Does America Need Be Saved From Theocracy?

"B. So you're going to get Title II of the Civil Rights act repealed so bakers don't have to bake"...a cake

I sure hope you're right.....of course, unlike you, I don't believe in slavery.

Any normal person must laugh at the claims of the gay couple who were deprived of their cake:
"The lesbian couple had filed a claim with the state, stating that the Kleins’ refusal to bake them a cake had caused them to suffer from 88 symptoms of mental anguish including “doubt,” “surprise,” “uncertainty,” “worry” and a “dislike of going to work.”

....their case wasn’t even tried by a judge from the Oregon judiciary; it was tried by a bureaucrat from the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries, who ruled that the Kleins owed the lesbian couple, Rachel Cryer and Laurel Bowman, $135,000 in damages.

Although Rachel Cryer could have easily found another cake supplier, the Oregon government deemed it important to make an example of the Kleins.

According to the official catechism of the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries, a Christian couple’s right to religious freedom takes a backseat to a lesbian couple’s right to a cake."
What Will Happen to Religious Freedom?

Shall we review what 'rights' are in a free country?

Here is what ‘rights’ are.

  1. A right is something an individual has by virtue of being human.
    1. Human beings are the only entities that have rights.
  2. Rights belong to each human individually.
  3. Rights are exercised by individuals, and are not given nor ascribed by any person of group, especially governments.
  4. Rights are voluntary, in that individuals may choose whether to either exercise them or to ignore them.
  5. Individual cannot have a right that infringes upon or diminishes the rights of others.

6. To be clear, ‘benefits’ such as education, shelter, or a job require resources from somewhere else, and therefore, cannot be given or protected without restricting another’s right to the property of his hands or mind.

Why did you selectively edit the question? Title II of the Civil Rights Act does not require the Klein's bake a cake for gay people, local law does. You know, states rights stuff. Title II of the CRA "forces" people to make cakes for sinful interracial couples. Are you getting that repealed or not?

You ignored the key part of the post.....

Here is what ‘rights’ are.

  1. A right is something an individual has by virtue of being human.
    1. Human beings are the only entities that have rights.
  2. Rights belong to each human individually.
  3. Rights are exercised by individuals, and are not given nor ascribed by any person of group, especially governments.
  4. Rights are voluntary, in that individuals may choose whether to either exercise them or to ignore them.
  5. Individual cannot have a right that infringes upon or diminishes the rights of others.

6. To be clear, ‘benefits’ such as education, shelter, or a job require resources from somewhere else, and therefore, cannot be given or protected without restricting another’s right to the property of his hands or mind.

Any problem with the above?????

We have laws.

Your rights do not over rule the law.

You may have the right to bear arms but I have the right to ban them on my property.

There is a law that says you can't discriminate as a business, your right to hate gay people does not give you a pass.

Actually, hon, our rights DO overrule the law. That's kinda the point of rights . . . although I wouldn't expect a fascist, government-worshipping leftist drone like you to understand that.
In this USA the policy regarding laws and rights is from the philosophy of John Locke:
Locke’s claim is that individuals have a duty to respect the rights of others, even in the state of nature. The source of this duty, he says, is natural law.

If somebody puts their own rights above the law, they can take away your rights.

Let's review exactly what 'rights' are.

Here is what ‘rights’ are.
A right is something an individual has by virtue of being human.

1. Human beings are the only entities that have rights.

2. Rights belong to each human individually.

3. Rights are exercised by individuals, and are not given nor ascribed by any person of group, especially governments.

4. Rights are voluntary, in that individuals may choose whether to either exercise them or to ignore them.

5. Individual cannot have a right that infringes upon or diminishes the rights of others.

6. To be clear, ‘benefits’ such as education, shelter, or a job require resources from somewhere else, and therefore, cannot be given or protected without restricting another’s right to the property of his hands or mind.

Rights are given by our Creator, inalienable and supersede 'laws.'

So saith the Declaration of Independence, which refers to God five distinct times.
"every Christian Nation in Europe was happy to send volunteers to help the Nazis cleanse the world of the Jews. "

Where are you going with this, Joe?

