Does anyone really believe all races are equal?

To begin with each race has it's strengths and weakness...much like people in general...some have great talents, some lesser ones. Some people are very intelligent and vice versa. Some people are violent in nature and others very peaceful..etc.etc. and so on and so forth.

But why does our government insist everyone believe that all races are equal? Why are our school children indoctrinated with this fallacious belief so early in their lives?

We all know or should know that not even siblings are equal...that is just life...why try to deny what nature has created.? Why do some believe that race should be entirely eliminated by cross breeding and thus destroy what nature took millions of years to create?....does not the thought ever come to the minds of these folks that Mother Nature might know something we do not? Yet many of these people who have no problem with destroying some human race say we should protect endangered species of animals...are not humans more important than animals? What is going on here...has our government gone mad?

We know that some nations have a long history of success...and others of failure. Yet we are taught to believe that the failures are equal to those with hundreds of years of progress and scientific advancement and so forth?

Can anyone explain why it is so important that we must accept the idea that all are equal...when anyone with just a tad of common sense knows that is not true?

Why Have We Unlearned What We Knew in 1900? - American Renaissance

Identity politics is a two way street, remember that. Why would you ally your thoughts with the radical left in classifying millions and millions of people by their immutable characteristics? We (the human race all) are individual people FIRST, before being members of any group. To hell with trying to divide and lump people in groups and claim they've all the same capabilities based on skin color. Do that, and you're serving the same ideological masters as those you purport to despise.

Who said all people have the same capabilities...or that all races have the same capabilities for that matter.?...I think perhaps maybe I did not make myself clear enough.

However, I do think each race has certain characteristics as in the Asians have high i.q.'s, the Jews have the highest I.Q.'s etc.
No. Anyone who does is a fool.

No doubt....but do they really believe it or do they just go along to get along?
Of course it is go along to get along. What do you think has caused such a drop in standards (education)? What do you think the impetus is for racially competitive hiring practices? Who do you think are pushing these policies?

Please, look at history.
Not all races are equal in everything. No two persons are equal in everything. We are diverse but all humans have equal unalieable birth rights.

Mort said that?


Seems like some guy said that before me. Some guy who was prominent american leader. I didnt know this, though, but I agree with him. I said that without knowing that he did.

I seem to remember my history teacher saying that what the fellow(I think his name was Tom or Thomas something like that) really meant that is that we are all equal before the law.
Yeap..sure's them genetics that's a MFer.
No. Anyone who does is a fool.

No doubt....but do they really believe it or do they just go along to get along?
Of course it is go along to get along. What do you think has caused such a drop in standards (education)? What do you think the impetus is for racially competitive hiring practices? Who do you think are pushing these policies?

Please, look at history.
Not all races are equal in everything. No two persons are equal in everything. We are diverse but all humans have equal unalieable birth rights.

Mort said that?


Seems like some guy said that before me. Some guy who was prominent american leader. I didnt know this, though, but I agree with him. I said that without knowing that he did.

I seem to remember my history teacher saying that what the fellow(I think his name was Tom or Thomas something like that) really meant that is that we are all equal before the law.
Yeap..sure's them genetics that's a MFer.

Mother nature gave us all genes....I say mother nature to avoid getting into a religious debate....anyhow...everthing is relative...genes no doubt determine human potential...but in the outback of Australia....which is more important i.q. or a ability to be able to survive in a very harsh climate.

Or another way to look at it...if we all had a i.q. of 165 who would do the work that nobody wants to do if they can avoid it aka field work, hauling garbage etc.

Society cannot survive without a division of labor...if you know what that term means.
To begin with each race has it's strengths and weakness...much like people in general...some have great talents, some lesser ones. Some people are very intelligent and vice versa. Some people are violent in nature and others very peaceful..etc.etc. and so on and so forth.

But why does our government insist everyone believe that all races are equal? Why are our school children indoctrinated with this fallacious belief so early in their lives?

We all know or should know that not even siblings are equal...that is just life...why try to deny what nature has created.? Why do some believe that race should be entirely eliminated by cross breeding and thus destroy what nature took millions of years to create?....does not the thought ever come to the minds of these folks that Mother Nature might know something we do not? Yet many of these people who have no problem with destroying some human race say we should protect endangered species of animals...are not humans more important than animals? What is going on here...has our government gone mad?

We know that some nations have a long history of success...and others of failure. Yet we are taught to believe that the failures are equal to those with hundreds of years of progress and scientific advancement and so forth?

Can anyone explain why it is so important that we must accept the idea that all are equal...when anyone with just a tad of common sense knows that is not true?

Why Have We Unlearned What We Knew in 1900? - American Renaissance

Identity politics is a two way street, remember that. Why would you ally your thoughts with the radical left in classifying millions and millions of people by their immutable characteristics? We (the human race all) are individual people FIRST, before being members of any group. To hell with trying to divide and lump people in groups and claim they've all the same capabilities based on skin color. Do that, and you're serving the same ideological masters as those you purport to despise.

Who said all people have the same capabilities...or that all races have the same capabilities for that matter....I think perhaps maybe I did not make myself clear enough.

However, I do think each race has certain characteristics as in the Asians have high i.q.'s, the Jews have the highest I.Q.'s etc.

Society must focus on the individual as an individual human being with unique capabilities/personalities/etc. rather that treat each person as a member of some hive mind based on immutable characteristic. You don't want to go down the road of racial superiority or inferiority. Human history has been there, done that on far too many occasions. Seeing a person first as some racial group is bullshit. Trust me, I despise radical Leftism and the carnage the modern Democratic Party has forced on our nation and its culture. However, to see only race, from either side of the ideological aisle, is to fail civilization colossally. Thus saying, "all of______ race are one thing or all of _______ race are another" is tantamount to consideration of social solutions based on race. Have we not learned where that road leads?
To begin with each race has it's strengths and weakness...much like people in general...some have great talents, some lesser ones. Some people are very intelligent and vice versa. Some people are violent in nature and others very peaceful..etc.etc. and so on and so forth.

But why does our government insist everyone believe that all races are equal? Why are our school children indoctrinated with this fallacious belief so early in their lives?

We all know or should know that not even siblings are equal...that is just life...why try to deny what nature has created.? Why do some believe that race should be entirely eliminated by cross breeding and thus destroy what nature took millions of years to create?....does not the thought ever come to the minds of these folks that Mother Nature might know something we do not? Yet many of these people who have no problem with destroying some human race say we should protect endangered species of animals...are not humans more important than animals? What is going on here...has our government gone mad?

We know that some nations have a long history of success...and others of failure. Yet we are taught to believe that the failures are equal to those with hundreds of years of progress and scientific advancement and so forth?

Can anyone explain why it is so important that we must accept the idea that all are equal...when anyone with just a tad of common sense knows that is not true?

