Document: Hunter Listed $49,910 Monthly Rent Payments While Living at Joe Biden’s Residence -- Did Joe Show Rental Income On His Taxes?

I would bet that $49000 a month is a typo and should be $4900.... Unless he can get that amount for the D.C. Place listed as the home he owns, which is doubtful...Zillow is listing rents in that exclusive D.C. Neighborhood at around $5000 a month???
Yup, and Bidung not claiming the rent on his taxes was also a "typo"....dumbass.
Hunter Biden .. the man paying a hefty monthly fee for rent, selling finger paintings between $50k-250k, crack addiction, etc .. etc .. what a piece of work, and then with all the income coming in, refuses to accept his daughter has asked to lower child support payments. Even the broader Biden family, including Joe, ignore their granddaughter.

What a piece of work .. great fruit you produced their Joe.
This is also evidence that the Influence Peddling, Foreign Money Laundering, recipient of Ukranian, Chinese, and Russian money had criminal access to VP Biden's stolen TS/SCI documents, which included Intel Reports on Ukraine and Iran.
Hunter Biden .. the man paying a hefty monthly fee for rent, selling finger paintings between $50k-250k, crack addiction, etc .. etc .. what a piece of work, and then with all the income coming in, refuses to accept his daughter has asked to lower child support payments. Even the broader Biden family, including Joe, ignore their granddaughter.

What a piece of work .. great fruit you produced their Joe.

What that worthless POS is doing to his daughter is a tragedy
FYI...with the exception only for Trump himself, the President and vice President are audited by the IRS each year they are in office...

PLUS Biden's tax returns are we can and should (and someone likely has), review them closely!!
xiden refuses to release his corp tax returns and refuses to allow the irs to audit them
FYI...with the exception only for Trump himself, the President and vice President are audited by the IRS each year they are in office...

PLUS Biden's tax returns are we can and should (and someone likely has), review them closely!!

Again, Corvette *Joe only released his payroll taxes. He didn’t release his S corp ect…..taxes .

He probably showed spending $50K a month on lawn maintenance, so it's a wash, as far as taxes go.
This is clear money laundering and corrupt as fuck,

Hunter paid Joe $50,000/month in rent when the highest rent in that neighborhood is $7k?


Hey cult fucks….change the names to Donald Trump and Donald Trump, Jr….now what do you say? You scream CORRUPTION!

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