Document: Hunter Listed $49,910 Monthly Rent Payments While Living at Joe Biden’s Residence -- Did Joe Show Rental Income On His Taxes?

You gave me a "fake news", Care? Is Hunter NOT a crack addict? Is he NOT a whoremonger? Has he NOT taken millions from the enemies of our country? Did he NOT fill out a rental application where he stated he paid $50,000 a month rent to his father? What was "fake" in any of that? It is what it is!

Leftists downvote emoji everything that hurts their feelings. Facts are at the top of the list.
There are even RECEIPTS on this rent issue….and the cult wont believe it.

How do you people go through life being so brainwashed.


You think your ideology gets different rules for some reason.
rent for his company, OWASCO PC....right there before your eyes.... No where does it say rent from him to Joe Biden.

Your fake news media handlers lied and TOLD YOU that made up story about Hunter paying Biden 49k monthly rent for staying at Biden's home.

The form doesn't say that, for Crisco's Sake!

Please stop letting yourselves be played as fools! Please, please, please! :(


Still believes Documents In Garage *Joe released all his taxes.
I don’t believe one reports rent payments. However, one must report rental income. i doubt Biden reported that in his 1040, since it would raise a major red flag, and thus he would be guilty of tax evasion. That’s how they got Al Capone.
Hunter reported his rent payments. Brandon should have reported that as rental income. We shall see.

Failure to report it would be the tax evasion.
There is absolutely no evidence of any members of the Biden Family laundering money. None. See Senate Investigation, 2020.

Why do Republicans continue to make up shit and hold phony corruption investigations of Democrats? A blind person can see there is nothing there, but Republicans are creaming their jeans over attacking a recovering drug addict who has lost his mother, his sister and his brother, in very tragic ways who has no involvement in federal politics, other than he is the son of the President.

There is far more reason to be investigating Jared and Ivanka, than Hunter Biden. Jared got $2 billion from the Saudis. For what??????
Jared got $2 BILLION from the Saudis?


Oh, and please don’t bring something that says the Saudis let an investment firm invest $2 billion OF SAUDI MONEY.

Bring something that shows the Saudis gave Jared $2 BILLION Dragonlady

This us where Dragonbreath knows I exposed her lies and she will tell me I’m lazy, just Google it.

Still believes Documents In Garage *Joe released all his taxes.
Why are you changing the subject??? Diverting the thread, hijacking it??? I've never discussed Joe's classified documents...only the thread TITLE topic??
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There are even RECEIPTS on this rent issue….and the cult wont believe it.

How do you people go through life being so brainwashed.


You think your ideology gets different rules for some reason.

Sadly, Y'all are the damaged and brainwashed... You all couldn't discern the truth even if your very lives depend on it! You've gotten so used to your fake and alternative news that you're only allowed to believe in the world you reside in .....that you don't even know how to use logic, and deductive reasoning. Y'alls brains are a crisp!!!

Who pays $49,000 a month for renting a room in dad's house, and reports such a figure without knowing red flashing lights would go off? Was it a typo, and $4900 a month for renting a room, or was that the rent for the company listed.... as the rent for, THE PREVIOUS YEAR, for OWASCO PC?

Why do you keep saying Hunter paid Biden $49,000 a month for rent? Where does the form say hunter paid Joe $49k a month for rent? The answer to that is, NOWHERE ON THE FORM does it say Joe was paid for anything. All an op article lie.

No where on the form did it list Joe Biden renting space to hunter for himself, NOR for his Company, OWASCO PC from March 2017 thru Feb 2018. The address of where his company and his staff for the company resided was not put on the form....the $49k+ rent says it was for OWASCO PC, which likely was a TYPO and $4900 mo., because his company is not that big or cumbersome type business that would need a mega office/warehouse for that kind of unusual mega rent amount....

Plus Google search showed the address of OWASCO PC, and it's a nice river front building in DC, BUT is around $4900 a month for decent office space there.... (Which i also researched.)

No where on the form did it say Hunter lived with Joe the previous year. It only mentioned that was his PRESENT address, in July of 2018 when he signed this form. The form listed a previous year's address for hunter, in an exclusive home in Washington DC of which I believe ive read that Hunter owned and still owns.