Why Have We Unlearned What We Knew in 1900? - American Renaissance

Identity politics is a two way street, remember that. Why would you ally your thoughts with the radical left in classifying millions and millions of people by their immutable characteristics? We (the human race all) are individual people FIRST, before being members of any group. To hell with trying to divide and lump people in groups and claim they've all the same capabilities based on skin color. Do that, and you're serving the same ideological masters as those you purport to despise.

Who said all people have the same capabilities...or that all races have the same capabilities for that matter....I think perhaps maybe I did not make myself clear enough.

However, I do think each race has certain characteristics as in the Asians have high i.q.'s, the Jews have the highest I.Q.'s etc.

Society must focus on the individual as an individual human being with unique capabilities/personalities/etc. rather that treat each person as a member of some hive mind based on immutable characteristic. You don't want to go down the road of racial superiority or inferiority. Human history has been there, done that on far too many occasions. Seeing a person first as some racial group is bullshit. Trust me, I despise radical Leftism and the carnage the modern Democratic Party has forced on our nation and its culture. However, to see only race, from either side of the ideological aisle, is to fail civilization colossally. Thus saying, "all of______ race are one thing or all of _______ race are another" is tantamount to consideration of social solutions based on race. Have we not learned where that road leads?

I think there is a lot of coinfusion on the subject.

One big problem is the academians in their ivory towers trying to dictate what the common folk should believe,how they should live etc. Academics in general is a bunch of b.s.

The politicians, the academians, the elitists tell the common folk that their kids must go to school with a certain class because everyone is eqaual or woids to that effect. but these same folk send their kids to private all white schools.

Can anyone say hypocrites?

Anyhow you are talking in very general terms....I want to get in --as real as possible.

To begin with most of us are part not only of a certain race but of a certain culture, a certain religion and have some kind of spiritual identity with certain core deny that to any individual creates someone adrift, without roots, no identity to speak of and no core beliefs to fall back on in times of diversity--what is referred to as
.....such folks cause a lot of problems. Culture is very,very important

Does America really want diversity?

Do Americans Really Want Diversity? - American Renaissance
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Let me begin by saying you are an idiot.

It is preposterous to argue that one race is superior to another. If that is the case, than the most superior is the Chinese, and we should surrender now. The computer or tablet you are sitting before now, could not exist without processes and devices invented and developed by Black Men and Women. But that doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface.

During World War II, tables were provided to the soldiers to help them determine how to aim their cannon, based upon the flight of the artillery shell. Those tables were made by gifted mathematicians, women all, the weaker, dumber, sex. At least that was what the fools in charge believed.

A little more than a decade later, women mathematicians were the ones calculating out the NASA rocket flights. Moreover, they were Horrors, Black women. The Horror. The Horror.

The argument that one race is somehow predisposed to corruption because there is a long history of corruption is crap. It is a learned response more than a genetic response. As they grew up, they learned by watching the corrupt go before them. Just as you somehow learned this insane notion of superiority of race, they learned that the test of power, was how much money you could get, by hook or crook.

The Aztec, uncivilized barbarians, had a very advanced calendar, and a disturbing habit of sacrificing people for various reasons. The Polynesian people sailed across the Pacific, while your White Ancestors were afraid to go out of sight of the shore for fear of falling off the edge of the world.

When you stop thinking of this planet as we’re better, and it’s us versus them, and you start to think about what is really happening, and what has really happened in the past, you can see that mankind has done some impressive things. Pyramids in Egypt, The Wall in China, along with amazing art and architecture.

It is a Chinese General, Sun Tzu, that is studied around the world. The Indians, or Native Americans, if you prefer, lived in harmony with their territory. Hunting only what they needed, and thinning the Forrest to bring more ability to hunt to the area. Moving on to allow an area to recover from the hunting. Instead of hunting animals in the area to extinction.

Persians developed trousers, while Whites were wearing Toga’s or Kilt’s. The finest steel was Japanese, a true engineering masterpiece.

Yet it is the White who pronounces loudly and often the superiority of their race, because they stuck Cannon on ships and set forth with the message for the rest of the world. We own you.

Pfui. The Cannon were Chinese first.

The lesson you should get from history is that individuals have strengths, no matter where they come from. No matter their background, no matter their race. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is a brilliant scientist, and is black. A racist like you, is a moron, despite being white. Now, unless you are going to postulate that Whites are Morons, and the Blacks are superior, there is no way to explain it. Or you could accept the truth.

Each individual has strengths, and weaknesses, regardless of race. And the Genetic predisposition is nonsense.
To begin with each race has it's strengths and weakness...much like people in general...some have great talents, some lesser ones. Some people are very intelligent and vice versa. Some people are violent in nature and others very peaceful..etc.etc. and so on and so forth.

But why does our government insist everyone believe that all races are equal? Why are our school children indoctrinated with this fallacious belief so early in their lives?

We all know or should know that not even siblings are equal...that is just life...why try to deny what nature has created.? Why do some believe that race should be entirely eliminated by cross breeding and thus destroy what nature took millions of years to create?....does not the thought ever come to the minds of these folks that Mother Nature might know something we do not? Yet many of these people who have no problem with destroying some human race say we should protect endangered species of animals...are not humans more important than animals? What is going on here...has our government gone mad?

We know that some nations have a long history of success...and others of failure. Yet we are taught to believe that the failures are equal to those with hundreds of years of progress and scientific advancement and so forth?

Can anyone explain why it is so important that we must accept the idea that all are equal...when anyone with just a tad of common sense knows that is not true?

Why Have We Unlearned What We Knew in 1900? - American Renaissance

The obvious answer is they are NOT. Why would they be? There are 7500 varieties of apple. They are all apples. But are they the same? Personally, I prefer the Gala apple. But would any thinking person claim that a Granny Smith is the same as a Red Delicious? Or a Cortland or Pink Lady?

As with apples, different races developed on different parts of the globe under different conditions with different environments and cultures. A Chinese does not look like an American Indian as they do not look like a Sudanese or Russian or Japanese or East Indian or Norwegian. If developing in different parts of the world can have so pronounced effect on our skin color, eyes, hair, body, speech and culture, it is insanity to think it does not also affect our physical abilities, mental patterns, and other subtle things!

Just as we breed different horses and dogs each for different tasks, nature breeds us each differently so that we all have different strengths and weaknesses in individual ways as well. It is utter foolishness to try to claim otherwise.
To begin with each race has it's strengths and weakness...much like people in general...some have great talents, some lesser ones. Some people are very intelligent and vice versa. Some people are violent in nature and others very peaceful..etc.etc. and so on and so forth.

But why does our government insist everyone believe that all races are equal? Why are our school children indoctrinated with this fallacious belief so early in their lives?

We all know or should know that not even siblings are equal...that is just life...why try to deny what nature has created.? Why do some believe that race should be entirely eliminated by cross breeding and thus destroy what nature took millions of years to create?....does not the thought ever come to the minds of these folks that Mother Nature might know something we do not? Yet many of these people who have no problem with destroying some human race say we should protect endangered species of animals...are not humans more important than animals? What is going on here...has our government gone mad?

