Does anyone believe the Feds will limit spending on EV charging stations to $7.5 billion dollars?

I live next to a national park...they installed a solar panel powered charging station for the Ranger EV's...but they don't have EV's at that ranger the rangers use it to park a tractor and roll their waste bin onto it...not to mention in order for the solar panels to work they must be in the sunlight...but they built it under a grove of trees.....your tax dollars at work....Lets Go Brandon....
Cool story, bro.
What the so-called Infrastructure bill does is open the spicket on spending, it DOES NOT mean that is the limit on the spending. Does anyone believe the Feds can populate every major highway in the US with EV charging stations for $7.5 billion dollars? They'll run out of money and say "We ran into some problems and only finished 3 highways. Let's vote to get more money because it's for the people!"

The setup here is to start the process of us taxpayers buying EVs for "the poor".
The map showing charging stations isn't accurately telling the story. There are far too many in my area at least to be shown. It's more like each dot on the map represents about ten.
But government wants to be involved

Maybe they will give a percentage of the charging stations to uneducated black people or illegal aliens that are at a disadvantage in the marketplace
Something that I haven't seen addressed is metal thieves. Over the past twenty years in CA, metal thefts of traffic signal wiring has been rampant. One example, Invisible culprit of traffic gridlock: copper thieves What do they figure is going to happen to all of those charging stations filled with unattended copper?
The map showing charging stations isn't accurately telling the story. There are far too many in my area at least to be shown. It's more like each dot on the map represents about ten.
What area of the US is that, lying moron. Your experiences in Canada are irrelevant to this conversation.
What the so-called Infrastructure bill does is open the spicket on spending, it DOES NOT mean that is the limit on the spending. Does anyone believe the Feds can populate every major highway in the US with EV charging stations for $7.5 billion dollars? They'll run out of money and say "We ran into some problems and only finished 3 highways. Let's vote to get more money because it's for the people!"

Everything they does cost three times what they say it will, but you can bet when it comes to their own personal
bank accounts they are misers... no doubt.
It's easy to be open ended with free money.
Is the government going into the ev charging station business or will libs like algore get a big subsidy and the windfall profits?
None of the above. You seem to be anti government and out of touch with the future. Sad.
Logical fallacy, ^^^; Slippery slope argument.

View attachment 562531
The above are Tesla charging stations, below are all the stations for all EC in the US and Canada:

There are American producers, and there are just as many Canadian and Australian producers. Lithium is found in North America and Australia, and I don't know the extent found in China but there is no reason to import from there.
Yeah you would think, huh? Believe me, it would be China, they are in the top 4 producers of lithium. We aren't even close in production.
Yeah the number is laughably low.
It would easily cost somewhere in the area of 50 billion. A single charging station runs about $15,000. To wire it up install it and activate it another $5k to $7k. To Have any type of effective installation you would need at least two dozen charging stations probably more like five dozen. By the time you were done building this place the installation of a single stop with an adequate number of charging stations is going to run roughly about 10 million dollars...


7.5x10^9/ 10x10^6 = 750.....

Way below the minimum amount needed for a full transition by five fold anyway


The idea that no solution exists never occurs to you, and that is sad.
Something that I haven't seen addressed is metal thieves. Over the past twenty years in CA, metal thefts of traffic signal wiring has been rampant. One example, Invisible culprit of traffic gridlock: copper thieves What do they figure is going to happen to all of those charging stations filled with unattended copper?
Knowing libs I suspect they will follow the example of marxist china and put cameras everywhere

Of course they wont punish anyone if they catch them
The idea that no solution exists never occurs to you, and that is sad.
Hell there are 150,000 fueling stations currently in service in the United States.

The EV fueling station would have to be much larger because the dwell time is up to 2 hours. It wouldn't be unimaginable to need up to 200 stations per stop to have an effective refueling station unless somehow you could reduce the refueling time to under 5 minutes... Highly doubtful.
Mind you this would only service the same number of vehicles that are already being serviced by the 150,000 stations that are out there now who deal with as few as six fuel pumps per station. The number would be more like $7.5 trillion imo to be effective.
There are American producers, and there are just as many Canadian and Australian producers. Lithium is found in North America and Australia, and I don't know the extent found in China but there is no reason to import from there.
Check this out, the Lithium and the Salton Sea:

Hell there are 150,000 fueling stations currently in service in the United States.

The EV fueling station would have to be much larger because the dwell time is up to 2 hours. It wouldn't be unimaginable to need up to 200 stations per stop to have an effective refueling station unless somehow you could reduce the refueling time to under 5 minutes... Highly doubtful.
Mind you this would only service the same number of vehicles that are already being serviced by the 150,000 stations that are out there now who deal with as few as six fuel pumps per station. The number would be more like $7.5 trillion imo to be effective.
We have two EC's, and charge both cars in our garage using the low solar cost of power from panels on our roof***. In fact we have yet to pay more than $5/mo on our PG&E bill. Charging the cars during low cost hours, over night or on week ends sure beats going to gas stations for fuel, and changing oil and needing tune-ups is gone.

***The power generated during the daylight hours goes to PG&E which they sell at peak times, and return our energy at low peak times.
Actually, for that money, I estimate they should be able to install about as many EV charging stations as we currently have gas pumps. The question is, why do we need all of them when EV cars only amount to a tiny fraction of all vehicles on the road?

The bigger question is how much will it cost to upgrade the electric grid to support all of the additional demand? Electricity doesn't grow on trees, and to support all of that added current draw, many new transformers will have to be installed, perhaps many new substations, not to mention the building of perhaps many new additional power plants.

And where will these new plants get their power? Coal? Dwindling rivers? Nuclear?
Nuclear would be the way to go since it is carbon free, but the Left hates nuclear. That right there tells me they don't really believe carbon emissions are destroying the earth. But they will keep pushing their non carbon energy scam for other reasons, like control over every aspect of everyone's life.

So after they poo poo nuclear energy, all that is left are things like wind and solar which cannot meet the energy demands of the nation.

Like California, they will simply destroy access to energy like we see those in California often sit in the dark without electricity, or Texas where they freeze to death relying on wind.

But those instances will be accounted as acceptable by the Left as they will no doubt outlaw gas burning cars and force us all to buy electric. Whether there are sufficient power stations is nonconsequential.

And the GOP will go along with it all like we see them go along with Biden and his "infrastructure" scam.
Nuclear would be the way to go since it is carbon free, but the Left hates nuclear.
Nuclear fission has the problem of waste disposal.

All that is left are things like wind and solar which cannot meet the energy demands of the nation.
In theory they could if a big enough solar farm were built in Nevada and a big enough wind farm built in the Dakotas. Any chance such projects are in our infrastructure bill?

Like California, they will simply destroy access to energy like we see those in California often sit in the dark without electricity, or Texas where they freeze to death relying on wind.
Without a doubt, Joe's green new energy and EV cars will GREATLY increase the cost of energy and transportation while limiting its access at a time when our country can least afford it. It would seem the Dems put priority of both the European hegemony over that of Americans and the ideals of a perfect world over the concrete needs of actual living people.

How many millions of people will these ideas kill in search of their perfect environmental utopias?

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