I'm not going anywhere, just stating a fact. The Mail Order Bride from Hell keeps insisting that genocide is an atheist thing...The reality is, Christians happily put on their "Gott Mit Uns" belt buckles and did Hitler's bidding, and in every country they invaded, they found Christians who were happy to help.

The ironic thing is that most of the "Nazis" we catch nowadays are non-Germans who joined the SS. Germany granted all their citizens immunity from war crimes in the 1960's.


Their policies are exactly the same ones you Liberals endorse.

Your post is proof of rule #2.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.
Why did you selectively edit the question? Title II of the Civil Rights Act does not require the Klein's bake a cake for gay people, local law does. You know, states rights stuff. Title II of the CRA "forces" people to make cakes for sinful interracial couples. Are you getting that repealed or not?

You ignored the key part of the post.....

Here is what ‘rights’ are.

  1. A right is something an individual has by virtue of being human.
    1. Human beings are the only entities that have rights.
  2. Rights belong to each human individually.
  3. Rights are exercised by individuals, and are not given nor ascribed by any person of group, especially governments.
  4. Rights are voluntary, in that individuals may choose whether to either exercise them or to ignore them.
  5. Individual cannot have a right that infringes upon or diminishes the rights of others.

6. To be clear, ‘benefits’ such as education, shelter, or a job require resources from somewhere else, and therefore, cannot be given or protected without restricting another’s right to the property of his hands or mind.

Any problem with the above?????

We have laws.

Your rights do not over rule the law.

You may have the right to bear arms but I have the right to ban them on my property.

There is a law that says you can't discriminate as a business, your right to hate gay people does not give you a pass.

Actually, hon, our rights DO overrule the law. That's kinda the point of rights . . . although I wouldn't expect a fascist, government-worshipping leftist drone like you to understand that.
In this USA the policy regarding laws and rights is from the philosophy of John Locke:
Locke’s claim is that individuals have a duty to respect the rights of others, even in the state of nature. The source of this duty, he says, is natural law.

If somebody puts their own rights above the law, they can take away your rights.

Let's review exactly what 'rights' are.

Here is what ‘rights’ are.
A right is something an individual has by virtue of being human.

1. Human beings are the only entities that have rights.

2. Rights belong to each human individually.

3. Rights are exercised by individuals, and are not given nor ascribed by any person of group, especially governments.

4. Rights are voluntary, in that individuals may choose whether to either exercise them or to ignore them.

5. Individual cannot have a right that infringes upon or diminishes the rights of others.

6. To be clear, ‘benefits’ such as education, shelter, or a job require resources from somewhere else, and therefore, cannot be given or protected without restricting another’s right to the property of his hands or mind.

Rights are given by our Creator, inalienable and supersede 'laws.'

So saith the Declaration of Independence, which refers to God five distinct times.

So you do not have the right to discriminate. Thanks for clearing that up.
You ignored the key part of the post.....

Here is what ‘rights’ are.

  1. A right is something an individual has by virtue of being human.
    1. Human beings are the only entities that have rights.
  2. Rights belong to each human individually.
  3. Rights are exercised by individuals, and are not given nor ascribed by any person of group, especially governments.
  4. Rights are voluntary, in that individuals may choose whether to either exercise them or to ignore them.
  5. Individual cannot have a right that infringes upon or diminishes the rights of others.

6. To be clear, ‘benefits’ such as education, shelter, or a job require resources from somewhere else, and therefore, cannot be given or protected without restricting another’s right to the property of his hands or mind.

Any problem with the above?????

We have laws.

Your rights do not over rule the law.

You may have the right to bear arms but I have the right to ban them on my property.

There is a law that says you can't discriminate as a business, your right to hate gay people does not give you a pass.

Actually, hon, our rights DO overrule the law. That's kinda the point of rights . . . although I wouldn't expect a fascist, government-worshipping leftist drone like you to understand that.
Fuck off bigoted POS.

If you want to run a business, there are laws & regulations.

If you can't followed them, stay the fuck out.

It is that simple.

