Does AOC know $15 minimum wage in states like Mississippi will put people out of work?

View attachment 264072

A Heritage Foundation analysis from 2016 estimated that a $15 federal minimum wage would wipe out 7 million jobs. Hardest hit would be workers, businesses, and economies in areas with low costs of living. (like Mississippi where cost of living is 87% of USA standard.
Mississippi cost of living is 87.8% Mississippi Cost of Living

Liberal activists demand a “living wage,” but the truth is that only a tiny handful of hourly wage workers make the minimum wage or less (4 percent), according to the Employment Policies Institute. On the contrary, a whopping 44 percent of hourly workers currently earn at or below the proposed $15 minimum wage.

Now consider what the $15 minimum wage would do.

For a restaurant that employs 10 minimum wage workers, a $15 minimum wage hike would cost them about $170,000 per year. If the restaurant currently earns profit margins of 5 percent, it would have to increase sales by $3.5 million per year, or an extra $67,000 every week.

But that is not realistic. The likely scenario is that they’ll either have to cut working hours or fire some workers altogether. Either way, most people are worse off than before.

Lawmakers Are Pushing a $15 Minimum Wage. Here Are 3 Disastrous Consequences That Would Result.
Robotic waiters...

View attachment 264073

She is like the other indoctrinated idiots and doesn't have a clue. She has been taught to push socialist policies. Those at the top do know that this minimum wage hike will kill jobs and that is exactly what they want. It's just one part of the big plan. They are starting to be honest about wanting open borders, one world government and some are even saying that government dependence is better than independence.

No leftist is at all happy with the lower unemployment rate, the better economy, the tax breaks and especially not the effort to secure the border. They continue to push for gun control (which we all know would lead to total confiscation if the left had their way) and they will continue to follow the Cloward-Piven plan to destroy America. They need to get as many people dependent on government as possible. Between the schools dumbing people down and the mindset that certain people are entitled to everything by virtue of being born, they discourage people from seeking jobs or careers. They need for government to take control over healthcare, production, energy and all food sources.

People like AOC have been brainwashed into believing that socialism is benevolent. They know nothing of history, especially regarding Hitler, the socialist.
lol. the cognitive dissonance of the right wing is incredible, along with their appeals to ignorance.

From the beginning of preparedness in 1939 through the peak of war production in 1944, American leaders recognized that the stakes were too high to permit the war economy to grow in an unfettered, laissez-faire manner. American manufacturers, for instance, could not be trusted to stop producing consumer goods and to start producing materiel for the war effort. To organize the growing economy and to ensure that it produced the goods needed for war, the federal government spawned an array of mobilization agencies which not only often purchased goods (or arranged their purchase by the Army and Navy), but which in practice closely directed those goods’ manufacture and heavily influenced the operation of private companies and whole industries.--The American Economy during World War II

it is the right wing that insists we need global war instead of global trade.

So Clinton bombing Iraq, his going to war in Bosnia, Obama’s bombing of Libya means they are part of the right wing? Trump has started no wars means he is left wing? Your generalizations are moronic.
Evidently you don't comprehend this example of the average McDonalds' operating expenses!

What is McDonald's alternative?

Meet the newest fry cook at the US burger chain CaliBurger: Flippy.
This robot, which will be installed in up to 10 of CaliBurger's 50 locations, can turn patties on a grill and clean it.
Robots are already working in fast-food restaurants — here's exactly what they're doing right now

New McDonald’s In Phoenix Run Entirely By Robots
New McDonald’s In Phoenix Run Entirely By Robots - News Examiner
Let’s see...

McDonalds is introducing robots even though the price of labor hasn’t been increased in ten years

Showing that the min wage has nothing to do with it
They would have introduced robots anyway

Sure, and rising labor costs would simply accelerate the process.
We should not be subsidizing labor for employers. Raising the minimum wage means less need for social services.
Social services support employers low wages and higher profit

As it should be. If society decides everyone should have an artificially set standard of living, it should be on society to provide it through taxation and welfare. Business should hire and pay based on the value of the work.
Employers get to expense the Cost of Labor, regardless.
the scenario is, unemployed Labor can apply for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

So every unemployed person is eligible? Where has this been successfully done? How much will this actually cost? What is the monthly benefit?
sure; in the US, the cost will depend on employment, so the more employers hire the less it should cost. i am advocating for the equivalent to one dollar an hour less than the minimum wage to actually work, for unemployment compensation.

