Zone1 Does anyone else here believe (as I do) that ALL who ever lived will live forever with God in his kingdom?

Godless lib no-fault insurance for the unrepentant?
I've said no such thing. I've repeatedly said that wicked people are held accountable and are sent to the LOF. You have been told that such people are stuck there forever and I'm showing you scriptures that demonstrate that to be untrue.
I've said no such thing. I've repeatedly said that wicked people are held accountable and are sent to the LOF. You have been told that such people are stuck there forever and I'm showing you scriptures that demonstrate that to be untrue.
That ain't none of my business, and I ain't the one to judge.
I've said no such thing. I've repeatedly said that wicked people are held accountable and are sent to the LOF. You have been told that such people are stuck there forever and I'm showing you scriptures that demonstrate that to be untrue.
And I keep telling you if thats what you believe go for it

But thats a very risky bet
Then why are you participating in this discussion?
Oh, you want me to tell you fuck the hell off with your nonsense, huh? Consider it done! :p

Lemme tell you something, dumbass, you ain't the judge either.

The difference between me and you is I know my role and I'm no pretentious shitbag.

It ain't my place to judge ary another human being.
This is what I get for sharing pearls with pigs.

Matthew 7:6
6 “Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you".
Mistranslation. Here is a correct translation.

Revelation 20:10 CLNT
10 And the Adversary who is deceiving them was cast into the lake of fire and sulphur, where the wild beast and where the false prophet are also. And they shall be tormented day and night for the eons of the eons.
Eons ~ a period of time.
So you'll know what God meant, He clarified. He said Satan will be there forever and ever. He doubled down on the forever part.
Forever and ever means for all future time. Just the opposite of a period of time.

Here is forever and ever, being defined by using a synonym:
These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.

If you can't marry eon with eternal, if you can't interchange them, without changing the gist of the verse, then you have chosen the wrong definition to hang your belief on. If you can't substitute everlasting and forever and ever, with eons without changing the essence of the statement, then your definition doesn't fit the narrative.

God~ I have loved you with an everlasting love
Will He love you forever and ever, or for a while?

ote that you can interchange eternal, everlasting and forever and ever and not change the concept of the verse. Because they all mean never ending.

What you won't find in the Bible is Christ and Satan hanging out later on...
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How can people believe in a supreme being that does not have characteristics greater than those it created?
Most Christians reject that belief, in spite of the strong biblical argument for universal reconciliation. Do you share my belief? If not, why not?

Er... no.

All who ever lived, so every earth worm, every virus, and imagine the life there could be in the universe. God would literally spend his whole time babysitting
Are you aware that Satan will be locked away after Christ's return to Earth? Are you aware that a millennium later Satan "must" be released? Why will God release Satan?
It's pretty clear by the Scriptures (you do read the entire chapter, right?) that Satan is released for one final push to separate the followers of God from those who refuse to follow Him and to prove once and for all that mankind has true free will. Even when Satan is unable to work against God, some will STILL choose to rebel.

As for Satan's ultimate end, read the chapter. Revelation 20:

10 The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where[b] the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever

Now, given what Scripture says, from whence do you get the idea that Satan will ultimately be redeemed? Remember, words mean things, and "forever and ever" doesn't mean "for a while".
I encourage you to read the chapter in its entirety. The Apostle Paul describes how Jesus rules the kingdom until all of his "enemies" are "under his feet", which means following and serving Jesus. Thereafter, Jesus will give the completed kingdom to God the Father, who will be "ALL IN ALL".

So, yes, all will be alive, well, and worshipping God in his kingdom. You, me, everybody!

Here is a link to 1 Corinthians 15, from where the verse you discussed is from.

I've read the chapter many, many times. Just because Jesus subjugates all under his rule does not infer that they are all in the kingdom of heaven. God even rules over those who go into outer darkness. He rules over all whether they be in the kingdom of heaven or in a lower kingdom of glory.

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