We know that some nations have a long history of success...and others of failure. Yet we are taught to believe that the failures are equal to those with hundreds of years of progress and scientific advancement and so forth?

Can anyone explain why it is so important that we must accept the idea that all are equal...when anyone with just a tad of common sense knows that is not true?

Why Have We Unlearned What We Knew in 1900? - American Renaissance

The obvious answer is they are NOT. Why would they be? There are 7500 varieties of apple. They are all apples. But are they the same? Personally, I prefer the Gala apple. But would any thinking person claim that a Granny Smith is the same as a Red Delicious? Or a Cortland or Pink Lady?

As with apples, different races developed on different parts of the globe under different conditions with different environments and cultures. A Chinese does not look like an American Indian as they do not look like a Sudanese or Russian or Japanese or East Indian or Norwegian. If developing in different parts of the world can have so pronounced effect on our skin color, eyes, hair, body, speech and culture, it is insanity to think it does not also affect our physical abilities, mental patterns, and other subtle things!

Just as we breed different horses and dogs each for different tasks, nature breeds us each differently so that we all have different strengths and weaknesses in individual ways as well. It is utter foolishness to try to claim otherwise.

Excellent analysis....I could not have put it better myself. hehheh
To begin with each race has it's strengths and weakness...much like people in general...some have great talents, some lesser ones. Some people are very intelligent and vice versa. Some people are violent in nature and others very peaceful..etc.etc. and so on and so forth.

But why does our government insist everyone believe that all races are equal? Why are our school children indoctrinated with this fallacious belief so early in their lives?

We all know or should know that not even siblings are equal...that is just life...why try to deny what nature has created.? Why do some believe that race should be entirely eliminated by cross breeding and thus destroy what nature took millions of years to create?....does not the thought ever come to the minds of these folks that Mother Nature might know something we do not? Yet many of these people who have no problem with destroying some human race say we should protect endangered species of animals...are not humans more important than animals? What is going on here...has our government gone mad?

We know that some nations have a long history of success...and others of failure. Yet we are taught to believe that the failures are equal to those with hundreds of years of progress and scientific advancement and so forth?

Can anyone explain why it is so important that we must accept the idea that all are equal...when anyone with just a tad of common sense knows that is not true?

Why Have We Unlearned What We Knew in 1900? - American Renaissance

The obvious answer is they are NOT. Why would they be? There are 7500 varieties of apple. They are all apples. But are they the same? Personally, I prefer the Gala apple. But would any thinking person claim that a Granny Smith is the same as a Red Delicious? Or a Cortland or Pink Lady?

As with apples, different races developed on different parts of the globe under different conditions with different environments and cultures. A Chinese does not look like an American Indian as they do not look like a Sudanese or Russian or Japanese or East Indian or Norwegian. If developing in different parts of the world can have so pronounced effect on our skin color, eyes, hair, body, speech and culture, it is insanity to think it does not also affect our physical abilities, mental patterns, and other subtle things!

Just as we breed different horses and dogs each for different tasks, nature breeds us each differently so that we all have different strengths and weaknesses in individual ways as well. It is utter foolishness to try to claim otherwise.

Excellent analysis....I could not have put it better myself. hehheh

I think it is utter foolishness for governments to try and negate what it took mother nature millions of years to create. All these race mixers are getting involved in something that not even science knows the full ramifications of.

Even if there were no dysgenic effects from race mixing, for society large scale race mixing may still cause problems, due to factors such as the appearance of new mixed race groups that may feel more or less alienated from their ancestral races. This may increase the ethnic heterogeneity in a society and associated negative societal effects.

The biggest problem that comes from race mixing is genetic incompatibility. I will give a few examples of known genetic incompatibilities, problems suggested to be due to incompatibilities, and theoretical [but so large it's not possible to quantify] examples to explain observations.

"Genes do not work in isolation" Over many thousand years the races developed genes that code for polypeptides that code proteins that interact with other proteins and compounds in the body. These interactions are often between fully compatible compounds, and efficiency is lost if these compounds are not fully compatible. Your parents both have thousand of interacting compounds that over thousands of years have been selected because they were present in that population. Race mixing breaks up these collections of alleles that work together to make compatible traits. Through the long periods of isolation that our ancestors went through, those with the best matched alleles were most reproductively successful and thus these alleles that don't work well with that race's genome were eliminated, but in other races that may not have been so. In my opinion there is nothing much more selfish and destructive when choosing a mate to knowingly picksomeone with a high possibility of genetic incompatibility, possibly subjecting your future children to a life of genetic abnormalities and mixmatched genes.
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Let me begin by saying you are an idiot.

It is preposterous to argue that one race is superior to another. If that is the case, than the most superior is the Chinese, and we should surrender now. The computer or tablet you are sitting before now, could not exist without processes and devices invented and developed by Black Men and Women. But that doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface.

During World War II, tables were provided to the soldiers to help them determine how to aim their cannon, based upon the flight of the artillery shell. Those tables were made by gifted mathematicians, women all, the weaker, dumber, sex. At least that was what the fools in charge believed.

A little more than a decade later, women mathematicians were the ones calculating out the NASA rocket flights. Moreover, they were Horrors, Black women. The Horror. The Horror.

The argument that one race is somehow predisposed to corruption because there is a long history of corruption is crap. It is a learned response more than a genetic response. As they grew up, they learned by watching the corrupt go before them. Just as you somehow learned this insane notion of superiority of race, they learned that the test of power, was how much money you could get, by hook or crook.

The Aztec, uncivilized barbarians, had a very advanced calendar, and a disturbing habit of sacrificing people for various reasons. The Polynesian people sailed across the Pacific, while your White Ancestors were afraid to go out of sight of the shore for fear of falling off the edge of the world.

When you stop thinking of this planet as we’re better, and it’s us versus them, and you start to think about what is really happening, and what has really happened in the past, you can see that mankind has done some impressive things. Pyramids in Egypt, The Wall in China, along with amazing art and architecture.

It is a Chinese General, Sun Tzu, that is studied around the world. The Indians, or Native Americans, if you prefer, lived in harmony with their territory. Hunting only what they needed, and thinning the Forrest to bring more ability to hunt to the area. Moving on to allow an area to recover from the hunting. Instead of hunting animals in the area to extinction.

Persians developed trousers, while Whites were wearing Toga’s or Kilt’s. The finest steel was Japanese, a true engineering masterpiece.

Yet it is the White who pronounces loudly and often the superiority of their race, because they stuck Cannon on ships and set forth with the message for the rest of the world. We own you.

Pfui. The Cannon were Chinese first.

The lesson you should get from history is that individuals have strengths, no matter where they come from. No matter their background, no matter their race. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is a brilliant scientist, and is black. A racist like you, is a moron, despite being white. Now, unless you are going to postulate that Whites are Morons, and the Blacks are superior, there is no way to explain it. Or you could accept the truth.