Keep working on overcoming that 'Voluntary Tourette's that you suffer from.
As you defend bigots, racists. liars, accused women assaulters, accused child rapists, and other deplorables. But OMG MG OMNG donl;t say a bad word. You voted for Trump, is there a bad word he has not said?

I never vote for Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

That was a Democrat creation.
"every Christian Nation in Europe was happy to send volunteers to help the Nazis cleanse the world of the Jews. "

Where are you going with this, Joe?

I'm not going anywhere, just stating a fact. The Mail Order Bride from Hell keeps insisting that genocide is an atheist thing...The reality is, Christians happily put on their "Gott Mit Uns" belt buckles and did Hitler's bidding, and in every country they invaded, they found Christians who were happy to help.

The ironic thing is that most of the "Nazis" we catch nowadays are non-Germans who joined the SS. Germany granted all their citizens immunity from war crimes in the 1960's.


Their policies are exactly the same ones you Liberals endorse.

Your post is proof of rule #2.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.
Your party welcomes neo Nazis & you call Democrats Nazis. You mean like that?
You ignored the key part of the post.....

Here is what ‘rights’ are.

  1. A right is something an individual has by virtue of being human.
    1. Human beings are the only entities that have rights.
  2. Rights belong to each human individually.
  3. Rights are exercised by individuals, and are not given nor ascribed by any person of group, especially governments.
  4. Rights are voluntary, in that individuals may choose whether to either exercise them or to ignore them.
  5. Individual cannot have a right that infringes upon or diminishes the rights of others.

6. To be clear, ‘benefits’ such as education, shelter, or a job require resources from somewhere else, and therefore, cannot be given or protected without restricting another’s right to the property of his hands or mind.

Any problem with the above?????

We have laws.

Your rights do not over rule the law.

You may have the right to bear arms but I have the right to ban them on my property.

There is a law that says you can't discriminate as a business, your right to hate gay people does not give you a pass.

Actually, hon, our rights DO overrule the law. That's kinda the point of rights . . . although I wouldn't expect a fascist, government-worshipping leftist drone like you to understand that.
In this USA the policy regarding laws and rights is from the philosophy of John Locke:
Locke’s claim is that individuals have a duty to respect the rights of others, even in the state of nature. The source of this duty, he says, is natural law.

If somebody puts their own rights above the law, they can take away your rights.

Let's review exactly what 'rights' are.

Here is what ‘rights’ are.
A right is something an individual has by virtue of being human.

1. Human beings are the only entities that have rights.

2. Rights belong to each human individually.

3. Rights are exercised by individuals, and are not given nor ascribed by any person of group, especially governments.

4. Rights are voluntary, in that individuals may choose whether to either exercise them or to ignore them.

5. Individual cannot have a right that infringes upon or diminishes the rights of others.

6. To be clear, ‘benefits’ such as education, shelter, or a job require resources from somewhere else, and therefore, cannot be given or protected without restricting another’s right to the property of his hands or mind.

Rights are given by our Creator, inalienable and supersede 'laws.'

So saith the Declaration of Independence, which refers to God five distinct times.

So you do not have the right to discriminate. Thanks for clearing that up.

There was no such reference.
"every Christian Nation in Europe was happy to send volunteers to help the Nazis cleanse the world of the Jews. "

Where are you going with this, Joe?

I'm not going anywhere, just stating a fact. The Mail Order Bride from Hell keeps insisting that genocide is an atheist thing...The reality is, Christians happily put on their "Gott Mit Uns" belt buckles and did Hitler's bidding, and in every country they invaded, they found Christians who were happy to help.

The ironic thing is that most of the "Nazis" we catch nowadays are non-Germans who joined the SS. Germany granted all their citizens immunity from war crimes in the 1960's.


Their policies are exactly the same ones you Liberals endorse.

Your post is proof of rule #2.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.
Your party welcomes neo Nazis & you call Democrats Nazis. You mean like that?

"Your party welcomes neo Nazis"

Link or lie.
Let's review exactly what 'rights' are.

Here is what ‘rights’ are.
A right is something an individual has by virtue of being human.

um. No.

