Does a chess Master know something the rest


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
of Obama supporters DON"T KNOW??

On February 22nd, former world chess champion and political activist Garry Kasparov intimated that if Barack Obama had been president instead of Ronald Reagan, the Soviet Union would still exist.

Kasparov was born in the Soviet Union in 1963.

On February 22nd he tweeted: "I've said it before, but if Barack Obama had been president instead of Ronald Reagan, I'd still be a Soviet Citizen."
Garry Kasparov: ?Obama should read the Declaration of Independence every bedtime? | Twitchy
Kasparov is a Grandmaster. ( Master is below that ) My son was tutored in chess by a grandmaster from Lorraine, France. Kasparov is a great chess player, his computer chess game - The Kasparov - was a big hit with young chess players years ago.

I believe what he isn't saying is more important here. Now that Barack Obama is president they will seize the moment they didn't have when Reagan was president. Returning to the Soviet era. They're well on their way to that. imo.

In chess when someone makes a move you must counter with an equally strong move or a greater move. When Iranian warships announced they are headed to maritime borders of atlantic - our White House response was weak. When the Chinese made provocative moves recently concerning Taiwan ( which is their target ) America again responded with weakness.

Is it a coincidence that Russia has a signed grand design treaty with Iran promising retaliation for any attack by US? Is it a coincidence that Russia has formed an alliance with China and is promising to back her if we respond in a war over Taiwan? No. Are the Mexican cartel bosses making up stories to liveleaks reporters about large presence of Chinese troops inside Mexico doing drills with the Cubans and other foreign troops? Talk about an invasion on the USA? No. Why are Russian troops gathering in Alaska? Japanese waters are in direct line towards California and Chinese warships gathering there... Akula Class II Russian nuclear submarine photographed off coastline of Texas last July... more Russian subs spotted off eastern seaboard during superstorm sandy......

If we could replicate this onto a chessboard I believe we'd be one move away from checkmate. Maybe we need a chess coach in the Pentagon to point this out to someone. Wonder if Kasparov is busy?
Reagan was a strong leader, TM. Since Reagan we've become weaker and weaker. It's been a gradual decline. Our enemies are watching and they are not going to miss the opportunity when they see us sitting wide open. That is the message Kasparov is sending the West. Get it?
Oh geez ...not the fake twitter messages again. Reagan had nothing to do with the break up of the Soviet Union.

SDI had touched a sensitive nerve. The Soviets treated it as an extremely serious development for two reasons. First, despite their boasting in the 1970s, Soviet leaders--and perhaps Andropov most of all--had great respect for US technological capabilities.71 Second, SDI had a profound psychological impact that reinforced the trend already anticipated in the new Soviet assessment of the "correlation of forces." In a remarkable tete-a-tete

with a US journalist and former arms control official, Marshal Nikolai Ogarkov, First Deputy Defense Minister and Chief of the General Staff, interpreted the real meaning of SDI:

We cannot equal the quality of U.S. arms for a generation or two. Modern military power is based on technology, and technology is based on computers. In the US, small children play with computers.... Here, we don't even have computers in every office of the Defense Ministry. And for reasons you know well, we cannot make computers widely available in our society. We will never be able to catch up with you in modern arms until we have an economic revolution. And the question is whether we can have an economic revolution without a political revolution.72
This private rumination was all the more remarkable because Ogarkov's public statements showed him to be a hawk's hawk who compared the United States to Nazi Germany and argued repeatedly for more resources to continue the arms competition. The dichotomy between his public statements and his confidential remarks to the US journalist was striking; it indicated that he understood better than most political and other military leaders the challenge posed by American military technology.
Many scientist doubted that the Star Wars anti-missile system would work. The Soviet strategic planners had to presume that it would work.
The Economic Collapse of the Soviet Union

You obviously have had NO first hand experience as those of us that were alive at that time knew that USSR wanted to destroy the USA.
Oh geez ...not the fake twitter messages again. Reagan had nothing to do with the break up of the Soviet Union.

From what I recall Reagan had the soviets so scared of us they spent themselves broke trying to keep up with our military advancements. Mainly the star wars program which many believe was fake and intended to scare the crap out of the soviets and make them try to compete...and spend a shitload of rubles. Which they did...
of Obama supporters DON"T KNOW??

On February 22nd, former world chess champion and political activist Garry Kasparov intimated that if Barack Obama had been president instead of Ronald Reagan, the Soviet Union would still exist.

Kasparov was born in the Soviet Union in 1963.

On February 22nd he tweeted: "I've said it before, but if Barack Obama had been president instead of Ronald Reagan, I'd still be a Soviet Citizen."
Garry Kasparov: ?Obama should read the Declaration of Independence every bedtime? | Twitchy

A Grand Master of chess - by definition - is a smart fellow, so it would be unwise to dismiss or ignore Kasparov's opinion.

As an aside, I went to school with a guy who later in life became a Grand Master of chess.
His younger brother was almost as good. between the two of them, they used to play chess without board, simply by memorizing all the moves.

On one occasion, the Soviet Grand Master Petrosian was invited by our town's chess club, and when he came to our town, he played about 50 games with as many opponents, simultaneously.

My school mate, the future Grand Master of chess was the only one of the 50 who won.
Oh geez ...not the fake twitter messages again. Reagan had nothing to do with the break up of the Soviet Union.

Of course, not!

Gorbachev simply wanted to send his country into bankruptcy, just to piss off Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and to prove that he was not an atheist, Pope John Paul II, as well.
I agree. What a great story! I'm sure the young prodigy was thrilled! My son used to play chess without the board. He played it over the telephone. It's called algebraic notation. They memorize the board and call their moves.
Oh geez ...not the fake twitter messages again. Reagan had nothing to do with the break up of the Soviet Union.

SDI had touched a sensitive nerve. The Soviets treated it as an extremely serious development for two reasons. First, despite their boasting in the 1970s, Soviet leaders--and perhaps Andropov most of all--had great respect for US technological capabilities.71 Second, SDI had a profound psychological impact that reinforced the trend already anticipated in the new Soviet assessment of the "correlation of forces." In a remarkable tete-a-tete

with a US journalist and former arms control official, Marshal Nikolai Ogarkov, First Deputy Defense Minister and Chief of the General Staff, interpreted the real meaning of SDI:

We cannot equal the quality of U.S. arms for a generation or two. Modern military power is based on technology, and technology is based on computers. In the US, small children play with computers.... Here, we don't even have computers in every office of the Defense Ministry. And for reasons you know well, we cannot make computers widely available in our society. We will never be able to catch up with you in modern arms until we have an economic revolution. And the question is whether we can have an economic revolution without a political revolution.72
This private rumination was all the more remarkable because Ogarkov's public statements showed him to be a hawk's hawk who compared the United States to Nazi Germany and argued repeatedly for more resources to continue the arms competition. The dichotomy between his public statements and his confidential remarks to the US journalist was striking; it indicated that he understood better than most political and other military leaders the challenge posed by American military technology.
Many scientist doubted that the Star Wars anti-missile system would work. The Soviet strategic planners had to presume that it would work.
The Economic Collapse of the Soviet Union

You obviously have had NO first hand experience as those of us that were alive at that time knew that USSR wanted to destroy the USA.

From everything I've seen they still do. The greatest mistake Americans have made is believing that anything has changed. I look at what is happening and fear the USA is in great peril now. Our military is overseas.. on our own homeland we've got these so called international troops training and doing drills here from Norway, Germans, Russians.... inside American borders, folks.

Its' from within and without and the american people are sitting ducks. That is the reality for where we're at. It's a sickening feeling. Not much more to say other than I never did trust the Russians.....

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