Each individual has strengths, and weaknesses, regardless of race. And the Genetic predisposition is nonsense.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa how pathetic boyo.

Anyhow....did I say any one particular race is superior?

What I am saying is that all the races are very different from each other.

One may prefer a particular race for a lot of reasons none of which have to mean that race is superior.

Superiority is really irrelevant...what is important is the differences as Abraham Lincoln pointed out long ago....people were much more intelligent back then.

Lets get real boyo...what have the negroes invented beyond peanut butter? I am jus axin...I am sure you know...please enlighten us. hehheh

And then...and then.....he brings women into the who said anything about women?

I hear liberals talking about 'superiority' more than anyone...though they are very coinfused about it. Although that does not stop them from claiming they are 'morally superior'. But if you want to discuss 'superiority' I have no problem with that....just tell us what you mean by would you define it? I mean since you are so concerned about must have some ideas on it.

You mention the great accomplishments of just about every race except the white race....are you prejudiced?

Irregardless you are too emotional to be able to discuss things intelligently...we might could have had a productive discussion but you are obviously on a very emotional mission...aka to vent your anger.
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Let me begin by saying you are an idiot.

It is preposterous to argue that one race is superior to another. If that is the case, than the most superior is the Chinese, and we should surrender now. The computer or tablet you are sitting before now, could not exist without processes and devices invented and developed by Black Men and Women. But that doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface.

During World War II, tables were provided to the soldiers to help them determine how to aim their cannon, based upon the flight of the artillery shell. Those tables were made by gifted mathematicians, women all, the weaker, dumber, sex. At least that was what the fools in charge believed.

A little more than a decade later, women mathematicians were the ones calculating out the NASA rocket flights. Moreover, they were Horrors, Black women. The Horror. The Horror.

The argument that one race is somehow predisposed to corruption because there is a long history of corruption is crap. It is a learned response more than a genetic response. As they grew up, they learned by watching the corrupt go before them. Just as you somehow learned this insane notion of superiority of race, they learned that the test of power, was how much money you could get, by hook or crook.

The Aztec, uncivilized barbarians, had a very advanced calendar, and a disturbing habit of sacrificing people for various reasons. The Polynesian people sailed across the Pacific, while your White Ancestors were afraid to go out of sight of the shore for fear of falling off the edge of the world.

When you stop thinking of this planet as we’re better, and it’s us versus them, and you start to think about what is really happening, and what has really happened in the past, you can see that mankind has done some impressive things. Pyramids in Egypt, The Wall in China, along with amazing art and architecture.

It is a Chinese General, Sun Tzu, that is studied around the world. The Indians, or Native Americans, if you prefer, lived in harmony with their territory. Hunting only what they needed, and thinning the Forrest to bring more ability to hunt to the area. Moving on to allow an area to recover from the hunting. Instead of hunting animals in the area to extinction.

Persians developed trousers, while Whites were wearing Toga’s or Kilt’s. The finest steel was Japanese, a true engineering masterpiece.

Yet it is the White who pronounces loudly and often the superiority of their race, because they stuck Cannon on ships and set forth with the message for the rest of the world. We own you.

Pfui. The Cannon were Chinese first.

The lesson you should get from history is that individuals have strengths, no matter where they come from. No matter their background, no matter their race. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is a brilliant scientist, and is black. A racist like you, is a moron, despite being white. Now, unless you are going to postulate that Whites are Morons, and the Blacks are superior, there is no way to explain it. Or you could accept the truth.

Each individual has strengths, and weaknesses, regardless of race. And the Genetic predisposition is nonsense.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa how pathetic boyo.

Anyhow....did I say any one particular race is superior?

What I am saying is that all the races are very different from each other.

One may prefer a particular race for a lot of reasons none of which have to mean that race is superior.

Superiority is really irrelevant...what is important is the differences as Abraham Lincoln pointed out long ago....people were much more intelligent back then.

Lets get real boyo...what have the negroes invented beyond peanut butter? I am jus axin...I am sure you know...please enlighten us. hehheh

And then...and then.....he brings women into the who said anything about women?

I hear liberals talking about 'superiority' more than anyone...though they are very coinfused about it. Although that does not stop them from claiming they are 'morally superior'. But if you want to discuss 'superiority' I have no problem with that....just tell us what you mean by would you define it? I mean since you are so concerned about must have some ideas on it.

You mention the great accomplishments of just about every race except the white race....are you prejudiced?

Cultures are different. Races are superficial.
This idiotic troll thread belongs in the race relations forum with the other idiotic troll threads.
Let me begin by saying you are an idiot.

It is preposterous to argue that one race is superior to another. If that is the case, than the most superior is the Chinese, and we should surrender now. The computer or tablet you are sitting before now, could not exist without processes and devices invented and developed by Black Men and Women. But that doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface.

During World War II, tables were provided to the soldiers to help them determine how to aim their cannon, based upon the flight of the artillery shell. Those tables were made by gifted mathematicians, women all, the weaker, dumber, sex. At least that was what the fools in charge believed.

A little more than a decade later, women mathematicians were the ones calculating out the NASA rocket flights. Moreover, they were Horrors, Black women. The Horror. The Horror.

The argument that one race is somehow predisposed to corruption because there is a long history of corruption is crap. It is a learned response more than a genetic response. As they grew up, they learned by watching the corrupt go before them. Just as you somehow learned this insane notion of superiority of race, they learned that the test of power, was how much money you could get, by hook or crook.

The Aztec, uncivilized barbarians, had a very advanced calendar, and a disturbing habit of sacrificing people for various reasons. The Polynesian people sailed across the Pacific, while your White Ancestors were afraid to go out of sight of the shore for fear of falling off the edge of the world.

When you stop thinking of this planet as we’re better, and it’s us versus them, and you start to think about what is really happening, and what has really happened in the past, you can see that mankind has done some impressive things. Pyramids in Egypt, The Wall in China, along with amazing art and architecture.

It is a Chinese General, Sun Tzu, that is studied around the world. The Indians, or Native Americans, if you prefer, lived in harmony with their territory. Hunting only what they needed, and thinning the Forrest to bring more ability to hunt to the area. Moving on to allow an area to recover from the hunting. Instead of hunting animals in the area to extinction.

Persians developed trousers, while Whites were wearing Toga’s or Kilt’s. The finest steel was Japanese, a true engineering masterpiece.

Yet it is the White who pronounces loudly and often the superiority of their race, because they stuck Cannon on ships and set forth with the message for the rest of the world. We own you.

Pfui. The Cannon were Chinese first.

The lesson you should get from history is that individuals have strengths, no matter where they come from. No matter their background, no matter their race. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is a brilliant scientist, and is black. A racist like you, is a moron, despite being white. Now, unless you are going to postulate that Whites are Morons, and the Blacks are superior, there is no way to explain it. Or you could accept the truth.