There are no "rights", there are only privileges society had decided you have.

Any fool who thinks he has rights need to look up "Japanese Americans, 1942".

"There are no "rights", there are only privileges society had decided you have."

Exactly the view communism, fascism, Liberalism, Progressivism, and Nazism purvey.

And you.

The very opposite of the view of Americans.
Why did you selectively edit the question? Title II of the Civil Rights Act does not require the Klein's bake a cake for gay people, local law does. You know, states rights stuff. Title II of the CRA "forces" people to make cakes for sinful interracial couples. Are you getting that repealed or not?

You ignored the key part of the post.....

Here is what ‘rights’ are.

  1. A right is something an individual has by virtue of being human.
    1. Human beings are the only entities that have rights.
  2. Rights belong to each human individually.
  3. Rights are exercised by individuals, and are not given nor ascribed by any person of group, especially governments.
  4. Rights are voluntary, in that individuals may choose whether to either exercise them or to ignore them.
  5. Individual cannot have a right that infringes upon or diminishes the rights of others.

6. To be clear, ‘benefits’ such as education, shelter, or a job require resources from somewhere else, and therefore, cannot be given or protected without restricting another’s right to the property of his hands or mind.

Any problem with the above?????

We have laws.

Your rights do not over rule the law.

You may have the right to bear arms but I have the right to ban them on my property.

There is a law that says you can't discriminate as a business, your right to hate gay people does not give you a pass.

Actually, hon, our rights DO overrule the law. That's kinda the point of rights . . . although I wouldn't expect a fascist, government-worshipping leftist drone like you to understand that.
In this USA the policy regarding laws and rights is from the philosophy of John Locke:
Locke’s claim is that individuals have a duty to respect the rights of others, even in the state of nature. The source of this duty, he says, is natural law.

If somebody puts their own rights above the law, they can take away your rights.

Let's review exactly what 'rights' are.

Here is what ‘rights’ are.
A right is something an individual has by virtue of being human.

1. Human beings are the only entities that have rights.

2. Rights belong to each human individually.

3. Rights are exercised by individuals, and are not given nor ascribed by any person of group, especially governments.

4. Rights are voluntary, in that individuals may choose whether to either exercise them or to ignore them.

5. Individual cannot have a right that infringes upon or diminishes the rights of others.

6. To be clear, ‘benefits’ such as education, shelter, or a job require resources from somewhere else, and therefore, cannot be given or protected without restricting another’s right to the property of his hands or mind.

Rights are given by our Creator, inalienable and supersede 'laws.'

So saith the Declaration of Independence, which refers to God five distinct times.

"5. Individual cannot have a right that infringes upon or diminishes the rights of others."

so you support gay rights now?

"every Christian Nation in Europe was happy to send volunteers to help the Nazis cleanse the world of the Jews. "

Where are you going with this, Joe?

I'm not going anywhere, just stating a fact. The Mail Order Bride from Hell keeps insisting that genocide is an atheist thing...The reality is, Christians happily put on their "Gott Mit Uns" belt buckles and did Hitler's bidding, and in every country they invaded, they found Christians who were happy to help.

The ironic thing is that most of the "Nazis" we catch nowadays are non-Germans who joined the SS. Germany granted all their citizens immunity from war crimes in the 1960's.


Their policies are exactly the same ones you Liberals endorse.

Your post is proof of rule #2.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.
Your party welcomes neo Nazis & you call Democrats Nazis. You mean like that?

"Your party welcomes neo Nazis"

Link or lie.
Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country. The GOP is terrified.

Neo Nazis running as Republicans. Odd they would choose the Republican party instead of the Democrat party?

Was it because they knew which party held their supporters? you betcha.
You ignored the key part of the post.....

Here is what ‘rights’ are.

  1. A right is something an individual has by virtue of being human.
    1. Human beings are the only entities that have rights.
  2. Rights belong to each human individually.
  3. Rights are exercised by individuals, and are not given nor ascribed by any person of group, especially governments.
  4. Rights are voluntary, in that individuals may choose whether to either exercise them or to ignore them.
  5. Individual cannot have a right that infringes upon or diminishes the rights of others.

