Does a former President have the right of Executive Privilege?

the purpose of an investigation is to gather evidence.

10% for the big guy.
A person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Not the other way around.
Not in Jack's world. His ilk of Marxists thinks that might makes right and that Trump is guilty of everything, innocent of nothing, and so by their decree, forfeits all rights and due process, and should stand trial for all crimes and charges they dream up, which once charged, they will then proceed to look for the evidence of to support their charges!

Funny that while claiming Trump was a friend of dictators, another baseless charge they've never proven, that it is indeed the Leftist Democrats who ACT JUST LIKE NAZIS, COMMUNISTS, DICTATORS like Red China or the Soviet Union! :auiqs.jpg:

But then, the Left really aren't after a conviction. Jack and his communist friends just want to drag Trump's name through the mud long enough to print endless ugly lies and rumors in the media hoping to destroy his chances of running again and getting reelected by further souring his name in the minds of voters!--- another insidious form of election fraud.

If they ever actually got a real conviction against Trump, maybe for a parking ticket, that would just be icing on the cake.
the purpose of an investigation is to gather evidence.
Trouble is, dud, there is no evidence that connects Trump to a crime.
You don't get to go fishing until you find one. Unless you live in a communist nation,
which you are probably very comfortable with.
Not in Jack's world. His ilk of Marxists thinks that might makes right and that Trump is guilty of everything, innocent of nothing, and so by their decree, forfeits all rights and due process, and should stand trial for all crimes and charges they dream up, which once charged, they will then proceed to look for the evidence of to support their charges!

Funny that while claiming Trump was a friend of dictators, another baseless charge they've never proven, that it is indeed the Leftist Democrats who ACT JUST LIKE NAZIS, COMMUNISTS, DICTATORS like Red China or the Soviet Union! :auiqs.jpg:

But then, the Left really aren't after a conviction. Jack and his communist friends just want to drag Trump's name through the mud long enough to print endless ugly lies and rumors in the media hoping to destroy his chances of running again and getting reelected by further souring his name in the minds of voters!--- another insidious form of election fraud.

If they ever actually got a real conviction against Trump, maybe for a parking ticket, that would just be icing on the cake.
By that reason, then there should be no issue with:
  1. Getting a full account of what was in Hunter's laptop.
  2. Getting a full record of all of Hunter's dealings with foreign countries, the monies paid him, and the relation with the Biden family.
  3. Getting a record of all of foreign monies donated to Hillary's funds while in office after which said countries received special favors from the USA.
  4. Getting total disclosure on all matters relating to why the Ambassador and staff in Benghazi were left to die.
  5. Getting a full disclosure of the content of the 33,000 government emails Hillary destroyed when she discovered her server was going to be looked at.
  6. Getting a full account of just what was Barry Obumma's connections with a convicted terrorist from the Weather Underground.
Just for starters off the top of my head. I mean, since none of these people have a thing to hide!
1) Hunter is not President of the United States.
2) Hunter is not President of the United States.
3) Hillary is not President of the United States.
4) Hillary answered that...twice.
5) Same type of server that Trump kept. Hey how'd those emails get into Wikileaks hands so that they could meet about acquiring them at Trump Tower?
6) Who cares??? Obama isn't President of the United States.

The top of your head is an empty, lonely wasteland.
Trump and his EP is the issue. And he's got no standing.
The committee is going to see those records...and it won't paint a pretty picture.
Not in Jack's world. His ilk of Marxists thinks that might makes right and that Trump is guilty of everything, innocent of nothing, and so by their decree, forfeits all rights and due process, and should stand trial for all crimes and charges they dream up, which once charged, they will then proceed to look for the evidence of to support their charges!

Funny that while claiming Trump was a friend of dictators, another baseless charge they've never proven, that it is indeed the Leftist Democrats who ACT JUST LIKE NAZIS, COMMUNISTS, DICTATORS like Red China or the Soviet Union! :auiqs.jpg:

But then, the Left really aren't after a conviction. Jack and his communist friends just want to drag Trump's name through the mud long enough to print endless ugly lies and rumors in the media hoping to destroy his chances of running again and getting reelected by further souring his name in the minds of voters!--- another insidious form of election fraud.

If they ever actually got a real conviction against Trump, maybe for a parking ticket, that would just be icing on the cake.
Nazis and Communists, and Dictators..oh my!
Big words. All of which you haven't the slightest clue of their meaning.
Trump doesn't need to be drug through the mud by anyone. He did that all by himself.

And I love the fact he lost and there is NOTHING you can do about it...except be the whiny little cuck bitch you are. :auiqs.jpg:
Hey, Biden wants you to hold his beer! :)
Nazis and Communists, and Dictators..oh my!
Big words. All of which you haven't the slightest clue of their meaning.
Trump doesn't need to be drug through the mud by anyone. He did that all by himself.

And I love the fact he lost and there is NOTHING you can do about it...except be the whiny little cuck bitch you are. :auiqs.jpg:
Hey, Biden wants you to hold his beer! :)
Hey, Biden wants you to hold his beer!

Someone should.

He's too feeble to hold it himself.
1) Hunter is not President of the United States.
2) Hunter is not President of the United States.
3) Hillary is not President of the United States.
4) Hillary answered that...twice.
5) Same type of server that Trump kept. Hey how'd those emails get into Wikileaks hands so that they could meet about acquiring them at Trump Tower?
6) Who cares??? Obama isn't President of the United States.
All lies, evasions and irrelevancies! :auiqs.jpg:

The top of your head is an empty, lonely wasteland.
The top of my head is not the issue nor is it President of the United States.

