does anybody care if they are labelled a racist !!!

I was called racist just because I said I thought anyone on welfare should be drug tested. I said ANYONE, I don't care what color you are. My last employer was called racist for firing a black employee who lied about his driving record, the employer had also fired a white guy for the same thing. They had both said they had clean driving records, when the corporate office found out they both had violations, they were fired, which was clearly stated on their applications.
A neighbor of mine was called a racist for complaining to the apartment complex management that another tenant did not leash their dog, which attacked his dog. The owner of the unleashed dog is black. The complaint was dismissed. So it worked. He can go through small claims court to get his vet bills back but the accusation of racism will still be made. Only a RACIST would complain about a dog attack.
The question is "Do I care if I am labeled as a racist?" Not really. There are socioeconomic differences between many people, most of the poorer ones being non-white. Do I keep that in mind whenever I am in an urban area? You betcha. I also think some races are more intelligent (generally speaking) than others. Gasp!
No race is somehow genetically more intelligent than another. Individuals might be more or less intelligent than other individuals but it has nothing to do with some racial predisposition.
No race is somehow genetically more intelligent than another. Individuals might be more or less intelligent than other individuals but it has nothing to do with some racial predisposition.
bullshit !!! the average iq for blacks is the lowest of all races regardless of their economic background !!!:cool:
Is it genetic? We wouldn't know unless we removed low iq black babies from poor black families and raised them in a different environment. We don't do that.

If what you say is true, then bi-racial children would be more intelligent than children with two black parents. We know that's not true.
Is it genetic? We wouldn't know unless we removed low iq black babies from poor black families and raised them in a different environment. We don't do that.

If what you say is true, then bi-racial children would be more intelligent than children with two black parents. We know that's not true.
oohhh yes they are !!! and lighter skinned blacks have higher iq scores than darker blacks !!!
Is it genetic? We wouldn't know unless we removed low iq black babies from poor black families and raised them in a different environment. We don't do that.

If what you say is true, then bi-racial children would be more intelligent than children with two black parents. We know that's not true.
oohhh yes they are !!! and lighter skinned blacks have higher iq scores than darker blacks !!!

This is pretty much what cause the Hutu Tutsi war and destroyed Rwanda!

Okay, I have to take you seriously. You are referring to The Bell Curve which determined that human beings were breeding for stupidity rather than intelligence. Given that, if a low IQ white person and a low IQ black person had a baby, would that child have a higher or lower IQ than a child born to either black or white parents both of whom had a low IQ?
with the left tagging everyone who disagrees with their policies a racist,and pulling the race card every time someone disagrees with a left wing minority have they unintentionally rendered the word racist meaningless ??? has anyone on this board ever been called racist for something that has nothing to with racism ?? if so please explain why you were labelled a racist and by whom ...:doubt:
You're quite right. The words racist and racism have been so over-used their meanings are thoroughly diluted. I once heard a Black girl on a radio call-in talk show say her father is ". . . racist against cats."

If a dozen randomly selected Americans are asked what the words racism and racist mean there likely will be eleven different answers.

I've been labeled a racist and an anti-Semite by many Internet forum participants who simply cannot accept that I dislike them as individuals.
NO! I don't care if I am labeled a racist! The word has lost it's venom....
No race is somehow genetically more intelligent than another. Individuals might be more or less intelligent than other individuals but it has nothing to do with some racial predisposition.
bullshit !!! the average iq for blacks is the lowest of all races regardless of their economic background !!!:cool:

I'd say the lowest IQs belong to racists.
No race is somehow genetically more intelligent than another. Individuals might be more or less intelligent than other individuals but it has nothing to do with some racial predisposition.
bullshit !!! the average iq for blacks is the lowest of all races regardless of their economic background !!!:cool:

I'd say the lowest IQs belong to racists.
soooo blacks are racist !!:eusa_eh:
I'd say the lowest IQs belong to racists.
soooo blacks are racist !!:eusa_eh:
Some are. So are some whites. So are some Asians. So are some everybody.

What do they all have in common?

They're stupid.

If you're feeling your toes stepped on -- good.
absolutely not !!! i like all races except one !!! to me facts are important ,truth is important ,and to recognize that one minority is more trouble,and do more overall harm than good while at the same time they blame whites for their weaknesses and infidelities is good common sense !!!
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with the left tagging everyone who disagrees with their policies a racist,and pulling the race card every time someone disagrees with a left wing minority have they unintentionally rendered the word racist meaningless ??? has anyone on this board ever been called racist for something that has nothing to with racism ?? if so please explain why you were labelled a racist and by whom ...:doubt:

Butthurt much?
with the left tagging everyone who disagrees with their policies a racist,and pulling the race card every time someone disagrees with a left wing minority have they unintentionally rendered the word racist meaningless ??? has anyone on this board ever been called racist for something that has nothing to with racism ?? if so please explain why you were labelled a racist and by whom ...:doubt:

Butthurt much?
nope !! you see i am not a victim !!! i don't fit the victim profile !!! so i have no fear of you or your kind !! i know without government assistance and bleeding heart white communist you are nothing !!!
Uncle Ferd says here inna South...

... if dey don't call ya a racist...

... ever'body thinks yer one o' dem gay lib'rals.

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