Does Biden have a Stuh, Stuh, Stuttering Problem?

This guy has a serious slurring problem. Either he is drunk or he is stoned on the campaign trail. Or he has a stuh stuh stuh stuttering problem. Or maybe he is just too senile to run.

This was really, really bad.

‘Su-successful’ launch: Biden slurs and stammers through first campaign speech - Joe Biden is slurring his speech

Joe Biden:

I would lah, lah, luh luh luh like your vah vah veeh vah vuh vote for Pruh Preh, Pruh Prah President in tuh tah tuh tah two thousand and tuh teh tuh teh tuh ten!


Th Th Th That's All Folks!


Puff face gets a bit lightheaded after inhaling so much womens’ hair spray, perfume, shampoo residue, etc. that his tongue gets all tied up and especially so when he’s found himself in a tough position to explain. For instance, pay close attention once the questions about family money ties to Chinese Commies, leaning on foreign investigations about family business, and things like that are an opponent’s question. You won’t be able to tell if his tongue is tied or forked.
However if it's any consolation, being a racist does make you a conservative.
Like this Democratic Party icon?

Not exactly.

Anything ass-ociated with the Klan associates out of hyperconservatism, of course. But Byrd' involvement in it and his involvment in in elected office were two different events which were never coincidental, so you're deliberately trying to set up a feeble Ass-ociation Fallacy here, and using an obviously temporally-challenged photoshop to do it.

Does that make you a conservative or a racist? We don't know either one. But we do know it makes you dishonest, so the former two questions are moot.

You leftist assholes are forever trying to distance yourselves from Byrd, and you in particular are always throwing out your bullshit rationalizations about your sordid history of racism and slavery but the history is there (as much as you try to erase that history). In short, MF, you can run but you can't hide. The Democratic Party IS the party of racism.
BTW, Byrd was NOT a conservative, dickhead, and everyone (including you) knows it.

I have no such "sordid history" of racism OR slavery, Dumbshit, Go ahead and prove you're not a fucking liar.

And yes, Byrd was obviously conservative, and no, racism has no "political party". It was brought about LOOOONG before any political parties ever existed as a marketing tactic to excuse human trafficking so those traffickers could make a PROFIT from it, and that was going on LOOOONG before we were even a British/Spanish/French colony let alone a country let alone one with political parties, NONE of which have ever been necessary to either own slaves OR be a racist since racism is a SOCIAL STRUCTURE construct, not a fucking political policy, so your unspeakably lame-ass attempt to dichotomize to try to score "points" for "muh team" is almost as pathetic as your ludicrous attempt to call me a "slaveowner" just because you're a dishonest HACK who puts up an obvious photoshop thinking anybody in the world was going to buy it,
YOU constantly defend the party that here, in the United States, owned slaves, beat them, bought and sold them, went to war to keep them, created the KKK when they lost the fight, passed laws to keep former slaves uneducated so they couldn't get jobs, fought against civil rights legislation, and held a KKK recruiter in the highest regard until he died after serving as their majority leader longer than any Senator in U.S. history. Embrace your disgusting legacy, leftist. You own it, and so does Mr. Bi Bi Biden.

I defend the truth against bullshit like yours, is what I do. Photoshops. Ass-ociation fallacies. Made-up historical crap. It all gets called on the carpet. If you don't like the calling out, then don't post BULLSHIT in the first place. Not rocket surgery.

The post above for a prime example. There has never been a "party that owned slaves" or "beat them" or "sold them". Feel free to essplain to the class where and how anyone anywhere needed a political party to own, trade or abuse slaves at all. Be sure to essplain to us all how those same slaves were shipped, traded and abused all over the Caribbean and South America, far more than they were here, for the last five hundred years, without the need for a political party. Then you can essplain to us all how all those slaves got here, got bought, got sold, got abused, got owned by white settlers all over the Colonies long before, and after, this country declared its independence, including four of the first five POTUSes, when no such "Democratic Party" even existed at all. PROVE ME WRONG.