Trump and his EP is the issue.
Trump is not the President of the United States.

And he's got no standing.
You have no standing. But Biddum IS the acting president of the USA even if he completely cannot do his job, and so that makes everything related to him, from Hunter to Obumma, RELEVANT. But nice to know that you are OK with criminals covering up their crimes just because they are not POTUS, just RAN for POTUS or are no longer POTUS!

Except Trump. Trump s your faux exception to every rule. The man has you idiots scared to death.
1) Hunter is not President of the United States.
2) Hunter is not President of the United States.
3) Hillary is not President of the United States.
4) Hillary answered that...twice.
5) Same type of server that Trump kept. Hey how'd those emails get into Wikileaks hands so that they could meet about acquiring them at Trump Tower?
6) Who cares??? Obama isn't President of the United States.

The top of your head is an empty, lonely wasteland.
Trump and his EP is the issue. And he's got no standing.
The committee is going to see those records...and it won't paint a pretty picture.

1) Hunter has ties to the president, his father.
2) Hunter has ties to the president, his father.
3) HIllary was SECSTATE and wife of a POTUS. She was also the presidential nominee of the democrat party in 2016.
4) Hillary didn't answer anything.
5,) Trump wasn't SECSTATE when he had his private server. Trump also didn't disclose classified information like Hillary did.
6) Too funny, Trump isn't president of the United States. So why doesn't your honky lookin' ass leave him the fuck alone? So the left can go after former presidents but the right can't?
Is there a lucid response in that empty alt-right brain of yours Captain Cherry Picker?
Looks like your savior is worried about what might be contained in those communications he's
trying so hard block. Probably with good reason. Unfortunately, for him, he has no right to
EP. He ain't the President anymore.

Hint...he's all done. You can cross your fingers and hope as hard as you'd like.
But it ain't gonna happen. :)

No, shithead, there is a principle involved……..if Presidents can’t make decisions that are protected from witch hunts after they leave office you damage future President’s ability to do their fucking job……you moron.

This is nothing more than another fishing expedition by the left to try to find something, anything, to keep him from winning in 2024
1) Hunter has ties to the president, his father.
2) Hunter has ties to the president, his father.
3) HIllary was SECSTATE and wife of a POTUS. She was also the presidential nominee of the democrat party in 2016.
4) Hillary didn't answer anything.
5,) Trump wasn't SECSTATE when he had his private server. Trump also didn't disclose classified information like Hillary did.
6) Too funny, Trump isn't president of the United States. So why doesn't your honky lookin' ass leave him the fuck alone? So the left can go after former presidents but the right can't?
1) So? Trump's children had ties to their dad. Still didn't make a difference. They weren't President.
2) See Point #1.
3) She testified before a Congressional committee..for about 8 hours as I remembered..and answered every question they put to her. How many Benghazi hearings did Trey convene?
And BTW, that was more than I saw ANY member of Trump's administration do when they were called before Congress. They pussied out in large part.
4) She answered everything. Trey and his crew didn't like the answers. Tough shit.
5) I don't give a shit if he was the White House dog catcher. Good for one. Good for all.
6) Sorry, you don't get to claim that. And as a long as he continues to open his trap, we'll continue to kick him around.
I'd think long and hard on this one if I were the Democrats! You've got a President who by all appearances is being "managed" by aides. Normally all give and take between Biden and those aides would be protected by Executive Privilege and the public would have no insight into who was really calling the shots in this administration. Strip Trump of his Executive Privilege and you put Biden in the same situation in the future especially if the GOP wins back control of Congress. So let Adam Schiff have his fun, Kiddies but just remember...what goes around...comes around!

Yep……..they are really stupid……..President Trump or Desantis will use that precedent to go after President poopy pant’s handlers….
No, shithead, there is a principle involved……..if Presidents can’t make decisions that are protected from witch hunts after they leave office you damage future President’s ability to do their fucking job……you moron.

This is nothing more than another fishing expedition by the left to try to find something, anything, to keep him from winning in 2024
The documents in question have nothing to do with national security, Jim. He doesn't want them looked at because they'll paint a bad picture of him. Denting Republican chances in 2022 and
all but sinking his chances to run again in 2024. If this were just a fishing expedition, he wouldn't be making a ton of shit about this request. He'd be shrugging his shoulders and saying "go for it!".
The documents in question have nothing to do with national security, Jim. He doesn't want them looked at because they'll paint a bad picture of him. Denting Republican chances in 2022 and
all but sinking his chances to run again in 2024. If this were just a fishing expedition, he wouldn't be making a ton shit about this request. He'd be shrugging his shoulders and saying "go for it!".

It doesn’t matter you Moron…….Presidents need to be protected from post office witch hunts you idiot……leftist regimes use witch hunts like that, not representative republics….
It doesn’t matter you Moron…….Presidents need to be protected from post office witch hunts you idiot……leftist regimes use witch hunts like that, not representative republics….
Actually, it does. This isn't a witch hunt. If it were, he'd already be burned at the stake. He's on camera firing up the crowd at the Ellipse. His words are record.
If he has nothing to hide in those documents (which you and I both know he does), he has nothing to fear.

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