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Does AOC know $15 minimum wage in states like Mississippi will put people out of work?

Not too stupid to decide but forced into a take it or leave it decision

If a business forces someone to take a job against their will, we should prosecute them and put the responsible parties in jail. No arbitrary regulations on wages are required, just simple laws against bullying and coercion. But that's not really what you're talking about, is it?
Of course not
People with other options are not bullied by take it or leave it offers

Those with low skills have few options. Employers can easily manipulate them in to accepting minimum wage

If low skilled people are so vulnerable to manipulation by Evul Businesses, then perhaps we should stop allowing so many low skilled illegal immigrants into the country who compete with low skilled citizens.

What you fail to see is that there are markets for labor driven by supply and demand. If someone is low skilled and doesn't like the compensation for such lack of skill, then a self-respecting person would develop skills and knowledge. That is what ENTRY LEVEL jobs provide.

I've only ever worked for minimum wage once in my life, right after high school. Definitely taught me that I didn't want to work for minimum wage.

Unless you're making more than 48K per year today, you haven't made much headway.

Depends on your priorities, which seems to be something leftists have trouble understanding, probably because you're all a bit dim and immature: not everyone wants the same things in life, because humans are individuals, not hive drones.
How about we just offer them a trip all expenses paid, back to their home country? They are here illegally! Then they can worry about the minimum wage in their shithole!

You mean jail employers (like tRump) that hire illegals?

This is just another example why you are either mentally challenged or too stupid to breathe on your own. Trump never hired an illegal. If he did, prove it! People who work for him may have done so, but if your gardener gets a DUI, we don't throw your ass in jail, do we?

Here ya go!

Making President Trump’s Bed: A Housekeeper Without Papers

I assume you didn't bother to read your own link beyond the headline, since if you had, you'd see that the housekeeper in question A) works for one of Trump's businesses, not
Trump personally, and it's very doubtful that he hires the housekeeping staff himself, and B) she admits herself that she got hired with phony papers.

So thanks for "proving" nothing more than that you kneejerk to blaming Trump for everything, just because you think being elected against your clearly-expressed wishes is some sort of crime.

tRump is the head of the company that hire/d illegals. What a lame excuse for the Hypocrite in Chief.

When you start holding anyone else personally responsible for what their subordinates do, perhaps I'll listen to this lame attack from THE Hypocrite in Chief. But probably not.
The list is endless, you moron! If you pay your employees a set salary and you are not bringing in the revenue to pay them, what happens, dumbass?

If the list is endless, then name one company.

Why do companies go out to business, dumbass? It is because they could not make a profit. Why couldn't they make a profit? They were obviously paying their employees too much for the job they were performing. My God man, you are dumber than a pile of rocks!

Uber doesn't make a profit. Three of the five companies that I own don't make a profit. Can you answer why?

Because the people running them (and I DO mean you) are morons?

In Uber's case, though, it's a calculated gamble, because they're focusing on expanding in new areas and services in hopes of greater profits in the future.

It's taxes moron.

Uber's COO and VP of Marketing jumped ship last Friday. Time to buy a wood box for your stock certificate funeral.

No, Faux-1%. Perhaps if you read some REAL news, you wouldn't step on your johnson so much.
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A Heritage Foundation analysis from 2016 estimated that a $15 federal minimum wage would wipe out 7 million jobs. Hardest hit would be workers, businesses, and economies in areas with low costs of living. (like Mississippi where cost of living is 87% of USA standard.
Mississippi cost of living is 87.8% Mississippi Cost of Living

Liberal activists demand a “living wage,” but the truth is that only a tiny handful of hourly wage workers make the minimum wage or less (4 percent), according to the Employment Policies Institute. On the contrary, a whopping 44 percent of hourly workers currently earn at or below the proposed $15 minimum wage.

Now consider what the $15 minimum wage would do.

For a restaurant that employs 10 minimum wage workers, a $15 minimum wage hike would cost them about $170,000 per year. If the restaurant currently earns profit margins of 5 percent, it would have to increase sales by $3.5 million per year, or an extra $67,000 every week.

But that is not realistic. The likely scenario is that they’ll either have to cut working hours or fire some workers altogether. Either way, most people are worse off than before.

Lawmakers Are Pushing a $15 Minimum Wage. Here Are 3 Disastrous Consequences That Would Result.
Robotic waiters...

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I read your link. Tell me what’s wrong with your link. Technically correct but in reality literally bogus.

This group applied the same tactics about MW in Seattle.

Do you own a business? Do you know who own restaurants? Do you know who own franchises?

$15 is not a whole lot of money.