So, every thing in the op article and written by right wingers about Hunter paying daddy $49k+ a month and daddy Joe not putting it on his taxes, thus tax evasion, and paying Joe for illegal deeds with Hunter and foreign countries, is simply just made up bullshit for the numb minded, the brainwashed.... Those that revel in FAKE NEWS!
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Hey. Just because something looks exactly like a pile of dog shit and stinks to high heaven just like a huge fresh pile of dog shit doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily a pile of dog shit.

There are other animals out there who could have left the deposit.

That said, if Hunter made that rent payment claim in his 1040, but pops didn’t report it as income on his own 1040, then one of them committed a tax crime.
No where on the form does it say Joe Biden was paid any rent from Hunter, nor from Hunter's company, OWASCO PC.
Why are you so obsessed with Hunter Biden? It's a sickness with you idiots. And it's making YOU look like disgusting creeps.
Why are you trying to defend Hunter Biden when there is far more evidence that Hunter was a bag man for the Biden Crime Family than Trump colluded with Putin to defeat Hillary.

It is beginning to look like Democrats have nothing against the art of influence peddling as practiced in the Swamp by the people we elect to represent us. That is not all that surprising as the Dems have been pushing Marxist socialism in an attempt to set up a Socialist Workers’ Paradise and under that form of government the leadership is corrupt and rich.
Why are you trying to defend Hunter Biden when there is far more evidence that Hunter was a bag man for the Biden Crime Family than Trump colluded with Putin to defeat Hillary.

It is beginning to look like Democrats have nothing against the art of influence peddling as practiced in the Swamp by the people we elect to represent us. That is not all that surprising as the Dems have been pushing Marxist socialism in an attempt to set up a Socialist Workers’ Paradise and under that form of government the leadership is corrupt and rich.
Got any recent news with any updates? That article is over two years old.... Wouldn't he have been charged with one of these alleged corrupt, crimes by now?

And exactly what were these crimes and corruption you claim? What was the illegal quid pro quo? Name one.
Got any recent news with any updates? That article is over two years old.... Wouldn't he have been charged with one of these alleged corrupt, crimes by now?

And exactly what were these crimes and corruption you claim? What was the illegal quid pro quo? Name one.
The FBI and the DOJ have been largely ignoring Hunter Biden until now. Not surprising as they are now politicized rather than independent. They work for the Democratic Party.

Notice how a raid was conducted on Mar-a-Logo where Trump had classified documents stored in a padlocked room but no raid on Joe Biden’s offices or homes where Joe had classified documents stored in places like a garage. No hypocrisy there, not one tiny bit — right?

We may find out what laws were broken in the near future if the investigations by the newly appointed special council and Republican led committees in the House are not just whitewashes. It will be interesting to find out if Joe Biden reported the $49.910 monthly payment hunter gave him for rent on his house. Some say that is money laundering.

Plus there are potentially more crimes listed here in this article dated
24 October 2022. …

Now you explain to me what crimes would have have committed if Trump had actually colluded with Putin to beat Hillary.

No where on the form does it say Joe Biden was paid any rent from Hunter, nor from Hunter's company, OWASCO PC.

Which form are you referencing? Link?

If Hunter claimed he paid that rent to his dad (the house owner), maybe Hunter lied. Hm. Surely possible. But why would he choose that as one of his lies?
According to Zillow, the house (1209 Barley Mill Rd, Wilmington, DE 19807) is worth about $1.4M and rental would be about $7,600/mo.

$50K/mo looks like straight up money laundering. Who would be stupid enough to put that in writing? That would be one Hunter Biden!

they'll move the goal post and say he was purchasing it.
Then the tax would only be any increased value
Why are you trying to defend Hunter Biden when there is far more evidence that Hunter was a bag man for the Biden Crime Family than Trump colluded with Putin to defeat Hillary.

It is beginning to look like Democrats have nothing against the art of influence peddling as practiced in the Swamp by the people we elect to represent us. That is not all that surprising as the Dems have been pushing Marxist socialism in an attempt to set up a Socialist Workers’ Paradise and under that form of government the leadership is corrupt and rich.

There is ZER0 evidence that Hunter Biden is anybody's bagman or that Joe Biden is on the "take" and it's stupid of Republicans to push this lie. Since Republicans are both stupid and corrupt, they're going to do it and it will blow up in their faces, just like Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Uranium 0ne, and the other lies Republicans tell.

