Does anyone seriously believe Jesus would celebrate Christmas if he could return?

He found them afterwards.

What is your ability, Hobelim? I saw the etymology when I looked up the words. I hardly use apologetic books a lot anymore even though I have them.

You didn't take time to understand the passage. They withdrew from sorrow and some people deal with it using sleep so they fell asleep near the end.

Yes, he found them after he prayed to God exhausted from sorrow, sleeping. Three times. He even upbraided them about not staying awake three times..

The point is that even if they were awake which scripture shows they were not, Jesus was a stones throw away praying to God in private with no one near enough to hear what he said.

There goes your eyewitness theory right out the window.

If you can't admit that who is going to believe that you are saved?.......


We already know you are messing with us .


[and I found the evidence after looking at the text for a while. How long did you spend looking at the text? I took your claim seriously and the fact is they can't be sleeping from sorrow unless they heard something to be sorrowful for. The fact is they recorded it and it is evidence.

Luke 22:45 And when he rose up from prayer, and was come to his disciples, he found them sleeping for sorrow,

You're cheating yourself from God and salvation and there are a lot of false teachers on the internet who think they are smart enough that they can con me which is sheer arrogance. The fact that I'm talking to you means I care enough for you and it doesn't mean that I am a consumer of what you have to say.

Oh please! Buy another translation. You can even find them on the internet for free. Mine says "he found them sleeping, worn out by grief." They has been on the streets running from town to town, escaping stoning, riots and lynch mobs for months and maybe years and then Jesus tells them its all about to end violently and they would run like cowards. Who wouldn't have been worn out by grief?

Sleep is sleep. Exhausted from sorrow because Jesus kept telling them the jig was up, but still asleep.

It was impossible that anyone of them heard anything that Jesus prayed to God alone about even if they were awake.

That only leaves one possibility. They wrote this story to teach something specifically that you seem too asleep to hear.

Any story that defies the logic of a 12 year old child or contradicts what is well known to be true about reality is like a giant X on a treasure map indicating where something of great value is buried and hidden.

If you look and look and keep looking you will find it.

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again..."

Keep pretending to believe in what you know is impossible and you will go insane, if you have not already gone.
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The fact that you said that Jesus woke them up three times (in your own words) Hobelim, means there is 3 times the chance that they were awake to hear because Jesus wanted them to hear and people that get woken up three times don't always fall back to sleep right away.
Because God never diddled a virgin to father himself and never wore diapers on Christmas morn whenever Jesus was born.

The entire story however you celebrate it promotes the false belief that a triune god became a human being.

now you know what's wrong with it.

Why draw a caricature? If you are correct, why do you feel the need to misrepresent the holiday with a caricature. Of course God the Father never "diddled" a virgin to father Himself. The scriptures make it clear that Mary was a virgin until after Christ was born. No "diddling" occured.

The scriptures are also clear that the Father and the Son are not the same person. But separate personages that are one in purpose. The scriptures are also clear that we are to be one with each other and them as they are one with one another.

And while I am confident that Jesus never wore modern diapers, as they are a recent invention, He was born. He was Divine before His Birth. He was swaddled in clothing. He was literally the Son of the Father. And He was sanctified.

He truly did atone for the sins of the world. He was crucified on Calvary Hill. He did rise on the morning of following Sunday.

The scriptures are true. I know this because of the Holy Spirit. I know all the things I've just told you because of the Holy Spirit. And the beautiful part of the Gospel is you don't have to take my word for it. You have the right and obligation to humble yourself before God in sincere and mighty prayer. You can know that Jesus is the Christ. You can know He is the Son of God the same way I know. And that is the same way Peter knew. Through revelation from the Father.

If your viewpoint is accurate, you wouldn't have to caricature and misrepresent what the scriptures testify to. Because the truth of God can stand nobly, boldy, and independent. Study the scriptures. Ask the Lord. You will never regret doing so.