Every unemployed person, from age one month to 125 years old, How many people would that be? Could you please give the monthly amount of the benefit? What if a person worked part time, what would be his benefit?
i am referring to legal adult participation in the market for labor; younger persons could get emancipated if they want, find it necessary or expedient.

the equivalent to one dollar an hour less than minimum wage to actually provide labor input to the economy.

So if a single woman has two kids and doesn’t work she gets $14 an hour and she gets no help for the children anymore?
in that case, welfare may be more appropriate.

we are focusing on the ready reserve labor force.
Imagine how wonderful things would be if workers didn't have to be paid at all.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

I won’t start any business that will require employees, it increases risk, it increase government incurred expenses, increases insurance. There is a responsibility that many owners feel they owe to their employees.
View attachment 264072

A Heritage Foundation analysis from 2016 estimated that a $15 federal minimum wage would wipe out 7 million jobs. Hardest hit would be workers, businesses, and economies in areas with low costs of living. (like Mississippi where cost of living is 87% of USA standard.
Mississippi cost of living is 87.8% Mississippi Cost of Living

Liberal activists demand a “living wage,” but the truth is that only a tiny handful of hourly wage workers make the minimum wage or less (4 percent), according to the Employment Policies Institute. On the contrary, a whopping 44 percent of hourly workers currently earn at or below the proposed $15 minimum wage.

Now consider what the $15 minimum wage would do.

For a restaurant that employs 10 minimum wage workers, a $15 minimum wage hike would cost them about $170,000 per year. If the restaurant currently earns profit margins of 5 percent, it would have to increase sales by $3.5 million per year, or an extra $67,000 every week.

But that is not realistic. The likely scenario is that they’ll either have to cut working hours or fire some workers altogether. Either way, most people are worse off than before.

Lawmakers Are Pushing a $15 Minimum Wage. Here Are 3 Disastrous Consequences That Would Result.
Robotic waiters...

View attachment 264073

She is like the other indoctrinated idiots and doesn't have a clue. She has been taught to push socialist policies. Those at the top do know that this minimum wage hike will kill jobs and that is exactly what they want. It's just one part of the big plan. They are starting to be honest about wanting open borders, one world government and some are even saying that government dependence is better than independence.

No leftist is at all happy with the lower unemployment rate, the better economy, the tax breaks and especially not the effort to secure the border. They continue to push for gun control (which we all know would lead to total confiscation if the left had their way) and they will continue to follow the Cloward-Piven plan to destroy America. They need to get as many people dependent on government as possible. Between the schools dumbing people down and the mindset that certain people are entitled to everything by virtue of being born, they discourage people from seeking jobs or careers. They need for government to take control over healthcare, production, energy and all food sources.

People like AOC have been brainwashed into believing that socialism is benevolent. They know nothing of history, especially regarding Hitler, the socialist.
lol. the cognitive dissonance of the right wing is incredible, along with their appeals to ignorance.

From the beginning of preparedness in 1939 through the peak of war production in 1944, American leaders recognized that the stakes were too high to permit the war economy to grow in an unfettered, laissez-faire manner. American manufacturers, for instance, could not be trusted to stop producing consumer goods and to start producing materiel for the war effort. To organize the growing economy and to ensure that it produced the goods needed for war, the federal government spawned an array of mobilization agencies which not only often purchased goods (or arranged their purchase by the Army and Navy), but which in practice closely directed those goods’ manufacture and heavily influenced the operation of private companies and whole industries.--The American Economy during World War II

it is the right wing that insists we need global war instead of global trade.

So Clinton bombing Iraq, his going to war in Bosnia, Obama’s bombing of Libya means they are part of the right wing? Trump has started no wars means he is left wing? Your generalizations are moronic.

trade wars, tariffs, "gun boat diplomacy". Government solves all problems for the right wing.

