Does anyone have a problem with America becoming a spanish nation?

Yes, it is a "dumb" posting.

There is essentially NO "Spanish" influence in this country. Spain is a proud country on its own, and there are very few Spanish immigrants here.

To lump a dozen diverse cultures and ethnicities together as though they were unified and uniform because they spoke Spanish in their countries of origin is insipid and stupid. Cubans are not like Puerto Ricans, who are not like Mexicans, who are not like Salvadorans, who are not like Guatemalans, etc., etc.

If you are speaking about the SPANISH LANGUAGE, yes it is becoming more prominent every day in our country, which in itself is not a problem. If more Americans spoke Spanish - or ANY foreign language - it would have a beneficial effect, simply because language impacts the way you think, and thinking a slightly different way is enhancing.

No, the problem is that we have millions of Spanish speaking people in this country who pretty much DEMAND that American accommodate their unwillingness to learn our language. If I moved to Russia, I certainly wouldn't expect Russians to learn English so that they could converse with me. I would have to learn Russian, and as quickly as possible. But people come here from certain Spanish speaking countries and demand that OUR GOVERNMENT provide them with written materials and in-person assistance IN SPANISH, which is bullshit.

Senator Hayakawa of Hawaii proposed several decades ago that we pass a Constitutional Amendment making English the official language of the U.S. He was laughed out of town. "There is no reason for that!" he was told.

Now look what we have: Millions of voting Americans who can't understand a political campaign speech.

It is fucking deplorable, and I deplore it.

Anyone that thinks it is just about 'language' have disqullified themselves from this discussion.

You should be reported for disrupting the thread.

Now.....come on folks.....I know there are a few intelligent people on this board.....where are they?
I sure as fuck do! Because every Spanish-speaking country is a massively corrupt, murder-saturated, disease-ridden, 3rd-world, semi-literate, FAILED SHITHOLE and there is NOTHING about that horrible Spanish empire that is to be emulated!

Always good to see someone who knows whats what.
There is a point to be made. The countries that were founded by SPAIN largely devolved into shit-holes. The countries founded by British and French thrived.

Why? Because the Spaniards were not looking to settle here and make a life in the New World. They came here to PLUNDER the New World and get rich, bringing gold back home to Spain. It's a whole different mentality, and we see the results of it today, 4-500 years later.

Good point....and a case can be made that a lot of these illegals streaming in here have the same mind set as the Spainards of old.....conquer and plunder and send the money back to their multitude of relatives in the old country.

I should also make clear that I do like Mexicans.....the problem as I see it though....we are letting far too many in here. I would have no problem with guest passes to allow some of them come up to work in situations like farming or anywhere else that Americans refuse to work....they should not be allowed to come up here and take good paying jobs that Americans would like to have.

Now this scenario we are facing of unlimited illegals storming in a complex topic...many different levels to it and very likely tooooo complex for the average poster on this I ask those who really have nothing to contribute or are here just to disrupt and name call please leave the room and let the more qualified discuss this problem in a logical and intelligent manner. Thank-you.

Let me throw one more thing in here.....some obviously do not believe White Americans should look out for their best in they perceive that as racism.....I say it is way overtime for White Americans....and most especialy White Working Class Americans to stand up and demand representation for themselves and their interests. White Working Class Americans have not had any real representation in Washington since the democratic party abandoned them decades ago and became a party of by and for the they Africans, Mexicans, or who or long as they are not White.

Thus the racism thing can be slung back and forth....but nothing will be accomplished by doing that....Whites have as much right to look after their own as any other group....yet their opponents try and make them feel guilty for looking out for their own....and they have succeeded beyond their wildest imaginations. Aka...way toooo many white folk are saturated with white guilt....especially in the world of Academia.
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What would life be like in America if we become a predominantly spanish people?

Well...I think a good place to find out would be to visit a few spanish reason to believe there would be much difference here if once they become the majority population and are able to control the organs of power

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart
If they wanted America to be like a Spanish country, wouldn't they have just stayed home?

This has to be the dumbest post of the day.
Just what is so dumb about it?

