Does anyone really think Trump can do anything except slow down our final doom?

Yeah I know all about that Iraq war that Bush started, thanks.
But to think Obama and congress could have used that excuse and not done a thousand times better to help this nation of ours along than they have is pure poppycock. He was a detriment in every sense of the word. And Hildebeest would have continued this power grabbing, unethical and traitorous slide into a nation of angry self-indulgent lustful cry babies with no one of any authority to lead them away from it. The media, equally guilty.

This nation is almost godless, and as a result we have no one to help us fight off our own selfishness and the wiles of the devil. Any advanced and privileged follower of Christianity can see this without question. Unprecedented colossal clashes between good and evil are upon us or soon upon us. Seems as though prophecy is going to unfold, very much as we've read about it in "that book."

Trump or any president is a pawn by comparison. But some of his policies could assist in mitigating some of the harm and hurt we shall deservedly go through. Hillary, on the other hand, would have been an enabler with no real care for the people. High stakes politics is a dirty world.

"A thousand questions do not make for one doubt." John Henry Cardinal Newman
Probably the biggest problem is the hate and ignorance that comes from this new weird right wing Religion that mocks Traditional Christianity.

Normal Christianity doesn't hate the poor the way Republicans do. Normal Christianity doesn't cry out "Let him die" the way Republicans did at the Las Vegas debates. Traditional Christianity would never worship the rich or elect someone as dishonest and amoral as Trump.

Normal Christianity wouldn't chase after a single family for 30 years smearing them and committing false witness.

Traditional Christians would never see a man who stiffs his workers, boasts about assaulting women, a serial adulterer who lies daily as a role model for their children. Republicans see a women who helped 8 million children get health care as someone who should be locked up while a man who cut off medical care of a baby to spite his family as someone they admire.

This is why Republicans and Trump are dangerous to the country. They have decided to worship the Golden Calf.
turzovka Well idk if it's any consolation to you, but Alaska is still 70% Christian. (I'm agnostic, which is idk a quarter of the way there? Certainly I can respect religious beliefs and their faith as a powerful thing. )

If we can get through this election I think there will be hope, and not just for us, but I think for other countries that maybe don't have the fire of America's to stand up for themselves - I think it might bolster them when we start acting right again (We've been on the wrong side of quite a few wars the past decades.)
I appreciate your honest reflection and your hope for the future. Alaska 70% Christian?... hard to believe.

But to reiterate --- I am one of those devout yet often annoying Christians (Catholic) who so often sounds too sure of himself. But I am here to share information and thoughts, not compromise to make others feel better.

I do not believe the near future of America or the planet is in the hands of Trump or any major political leader in the West. I believe the devil is a ferocious, malevolent force that (for reasons beyond our understanding ) God above has allowed quite a bit of influence on the hearts and minds of mankind. Pope Leo XIII had a most famous vision of the future back in 1880’s and saw the terror of the future and knew God had given Satan special opportunity to test the world for the 20th century because the devil’s time was short. Leo then wrote a famous prayer asking the archangel St. Michael for special protection and that prayer was said at the end of every mass for years and years until Vatican II (in all its “wisdom”) did away with it.

Well, (I know I’m going long here) the 20th century proved to be the most evil and murderous and torturous century in history, atheistic communism playing no small part in that. But probably even worse was Christian Europe and Christian North America went soft on religion because they fell in love with comfort, pleasure and sin. It is the poor and suffering and oppressed who pray the most and turn to God. But now, a majority of Christians are so lukewarm in the West (imo) we are ripe for God’s wrath and justice. Look at all the hedonism from youth to lapse parenting to perverse educators and socialists to corrupt governments to corporate and individual greed, and a sexually sick entertainment industry. It will not be long before horrible calamities overtake us --- and no president can stop it.

I still hope I’m wrong, but why should that matter anyway? We are accountable to God as unique individuals, not as a nation. You and I will be judged on how we ignored God or served Him, and more importantly how kind and caring we were towards our neighbor.

:( I'm sorry to hear you feel that way. If there's a God I'm probably headed south, but I'm actually okay with that - yeah I'm that egotistical myself. I have a personal religious/moral code/belief I'm rather sure you'd hate :p

That said, all that matters is that you find peace with yourself. It's a hard state to find for some, but if you are truly so worried, then turn inward to your faith and make the effort. The worst that happens is that you find your inner peace brightens the outlook of things. What comes, will come as intended.

Ill comfort again, but if angels are fighting demons, regardless of my likely eternal damnation, I will fight true evil no matter what it's form. I do not fear my death, nor the punishment that may await me, this "blasphemer" is not so far "wrong" as to simply stand aside; and I should hope your God be forgiving enough to allow me to fight for you.
It’s ok. I know it looks as though I set myself up to be pitied but not really my intentions. And if I am right then, the fact is, my troubles are temporary and a trifle by comparison.

I will not burden you with more tales or evidence of God at this time (which is legion), but I will tell you that your theology is a mess and your bravado and resignation to some fate is the worst of all. Allow yourself the idea that when you die you could be wrong, and God is there waiting for you. If so, all you have done, all you have said, and all you have not done or said towards others will be the primary means how you will be judged. Anyone who violates their own “well-formed” conscience is all the more culpable.

But in your case, saying aloud you are fine with hell if that truly exists is seriously not to be said either in jest or in reservation.

Secondly, how come so many of your kind are satisfied with being with their loved ones for only a few years or decades? What could be sadder then the thought of never seeing your spouse or children ever again? It really is an unbearable thought for me and for many others. So I think you are wasting a valuable opportunity just seeking temporal comforts.