Again... $15.00/hour as a Federal standard is perfect example of one size fits all mentality.
A) Are you aware that Mississippi is at 80% of national standard of living and so you want to force businesses to raise food prices in Mississippi to cover
$15.00 / hour? How stupid. Then by the same token $15/hour is NOT enough for New York where cost of living is over 120% national standard!
But see that's the ignorance of people like you..."one size fits all'!
B) Again I'm putting up the financial statement for a McDonalds.
Dummy! If the Crew payroll is at minimum wage on the below and then $15.00/hour means double the minimum...i.e. $540,000 increases to
$7/hour that will mean double the crew payroll to $1,080,000... SO dummy... that totally wipes out the net profit! Business closes and now the
"crew" is laid off!

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wages can be expensed; and, the more labor costs, the greater the amount to be expensed.

why do some companies not make a profit?
I wrote "market is fixed."

Do you have any examples of the market being fixed?

Sure. You have two businesses, one a retail, and one a service business. Each has completely different business plans and income streams, but pay employees the same. How can that be except to pay so low that both owners can skim off the top.

That isn’t a fixed market, there is no agreement to pay the same. You also claimed the owners are skimming? Do you have proof that all businesses are skimming?

If there was any doubt you not being a business owner, all doubt is now gone. Man you are clueless.

Employers don't pay the "market price?"

Skimming? Are you telling me that business owners don't cover the personal mortgage payment? Put their wives and kids on the payroll? Their girl/boy friend on the payroll? Their car? Personal utility payments? Vacations? Vacation homes? The list is endless.

Then the employer pays himself less to reduce his personal taxes, and when you ask for a raise, he states: I didn't make much more than you, I can't afford it.

Then of course you have business profit.

It's a scam.......

So you skim money off your business? Quite the confession, you know that is all illegal, any good business keeps their business separate from the personal. Otherwise you run the risk of losing all your personal property if sued. You are one stupid moron if you really believe that all businesses run as corrupt as you. Maybe the IRS needs to look into your businesses and see how you launder money.

You are slime asshole!

The IRS would need a crystal ball and a hell of an imagination to look into HIS businesses, since they don't exist except in his fantasies.
Sure. You have two businesses, one a retail, and one a service business. Each has completely different business plans and income streams, but pay employees the same. How can that be except to pay so low that both owners can skim off the top.

That isn’t a fixed market, there is no agreement to pay the same. You also claimed the owners are skimming? Do you have proof that all businesses are skimming?

If there was any doubt you not being a business owner, all doubt is now gone. Man you are clueless.

Employers don't pay the "market price?"

Skimming? Are you telling me that business owners don't cover the personal mortgage payment? Put their wives and kids on the payroll? Their girl/boy friend on the payroll? Their car? Personal utility payments? Vacations? Vacation homes? The list is endless.

Then the employer pays himself less to reduce his personal taxes, and when you ask for a raise, he states: I didn't make much more than you, I can't afford it.

Then of course you have business profit.

It's a scam.......

So you skim money off your business? Quite the confession, you know that is all illegal, any good business keeps their business separate from the personal. Otherwise you run the risk of losing all your personal property if sued. You are one stupid moron if you really believe that all businesses run as corrupt as you. Maybe the IRS needs to look into your businesses and see how you launder money.

You are slime asshole!

Please quote the law that states skimming by an employer is illegal.

By laundering money you mean Deutsche Bank laundering Russian money and giving tRump a loan?

What is skimming? definition and meaning

I can tell you are not a businessman, because skimming is illegal.

One of many things Mr. Internet Billionnaire doesn't know about REAL people operating REAL businesses is that you have to keep records of every dollar that comes in and goes out, including to yourself. Even if you're a sole proprietorship, you have to answer to state and federal IRS, if nothing else; and if the business is organized any other way, you have partners/shareholders/BOD to answer to. So either the owner is set up to draw a salary, or he's set up to get dividend income. And if he gets a personal loan from his business, he documents it officially; he doesn't just write himself a check.
That isn’t a fixed market, there is no agreement to pay the same. You also claimed the owners are skimming? Do you have proof that all businesses are skimming?

If there was any doubt you not being a business owner, all doubt is now gone. Man you are clueless.

Employers don't pay the "market price?"

Skimming? Are you telling me that business owners don't cover the personal mortgage payment? Put their wives and kids on the payroll? Their girl/boy friend on the payroll? Their car? Personal utility payments? Vacations? Vacation homes? The list is endless.

Then the employer pays himself less to reduce his personal taxes, and when you ask for a raise, he states: I didn't make much more than you, I can't afford it.

Then of course you have business profit.

It's a scam.......

So you skim money off your business? Quite the confession, you know that is all illegal, any good business keeps their business separate from the personal. Otherwise you run the risk of losing all your personal property if sued. You are one stupid moron if you really believe that all businesses run as corrupt as you. Maybe the IRS needs to look into your businesses and see how you launder money.

You are slime asshole!

Please quote the law that states skimming by an employer is illegal.

By laundering money you mean Deutsche Bank laundering Russian money and giving tRump a loan?