Where is the global trade that will promote the general welfare?
Let’s see...

McDonalds is introducing robots even though the price of labor hasn’t been increased in ten years

Showing that the min wage has nothing to do with it
They would have introduced robots anyway

Sure, and rising labor costs would simply accelerate the process.
We should not be subsidizing labor for employers. Raising the minimum wage means less need for social services.
Social services support employers low wages and higher profit

As it should be. If society decides everyone should have an artificially set standard of living, it should be on society to provide it through taxation and welfare. Business should hire and pay based on the value of the work.
Employers get to expense the Cost of Labor, regardless.

Businesses get to expense losses, regardless.
View attachment 264072

A Heritage Foundation analysis from 2016 estimated that a $15 federal minimum wage would wipe out 7 million jobs. Hardest hit would be workers, businesses, and economies in areas with low costs of living. (like Mississippi where cost of living is 87% of USA standard.
Mississippi cost of living is 87.8% Mississippi Cost of Living

Liberal activists demand a “living wage,” but the truth is that only a tiny handful of hourly wage workers make the minimum wage or less (4 percent), according to the Employment Policies Institute. On the contrary, a whopping 44 percent of hourly workers currently earn at or below the proposed $15 minimum wage.

Now consider what the $15 minimum wage would do.

For a restaurant that employs 10 minimum wage workers, a $15 minimum wage hike would cost them about $170,000 per year. If the restaurant currently earns profit margins of 5 percent, it would have to increase sales by $3.5 million per year, or an extra $67,000 every week.

But that is not realistic. The likely scenario is that they’ll either have to cut working hours or fire some workers altogether. Either way, most people are worse off than before.

Lawmakers Are Pushing a $15 Minimum Wage. Here Are 3 Disastrous Consequences That Would Result.
Robotic waiters...

View attachment 264073

She is like the other indoctrinated idiots and doesn't have a clue. She has been taught to push socialist policies. Those at the top do know that this minimum wage hike will kill jobs and that is exactly what they want. It's just one part of the big plan. They are starting to be honest about wanting open borders, one world government and some are even saying that government dependence is better than independence.

No leftist is at all happy with the lower unemployment rate, the better economy, the tax breaks and especially not the effort to secure the border. They continue to push for gun control (which we all know would lead to total confiscation if the left had their way) and they will continue to follow the Cloward-Piven plan to destroy America. They need to get as many people dependent on government as possible. Between the schools dumbing people down and the mindset that certain people are entitled to everything by virtue of being born, they discourage people from seeking jobs or careers. They need for government to take control over healthcare, production, energy and all food sources.

People like AOC have been brainwashed into believing that socialism is benevolent. They know nothing of history, especially regarding Hitler, the socialist.
lol. the cognitive dissonance of the right wing is incredible, along with their appeals to ignorance.

From the beginning of preparedness in 1939 through the peak of war production in 1944, American leaders recognized that the stakes were too high to permit the war economy to grow in an unfettered, laissez-faire manner. American manufacturers, for instance, could not be trusted to stop producing consumer goods and to start producing materiel for the war effort. To organize the growing economy and to ensure that it produced the goods needed for war, the federal government spawned an array of mobilization agencies which not only often purchased goods (or arranged their purchase by the Army and Navy), but which in practice closely directed those goods’ manufacture and heavily influenced the operation of private companies and whole industries.--The American Economy during World War II

it is the right wing that insists we need global war instead of global trade.

So Clinton bombing Iraq, his going to war in Bosnia, Obama’s bombing of Libya means they are part of the right wing? Trump has started no wars means he is left wing? Your generalizations are moronic.

trade wars, tariffs, "gun boat diplomacy". Government solves all problems for the right wing.

Where is the global trade that will promote the general welfare?

Like I have said bring all troops home, and make good trade deals, not just deals.
Sure, and rising labor costs would simply accelerate the process.
We should not be subsidizing labor for employers. Raising the minimum wage means less need for social services.
Social services support employers low wages and higher profit

As it should be. If society decides everyone should have an artificially set standard of living, it should be on society to provide it through taxation and welfare. Business should hire and pay based on the value of the work.
Employers get to expense the Cost of Labor, regardless.