6. To be clear, ‘benefits’ such as education, shelter, or a job require resources from somewhere else, and therefore, cannot be given or protected without restricting another’s right to the property of his hands or mind.

Any problem with the above?????

We have laws.

Your rights do not over rule the law.

You may have the right to bear arms but I have the right to ban them on my property.

There is a law that says you can't discriminate as a business, your right to hate gay people does not give you a pass.

Actually, hon, our rights DO overrule the law. That's kinda the point of rights . . . although I wouldn't expect a fascist, government-worshipping leftist drone like you to understand that.
In this USA the policy regarding laws and rights is from the philosophy of John Locke:
Locke’s claim is that individuals have a duty to respect the rights of others, even in the state of nature. The source of this duty, he says, is natural law.

If somebody puts their own rights above the law, they can take away your rights.

Let's review exactly what 'rights' are.

Here is what ‘rights’ are.
A right is something an individual has by virtue of being human.

1. Human beings are the only entities that have rights.

2. Rights belong to each human individually.

3. Rights are exercised by individuals, and are not given nor ascribed by any person of group, especially governments.

4. Rights are voluntary, in that individuals may choose whether to either exercise them or to ignore them.

5. Individual cannot have a right that infringes upon or diminishes the rights of others.

6. To be clear, ‘benefits’ such as education, shelter, or a job require resources from somewhere else, and therefore, cannot be given or protected without restricting another’s right to the property of his hands or mind.

Rights are given by our Creator, inalienable and supersede 'laws.'

So saith the Declaration of Independence, which refers to God five distinct times.

"5. Individual cannot have a right that infringes upon or diminishes the rights of others."

so you support gay rights now?

What rights are those?
We have laws.

Your rights do not over rule the law.

You may have the right to bear arms but I have the right to ban them on my property.

There is a law that says you can't discriminate as a business, your right to hate gay people does not give you a pass.

Actually, hon, our rights DO overrule the law. That's kinda the point of rights . . . although I wouldn't expect a fascist, government-worshipping leftist drone like you to understand that.
In this USA the policy regarding laws and rights is from the philosophy of John Locke:
Locke’s claim is that individuals have a duty to respect the rights of others, even in the state of nature. The source of this duty, he says, is natural law.

If somebody puts their own rights above the law, they can take away your rights.

Let's review exactly what 'rights' are.

Here is what ‘rights’ are.
A right is something an individual has by virtue of being human.

1. Human beings are the only entities that have rights.

2. Rights belong to each human individually.

3. Rights are exercised by individuals, and are not given nor ascribed by any person of group, especially governments.

4. Rights are voluntary, in that individuals may choose whether to either exercise them or to ignore them.

5. Individual cannot have a right that infringes upon or diminishes the rights of others.

6. To be clear, ‘benefits’ such as education, shelter, or a job require resources from somewhere else, and therefore, cannot be given or protected without restricting another’s right to the property of his hands or mind.

Rights are given by our Creator, inalienable and supersede 'laws.'

So saith the Declaration of Independence, which refers to God five distinct times.

So you do not have the right to discriminate. Thanks for clearing that up.

There was no such reference.

Your entire BS relates to the cases where people use their religion as an excuse to discriminate.
"every Christian Nation in Europe was happy to send volunteers to help the Nazis cleanse the world of the Jews. "

Where are you going with this, Joe?

I'm not going anywhere, just stating a fact. The Mail Order Bride from Hell keeps insisting that genocide is an atheist thing...The reality is, Christians happily put on their "Gott Mit Uns" belt buckles and did Hitler's bidding, and in every country they invaded, they found Christians who were happy to help.

The ironic thing is that most of the "Nazis" we catch nowadays are non-Germans who joined the SS. Germany granted all their citizens immunity from war crimes in the 1960's.


Their policies are exactly the same ones you Liberals endorse.

Your post is proof of rule #2.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.
Your party welcomes neo Nazis & you call Democrats Nazis. You mean like that?

"Your party welcomes neo Nazis"

Link or lie.
Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country. The GOP is terrified.