Each individual has strengths, and weaknesses, regardless of race. And the Genetic predisposition is nonsense.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa how pathetic boyo.

Anyhow....did I say any one particular race is superior?

What I am saying is that all the races are very different from each other.

One may prefer a particular race for a lot of reasons none of which have to mean that race is superior.

Superiority is really irrelevant...what is important is the differences as Abraham Lincoln pointed out long ago....people were much more intelligent back then.

Lets get real boyo...what have the negroes invented beyond peanut butter? I am jus axin...I am sure you know...please enlighten us. hehheh

And then...and then.....he brings women into the who said anything about women?

I hear liberals talking about 'superiority' more than anyone...though they are very coinfused about it. Although that does not stop them from claiming they are 'morally superior'. But if you want to discuss 'superiority' I have no problem with that....just tell us what you mean by would you define it? I mean since you are so concerned about must have some ideas on it.

You mention the great accomplishments of just about every race except the white race....are you prejudiced?

Irregardless you are too emotional to be able to discuss things intelligently...we might could have had a productive discussion but you are obviously on a very emotional mission...aka to vent your anger.

What kills me about these White Supremacists is they want to bring "culture" into the mix but then tread very lightly around Christianity. Well, you'd better. Christianity is not about race; it's ever about the individual. Not tribes; individuals. Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and everything that flows from. It is the foundation of why *I* am not and will never see people in tribes either: every single person is made in the Image of God, first and foremost. It is sinful to see people as greater- or less-than because of immutable characteristics. It was sinful 200 years ago when we (white people) made slaves of blacks and it's sinful now.
Let me begin by saying you are an idiot.

It is preposterous to argue that one race is superior to another. If that is the case, than the most superior is the Chinese, and we should surrender now. The computer or tablet you are sitting before now, could not exist without processes and devices invented and developed by Black Men and Women. But that doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface.

During World War II, tables were provided to the soldiers to help them determine how to aim their cannon, based upon the flight of the artillery shell. Those tables were made by gifted mathematicians, women all, the weaker, dumber, sex. At least that was what the fools in charge believed.

A little more than a decade later, women mathematicians were the ones calculating out the NASA rocket flights. Moreover, they were Horrors, Black women. The Horror. The Horror.

The argument that one race is somehow predisposed to corruption because there is a long history of corruption is crap. It is a learned response more than a genetic response. As they grew up, they learned by watching the corrupt go before them. Just as you somehow learned this insane notion of superiority of race, they learned that the test of power, was how much money you could get, by hook or crook.

The Aztec, uncivilized barbarians, had a very advanced calendar, and a disturbing habit of sacrificing people for various reasons. The Polynesian people sailed across the Pacific, while your White Ancestors were afraid to go out of sight of the shore for fear of falling off the edge of the world.

When you stop thinking of this planet as we’re better, and it’s us versus them, and you start to think about what is really happening, and what has really happened in the past, you can see that mankind has done some impressive things. Pyramids in Egypt, The Wall in China, along with amazing art and architecture.

It is a Chinese General, Sun Tzu, that is studied around the world. The Indians, or Native Americans, if you prefer, lived in harmony with their territory. Hunting only what they needed, and thinning the Forrest to bring more ability to hunt to the area. Moving on to allow an area to recover from the hunting. Instead of hunting animals in the area to extinction.

Persians developed trousers, while Whites were wearing Toga’s or Kilt’s. The finest steel was Japanese, a true engineering masterpiece.

Yet it is the White who pronounces loudly and often the superiority of their race, because they stuck Cannon on ships and set forth with the message for the rest of the world. We own you.

Pfui. The Cannon were Chinese first.

The lesson you should get from history is that individuals have strengths, no matter where they come from. No matter their background, no matter their race. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is a brilliant scientist, and is black. A racist like you, is a moron, despite being white. Now, unless you are going to postulate that Whites are Morons, and the Blacks are superior, there is no way to explain it. Or you could accept the truth.

Each individual has strengths, and weaknesses, regardless of race. And the Genetic predisposition is nonsense.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa how pathetic boyo.

Anyhow....did I say any one particular race is superior?

What I am saying is that all the races are very different from each other.

One may prefer a particular race for a lot of reasons none of which have to mean that race is superior.

Superiority is really irrelevant...what is important is the differences as Abraham Lincoln pointed out long ago....people were much more intelligent back then.

Lets get real boyo...what have the negroes invented beyond peanut butter? I am jus axin...I am sure you know...please enlighten us. hehheh

And then...and then.....he brings women into the who said anything about women?

I hear liberals talking about 'superiority' more than anyone...though they are very coinfused about it. Although that does not stop them from claiming they are 'morally superior'. But if you want to discuss 'superiority' I have no problem with that....just tell us what you mean by would you define it? I mean since you are so concerned about must have some ideas on it.

You mention the great accomplishments of just about every race except the white race....are you prejudiced?

Cultures are different. Races are superficial.

Nonsense boyo....pure nonsense. You have absorbed a lot of for some truth.

I would point you to a book.

Why Race Matters: Race Differences and What They Mean, by Michael Levin

Michael Levin’s book on race is every bit as powerful and insightful as his admirers had hoped it would be. Why Race Matters does exactly what the title promises — it removes all illusions about the insignificance of race, and explains what racial differences mean for a multi-racial society. It is a thorough, overwhelmingly convincing treatment of America’s most serious and least understood problem. Like the work of Arthur Jensen and Philippe Rushton, it destroys the egalitarian myth, but Prof. Levin parts company with other academics in his willingness to tell us what biology means for policy. Facts imply conclusions, and this book draws them.

As Prof. Levin points out, a book like Why Race Matters should not have to be written. The only sensible conclusion to be drawn from simple observation is that races differ: “To put the matter bluntly, the question is not why anyone would believe the races are unequal in intelligence, but why anyone would believe them equal.” For centuries, people as different as Arabs and Englishmen have judged Africans to be unintelligent, lascivious, jolly, and keen on rhythm. Today, in whatever corner of the globe one looks, blacks behave in certain consistent ways.

Nevertheless, every important racial policy in this country is based on the assumption that race differences in ability are known not to exist. Current beliefs are a remarkable victory of dogma over not only the evidence of our senses but the findings of science.

Prof. Levin begins by presenting the data. This has been done many times by others, and the basics need not be repeated here. Prof. Levin capably and thoroughly presents twin studies, adoption studies, test data, and heritability estimates, all while dismantling the desperate attempts of egalitarians to dismiss them.

Michael Levin’s 1997 masterpiece quickly became a classic, and just as quickly went out of print. Used copies of the hardcover edition sold for up to $500.00! New Century Foundation secured the publishing rights, and now offers this affordable electronic edition. It includes every word of the original
Last edited:
Let me begin by saying you are an idiot.

