Dodge Ball game or Assault? You decide...

My parents would have been jailed for child abuse. My brothers and sisters would have been tossed out of school for assault, sexual harassment, and any number of other bs charges. Many of my compatriots would have been jailed for gun ownership and taking of game/wildlife. Amazing how a generation has changed. What a shame. Are we the last generation who lived in relative freedom and celebrated the joy of childhood?
What were they using for a ball?

A concussion from a red rubber dodgeball? Seems highly unlikely.
I really am glad I am on the downhill slide of life... Folks are just so squirrelly anymore... My son and his wife are getting ready to have another child in less than 30 days... Just what kind of society are they going to live in?

Boy charged with assault over dodgeball game

god bless em granpa ...more white people should always be celebrated
In the more recent past Some schools have nixed dodge ball ...take wild guess as to why ?

ahhh indoctrination centers ..

from today

California’s Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum
Cultural Marxism is not a tool that you build things with. It is a wrecking ball that can be applied only for demolition. A case in point is the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum excreted by the Education Department in the People’s Republic of California.

Via The Wall Street Journal:

Ethnic studies is described in the document as “the interdisciplinary study of race, ethnicity, and indigeneity with an emphasis on experiences of people of color in the United States.” But that’s not all it is. “It is the study of intersectional and ancestral roots, coloniality, hegemony, and a dignified world where many worlds fit, for present and future generations.” It is the “xdisciplinary [sic], loving, and critical praxis of holistic humanity.”

In short, it is unmitigated moonbattery.

Most of it is incomprehensible to someone whose skull is not stuffed from ear to ear with BS:

The document is filled with fashionable academic jargon like “positionalities,” “hybridities,” “nepantlas” and “misogynoir.” It includes faddish social-science lingo like “cis-heteropatriarchy” that may make sense to radical university professors and activists but doesn’t mean much to the regular folks who send their children to California’s public schools.

However, the overall intent is clear enough. Benevolence has no part in it:

Capitalism is described as a “form of power and oppression,” alongside “patriarchy,” “racism,” “white supremacy” and “ableism.”

The alleged form of oppression also known as economic freedom has lifted countless millions out of poverty and enables our high standard of living. Educrats oppose it vehemently. They throw meaningless $5 words at capitalism like monkeys contemptuously crapping in their hands and flinging it at zoo visitors.

There is one aspect of American society that students are encouraged to revere:

One proposed course promises to explore the African-American experience “from the precolonial ancestral roots in Africa to the trans-Atlantic slave trade and enslaved people’s uprisings in the antebellum South, to the elements of Hip Hop and African cultural retentions.”

However, the malevolent Cultural Marxist purpose soon becomes clear. Students are not to admire blacks who are worthy of respect, like Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson, but cop-killers, communists, and lowlife terrorist scum:

Teachers are encouraged to cite the biographies of “potentially significant figures” such as Angela Davis, Frantz Fanon and Bobby Seale. Convicted cop-killers Mumia Abu-Jamal and Assata Shakur are also on the list. Students are taught that the life of George Jackson matters “now more than ever.” Jackson, while in prison, became “a revolutionary warrior for Black liberation and prison reform.”

Davis is a communist who was involved in murdering a judge. Fanon was a racist revolutionary hostile to Western Civilization. Seale was a Black Panther founder who faced charges for murder and inciting riots. None of these sociopaths is a constructive role model.

The same goes for Hispanics. You are not likely to find Ted Cruz among the Latinx hagiographies:

The Latino section’s people of significance include Puerto Rican nationalists Oscar López Rivera, a member of a paramilitary group that carried out more than 130 bomb attacks, and Lolita Lebrón, who was convicted of attempted murder in a group assault that wounded five congressmen.

Incidentally, Barack Obama commuted the sentence of the unrepentant Marxist terrorist Rivera. Nobody is likely to commute James Fields’ absurdly draconian sentence.

The curriculum lauds bilingual education…

That’s because assimilation and integration do not further Cultural Marxism. Keeping Spanish speakers isolated and poor does.

Reason itself comes under attack, as the social engineers replace critical thinking with Critical Theory:

Critical thinking is described not as reasoning through logic and consideration of evidence but rather a vague deconstruction of power relationships so that one can “speak out on social issues.” Thinking critically “requires individuals to evaluate phenomenon [sic] through the lens of systems, the rules within those systems, who wields power within systems and the impact of that power on the relationships between people existing within systems.”

One course is entitled “Math and Social Justice.” You can’t have both. Most likely the course will indoctrinate students that 2 + 2 = 4 is an oppressive white male construct.

Student activities are to include “a direct action (e.g., a sit-in, die-in, march, boycott, strike).” The point is not to educate, but to train moonbat foot soldiers to be deployed against American society.

When moonbats achieve hegemony as they have in California, education becomes a form of vandalism.

On a tip from Varla.

California's Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum - Moonbattery
There was that time you put your patch on the wrong eye and I corrected you... :dunno:
Hopefully, not a society that ends its sentences with prepositions.

Can't call me a racist... I like my prepositions...
When all else fails, attack the opposition's grammar and punctuation!

When have Ridgerunner and I ever been in opposition?
I stand corrected. Too often, folks are attacked on the basis of grammar, spelling, etc when nothing else is available.
Hopefully, not a society that ends its sentences with prepositions.

Can't call me a racist... I like my prepositions...
When all else fails, attack the opposition's grammar and punctuation!

When have Ridgerunner and I ever been in opposition?
I stand corrected. Too often, folks are attacked on the basis of grammar, spelling, etc when nothing else is available.

There is nothing else in this world as important as good grammar!

We use to play dodge ball in the gym on rainy days..there was one kid that scared the crap out of every kid in my school...I think he was set back three years making him three years older....I was aiming for a different kid and missed and hit the scary kid right in the nuts...I had to hide the rest of the school year...LOL I never played dodge ball again...
Hopefully, not a society that ends its sentences with prepositions.

Can't call me a racist... I like my prepositions...
When all else fails, attack the opposition's grammar and punctuation!

When have Ridgerunner and I ever been in opposition?
I stand corrected. Too often, folks are attacked on the basis of grammar, spelling, etc when nothing else is available.

There is nothing else in this world as important as good grammar!

I will be the last to disagree. I mourn the demise of editors.
Carry on...
Oh my God the "games" we used to play as kids. Tackle football, no pads, Smear the queer, B-B gun battles, climbing around in an old barn just throwing whatever we could find at each other. We are witnessing the sissyfication of America and that is not good. The world is a tough competitive place.

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