Zone1 Does anyone else here believe (as I do) that ALL who ever lived will live forever with God in his kingdom?

Well then that is yet another view of yours that is not standard Christian teaching. You are completely ignoring free will. In fact, you're sounding like a Calvinist.

I already answered your "what happens after unbelievers die" question.

Look, again, believe what you want. But these are YOUR ideas, so again don't act as if they are commonly accepted Christian doctrines, because they are certainly not.

You're so emotional that a rational, honest, discussion is not possible with you.

Lol, how fitting..
I didn't make it up my brother. God says all will be saved.

1 Corinthians 15:22​

English Standard Version​

22 For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.
This verse tells us that all mankind who have come to this earth will be resurrected. The resurrection will come upon all mankind. However, this verse does not imply that all mankind will enter into the kingdom of heaven.
You're so emotional that a rational, honest, discussion is not possible with you.

That post was not emotional, in fact it was calm. You just didn't like that I said your view is not standard Christian doctrine, so I think you're projecting again.

I already said that I'm done with this conversation. At least for now. Especially when you get dishonest, or twist things, which you have done more than once. So again, I'll let others reply to you. It was time for me to pass the baton anyway, as I have other things to do that are more pressing than chasing after all the balls you're throwing my way and twisting things.
This verse tells us that all mankind who have come to this earth will be resurrected. The resurrection will come upon all mankind. However, this verse does not imply that all mankind will enter into the kingdom of heaven.
I encourage you to read the chapter in its entirety. The Apostle Paul describes how Jesus rules the kingdom until all of his "enemies" are "under his feet", which means following and serving Jesus. Thereafter, Jesus will give the completed kingdom to God the Father, who will be "ALL IN ALL".

So, yes, all will be alive, well, and worshipping God in his kingdom. You, me, everybody!

Here is a link to 1 Corinthians 15, from where the verse you discussed is from.

It's not about me being right but about God's word being right.
All of His words...
If you are correct about the Lake of Fire being temporary, then there are scriptures I have to scratch out in my Bible. The same with my dictionary.
Your premise that eternity doesn't mean forever is incorrect. The Bible made sure we wouldn't misconstrue what He means. The Bible always explains itself.
Here are 3 descriptions God used to explain the length of time Satan will spend in the LOF:
1. eternal ~ lasting forever
2. everlasting ~ lasting forever
3. forever ~ for all future time

If you are correct, what do I do with this scripture:

and the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever

According to you, I need to scratch that out and replace it with, temporarily.

If you are right, then Christ is a liar...
and the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever
Mistranslation. Here is a correct translation.

Revelation 20:10 CLNT
10 And the Adversary who is deceiving them was cast into the lake of fire and sulphur, where the wild beast and where the false prophet are also. And they shall be tormented day and night for the eons of the eons.
Well, ya never know..:dunno::

Know that I've never done anything super bad and I've done a lot of crazy good in my life, but ya just never know.
I've done some mediocre bad things, too. It just is what it is.
I'm accepting whatever Heavenly Father bestows upon me with gratitude, don't care! :D
Well, God forgave David for murder. I think you're ok on the sin meter. But it's not like that.
If you accept the gift Christ gave us when He hung on that cross and paid for our sins, (not it part, but the whole) then you have NO sin. You are clothed in the blood of the Lamb who took your sins and nailed them to His cross and your Father doesn't even remember them.

When you accept Christ your name is written in the Book of Life. Your seat at God's table is secured.
See ya there!
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If you are correct about the Lake of Fire being temporary, then there are scriptures I have to scratch out in my Bible.
Faulty translations lead to faulty doctrines. Most English Bible translations have significant translational errors.
Well, God forgave David for murder. I think you're ok on the sin meter. But it's not like that.
If you accept the gift Christ gave us when He hung on that cross and paid for our sins, (not it part, bit the whole) then you have NO sin. You are clothed in the blood of the Lamb who took your sin and nailed them to His cross and your Father doesn't even remember them.

When you accept Christ your name is written in the Book of Life. Your seat at God's table is secured.
See ya there!
That sure would be nice, I'll pass you the gravy! :D

Oh, my faith is real.

We'll see how it goes in the end. :dunno:

Thanks. That translation is wrong. I shared the correct translation a few posts above.
Why bother?

You can believe whatever you wish
Why is it upsetting to you that God loves all people and that he will have mercy on all people by healing and saving them?

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