Are you serious?
Yup. You want to tell me why if people wanted to live in a Spanish country they would LEAVE a Spanish country and move to a foreign country instead?

Merci, Merci it is rather funny but also sad to see someone so simple-simple minded.

Anyhow...I will explain just for you....theiy come up here for a better life, higher wages, a chance and opportunity to be able not only to feed their children but to be a able to send money back home to help their relatives back there. etc.etc.etc. and so on and so I do not begrude them their desire to better themselves or their is a admirable thing for any human being to want to improve and help their families....yet...I do not think Americans should be obligated to sacrifice for them to the detriment of our own is human nature to want the best for your children....but it is not a good thing for the host country when giving aid to millions of these folks will harm not only our own families but in the long run our nation as well.....we simply cannot allow all the unhappy and misfortunate people in the world to come to America....despite what the liberal politicians preach.....essentially erase our borders and allow anyone to come here that can somehow sneak in here.
If they wanted America to be like a Spanish country, wouldn't they have just stayed home?

This has to be the dumbest post of the day.
Just what is so dumb about it?

Are you serious?
Yup. You want to tell me why if people wanted to live in a Spanish country they would LEAVE a Spanish country and move to a foreign country instead?

Merci, Merci it is rather funny but also sad to see someone so simple-simple minded.

Anyhow...I will explain just for you....theiy come up here for a better life, higher wages, a chance and opportunity to be able not only to feed their children but to be a able to send money back home to help their relatives back there. etc.etc.etc. and so on and so I do not begrude them their desire to better themselves or their is a admirable thing for any human being to want to improve and help their families....yet...I do not think Americans should be obligated to sacrifice for them to the detriment of our own is human nature to want the best for your children....but it is not a good thing for the host country when giving aid to millions of these folks will harm not only our own families but in the long run our nation as well.....we simply cannot allow all the unhappy and misfortunate people in the world to come to America....despite what the liberal politicians preach.....essentially erase our borders and allow anyone to come here that can somehow sneak in here.
You better tell that to the capitalist cause they don't give a shit about yer concerns or desires you are nothing to them and their bottom line.
This has to be the dumbest post of the day.
Just what is so dumb about it?

Are you serious?
Yup. You want to tell me why if people wanted to live in a Spanish country they would LEAVE a Spanish country and move to a foreign country instead?

Merci, Merci it is rather funny but also sad to see someone so simple-simple minded.

Anyhow...I will explain just for you....theiy come up here for a better life, higher wages, a chance and opportunity to be able not only to feed their children but to be a able to send money back home to help their relatives back there. etc.etc.etc. and so on and so I do not begrude them their desire to better themselves or their is a admirable thing for any human being to want to improve and help their families....yet...I do not think Americans should be obligated to sacrifice for them to the detriment of our own is human nature to want the best for your children....but it is not a good thing for the host country when giving aid to millions of these folks will harm not only our own families but in the long run our nation as well.....we simply cannot allow all the unhappy and misfortunate people in the world to come to America....despite what the liberal politicians preach.....essentially erase our borders and allow anyone to come here that can somehow sneak in here.
You better tell that to the capitalist cause they don't give a shit about yer concerns or desires you are nothing to them and their bottom line.

Well, sadly in too many cases that is correct.....but they have gotten away with that due to politics.....before the democratic party transitioned to looking after minorities they did stand up for the White Working Class....decades ago.

However, no matter how bad captiaism may be in certain cases it still beats to hell socialism,marxism and communism.
Just what is so dumb about it?

Are you serious?
Yup. You want to tell me why if people wanted to live in a Spanish country they would LEAVE a Spanish country and move to a foreign country instead?

Merci, Merci it is rather funny but also sad to see someone so simple-simple minded.