What is skimming? definition and meaning

I can tell you are not a businessman, because skimming is illegal.

I can't take a company credit card and make a mortgage payment that the company pays as long as taxes are paid on that money?

Not unless the mortgage is on a property owned by the company. How do you not know this, "One Percenter" that you pretend to be?
True, but you tossed the football and everyone on USMB is running interception.
Tossed WHAT "football" ? The only thing I tossed was my post # 389 with a list of things never talked about, and nobody's talking about them here either. I wish they would.
Actually all wages are well below where they should be
The consumer economy is suffering
Not true. The median income - 61,470 per year is at it's highest point in US history.

But I won't hold it against you since I reckon you are a victim of liberal OMISSION media.
And if they don't use it as a guideline? Cmon. Let your inner authoritarian stake a claim here. You want government up everyone's ass, don't you?
Maybe your problem is that you 've been told in order to be a good conservative, you have to be the enemy of the government. And with that, maybe you've been told that govt MW laws are your enemy.

Here's a tutorial for you about that. I'm a fierce right wing conservative Republican. I owned my own business for 12 years. I expanded it to 3 branch offices in 3 counties. So was what I was paying my workers my biggest problem ?

Nope. No problem at all. In fact, in commissions, I was paying them over $100/hour during the 1980s. Inflation calculate that to 2019, if you like. My biggest problem wasn't money going out. It was money coming in (or the lack of it, aka SALES$$$). Day in and day out, I heard prospective customer callers tell me they weren't going to buy. When I asked why, they said they couldn't afford it.

So I asked what's the most you could pay for a down payment, and I heard this >> "Uh, about 10 bucks" I heard that about a dozen times every day. And why are these interested customers so broke that they couldn't afford my product ? It's because somebody is paying them a very low minimum wage, THAT'S WHY.

So the big companies with large numbers of employees gain by saving money on labor costs, while those with smaller numbers of workers lose by being unable to sell to those thousands of penniless MW workers. Get it ?

Once again, there are lots of companies who lose out by a low MW, and gain SALES$$$ with a higher MW >>

Here's a few examples

1. companies with few employees (or none)

2.Companies whose workers all get paid by commissions

3. Companies who have all skilled workers, who already make above what the MW would be raised to.

When I owned my company in the 1980s, I practically begged my legislators to RAISE the minimum wage, so I could have people with MONEY IN THEIR POCKETS, to buy the things I was trying to sell.
And if they don't use it as a guideline? Cmon. Let your inner authoritarian stake a claim here. You want government up everyone's ass, don't you?
Maybe your problem is that you 've been told in order to be a good conservative, you have to be the enemy of the government. And with that, maybe you've been told that govt MW laws are your enemy.

Nope. For one thing, I'm a libertarian, not a conservative. Second, it's not about government being the enemy. It's about keeping government in its place. We need government to protect our freedom, not to tell us how to live. You seem like a "tell us how to live" kind of a guy, but I'm not down with that kind of government.
Nope. For one thing, I'm a libertarian, not a conservative. Second, it's not about government being the enemy. It's about keeping government in its place. We need government to protect our freedom, not to tell us how to live. You seem like a "tell us how to live" kind of a guy, but I'm not down with that kind of government.
Government tells you how to live in thousands of various ways. They,re called laws. Don't murder, rape, steal, or raise rents 65%
Nope. For one thing, I'm a libertarian, not a conservative. Second, it's not about government being the enemy. It's about keeping government in its place. We need government to protect our freedom, not to tell us how to live. You seem like a "tell us how to live" kind of a guy, but I'm not down with that kind of government.
Government tells you how to live in thousands of various ways. They,re called laws. Don't murder, rape, steal, or raise rents 65%

There's a distinct different between laws that protect our rights - like laws against murder and stealing - and laws that simply dictate behavior for convenience.
There's a distinct different between laws that protect our rights - like laws against murder and stealing - and laws that simply dictate behavior for convenience.
Rent control laws "protect our rights" to have a place to live, without sudden, outrageous increases in rent, that force us to move out (IF we can even afford to do that)
There's a distinct different between laws that protect our rights - like laws against murder and stealing - and laws that simply dictate behavior for convenience.
Rent control laws "protect our rights" to have a place to live, without sudden, outrageous increases in rent, that force us to move out (IF we can even afford to do that)
You have no real rights to prevent the property owner from getting more money
Work hard, quit crying, quit expecting people to cater to your whims, and become a property owner.
There's a distinct different between laws that protect our rights - like laws against murder and stealing - and laws that simply dictate behavior for convenience.
Rent control laws "protect our rights" to have a place to live, without sudden, outrageous increases in rent, that force us to move out (IF we can even afford to do that)

Rights are protected freedoms, not 'free shit'. There's no such thing as a 'right' to a place to live. Or health care. Or anything other necessities of life. The government isn't there to take care of us.

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