Both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump had HIGHER approval ratings after their impeachments than before. You might want to think about that, if you're of capable of critical thinking which I highly doubt.

You'd be further ahead to go after Jared and Ivanka and the $2 billion they got from the Saudis. You Trump Humpers never ever mention that payment.

As for your "workers' socialist paradise" rant, you have to be a complete idiot to believe that Republican lie, Health, education, and infrastructure for all are basic requirements for first world countries. Republicans are trying to turn the USA into a banana republic like Brazil or Chile. And they're succeeding.
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Got any recent news with any updates? That article is over two years old.... Wouldn't he have been charged with one of these alleged corrupt, crimes by now?

And exactly what were these crimes and corruption you claim? What was the illegal quid pro quo? Name one.
By the Garland DOJ? Aren't you cute! Joe has a better chance of being hit by lightning and a meteor at the same time as Merrick Garland charging him with a crime! Garland won't even send the FBI to see what OTHER classified documents he has at his homes or offices! That buffoon just assumes we can trust Biden's attorney's to do that!
According to Zillow, the house (1209 Barley Mill Rd, Wilmington, DE 19807) is worth about $1.4M and rental would be about $7,600/mo.

$50K/mo looks like straight up money laundering. Who would be stupid enough to put that in writing? That would be one Hunter Biden!

That was just for medicine. Crack and Meth Budget. Totally legit. Also a man gots to buy paint, and brushes for his artwork.
There is ZER0 evidence that Hunter Biden is anybody's bagman or that Joe Biden is on the "take" and it's stupid of Republicans to push this lie. Since Republicans are both stupid and corrupt, they're going to do it and it will blow up in their faces, just like Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Uranium 0ne, and the other lies Republicans tell.

Both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump had HIGHER approval ratings after their impeachments than before. You might want to think about that, if you're of capable of critical thinking which I highly doubt.

You'd be further ahead to go after Jared and Ivanka and the $2 billion they got from the Saudis. You Trump Humpers never ever mention that payment.

As for your "workers' socialist paradise" rant, you have to be a complete idiot to believe that Republican lie, Health, education, and infrastructure for all are basic requirements for first world countries. Republicans are trying to turn the USA into a banana republic like Brazil or Chile. And they're succeeding.
There is 100% proof Hunter Biden was Joe's Main Bagman.
There is ZER0 evidence that Hunter Biden is anybody's bagman or that Joe Biden is on the "take" and it's stupid of Republicans to push this lie. Since Republicans are both stupid and corrupt, they're going to do it and it will blow up in their faces, just like Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Uranium 0ne, and the other lies Republicans tell.

Both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump had HIGHER approval ratings after their impeachments than before. You might want to think about that, if you're of capable of critical thinking which I highly doubt.

You'd be further ahead to go after Jared and Ivanka and the $2 billion they got from the Saudis. You Trump Humpers never ever mention that payment.

As for your "workers' socialist paradise" rant, you have to be a complete idiot to believe that Republican lie, Health, education, and infrastructure for all are basic requirements for first world countries. Republicans are trying to turn the USA into a banana republic like Brazil or Chile. And they're succeeding.
You do realize that the Benghazi investigation is what led to Hillary's use of illegal servers to run the State Department being uncovered? Right?
And that Fast & Furious happened exactly as it was portrayed by Republicans?
You need to watch something other than CNN and MSNBC!
Claiming there is no evidence that Hunter Biden cashed in on his family name through influence peddling is laughable. There is a large amount of evidence. What you haven't had until now is a real investigation into the Biden Family's finances. That's coming and I don't think it's going to end well for the Bidens.
There is ZER0 evidence that Hunter Biden is anybody's bagman or that Joe Biden is on the "take" and it's stupid of Republicans to push this lie.
You mean except for the fact that Hunter's former business partner said point blank that Joe was the "big guy". Yeah, no evidence except for that and of course all the emails and Joe saying on camera that he wouldn't release the money until Shokin was fired so he would no longer investigate the company that was paying Hunter quite a bit of money and whose CEO escaped without punishment and is now living abroad. Yeah, there is "zero" evidence of wrongdoing.

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