors aboout this and he says he now intends to retire within two years. This is not bullshit. They work too hard and have paid their dues to not to have the rewards they have expected. He's a very skilled doctor and will be missed.

I know 3 different Doctors, 2 retired early because of this government intrusion, and one went to work at the VA. Those 3 Doctors are already missed

One of those Doctors took one look at a family member and knew immediately what the matter was after years of tests ect......skilled and gone.

Yes because when a doctor doesnt like government intrusion the first place they think of to go work is for the VA.


Dont you people think before you post?

Don't you read and comprehend before you shoot your mouth off?, so take another read , I said "2 retired early because of the government intrusion". I can only imagine why the 3rd one left. Probably because it was sure pay, but as I said, I can only imagine why he went to work at the VA.
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The Daily Caller is a far right extremist non-mainstream rag.

So they pulled that stat out of their ass?

What's the "correct" number, according to CBS or some other "trustworthy" new source you have, assbrain?
Bullshit story ? You think the whole survey was fabricated ? Doctors do not want to wade through government bureacracy, Obamacare is only going to increase that. Just wait and see.


The Health Insurance industry is a HUGE bureacracy. The ACA by limiting the amount insurance companies can keep for themselves, the profit motive is now for them to decrease the bureacracy.

This is one of the Most Nonsensical Rants I have ever heard. Private insurance Companies have always, and will always have Motivation to limit Bureaucracy and Maximize Profits. The aim of the ACA was never to save money by Making Insurance Companies "decrease the Bureaucracy" that's Pure Fiction on your Part, and it highlights your Complete Ignorance of how the Private Sector Works, as well as your Complete Ignorance of the Very Bill you defend. The Bill will add People to the Insurance Companies rolls, and they will add even More Bureaucracy to handle it. Seems you are batting 1000, on being completely wrong.

I mean seriously you must be going for the Moron of the week award with that Nonsense. The ACA is going to MASSIVELY increase Bureaucracy at the Federal and State Government Levels, and will not cause Insurance Companies to do anything at all like you are describing.

Jesus man, American really is fucked. So many Ignorant fools.

Sigh..sorry I thought you might have some idea about the workings of the ACA.

Insurance Compaies are now required to spend 80-85% of premiums on actual care. This leaves them with 15-20% for administration costs and profits. Anything NOT paid out, has to be refunded to their customers in the form of a rebate...the first rebate checks will go out next month. The adminstration costs of the rebates comes out of the 15-20% therefore cutting into their profits. Therefore, they dont want to have to send those out as it costs them money.

So, in order to cut their costs, they are working to eliminate as much paperwork and hoops as they can so they can increase their profits within the 15-20% as they CANT charge more without paying to send it all back every August.

Maybe before you start throwing out stupidity like "moron of the week" you ought to familarize yoruself with the actual functions of the ACA so you dont look so stupid again.
I know 3 different Doctors, 2 retired early because of this government intrusion, and one went to work at the VA. Those 3 Doctors are already missed

One of those Doctors took one look at a family member and knew immediately what the matter was after years of tests ect......skilled and gone.

Yes because when a doctor doesnt like government intrusion the first place they think of to go work is for the VA.


Dont you people think before you post?

Don't you read and comprehend before you shoot your mouth off?, so take another read , I said "2 retired early because of the government intrusion". I can only imagine why the 3rd one left. Probably because it was sure pay, but as I said, I can only imagine why he went to work at the VA.

LOL the third one went to work directly for the government. Thats how bad its gotten. Damn goevrnment.

Rail some more. Rail some more.

so damn funny

Keep your damned government hands off my medicare! LOL
can you blame them?

Nope! They didn't go to school for 11 to 15 years to be dictated to by the government, for their patients healthcare.....

Yeah, who thought these doctors were in it for the health care of people? How dare Obama try to give them the opportunity to help more people!! That damn socialist!!
I asked one of my doctors aboout this and he says he now intends to retire within two years. This is not bullshit. They work too hard and have paid their dues to not to have the rewards they have expected. He's a very skilled doctor and will be missed.

I know 3 different Doctors, 2 retired early because of this government intrusion, and one went to work at the VA. Those 3 Doctors are already missed

One of those Doctors took one look at a family member and knew immediately what the matter was after years of tests ect......skilled and gone.