It is preposterous to argue that one race is superior to another. If that is the case, than the most superior is the Chinese, and we should surrender now. The computer or tablet you are sitting before now, could not exist without processes and devices invented and developed by Black Men and Women. But that doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface.

During World War II, tables were provided to the soldiers to help them determine how to aim their cannon, based upon the flight of the artillery shell. Those tables were made by gifted mathematicians, women all, the weaker, dumber, sex. At least that was what the fools in charge believed.

A little more than a decade later, women mathematicians were the ones calculating out the NASA rocket flights. Moreover, they were Horrors, Black women. The Horror. The Horror.

The argument that one race is somehow predisposed to corruption because there is a long history of corruption is crap. It is a learned response more than a genetic response. As they grew up, they learned by watching the corrupt go before them. Just as you somehow learned this insane notion of superiority of race, they learned that the test of power, was how much money you could get, by hook or crook.

The Aztec, uncivilized barbarians, had a very advanced calendar, and a disturbing habit of sacrificing people for various reasons. The Polynesian people sailed across the Pacific, while your White Ancestors were afraid to go out of sight of the shore for fear of falling off the edge of the world.

When you stop thinking of this planet as we’re better, and it’s us versus them, and you start to think about what is really happening, and what has really happened in the past, you can see that mankind has done some impressive things. Pyramids in Egypt, The Wall in China, along with amazing art and architecture.

It is a Chinese General, Sun Tzu, that is studied around the world. The Indians, or Native Americans, if you prefer, lived in harmony with their territory. Hunting only what they needed, and thinning the Forrest to bring more ability to hunt to the area. Moving on to allow an area to recover from the hunting. Instead of hunting animals in the area to extinction.

Persians developed trousers, while Whites were wearing Toga’s or Kilt’s. The finest steel was Japanese, a true engineering masterpiece.

Yet it is the White who pronounces loudly and often the superiority of their race, because they stuck Cannon on ships and set forth with the message for the rest of the world. We own you.

Pfui. The Cannon were Chinese first.

The lesson you should get from history is that individuals have strengths, no matter where they come from. No matter their background, no matter their race. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is a brilliant scientist, and is black. A racist like you, is a moron, despite being white. Now, unless you are going to postulate that Whites are Morons, and the Blacks are superior, there is no way to explain it. Or you could accept the truth.

Each individual has strengths, and weaknesses, regardless of race. And the Genetic predisposition is nonsense.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa how pathetic boyo.

Anyhow....did I say any one particular race is superior?

What I am saying is that all the races are very different from each other.

One may prefer a particular race for a lot of reasons none of which have to mean that race is superior.

Superiority is really irrelevant...what is important is the differences as Abraham Lincoln pointed out long ago....people were much more intelligent back then.

Lets get real boyo...what have the negroes invented beyond peanut butter? I am jus axin...I am sure you know...please enlighten us. hehheh

And then...and then.....he brings women into the who said anything about women?

I hear liberals talking about 'superiority' more than anyone...though they are very coinfused about it. Although that does not stop them from claiming they are 'morally superior'. But if you want to discuss 'superiority' I have no problem with that....just tell us what you mean by would you define it? I mean since you are so concerned about must have some ideas on it.

You mention the great accomplishments of just about every race except the white race....are you prejudiced?

Irregardless you are too emotional to be able to discuss things intelligently...we might could have had a productive discussion but you are obviously on a very emotional mission...aka to vent your anger.

What kills me about these White Supremacists is they want to bring "culture" into the mix but then tread very lightly around Christianity. Well, you'd better. Christianity is not about race; it's ever about the individual. Not tribes; individuals. Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and everything that flows from. It is the foundation of why *I* am not and will never see people in tribes either: every single person is made in the Image of God, first and foremost. It is sinful to see people as greater- or less-than because of immutable characteristics. It was sinful 200 years ago when we (white people) made slaves of blacks and it's sinful now.

You seen a white supremacist around here? Maybe you got one hiding under your bed? I have seen no one talking about white supremacy but a couple of posters trying to misrepresent what has been said here.

You may not intend to be misrepresenting what has been said probably have a movie running in your head that overules everything that is ever said regarding racial differences....and thus you render yourself irrelevant to this discussion.
Let me begin by saying you are an idiot.

It is preposterous to argue that one race is superior to another. If that is the case, than the most superior is the Chinese, and we should surrender now. The computer or tablet you are sitting before now, could not exist without processes and devices invented and developed by Black Men and Women. But that doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface.

During World War II, tables were provided to the soldiers to help them determine how to aim their cannon, based upon the flight of the artillery shell. Those tables were made by gifted mathematicians, women all, the weaker, dumber, sex. At least that was what the fools in charge believed.

A little more than a decade later, women mathematicians were the ones calculating out the NASA rocket flights. Moreover, they were Horrors, Black women. The Horror. The Horror.

The argument that one race is somehow predisposed to corruption because there is a long history of corruption is crap. It is a learned response more than a genetic response. As they grew up, they learned by watching the corrupt go before them. Just as you somehow learned this insane notion of superiority of race, they learned that the test of power, was how much money you could get, by hook or crook.

The Aztec, uncivilized barbarians, had a very advanced calendar, and a disturbing habit of sacrificing people for various reasons. The Polynesian people sailed across the Pacific, while your White Ancestors were afraid to go out of sight of the shore for fear of falling off the edge of the world.

When you stop thinking of this planet as we’re better, and it’s us versus them, and you start to think about what is really happening, and what has really happened in the past, you can see that mankind has done some impressive things. Pyramids in Egypt, The Wall in China, along with amazing art and architecture.

It is a Chinese General, Sun Tzu, that is studied around the world. The Indians, or Native Americans, if you prefer, lived in harmony with their territory. Hunting only what they needed, and thinning the Forrest to bring more ability to hunt to the area. Moving on to allow an area to recover from the hunting. Instead of hunting animals in the area to extinction.

Persians developed trousers, while Whites were wearing Toga’s or Kilt’s. The finest steel was Japanese, a true engineering masterpiece.

Yet it is the White who pronounces loudly and often the superiority of their race, because they stuck Cannon on ships and set forth with the message for the rest of the world. We own you.

Pfui. The Cannon were Chinese first.

The lesson you should get from history is that individuals have strengths, no matter where they come from. No matter their background, no matter their race. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is a brilliant scientist, and is black. A racist like you, is a moron, despite being white. Now, unless you are going to postulate that Whites are Morons, and the Blacks are superior, there is no way to explain it. Or you could accept the truth.

Each individual has strengths, and weaknesses, regardless of race. And the Genetic predisposition is nonsense.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa how pathetic boyo.

Anyhow....did I say any one particular race is superior?

What I am saying is that all the races are very different from each other.

One may prefer a particular race for a lot of reasons none of which have to mean that race is superior.

Superiority is really irrelevant...what is important is the differences as Abraham Lincoln pointed out long ago....people were much more intelligent back then.