Neo Nazis running as Republicans. Odd they would choose the Republican party instead of the Democrat party?

Was it because they knew which party held their supporters? you betcha.

Your claim was "Your party welcomes neo Nazis"

The link provides no basis for the claim. are advancing communists and socialists as candidates for President.
We have laws.

Your rights do not over rule the law.

You may have the right to bear arms but I have the right to ban them on my property.

There is a law that says you can't discriminate as a business, your right to hate gay people does not give you a pass.

Actually, hon, our rights DO overrule the law. That's kinda the point of rights . . . although I wouldn't expect a fascist, government-worshipping leftist drone like you to understand that.
In this USA the policy regarding laws and rights is from the philosophy of John Locke:
Locke’s claim is that individuals have a duty to respect the rights of others, even in the state of nature. The source of this duty, he says, is natural law.

If somebody puts their own rights above the law, they can take away your rights.

Let's review exactly what 'rights' are.

Here is what ‘rights’ are.
A right is something an individual has by virtue of being human.

1. Human beings are the only entities that have rights.

2. Rights belong to each human individually.

3. Rights are exercised by individuals, and are not given nor ascribed by any person of group, especially governments.

4. Rights are voluntary, in that individuals may choose whether to either exercise them or to ignore them.

5. Individual cannot have a right that infringes upon or diminishes the rights of others.

6. To be clear, ‘benefits’ such as education, shelter, or a job require resources from somewhere else, and therefore, cannot be given or protected without restricting another’s right to the property of his hands or mind.

Rights are given by our Creator, inalienable and supersede 'laws.'

So saith the Declaration of Independence, which refers to God five distinct times.

"5. Individual cannot have a right that infringes upon or diminishes the rights of others."

so you support gay rights now?

What rights are those?

"What rights are those?"

the right or privilege to marry
the right or privilege to not be beaten to death by conservatives
the right or privilege to NOT be discriminated against in business or society

the right or privilege to not have to worry about extremist lunatic evangelical christians like roy moore creating laws to criminalize gays.

Do you still have you "I VOTED FOR ROY MOORE" pin?
Actually, hon, our rights DO overrule the law. That's kinda the point of rights . . . although I wouldn't expect a fascist, government-worshipping leftist drone like you to understand that.
In this USA the policy regarding laws and rights is from the philosophy of John Locke:
Locke’s claim is that individuals have a duty to respect the rights of others, even in the state of nature. The source of this duty, he says, is natural law.

If somebody puts their own rights above the law, they can take away your rights.

Let's review exactly what 'rights' are.

Here is what ‘rights’ are.
A right is something an individual has by virtue of being human.

1. Human beings are the only entities that have rights.

2. Rights belong to each human individually.

3. Rights are exercised by individuals, and are not given nor ascribed by any person of group, especially governments.

4. Rights are voluntary, in that individuals may choose whether to either exercise them or to ignore them.

5. Individual cannot have a right that infringes upon or diminishes the rights of others.

6. To be clear, ‘benefits’ such as education, shelter, or a job require resources from somewhere else, and therefore, cannot be given or protected without restricting another’s right to the property of his hands or mind.

Rights are given by our Creator, inalienable and supersede 'laws.'

So saith the Declaration of Independence, which refers to God five distinct times.

So you do not have the right to discriminate. Thanks for clearing that up.

There was no such reference.

Your entire BS relates to the cases where people use their religion as an excuse to discriminate.

Everyone 'discriminates.'

I would never hang with some one like you....bets lots make that same decision.

It's called liberty.

Liberals/Democrat governance is based on two directives: ban or mandate.

No liberty in collectivism.

Your lesson for today:

The Founders, classical liberals, and conservatives:
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.


Communism, Nazism, Liberalism, socialism, Progressivism, and fascism.
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

" Franklin Roosevelt had pictured a place where citizens were joined in a collective enterprise ... Reagan pictured a more individualistic America where everyone would flourish once freed from the shackles of the state, and so the watchwords became self-reliance and small government."
The Liberal Crackup

As you have trouble understanding words, here is a pictorial representation:

Find the conservative in this sea of collectivists:

In this USA the policy regarding laws and rights is from the philosophy of John Locke:
Locke’s claim is that individuals have a duty to respect the rights of others, even in the state of nature. The source of this duty, he says, is natural law.