I am not judging you , nor is our pope. He says there is heavenly hope for the greatest of sinners and for the atheist. That is because he is wise as is His Church and we can never judge another, nor can we ever know. You just sound like a good and caring human being who is not asking for much out of life. Maybe that is your biggest fault?
Trump is the final doom. Like the Republicans, they want to finish the job they started under Bush.
turzovka I'm not able to feel pity per say it is merely a ... motion of sympathy - I have synesthesia, my feelings are literately colors.

As I said I'm agnostic, not atheist. If there is a Hell then I deserve it for not believing, I am unable to - this is how I was created. Still, I make no excuses, I will have earned said fate, and I am "at peace" with paying the price. I learned as a child that I am "flawed," I made peace with that fact more than a few decades ago.

And I did say you would hate my personal beliefs ;)
Trump has had to deal with the most evil businessmen on the planet for decades.
He's not afraid of them and they know he knows they know it.
He craps bigger then almost every world leader and they know he knows hey know it.
Trump will eat their lunch everytime he has anything to do with them like he has for decades.
The US caught a huge break by electing Trump instead of a fourth rate grifter like Hillary.
She was in every way nowhere close to Trump's genius.
The best part is Hillary knew Trump knew Hillary knew it.

You know our enemies and the world leaders who have been screwing us are shitting their pants right about now.
Yeah I know all about that Iraq war that Bush started, thanks.
But to think Obama and congress could have used that excuse and not done a thousand times better to help this nation of ours along than they have is pure poppycock. He was a detriment in every sense of the word. And Hildebeest would have continued this power grabbing, unethical and traitorous slide into a nation of angry self-indulgent lustful cry babies with no one of any authority to lead them away from it. The media, equally guilty.

This nation is almost godless, and as a result we have no one to help us fight off our own selfishness and the wiles of the devil. Any advanced and privileged follower of Christianity can see this without question. Unprecedented colossal clashes between good and evil are upon us or soon upon us. Seems as though prophecy is going to unfold, very much as we've read about it in "that book."

Trump or any president is a pawn by comparison. But some of his policies could assist in mitigating some of the harm and hurt we shall deservedly go through. Hillary, on the other hand, would have been an enabler with no real care for the people. High stakes politics is a dirty world.

"A thousand questions do not make for one doubt." John Henry Cardinal Newman
Probably the biggest problem is the hate and ignorance that comes from this new weird right wing Religion that mocks Traditional Christianity.

Normal Christianity doesn't hate the poor the way Republicans do. Normal Christianity doesn't cry out "Let him die" the way Republicans did at the Las Vegas debates. Traditional Christianity would never worship the rich or elect someone as dishonest and amoral as Trump.

Normal Christianity wouldn't chase after a single family for 30 years smearing them and committing false witness.

Traditional Christians would never see a man who stiffs his workers, boasts about assaulting women, a serial adulterer who lies daily as a role model for their children. Republicans see a women who helped 8 million children get health care as someone who should be locked up while a man who cut off medical care of a baby to spite his family as someone they admire.

This is why Republicans and Trump are dangerous to the country. They have decided to worship the Golden Calf.

Kind of a strange retort there. Normal Christianity, as you call it, that is the domain of democrats? Is that your contention? The ones whose policies hate the unborn, hate the word God mentioned in almost any setting, promote perversion in even the earliest grades, spend money we tax payers do not have on pet projects like human induced global warming to please their friends and campaign supporters, put our national security at far greater risk by having open borders, sanctuary cities protecting criminals, and unvetted middle eastern muslims who are well know to want to destroy the West and kill indiscriminately, and then go into extremely serious debt by bragging how they help the poor and every possible group with their hands out so they can curry favor and get votes - - - - > those kinds of "normal christians?"

I did not vote for Trump... I voted against ghastly immoral liberal policies and beliefs.
I did not vote for Trump... I voted against a known criminal, liar, grifter, conniving self aggrandizing mean angry woman.
turzovka I'm not able to feel pity per say it is merely a ... motion of sympathy - I have synesthesia, my feelings are literately colors.

As I said I'm agnostic, not atheist. If there is a Hell then I deserve it for not believing, I am unable to - this is how I was created. Still, I make no excuses, I will have earned said fate, and I am "at peace" with paying the price. I learned as a child that I am "flawed," I made peace with that fact more than a few decades ago.

And I did say you would hate my personal beliefs ;)

>> And I did say you would hate my personal beliefs ;)

Yes, you did, and you are correct. They are abhorrent, imo.

It simply strikes me as though you are so comfortable with dying into oblivion or dying into the nether world, that you are not even curious enough to make a stronger effort to look and see if you might be wrong.

It surely does not sound like you are afraid to find out, just do not find it worth your time. That is very strange for someone who appears to be one of good intentions towards others and has their wits about them. Like I said, you settle for so little it’s astounding.

So what would you say to all those highly unfortunate malnutritioned and destitute Africans whose lives will never amount to anything more than generations of poverty, oppression and survival?--- “Sorry folks, life is a crap shoot?” As long as you got yours that’s good enough? I tell you there is no such thing as evolution, humanity is a trillion times more magnificent, enjoyable, complex and advanced than any ape who ever walked the earth. We are not here by chance or happenstance, and God did not create the beauty and love contained in the human heart, mind and soul just to have all that turn into dust and amount to nothingness for all eternity. We are created in the image of God.
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