Lets get real boyo...what have the negroes invented beyond peanut butter? I am jus axin...I am sure you know...please enlighten us. hehheh

And then...and then.....he brings women into the who said anything about women?

I hear liberals talking about 'superiority' more than anyone...though they are very coinfused about it. Although that does not stop them from claiming they are 'morally superior'. But if you want to discuss 'superiority' I have no problem with that....just tell us what you mean by would you define it? I mean since you are so concerned about must have some ideas on it.

You mention the great accomplishments of just about every race except the white race....are you prejudiced?

Irregardless you are too emotional to be able to discuss things intelligently...we might could have had a productive discussion but you are obviously on a very emotional mission...aka to vent your anger.

What kills me about these White Supremacists is they want to bring "culture" into the mix but then tread very lightly around Christianity. Well, you'd better. Christianity is not about race; it's ever about the individual. Not tribes; individuals. Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and everything that flows from. It is the foundation of why *I* am not and will never see people in tribes either: every single person is made in the Image of God, first and foremost. It is sinful to see people as greater- or less-than because of immutable characteristics. It was sinful 200 years ago when we (white people) made slaves of blacks and it's sinful now.

You seen a white supremacist around here? Maybe you got one hiding under your bed? I have seen no one talking about white supremacy but a couple of posters trying to misrepresent what has been said here.

You may not intend to be misrepresenting what has been said probably have a movie running in your head that overules everything that is ever said regarding racial differences....and thus you render yourself irrelevant to this discussion.

Yes you. You are the White Supremacist I see here. Or at least the bigot. Your words, post #20:

Normally, I do not care to discuss anything with a Negro...but it is kinda a slow have at it boyo. hehheh
Let me begin by saying you are an idiot.

It is preposterous to argue that one race is superior to another. If that is the case, than the most superior is the Chinese, and we should surrender now. The computer or tablet you are sitting before now, could not exist without processes and devices invented and developed by Black Men and Women. But that doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface.

During World War II, tables were provided to the soldiers to help them determine how to aim their cannon, based upon the flight of the artillery shell. Those tables were made by gifted mathematicians, women all, the weaker, dumber, sex. At least that was what the fools in charge believed.

A little more than a decade later, women mathematicians were the ones calculating out the NASA rocket flights. Moreover, they were Horrors, Black women. The Horror. The Horror.

The argument that one race is somehow predisposed to corruption because there is a long history of corruption is crap. It is a learned response more than a genetic response. As they grew up, they learned by watching the corrupt go before them. Just as you somehow learned this insane notion of superiority of race, they learned that the test of power, was how much money you could get, by hook or crook.

The Aztec, uncivilized barbarians, had a very advanced calendar, and a disturbing habit of sacrificing people for various reasons. The Polynesian people sailed across the Pacific, while your White Ancestors were afraid to go out of sight of the shore for fear of falling off the edge of the world.

When you stop thinking of this planet as we’re better, and it’s us versus them, and you start to think about what is really happening, and what has really happened in the past, you can see that mankind has done some impressive things. Pyramids in Egypt, The Wall in China, along with amazing art and architecture.

It is a Chinese General, Sun Tzu, that is studied around the world. The Indians, or Native Americans, if you prefer, lived in harmony with their territory. Hunting only what they needed, and thinning the Forrest to bring more ability to hunt to the area. Moving on to allow an area to recover from the hunting. Instead of hunting animals in the area to extinction.

Persians developed trousers, while Whites were wearing Toga’s or Kilt’s. The finest steel was Japanese, a true engineering masterpiece.

Yet it is the White who pronounces loudly and often the superiority of their race, because they stuck Cannon on ships and set forth with the message for the rest of the world. We own you.

Pfui. The Cannon were Chinese first.

The lesson you should get from history is that individuals have strengths, no matter where they come from. No matter their background, no matter their race. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is a brilliant scientist, and is black. A racist like you, is a moron, despite being white. Now, unless you are going to postulate that Whites are Morons, and the Blacks are superior, there is no way to explain it. Or you could accept the truth.

Each individual has strengths, and weaknesses, regardless of race. And the Genetic predisposition is nonsense.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa how pathetic boyo.

Anyhow....did I say any one particular race is superior?

What I am saying is that all the races are very different from each other.

One may prefer a particular race for a lot of reasons none of which have to mean that race is superior.

Superiority is really irrelevant...what is important is the differences as Abraham Lincoln pointed out long ago....people were much more intelligent back then.

Lets get real boyo...what have the negroes invented beyond peanut butter? I am jus axin...I am sure you know...please enlighten us. hehheh

And then...and then.....he brings women into the who said anything about women?

I hear liberals talking about 'superiority' more than anyone...though they are very coinfused about it. Although that does not stop them from claiming they are 'morally superior'. But if you want to discuss 'superiority' I have no problem with that....just tell us what you mean by would you define it? I mean since you are so concerned about must have some ideas on it.

You mention the great accomplishments of just about every race except the white race....are you prejudiced?

Irregardless you are too emotional to be able to discuss things intelligently...we might could have had a productive discussion but you are obviously on a very emotional mission...aka to vent your anger.

What kills me about these White Supremacists is they want to bring "culture" into the mix but then tread very lightly around Christianity. Well, you'd better. Christianity is not about race; it's ever about the individual. Not tribes; individuals. Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and everything that flows from. It is the foundation of why *I* am not and will never see people in tribes either: every single person is made in the Image of God, first and foremost. It is sinful to see people as greater- or less-than because of immutable characteristics. It was sinful 200 years ago when we (white people) made slaves of blacks and it's sinful now.

You seen a white supremacist around here? Maybe you got one hiding under your bed? I have seen no one talking about white supremacy but a couple of posters trying to misrepresent what has been said here.

You may not intend to be misrepresenting what has been said probably have a movie running in your head that overules everything that is ever said regarding racial differences....and thus you render yourself irrelevant to this discussion.

Yes you. You are the White Supremacist I see here. Or at least the bigot. Your words, post #20:

Normally, I do not care to discuss anything with a Negro...but it is kinda a slow have at it boyo. hehheh

heheh My aren't you the simple minded one. Unfortunately I have found through experience that most Negroes are too wrapped up in propaganda and are unable or unwilling to have a rational discussion...they get all emotional and rant,rave and name a nutshell they are a waste of time as you also appear to be. Sad

Do you even know what the woid 'bigot' means....? I think not.
Let me begin by saying you are an idiot.

It is preposterous to argue that one race is superior to another. If that is the case, than the most superior is the Chinese, and we should surrender now. The computer or tablet you are sitting before now, could not exist without processes and devices invented and developed by Black Men and Women. But that doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface.

During World War II, tables were provided to the soldiers to help them determine how to aim their cannon, based upon the flight of the artillery shell. Those tables were made by gifted mathematicians, women all, the weaker, dumber, sex. At least that was what the fools in charge believed.