If somebody puts their own rights above the law, they can take away your rights.

Let's review exactly what 'rights' are.

Here is what ‘rights’ are.
A right is something an individual has by virtue of being human.

1. Human beings are the only entities that have rights.

2. Rights belong to each human individually.

3. Rights are exercised by individuals, and are not given nor ascribed by any person of group, especially governments.

4. Rights are voluntary, in that individuals may choose whether to either exercise them or to ignore them.

5. Individual cannot have a right that infringes upon or diminishes the rights of others.

6. To be clear, ‘benefits’ such as education, shelter, or a job require resources from somewhere else, and therefore, cannot be given or protected without restricting another’s right to the property of his hands or mind.

Rights are given by our Creator, inalienable and supersede 'laws.'

So saith the Declaration of Independence, which refers to God five distinct times.

So you do not have the right to discriminate. Thanks for clearing that up.

There was no such reference.

Your entire BS relates to the cases where people use their religion as an excuse to discriminate.

Everyone 'discriminates.'

I would never hang with some one like you....bets lots make that same decision.

It's called liberty.

Liberals/Democrat governance is based on two directives: ban or mandate.

No liberty in collectivism.

Your lesson for today:

The Founders, classical liberals, and conservatives:
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.


Communism, Nazism, Liberalism, socialism, Progressivism, and fascism.
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

" Franklin Roosevelt had pictured a place where citizens were joined in a collective enterprise ... Reagan pictured a more individualistic America where everyone would flourish once freed from the shackles of the state, and so the watchwords became self-reliance and small government."
The Liberal Crackup

As you have trouble understanding words, here is a pictorial representation:

Find the conservative in this sea of collectivists:


Not choosing people because of their actions is different from not choosing because because of their sexuality or race or ethnicity.

You would not allow mew because I say bad words. I would not include you because you are a liar.

When you choose not to give medication because a person is a homosexual., then it is discrimination
I'm not going anywhere, just stating a fact. The Mail Order Bride from Hell keeps insisting that genocide is an atheist thing...The reality is, Christians happily put on their "Gott Mit Uns" belt buckles and did Hitler's bidding, and in every country they invaded, they found Christians who were happy to help.

The ironic thing is that most of the "Nazis" we catch nowadays are non-Germans who joined the SS. Germany granted all their citizens immunity from war crimes in the 1960's.


Their policies are exactly the same ones you Liberals endorse.

Your post is proof of rule #2.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.
Your party welcomes neo Nazis & you call Democrats Nazis. You mean like that?

"Your party welcomes neo Nazis"

Link or lie.
Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country. The GOP is terrified.

Neo Nazis running as Republicans. Odd they would choose the Republican party instead of the Democrat party?

Was it because they knew which party held their supporters? you betcha.

Your claim was "Your party welcomes neo Nazis"

The link provides no basis for the claim. are advancing communists and socialists as candidates for President.

My link clearly said neo nazis are running as Republicans.

Why would they run as Republicans if there were not a lot of neo nazis in that party.


Quit lying all the time.

Their policies are exactly the same ones you Liberals endorse.

Your post is proof of rule #2.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.
Your party welcomes neo Nazis & you call Democrats Nazis. You mean like that?

"Your party welcomes neo Nazis"

Link or lie.
Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country. The GOP is terrified.

Neo Nazis running as Republicans. Odd they would choose the Republican party instead of the Democrat party?

Was it because they knew which party held their supporters? you betcha.

Your claim was "Your party welcomes neo Nazis"

The link provides no basis for the claim. are advancing communists and socialists as candidates for President.

My link clearly said neo nazis are running as Republicans.

Why would they run as Republicans if there were not a lot of neo nazis in that party.


Quit lying all the time.

unfortunately, it is NOT a lie if you BELIEVE IT!

she believes every lunacy she vomits.

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