Isn't working for the VA, working for big government? :lol:
can you blame them?

Nope! They didn't go to school for 11 to 15 years to be dictated to by the government, for their patients healthcare.....

Yeah, who thought these doctors were in it for the health care of people? How dare Obama try to give them the opportunity to help more people!! That damn socialist!!

So, you actually think all doctors are motivated only by Helping people?

my god you people are such Idealist.
If I were a Dr. And I loved being a Dr. I would quit too, it is going to become nothing but a huge bureaucratic nightmare with no compassion for the patient and certainty not the Dr.

Adam Sharp, MD said the following
For patients, this means that they will only be able to consume the healthcare that they “qualify” for or be forced to find another way to obtain the care that they want and need. It is the second outcome that is the most intriguing, because as “shoppers,” patients will want to be informed and have choices as they take on more responsibility for the cost and quality of their own care. This approach works very well with Health Savings Accounts, which were conveniently de-emphasized in the healthcare reform effort. Like the lightning going to ground, this is the inevitable future for healthcare in this country (assuming the other alternative, an acceleration to a single-payer system does not occur first).

For physicians … well, it isn’t hard to figure out where this is all heading. EMRs are quickly becoming the instrument by which we are controlled and managed. As an example, many organizations are already starting to restrict diagnostic testing and therapies via EMR.

Why EMR is a dirty word to most physicians

So no change then?

Tell me how many Health Insurance companies pay for things they dont approve?

Can you name even one that pays for things that arent covered?
i asked one of my doctors aboout this and he says he now intends to retire within two years. This is not bullshit. They work too hard and have paid their dues to not to have the rewards they have expected. He's a very skilled doctor and will be missed.

i know 3 different doctors, 2 retired early because of this government intrusion, and one went to work at the va. those 3 doctors are already missed

one of those doctors took one look at a family member and knew immediately what the matter was after years of tests ect......skilled and gone.

isn't working for the va, working for big government? :lol:

thank you!

The Health Insurance industry is a HUGE bureacracy. The ACA by limiting the amount insurance companies can keep for themselves, the profit motive is now for them to decrease the bureacracy.

This is one of the Most Nonsensical Rants I have ever heard. Private insurance Companies have always, and will always have Motivation to limit Bureaucracy and Maximize Profits. The aim of the ACA was never to save money by Making Insurance Companies "decrease the Bureaucracy" that's Pure Fiction on your Part, and it highlights your Complete Ignorance of how the Private Sector Works, as well as your Complete Ignorance of the Very Bill you defend. The Bill will add People to the Insurance Companies rolls, and they will add even More Bureaucracy to handle it. Seems you are batting 1000, on being completely wrong.

I mean seriously you must be going for the Moron of the week award with that Nonsense. The ACA is going to MASSIVELY increase Bureaucracy at the Federal and State Government Levels, and will not cause Insurance Companies to do anything at all like you are describing.

Jesus man, American really is fucked. So many Ignorant fools.

Sigh..sorry I thought you might have some idea about the workings of the ACA.

Insurance Compaies are now required to spend 80-85% of premiums on actual care.

I am sorry, I thought you people had some idea how Business works. Guess I was wrong. Clearly you think you can simply regulate that an Industry spend (X) amount on (A) leaving them (Y) amount to run their company on and everything will be ok, and costs will go Down. You are such fools.

You actually think you can Regulate them to do more with less, in an industry that survives on a 3% profit margin.

ignorance on a massive level.

Our Problem is not that Insurance Companies spend to Much on Bureaucracy, it's that Care cost to damn Much, Telling Insurance companies to do more with less by law, will DO NOTHING to fix our problems.
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So they pulled that stat out of their ass?

What's the "correct" number, according to CBS or some other "trustworthy" new source you have, assbrain?

Even Sniperfire has said that 83% is a "stretch" based off the actual report. So year, they pulled it out of their ass.

Start a "neg rep whine" fest, asswipe.

Why? did someone important neg me?

You seem to think I give a shit about rep. If I did, I would have negged you. I have in fact negged no one and the ONLY person to bring up rep in this thread, was you.

What does that say about you, coward?

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