A little more than a decade later, women mathematicians were the ones calculating out the NASA rocket flights. Moreover, they were Horrors, Black women. The Horror. The Horror.

The argument that one race is somehow predisposed to corruption because there is a long history of corruption is crap. It is a learned response more than a genetic response. As they grew up, they learned by watching the corrupt go before them. Just as you somehow learned this insane notion of superiority of race, they learned that the test of power, was how much money you could get, by hook or crook.

The Aztec, uncivilized barbarians, had a very advanced calendar, and a disturbing habit of sacrificing people for various reasons. The Polynesian people sailed across the Pacific, while your White Ancestors were afraid to go out of sight of the shore for fear of falling off the edge of the world.

When you stop thinking of this planet as we’re better, and it’s us versus them, and you start to think about what is really happening, and what has really happened in the past, you can see that mankind has done some impressive things. Pyramids in Egypt, The Wall in China, along with amazing art and architecture.

It is a Chinese General, Sun Tzu, that is studied around the world. The Indians, or Native Americans, if you prefer, lived in harmony with their territory. Hunting only what they needed, and thinning the Forrest to bring more ability to hunt to the area. Moving on to allow an area to recover from the hunting. Instead of hunting animals in the area to extinction.

Persians developed trousers, while Whites were wearing Toga’s or Kilt’s. The finest steel was Japanese, a true engineering masterpiece.

Yet it is the White who pronounces loudly and often the superiority of their race, because they stuck Cannon on ships and set forth with the message for the rest of the world. We own you.

Pfui. The Cannon were Chinese first.

The lesson you should get from history is that individuals have strengths, no matter where they come from. No matter their background, no matter their race. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is a brilliant scientist, and is black. A racist like you, is a moron, despite being white. Now, unless you are going to postulate that Whites are Morons, and the Blacks are superior, there is no way to explain it. Or you could accept the truth.

Each individual has strengths, and weaknesses, regardless of race. And the Genetic predisposition is nonsense.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa how pathetic boyo.

Anyhow....did I say any one particular race is superior?

What I am saying is that all the races are very different from each other.

One may prefer a particular race for a lot of reasons none of which have to mean that race is superior.

Superiority is really irrelevant...what is important is the differences as Abraham Lincoln pointed out long ago....people were much more intelligent back then.

Lets get real boyo...what have the negroes invented beyond peanut butter? I am jus axin...I am sure you know...please enlighten us. hehheh

And then...and then.....he brings women into the who said anything about women?

I hear liberals talking about 'superiority' more than anyone...though they are very coinfused about it. Although that does not stop them from claiming they are 'morally superior'. But if you want to discuss 'superiority' I have no problem with that....just tell us what you mean by would you define it? I mean since you are so concerned about must have some ideas on it.

You mention the great accomplishments of just about every race except the white race....are you prejudiced?

Irregardless you are too emotional to be able to discuss things intelligently...we might could have had a productive discussion but you are obviously on a very emotional mission...aka to vent your anger.

What kills me about these White Supremacists is they want to bring "culture" into the mix but then tread very lightly around Christianity. Well, you'd better. Christianity is not about race; it's ever about the individual. Not tribes; individuals. Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and everything that flows from. It is the foundation of why *I* am not and will never see people in tribes either: every single person is made in the Image of God, first and foremost. It is sinful to see people as greater- or less-than because of immutable characteristics. It was sinful 200 years ago when we (white people) made slaves of blacks and it's sinful now.

You seen a white supremacist around here? Maybe you got one hiding under your bed? I have seen no one talking about white supremacy but a couple of posters trying to misrepresent what has been said here.

You may not intend to be misrepresenting what has been said probably have a movie running in your head that overules everything that is ever said regarding racial differences....and thus you render yourself irrelevant to this discussion.

Yes you. You are the White Supremacist I see here. Or at least the bigot. Your words, post #20:

Normally, I do not care to discuss anything with a Negro...but it is kinda a slow have at it boyo. hehheh

heheh My aren't you the simple minded one. Unfortunately I have found through experience that most Negroes are too wrapped up in propaganda and are unable or unwilling to have a rational discussion...they get all emotional and rant,rave and name a nutshell they are a waste of time as you also appear to be. Sad

Well by gosh I wonder why. Maybe because you're attempting to tell them, "Hey your entire race is good for running and jumping and that's it...." maybe that's why? Gosh I don't know why they might find that upsetting. BTW that's not a "rational" discussion
To begin with each race has it's strengths and weakness...much like people in general...some have great talents, some lesser ones. Some people are very intelligent and vice versa. Some people are violent in nature and others very peaceful..etc.etc. and so on and so forth.

But why does our government insist everyone believe that all races are equal? Why are our school children indoctrinated with this fallacious belief so early in their lives?

We all know or should know that not even siblings are equal...that is just life...why try to deny what nature has created.? Why do some believe that race should be entirely eliminated by cross breeding and thus destroy what nature took millions of years to create?....does not the thought ever come to the minds of these folks that Mother Nature might know something we do not? Yet many of these people who have no problem with destroying some human race say we should protect endangered species of animals...are not humans more important than animals? What is going on here...has our government gone mad?

We know that some nations have a long history of success...and others of failure. Yet we are taught to believe that the failures are equal to those with hundreds of years of progress and scientific advancement and so forth?

Can anyone explain why it is so important that we must accept the idea that all are equal...when anyone with just a tad of common sense knows that is not true?

Why Have We Unlearned What We Knew in 1900? - American Renaissance
Do you realize how stupid you sound?

Race is a classification that groups people together
We all bleed red...that’s what makes us equal
No matter what color your skin or country you’re from
We all bleed red...God created us different
To begin with each race has it's strengths and weakness...much like people in general...some have great talents, some lesser ones. Some people are very intelligent and vice versa. Some people are violent in nature and others very peaceful..etc.etc. and so on and so forth.

But why does our government insist everyone believe that all races are equal? Why are our school children indoctrinated with this fallacious belief so early in their lives?

We all know or should know that not even siblings are equal...that is just life...why try to deny what nature has created.? Why do some believe that race should be entirely eliminated by cross breeding and thus destroy what nature took millions of years to create?....does not the thought ever come to the minds of these folks that Mother Nature might know something we do not? Yet many of these people who have no problem with destroying some human race say we should protect endangered species of animals...are not humans more important than animals? What is going on here...has our government gone mad?

We know that some nations have a long history of success...and others of failure. Yet we are taught to believe that the failures are equal to those with hundreds of years of progress and scientific advancement and so forth?

Can anyone explain why it is so important that we must accept the idea that all are equal...when anyone with just a tad of common sense knows that is not true?

Why Have We Unlearned What We Knew in 1900? - American Renaissance
Do you realize how stupid you sound?

Race is a classification that groups people together
We all bleed red...that’s what makes us equal
No matter what color your skin or country you’re from
We all bleed red...God created us different

He's an idiot

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