Businesses get to expense losses, regardless.
that changes the "value".
View attachment 264072

A Heritage Foundation analysis from 2016 estimated that a $15 federal minimum wage would wipe out 7 million jobs. Hardest hit would be workers, businesses, and economies in areas with low costs of living. (like Mississippi where cost of living is 87% of USA standard.
Mississippi cost of living is 87.8% Mississippi Cost of Living

Liberal activists demand a “living wage,” but the truth is that only a tiny handful of hourly wage workers make the minimum wage or less (4 percent), according to the Employment Policies Institute. On the contrary, a whopping 44 percent of hourly workers currently earn at or below the proposed $15 minimum wage.

Now consider what the $15 minimum wage would do.

For a restaurant that employs 10 minimum wage workers, a $15 minimum wage hike would cost them about $170,000 per year. If the restaurant currently earns profit margins of 5 percent, it would have to increase sales by $3.5 million per year, or an extra $67,000 every week.

But that is not realistic. The likely scenario is that they’ll either have to cut working hours or fire some workers altogether. Either way, most people are worse off than before.

Lawmakers Are Pushing a $15 Minimum Wage. Here Are 3 Disastrous Consequences That Would Result.
Robotic waiters...

View attachment 264073

She is like the other indoctrinated idiots and doesn't have a clue. She has been taught to push socialist policies. Those at the top do know that this minimum wage hike will kill jobs and that is exactly what they want. It's just one part of the big plan. They are starting to be honest about wanting open borders, one world government and some are even saying that government dependence is better than independence.

No leftist is at all happy with the lower unemployment rate, the better economy, the tax breaks and especially not the effort to secure the border. They continue to push for gun control (which we all know would lead to total confiscation if the left had their way) and they will continue to follow the Cloward-Piven plan to destroy America. They need to get as many people dependent on government as possible. Between the schools dumbing people down and the mindset that certain people are entitled to everything by virtue of being born, they discourage people from seeking jobs or careers. They need for government to take control over healthcare, production, energy and all food sources.

People like AOC have been brainwashed into believing that socialism is benevolent. They know nothing of history, especially regarding Hitler, the socialist.
lol. the cognitive dissonance of the right wing is incredible, along with their appeals to ignorance.

From the beginning of preparedness in 1939 through the peak of war production in 1944, American leaders recognized that the stakes were too high to permit the war economy to grow in an unfettered, laissez-faire manner. American manufacturers, for instance, could not be trusted to stop producing consumer goods and to start producing materiel for the war effort. To organize the growing economy and to ensure that it produced the goods needed for war, the federal government spawned an array of mobilization agencies which not only often purchased goods (or arranged their purchase by the Army and Navy), but which in practice closely directed those goods’ manufacture and heavily influenced the operation of private companies and whole industries.--The American Economy during World War II

it is the right wing that insists we need global war instead of global trade.

So Clinton bombing Iraq, his going to war in Bosnia, Obama’s bombing of Libya means they are part of the right wing? Trump has started no wars means he is left wing? Your generalizations are moronic.

trade wars, tariffs, "gun boat diplomacy". Government solves all problems for the right wing.

Where is the global trade that will promote the general welfare?

Like I have said bring all troops home, and make good trade deals, not just deals.
Your guy only has trade wars and tariffs.
So every unemployed person is eligible? Where has this been successfully done? How much will this actually cost? What is the monthly benefit?
sure; in the US, the cost will depend on employment, so the more employers hire the less it should cost. i am advocating for the equivalent to one dollar an hour less than the minimum wage to actually work, for unemployment compensation.

Every unemployed person, from age one month to 125 years old, How many people would that be? Could you please give the monthly amount of the benefit? What if a person worked part time, what would be his benefit?
i am referring to legal adult participation in the market for labor; younger persons could get emancipated if they want, find it necessary or expedient.

the equivalent to one dollar an hour less than minimum wage to actually provide labor input to the economy.

So if a single woman has two kids and doesn’t work she gets $14 an hour and she gets no help for the children anymore?
in that case, welfare may be more appropriate.

we are focusing on the ready reserve labor force.

