Did Hunter Biden use his father's house to meet Chinese intel agents and pass off classified information?

All of which has nothing to do with my post.

Too complicated for you. Sorry.

Nice try.....NOT.

Your selective tunnel vision must be through a small paper straw and that attempt at diversion / evasion when flat out caught....priceless to see you wiggle and flail to no avail.

That was easy.
Nice try.....NOT.

Your selective tunnel vision must be through a small paper straw and that attempt at diversion / evasion when flat out caught....priceless to see you wiggle

You make no sense.

Here's what I said. Tell me exactly what has you so upset.

If you think he did this, prove it in court and nail him. If anyone helped him, nail them too. If anyone else benefitted, nail them too. A-n-y-o-n-e.

That's the way America is set up, thank goodness. Stuff we see on hardcore partisan internet websites, on either side, is not actual proof.

Whether it's this story, rigged election claims, collusion claims, or anything else.
You make no sense.

Here's what I said. Tell me exactly what has you so upset.

If you think he did this, prove it in court and nail him. If anyone helped him, nail them too. If anyone else benefitted, nail them too. A-n-y-o-n-e.

That's the way America is set up, thank goodness. Stuff we see on hardcore partisan internet websites, on either side, is not actual proof.

Whether it's this story, rigged election claims, collusion claims, or anything else.

what I remember was the 17 Intelligence Agencies said the Russians interferred in the 2016 election, and Trump didn't seem to think it was a big deal because it benefited him.

First of all, only a dolt believes that 17 figure, unless you believe the Coast Guard intelligence, and the Marine Corps intelligence and others were all looking into that; they weren't. That number has been debunked long ago. Only 4 were involved in actuality.

Oh, and a few years prior to 2016 Øbama was warned about Russian interference and Øbama basically did NOTHING.

Then we have this:

No, that would be Trump at Mar A Lago.

But Trump has been selling to the Chicoms for decades.

Yeah, you're a tool. It was Slick Willie who started the Democrat's love affair and handed technology over to the ChiComms. Loral and all the rocket and other tech Clinton allowed transferred. CCP rockets were crashing into villages now they have ICBMs thanks to Clinton.

Also, Biden was VPOTUS, and unless he classified something he had no authority to declassify anything, else. And now weeks into the scandal no claim has come from Team Biden about the documents having been declassified.

Trump was POTUS, and the simple act of removing classified documents from the White House, per EOs executed by GW Bush and by Øbama, were automatically declassified.
Now wait a minute. I thought Hunter was paid by Ukraine to insure we supplied them with war materials.

It is getting so hard to keep up with the Conspiracy Theory of the day.
All we are seeing is the tip of the Biden family corruption iceberg. There is a lot more we haven't seen.
Were you always an ignorant chimp, or was that something that developed slowly over time? Russia did not invade Ukraine during Trump's presidency. That happened under Obama, and while Biden was VP. Nor did Obama send Ukraine any lethal weapons, it was Trump who first did that.


And it was under Øbama-Biden, with the aid of McCain, that we and the EU overthrew the democratically elected President of Ukraine and fomented the color revolution.

Yeah, the West didn't like the guy but he was democratically elected by the Ukrainian people. So much for the leftoids love of 'democracy'.

The head of U.S. intelligence said that Russians interfered in the 2016 elections made that claim and all of his underlings agreed. Why not? The Russians have interfered in every U.S. election since the founding of the Soviet Union.

Were any of these intelligence agents who sang that song, the same as the 51 Ex-intel officials who said that the Biden laptop was "disinformation?"
The laptop was disinformation.

Yeah, you know when our entire intelligence aparatus says that Trump was not good for the country, they might actually be on to something.
And it was under Øbama-Biden, with the aid of McCain, that we and the EU overthrew the democratically elected President of Ukraine and fomented the color revolution.

Yeah, the West didn't like the guy but he was democratically elected by the Ukrainian people. So much for the leftoids love of 'democracy'.

Yanukovych was a president, not a dictator. It was his own parliment that moved to remove him, after he pretty much broke every promise he made to build stronger ties to the west. The vote in the parliment to remove him was 328 - 0. That's how bad he fucked up.
The laptop was disinformation.

Yeah, you know when our entire intelligence aparatus says that Trump was not good for the country, they might actually be on to something.

He wasnt good for the MIC
That's what they meant.
Yanukovych was a president, not a dictator. It was his own parliment that moved to remove him, after he pretty much broke every promise he made to build stronger ties to the west. The vote in the parliment to remove him was 328 - 0. That's how bad he fucked up.

Ignoring reality again. We and the EU whipped up the color revolution. We whipped that up and got where we are today because of that, Biden's War (a little incursion is what Biden said).

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