Did God come down from Heaven and tell you this himself? Did tongues of fire come down and enable you to speak in a myriad of languages? Will your next post be in Russian or Aramaic? Please explain to me why the Holy Spirit told you these things. Are you God's new prophet or some such nonsense? And for the record, reading the scripture does not paint a picture of a loving God. The Old Testament says repeatedly that God orders genocide to be committed by the Israelites. God shows no qualms about the murder of almost the entire human race, ie Noah. Or he is just killing willy-nilly: "Oh, somebody slipped while holding my Ark, I'll just strike him dead on the spot!" Even Jesus tells his followers that if they fight with their brother, they are in danger of being sent to Hell. What part of that says mercy and kindness? Please enlighten me.

P.S. If you, O Prophet of the Lord, are taking suggestions on which language you'll do next, I suggest Proto Indo-European or something like Sumerian.

The Holy Spirit will teach all who seek the Lord. That is His calling. One doesn't have to be a prophet to recieve the Holy Ghost. Though considering the scriptural definition of the Spirit of prophecy, those who have recieved a testimony of Jesus Christ could be considered prophets.

The point of the Gospel is that everyone is entitled to seek the Lord for themselves. Everyone is entitled to recieve knowledge and wisdom from God. "If any of you lack wisdom, let Him ask of God who gives to all men liberally" Or "Ask and ye shall recieve, Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be open unto you."

The Atonement of Christ allows each of us to approach our Heavenly Father and recieve from Him. It is our right and privilege. But we come to Him on His conditions. We have to come in humility. We have to seek Him sincerely. And we have to be patient.

My invitation to you is to study the scriptures and begin praying every night, more than that even. Pray to the Lord till you hear His voice. Because you will.
Jesus birthday wasn't even in December.

Christmas is all about keeping the economy going. I doubt Jesus is interested.

I'll k eep a seat warm for hell.

"Go to heaven for the weather, go to hell for the company."

If you get sent to hell for saying the truth, then God isn't all that forgiving, is he.

It's funny how the Catholics say only they get to go to heaven. The baptists say you have to be one of them, or you go to hell. The Muslims say the same thing. The Jews, well they think they're so special, they get to go to heaven no matter what they do, cause they're the chosen ones.

I tell ya, if any of this garbage is true, heaven is pretty empty, and hell is really really big and crowed.

What does it matter if you tell the truth if you are a total dick?

Sure, you tell the truth. That may mean you aren't lying. But if you still treat others like crap you are sinning in other ways. Without charity, we are nothing.

And you may be telling the truth about something and still be wrong. Just because you aren't lying doesn't mean you aren't misinformed. That is why it's our duty to continually seek after the truth of all things.
The fact that you said that Jesus woke them up three times (in your own words) Hobelim, means there is 3 times the chance that they were awake to hear because Jesus wanted them to hear and people that get woken up three times don't always fall back to sleep right away.

If Jesus wanted them to hear he would not have gone a stones throw away to pray. When he did wake them up he told them they should be praying to be spared the test, not trying to hear what he was saying a stones throw away.

And how did Jesus teach others to pray? Go into the closet and shut the door and pray in secret. That means withdraw within your mind and shut your mouth.

That's a clue for you.
[ame=]The Meaning of Life (11/11) Movie CLIP - It's Christmas In Heaven (1983) HD - YouTube[/ame]
No offence to any of the believers here, but Jesus might have actually flipped out and turned Christmass trees over and broke presants ... you know ... kind of like the Grinch!

He would have then got all sanctimonious on us and demanded that we repent of this imoral holliday.

Just ... you know ... FYI.
Well this thread has been completely derailed... :eusa_hand:

No, IMO, Jesus would not "celebrate" his birthday. Why should he? He's immortal, celebrating your birthday really has no meaning when you're immortal.

I wouldn't celebrate Christmas either if it wasn't for family that still does. The Bible makes no mention of the day Jesus was born, that's why the Jehovah Witness' don't celebrate Christmas, that and the fact that the Bible doesn't say anywhere that we should celebrate Christmas either. Anymore commercialization has completely high jacked Christmas. It's more about stores making a profit than the birth of Christ anyway. It's pathetic.