How does that solve your poverty that you claim will be solved?
We should not be subsidizing labor for employers. Raising the minimum wage means less need for social services.
Social services support employers low wages and higher profit

As it should be. If society decides everyone should have an artificially set standard of living, it should be on society to provide it through taxation and welfare. Business should hire and pay based on the value of the work.
Employers get to expense the Cost of Labor, regardless.

Businesses get to expense losses, regardless.
that changes the "value".

The same thing, just because you can expense costs doesn’t mean you pay above market share for labor and materials.
She is like the other indoctrinated idiots and doesn't have a clue. She has been taught to push socialist policies. Those at the top do know that this minimum wage hike will kill jobs and that is exactly what they want. It's just one part of the big plan. They are starting to be honest about wanting open borders, one world government and some are even saying that government dependence is better than independence.

No leftist is at all happy with the lower unemployment rate, the better economy, the tax breaks and especially not the effort to secure the border. They continue to push for gun control (which we all know would lead to total confiscation if the left had their way) and they will continue to follow the Cloward-Piven plan to destroy America. They need to get as many people dependent on government as possible. Between the schools dumbing people down and the mindset that certain people are entitled to everything by virtue of being born, they discourage people from seeking jobs or careers. They need for government to take control over healthcare, production, energy and all food sources.

People like AOC have been brainwashed into believing that socialism is benevolent. They know nothing of history, especially regarding Hitler, the socialist.
lol. the cognitive dissonance of the right wing is incredible, along with their appeals to ignorance.

From the beginning of preparedness in 1939 through the peak of war production in 1944, American leaders recognized that the stakes were too high to permit the war economy to grow in an unfettered, laissez-faire manner. American manufacturers, for instance, could not be trusted to stop producing consumer goods and to start producing materiel for the war effort. To organize the growing economy and to ensure that it produced the goods needed for war, the federal government spawned an array of mobilization agencies which not only often purchased goods (or arranged their purchase by the Army and Navy), but which in practice closely directed those goods’ manufacture and heavily influenced the operation of private companies and whole industries.--The American Economy during World War II

it is the right wing that insists we need global war instead of global trade.

So Clinton bombing Iraq, his going to war in Bosnia, Obama’s bombing of Libya means they are part of the right wing? Trump has started no wars means he is left wing? Your generalizations are moronic.

trade wars, tariffs, "gun boat diplomacy". Government solves all problems for the right wing.

Where is the global trade that will promote the general welfare?

Like I have said bring all troops home, and make good trade deals, not just deals.
Your guy only has trade wars and tariffs.

Who is my guy? Looks like more generalizations and bigotry.
sure; in the US, the cost will depend on employment, so the more employers hire the less it should cost. i am advocating for the equivalent to one dollar an hour less than the minimum wage to actually work, for unemployment compensation.

Every unemployed person, from age one month to 125 years old, How many people would that be? Could you please give the monthly amount of the benefit? What if a person worked part time, what would be his benefit?
i am referring to legal adult participation in the market for labor; younger persons could get emancipated if they want, find it necessary or expedient.

the equivalent to one dollar an hour less than minimum wage to actually provide labor input to the economy.

So if a single woman has two kids and doesn’t work she gets $14 an hour and she gets no help for the children anymore?
in that case, welfare may be more appropriate.

we are focusing on the ready reserve labor force.

How does that solve your poverty that you claim will be solved?
anyone who is simply unemployed should be able to apply for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States. We should have no homeless problem due to a simply lack of income due to unemployment in our at-will employment States.
Every unemployed person, from age one month to 125 years old, How many people would that be? Could you please give the monthly amount of the benefit? What if a person worked part time, what would be his benefit?
i am referring to legal adult participation in the market for labor; younger persons could get emancipated if they want, find it necessary or expedient.

the equivalent to one dollar an hour less than minimum wage to actually provide labor input to the economy.

So if a single woman has two kids and doesn’t work she gets $14 an hour and she gets no help for the children anymore?
in that case, welfare may be more appropriate.

we are focusing on the ready reserve labor force.

How does that solve your poverty that you claim will be solved?
anyone who is simply unemployed should be able to apply for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States. We should have no homeless problem due to a simply lack of income due to unemployment in our at-will employment States.