Anyhow...I will explain just for you....theiy come up here for a better life, higher wages, a chance and opportunity to be able not only to feed their children but to be a able to send money back home to help their relatives back there. etc.etc.etc. and so on and so I do not begrude them their desire to better themselves or their is a admirable thing for any human being to want to improve and help their families....yet...I do not think Americans should be obligated to sacrifice for them to the detriment of our own is human nature to want the best for your children....but it is not a good thing for the host country when giving aid to millions of these folks will harm not only our own families but in the long run our nation as well.....we simply cannot allow all the unhappy and misfortunate people in the world to come to America....despite what the liberal politicians preach.....essentially erase our borders and allow anyone to come here that can somehow sneak in here.
You better tell that to the capitalist cause they don't give a shit about yer concerns or desires you are nothing to them and their bottom line.

Well, sadly in too many cases that is correct.....but they have gotten away with that due to politics.....before the democratic party transitioned to looking after minorities they did stand up for the White Working Class....decades ago.

However, no matter how bad captiaism may be in certain cases it still beats to hell socialism,marxism and communism.
You have to be the most iconic idot it to think that just the dems dabble in it..
and one of my other reasons for disliking or disdaining 'spain' is because they were 'muslim' dhimmis' in 'andulus' or 'spain' for about 1400 years until 'spain and portugal' kicked them out right around 1492 . And the 'muslims' think that they still own 'spain' .
A welfare Spanish State.

No doubt many see it that way.....too many want free stuff....we have lost the old American Work back in the day most thought it demeaning to take charity...back then Americans had a dim view of those who would not work and believe that someone else should take care of them...essentialy the 'beggar' philosopy ...o look at poor me....someone please help me...and please overlook that fact that I am able to work.

Charity has its place...and charity work should be done by charities and the churches....not the Federal Government.
does 'spain' operate under the 'napleonic code ?? If so , I think that that code is ' Guilty till proven' innocent . Just a question .
Are you serious?
Yup. You want to tell me why if people wanted to live in a Spanish country they would LEAVE a Spanish country and move to a foreign country instead?

Merci, Merci it is rather funny but also sad to see someone so simple-simple minded.

Anyhow...I will explain just for you....theiy come up here for a better life, higher wages, a chance and opportunity to be able not only to feed their children but to be a able to send money back home to help their relatives back there. etc.etc.etc. and so on and so I do not begrude them their desire to better themselves or their is a admirable thing for any human being to want to improve and help their families....yet...I do not think Americans should be obligated to sacrifice for them to the detriment of our own is human nature to want the best for your children....but it is not a good thing for the host country when giving aid to millions of these folks will harm not only our own families but in the long run our nation as well.....we simply cannot allow all the unhappy and misfortunate people in the world to come to America....despite what the liberal politicians preach.....essentially erase our borders and allow anyone to come here that can somehow sneak in here.
You better tell that to the capitalist cause they don't give a shit about yer concerns or desires you are nothing to them and their bottom line.

Well, sadly in too many cases that is correct.....but they have gotten away with that due to politics.....before the democratic party transitioned to looking after minorities they did stand up for the White Working Class....decades ago.

However, no matter how bad captiaism may be in certain cases it still beats to hell socialism,marxism and communism.
You have to be the most iconic idot it to think that just the dems dabble in it..

What I am saying and what I have said is that democratic party politics have enabled it....sure a lot of Rich Capitalists are Republicans who have no problem with treating their workers unfairly....they are known as establishment republicans.

Anyhow, I am not republican and I have no love for the traditional Republican Party....the party of the rich as it was known for a long time and correctly so.

We now have a new day in the Republican Party the establishment elements have been defeated......we have a President who is essentially a populist and un-abashedly pro in America First....if given the needed support he can transform America as in....Make America Great Again.

His state of the union message was the greatest speech by any American Politician in modern times.
What would life be like in America if we become a predominantly spanish people?

Well...I think a good place to find out would be to visit a few spanish reason to believe there would be much difference here if once they become the majority population and are able to control the organs of power

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart

The illegal immigration issue shows us a couple of things
One, the Democrats need to import uneducated anti-American voters to stay in power
Two, the Democrats regard Anglo voters to be their opposition
What would life be like in America if we become a predominantly spanish people?

Well...I think a good place to find out would be to visit a few spanish reason to believe there would be much difference here if once they become the majority population and are able to control the organs of power

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart

Yeah, uneducated.

