Document: Hunter Listed $49,910 Monthly Rent Payments While Living at Joe Biden’s Residence -- Did Joe Show Rental Income On His Taxes?

Anything out of the mouths of a Biden is a lie. Those who listen to a word of these 100% money grabbing opportunists, are the biggest dupes in America.
This is true, of course, but the scary thing is that the leftists have created a world in which people who oppose them - or even attempt to explain the wrong of a Biden lie - are immediately silenced.

Just yesterday, my cousin said that Trump had the nuclear codes in the classified docs he was refusing to return and could sell them to the Russians. (Not a word about Biden.) When I attempted to address her falsehood, she stuck her palm in my face and said she doesn’t want to hear from any Republicans about it.

They will never learn how wrong they are, and that’s how the Left wants it: to be able to peddle their lies, and demonize anyone who tries to expose the truth.
Just yesterday, my cousin said that Trump had the nuclear codes in the classified docs he was refusing to return and could sell them to the Russians. (Not a word about Biden.) When I attempted to address her falsehood, she stuck her palm in my face and said she doesn’t want to hear from any Republicans about it.

Wow, you mean you annoy your relatives as much as you annoy the rest of us? Color me shocked.

I'm perfectly willing to accept that Trump accidently took classified documents by "mistake", but once they were discovered, he should have returned them. Which is what Pence and Biden did.
This is true, of course, but the scary thing is that the leftists have created a world in which people who oppose them - or even attempt to explain the wrong of a Biden lie - are immediately silenced.

Just yesterday, my cousin said that Trump had the nuclear codes in the classified docs he was refusing to return and could sell them to the Russians. (Not a word about Biden.) When I attempted to address her falsehood, she stuck her palm in my face and said she doesn’t want to hear from any Republicans about it.

They will never learn how wrong they are, and that’s how the Left wants it: to be able to peddle their lies, and demonize anyone who tries to expose the truth.
the nuclear codes rumor was NOT reported as some kind of fact..... It was the blogosphere's rumor. What was reported was the Classified markings classification on the jacket of the document indicated the classified material inside the jacket, contained classified information at the level of having nuclear codes....NOT that they WERE nuclear codes.... What came out was it was nuclear capabilities of a foreign ally or foreign enemy, not our nuclear codes....

Which of course it couldn't be nuclear codes either....the nuke code process, simply doesn't work that way....the president never has his hands on them.... they are held by others until the necessary time.

Didn't matter for the awful rumor mill on the internet! :(
Anything out of the mouths of a Biden is a lie. Those who listen to a word of these 100% money grabbing opportunists, are the biggest dupes in America.


A Trump defender, crying about a president lying. How rich.


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