You keep changing your parameters. Earlier you claimed that welfare costs $14 per hour yet you don’t want to give those on welfare $14 per hour, why not?
Social services support employers low wages and higher profit

As it should be. If society decides everyone should have an artificially set standard of living, it should be on society to provide it through taxation and welfare. Business should hire and pay based on the value of the work.
Employers get to expense the Cost of Labor, regardless.

Businesses get to expense losses, regardless.
that changes the "value".

The same thing, just because you can expense costs doesn’t mean you pay above market share for labor and materials.
you can expense the cost of labor, whatever the Cost.
lol. the cognitive dissonance of the right wing is incredible, along with their appeals to ignorance.

it is the right wing that insists we need global war instead of global trade.

So Clinton bombing Iraq, his going to war in Bosnia, Obama’s bombing of Libya means they are part of the right wing? Trump has started no wars means he is left wing? Your generalizations are moronic.

trade wars, tariffs, "gun boat diplomacy". Government solves all problems for the right wing.

Where is the global trade that will promote the general welfare?

Like I have said bring all troops home, and make good trade deals, not just deals.
Your guy only has trade wars and tariffs.

Who is my guy? Looks like more generalizations and bigotry.
nothing but continuance, diversion, and other forms of fallacies?
i am referring to legal adult participation in the market for labor; younger persons could get emancipated if they want, find it necessary or expedient.

the equivalent to one dollar an hour less than minimum wage to actually provide labor input to the economy.

So if a single woman has two kids and doesn’t work she gets $14 an hour and she gets no help for the children anymore?
in that case, welfare may be more appropriate.

we are focusing on the ready reserve labor force.

How does that solve your poverty that you claim will be solved?
anyone who is simply unemployed should be able to apply for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States. We should have no homeless problem due to a simply lack of income due to unemployment in our at-will employment States.

You keep changing your parameters. Earlier you claimed that welfare costs $14 per hour yet you don’t want to give those on welfare $14 per hour, why not?
because compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of inefficiency, better promotes the general welfare.
As it should be. If society decides everyone should have an artificially set standard of living, it should be on society to provide it through taxation and welfare. Business should hire and pay based on the value of the work.
Employers get to expense the Cost of Labor, regardless.

Businesses get to expense losses, regardless.
that changes the "value".

The same thing, just because you can expense costs doesn’t mean you pay above market share for labor and materials.
you can expense the cost of labor, whatever the Cost.

You can cost materials whatever the cost, it doesn’t mean you pay the highest price possible, like you they pay market value, not above.
the scenario is, unemployed Labor can apply for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

So every unemployed person is eligible? Where has this been successfully done? How much will this actually cost? What is the monthly benefit?
sure; in the US, the cost will depend on employment, so the more employers hire the less it should cost. i am advocating for the equivalent to one dollar an hour less than the minimum wage to actually work, for unemployment compensation.

Every unemployed person, from age one month to 125 years old, How many people would that be? Could you please give the monthly amount of the benefit? What if a person worked part time, what would be his benefit?
i am referring to legal adult participation in the market for labor; younger persons could get emancipated if they want, find it necessary or expedient.

the equivalent to one dollar an hour less than minimum wage to actually provide labor input to the economy.

So if a single woman has two kids and doesn’t work she gets $14 an hour and she gets no help for the children anymore?
Her help comes from the guy(s) who participated in children making
Oh the horrors
Nah, let’s have tax payers foot the bill.
So Clinton bombing Iraq, his going to war in Bosnia, Obama’s bombing of Libya means they are part of the right wing? Trump has started no wars means he is left wing? Your generalizations are moronic.

trade wars, tariffs, "gun boat diplomacy". Government solves all problems for the right wing.

Where is the global trade that will promote the general welfare?

Like I have said bring all troops home, and make good trade deals, not just deals.
Your guy only has trade wars and tariffs.

Who is my guy? Looks like more generalizations and bigotry.
nothing but continuance, diversion, and other forms of fallacies?

You are the one that diverted, so it is on you and your bigotry and ignorance, not like your guy.

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