Spanish, Hispanic, Spain, Mexico, all the same place. :(

You know, most everyone has had their turn. If you were born 2000 years before Christ you'd want to be born in Egypt. At the Time of Christ, Rome, 750 years later Central America or Persia, 1000 AD China, the U.S. looks pretty good right now.
A welfare Spanish State.

No doubt many see it that way.....too many want free stuff....we have lost the old American Work back in the day most thought it demeaning to take charity...back then Americans had a dim view of those who would not work and believe that someone else should take care of them...essentialy the 'beggar' philosopy ...o look at poor me....someone please help me...and please overlook that fact that I am able to work.

Charity has its place...and charity work should be done by charities and the churches....not the Federal Government.

Those "Spanish" assholes turned California into a shithole with the nation's most poverty, most debt worst schools and a tremendous lost of personal liberty.

California use to be very prosperous but the flood of Illegals has ruined the state. Turned it to a Socialist shithole.

That is what will happen to all of th US if we allow those bastards to flood in here.

They fucked up their own countries and now they want to fuck up ours after raiding our wealth for their welfare. Stupid Liberals will give them the keys to the Sanctuary cities.
and one of my other reasons for disliking or disdaining 'spain' is because they were 'muslim' dhimmis' in 'andulus' or 'spain' for about 1400 years until 'spain and portugal' kicked them out right around 1492 . And the 'muslims' think that they still own 'spain' .

The muslims own Europe....that is becoming clearer every day.

We think we have problems here with immigrants....theirs is much least most Mexicans are hard working decent people....not dedicated to killing unbelievers.
living in S.California for as long as i have i am quite used to brown people......but then they think i am one of them so i get accepted...
This has to be the dumbest post of the day.
Just what is so dumb about it?

Are you serious?
Yup. You want to tell me why if people wanted to live in a Spanish country they would LEAVE a Spanish country and move to a foreign country instead?

Merci, Merci it is rather funny but also sad to see someone so simple-simple minded.

Anyhow...I will explain just for you....theiy come up here for a better life, higher wages, a chance and opportunity to be able not only to feed their children but to be a able to send money back home to help their relatives back there. etc.etc.etc. and so on and so I do not begrude them their desire to better themselves or their is a admirable thing for any human being to want to improve and help their families....yet...I do not think Americans should be obligated to sacrifice for them to the detriment of our own is human nature to want the best for your children....but it is not a good thing for the host country when giving aid to millions of these folks will harm not only our own families but in the long run our nation as well.....we simply cannot allow all the unhappy and misfortunate people in the world to come to America....despite what the liberal politicians preach.....essentially erase our borders and allow anyone to come here that can somehow sneak in here.
You better tell that to the capitalist cause they don't give a shit about yer concerns or desires you are nothing to them and their bottom line.

As a Capitalist I approve this message.
A welfare Spanish State.

No doubt many see it that way.....too many want free stuff....we have lost the old American Work back in the day most thought it demeaning to take charity...back then Americans had a dim view of those who would not work and believe that someone else should take care of them...essentialy the 'beggar' philosopy ...o look at poor me....someone please help me...and please overlook that fact that I am able to work.

Charity has its place...and charity work should be done by charities and the churches....not the Federal Government.

Those "Spanish" assholes turned California into a shithole with the nation's most poverty, most debt worst schools and a tremendous lost of personal liberty.

California use to be very prosperous but the flood of Illegals has ruined the state. Turned it to a Socialist shithole.

That is what will happen to all of th US if we allow those bastards to flood in here.

They fucked up their own countries and now they want to fuck up ours after raiding our wealth for their welfare. Stupid Liberals will give them the keys to the Sanctuary cities.

Let us face it...liberals will not be happy until America is pre-dominantly a Nation of people who are not white....liberals being obsessed with white guilt feel they must destroy America in order to save it....they may very well destroy it....but what they will be left with they cannot see and will not see until it is too late to do anything about it....they will be like that American Muslim woman who left America and went over and joined up with she says.......I MADE A BIG MISTAKE.... and she wants to come back to America.

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