Jesus asked for his death to be remembered. Christmas has been hijacked by the traditions of men and commercialism.( table of demons) satan claus gets 98%-- Jesus 2%. totally unacceptable. 2 Corinthians 11:12-15)

From parent to child, each generation, pagan practices and false god worship all over the world, are being handed down, yet all are told they are going to a higher plain. All throughout the history of mankind 99% have lived their lives under satans illusions.
Jesus taught --Few find the road that leads to life( everlasting in Gods kingdom)--- Alls they ever needed to do was learn Jesus' truths, apply Jesus' truths--yet they are not taught Jesus' truths, nor do most put any effort into learning them.
Does anyone seriously believe Jesus would celebrate Christmas if he could (miraculously) return?


Got any real proof that it's not a myth?

Yeah, it is an eyewitness testimony.

lol.... when Jesus went a stones throw away from the disciples to pray to God alone in gethsemane, three times Jesus went to check on the disciples and three times he found them sleeping.

My question to you is if the disciples were sleeping and Jesus was a stones throw away praying to God in private, who was the eyewitness that heard what Jesus said to God and wrote it down?

until you understand that the torah means instruction not history, and that the gospels continue that same tradition, you will remain confused and continue to embarrass yourself with the silly things you say in the name of the Lord.

"The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again...."

Thank God (no pun intended)! Someone else who realizes that the Bible is not an objective history testbook!
Jesus birthday wasn't even in December.

Christmas is all about keeping the economy going. I doubt Jesus is interested.

I'll k eep a seat warm for hell.

"Go to heaven for the weather, go to hell for the company."

If you get sent to hell for saying the truth, then God isn't all that forgiving, is he.

It's funny how the Catholics say only they get to go to heaven. The baptists say you have to be one of them, or you go to hell. The Muslims say the same thing. The Jews, well they think they're so special, they get to go to heaven no matter what they do, cause they're the chosen ones.

I tell ya, if any of this garbage is true, heaven is pretty empty, and hell is really really big and crowed.

I take offense at that. I am a Catholic, yet I bear no ill will towards people of other faiths. Hell, in my opinion, anybody- even atheists or people who worship Nordic Gods- can go to heaven. Who are we, human beings, to say our faith is right and their's isn't ? They have as much proof of the existence of their God(s)'s as we do. Some of the more self-righteous religious hippies on this thread make me want to gouge my eyes out with a rusty spoon as I read their ignorant posts.
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guess you never heard of setting a backfire?
it's a common practice when fighting brush or teabag fires!

I see you blithering.

Just not sure you're an idiot.

Please explain how you came to post what you just did.
it's an answer to the false assumption in your second pick
(the one with gene wilder as willy wonka)
and you're calling me an idiot!
now that's funny!

The facts back up my sig line. There is no doubt.

I also did not call you an idiot, I said I wasn't sure if you were one.

Now I am
It's not could return, it is will return and no he will not be celebrating Christmas
I see you blithering.

Just not sure you're an idiot.

Please explain how you came to post what you just did.
it's an answer to the false assumption in your second pick
(the one with gene wilder as willy wonka)
and you're calling me an idiot!
now that's funny!

The facts back up my sig line. There is no doubt.

I also did not call you an idiot, I said I wasn't sure if you were one.

Now I am
just keep telling yourself that!
Anyone claiming to be Jesus, in this day and age, would be considered mentally ill.
That's why the Jews had him crucified. But the Reverend Moon claimed to be the second coming and he had millions of followers.
I'll k eep a seat warm for hell.

"Go to heaven for the weather, go to hell for the company."

If you get sent to hell for saying the truth, then God isn't all that forgiving, is he.

It's funny how the Catholics say only they get to go to heaven. The baptists say you have to be one of them, or you go to hell. The Muslims say the same thing. The Jews, well they think they're so special, they get to go to heaven no matter what they do, cause they're the chosen ones.

I tell ya, if any of this garbage is true, heaven is pretty empty, and hell is really really big and crowed.

What does it matter if you tell the truth if you are a total dick?

Sure, you tell the truth. That may mean you aren't lying. But if you still treat others like crap you are sinning in other ways. Without charity, we are nothing.

And you may be telling the truth about something and still be wrong. Just because you aren't lying doesn't mean you aren't misinformed. That is why it's our duty to continually seek after the truth of all things.

Another holier than thou total dick post. Take the log from your own eye, dick.
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