Does anyone find these statues offensive?

just statues, many many statues, wonderful gift from France, beautiful art work, ones you would never know who the person was unless you read the name, and reading the name may awaken an interest in what this person did, and lead you to learn some thing about history. and that's a good thing
just statues, many many statues, wonderful gift from France, beautiful art work, ones you would never know who the person was unless you read the name, and reading the name may awaken an interest in what this person did, and lead you to learn some thing about history. and that's a good thing

But what you don't see is Democrats desperately trying to forget their own past. They believe that if they can't see the reminders, it never happened, therefore freeing them the guilt of their own political heritage.

It's called "selective recollection".
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Here's a question you won't answer honestly.

Do you object to local municipal governments deciding what statues appear in the public parks or on other city property?
just statues, many many statues, wonderful gift from France, beautiful art work, ones you would never know who the person was unless you read the name, and reading the name may awaken an interest in what this person did, and lead you to learn some thing about history. and that's a good thing

But what you don't see is Democrats desperately trying to forget their own past. They believe that if they can't see the reminders, it never happened, therefore freeing them the guilt of their own political heritage.

It's called "selective recollection".

If your great grandfather was a serial killer, how much of his guilt transfers to you?
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Joseph Stalin in Bedford, Virginia...


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They are offensive, the one in Seattle is looked on as a joke, it came from Russia. There are very few people who take these statues seriously. If they were taken down, very few, if any would care.
What is scary is the number of citizens believe in the principles of the south in the civil war and are protesting the statues being taken down.
The good thing is the fight for the south civil war statues are bringing the rats out of their holes for all to see.
The white supremacists are being seen for what they are. They will be chased back into their holes by the vast majority of Americans not tolerating them and their ideas.

Just because you want to retain a part of American history, doesn't mean that your a "white supremacist". If we don't remember the past, we will repeat it over again. Would you also advocate that Jewish Holocaust museums be taken down?

The left's insatiable hunger for destroying remnants of America's past, is no better than ISIS destroying historical artifacts in the Middle East.
Holocaust museums do not glorify the Holocaust. The statues south civil war heroes glorify them and the cause. We do not want to glorify a group who wanted to tear the union apart in the name of slavery.
Why should any American have cared if some states wanted to leave? The Constitution certainly didn't preclude it. The constitution also didn't outlaw slavery. So both your excuses have no basis in our founding document.
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Joseph Stalin in Bedford, Virginia...


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You alt-righer and net-flakes are such cry babys.

None of those statues represent Americans who committed treason.

Russians want to celebrate their history and heritage and those communities are fine with it.

The communities removing civil war traitors have decided what they want -- get over it and stay the f___ out of their business.

Get over it.

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All in the US...

Joseph Stalin in Bedford, Virginia...


Vladimir Lenin in Atlantic City, NJ, New York City, and Seattle, Washington...



They are offensive, the one in Seattle is looked on as a joke, it came from Russia. There are very few people who take these statues seriously. If they were taken down, very few, if any would care.
What is scary is the number of citizens believe in the principles of the south in the civil war and are protesting the statues being taken down.
The good thing is the fight for the south civil war statues are bringing the rats out of their holes for all to see.
The white supremacists are being seen for what they are. They will be chased back into their holes by the vast majority of Americans not tolerating them and their ideas.

Just because you want to retain a part of American history, doesn't mean that your a "white supremacist". If we don't remember the past, we will repeat it over again. Would you also advocate that Jewish Holocaust museums be taken down?

The left's insatiable hunger for destroying remnants of America's past, is no better than ISIS destroying historical artifacts in the Middle East.
Holocaust museums do not glorify the Holocaust. The statues south civil war heroes glorify them and the cause. We do not want to glorify a group who wanted to tear the union apart in the name of slavery.
And Lincoln? An absolute racist to American Indians everywhere
He was a white supremacist. He didn't give a damn about the slaves.

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If they are grandfathered in from the 20th century or earlier I find them to be kind of quirky and amusing. When the left coast starts erecting modern bronzes of socialist icons I find it quirky but not so amusing.
All in the US...

Joseph Stalin in Bedford, Virginia...


Vladimir Lenin in Atlantic City, NJ, New York City, and Seattle, Washington...




Pathetic to watch the Left defend these statues as champions of the Worker. What the Left will NOT tell you is that the men depicted in these statues murdered "workers" who did not support them AND Donald Trump earned the worker vote in 2016 while Hillary Clinton took the worker vote for granted.
Socialist leaders have killed more than anybody in history… Fact
All in the US...

Joseph Stalin in Bedford, Virginia...


Vladimir Lenin in Atlantic City, NJ, New York City, and Seattle, Washington...




You alt-righer and net-flakes are such cry babys.

None of those statues represent Americans who committed treason.

Russians want to celebrate their history and heritage and those communities are fine with it.

The communities removing civil war traitors have decided what they want -- get over it and stay the f___ out of their business.

Get over it.

No, they represent people who MURDERED tens of millions of their own citizens. Must be why you like them so much.
Okay. The question was, do you find the statues offensive? To which I replied, no.

I don't have any control over what other people think about the statues.

A man who is offended by nothing stands for nothing.

I stand for the ability, and the freedom, of an artist to offend you.

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