NOR has there ever been a political party that "created the KKK" in any iteration, and you know that because you've been schooled on all this before, in excruciating detail, and yet here you are with yet another factually-challenged verbal photoshop, trying to sell the same BULLSHIT and expecting different results. I've refuted this shit for the entire six-plus years I've been here and no one has ever refuted my facts, and you can't either. PROVE ME WRONG.

And, as long as we're scoring, there is no political party that "went to war", over anything. Again --- PROVE ME WRONG.

And you STILL can't defend your mendacious BULLSHIT about me being a "racist" and "slaveowner", not that that's any surprise. So you've already established yourself as a lying hack who pulls fake 'facts' out of his ass, and yet here you are STILL trying to sell the same BULLSHIT.
Last edited:
I defend the truth against bullshit like yours, is what I do. Photoshops. Ass-ociation fallacies. Made-up historical crap. It all gets called on the carpet. If you don't like the calling out, then don't post BULLSHIT in the first place. Not rocket surgery.
Nothing I said was made up. You deny Robert Byrd was a KKK recruiter? You're not calling anybody out, you're only pretending to. Everything I've stated is true, you just don't like hearing it.
There has never been a "party that owned slaves" or "beat them" or "sold them". Feel free to essplain to the class where and how anyone anywhere needed a political party to own, trade or abuse slaves at all.
Split those hairs, bitch. The slave owners were all Democrats. What party passed Jim Crow laws, asshole? Here's a hint: The Democratic Party.
Then you can essplain to us all how all those slaves got here, got bought, got sold, got abused, got owned by white settlers all over the Colonies long before, and after, this country declared its independence, including four of the first five POTUSes, when no such "Democratic Party" even existed at all. PROVE ME WRONG.
It doesn't matter who brought them here. It was the Democrats who ended up with them and it was the Democrats who fought to keep them. And Democrats were the last ones to own slaves until the first REPUBLICAN President freed them. You're a GD liar.
NOR has there ever been a political party that "created the KKK"
Not the party itself, just it's members. Keep splitting those hairs. The purpose of the KKK was to intimidate Republicans. Make them afraid to run for office, and intimidate black people to discourage them from voting for Republicans (which they ALL did). What steps did the Democratic Party take to stop it? Here's another hint: None.
And you STILL can't defend your mendacious BULLSHIT about me being a "racist" and "slaveowner"
You defend racists and slave owners. That tells us all we need to know about you.
I've refuted this shit for the entire six-plus years I've been here
You haven't refuted a damn thing and you know it. Claiming you have is the same kind of usual bullshit you've spewed since you've been here. It's all you've ever done.
I defend the truth against bullshit like yours, is what I do. Photoshops. Ass-ociation fallacies. Made-up historical crap. It all gets called on the carpet. If you don't like the calling out, then don't post BULLSHIT in the first place. Not rocket surgery.

Nothing I said was made up.



you in particular are always throwing out your bullshit rationalizations about your sordid history of racism and slavery

I count a photoshop and two accusations against me about "racism and slavery",*ALL* of which were made up, fabricated, pulled out of your ass. I gave you the opportunity to prove ANY of it legitimate, and you CAN'T DO IT because you're a fucking LIAR. And here you even lied about the lying.

"Nothing you said was made up" huh?

Lying asshole FUCK. :fu:

There has never been a "party that owned slaves" or "beat them" or "sold them". Feel free to essplain to the class where and how anyone anywhere needed a political party to own, trade or abuse slaves at all.
Split those hairs, bitch. The slave owners were all Democrats. What party passed Jim Crow laws, asshole? Here's a hint: The Democratic Party.

Once AGAIN, NOBODY ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME, EVER needed a political party to own a slave. It's simply not involved. Just counting POTUSes alone Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Harrison I, Tyler, Taylor and Grant all owned slaves and none of them were "Democrats", which didn't even EXIST during the first four, nor did they exist during over a century and a half before that when slave-owning and trading was going on in earnest. Owning slaves has never been a political thing, Dumbass. I don't care what your freako-tribalism fetish blogs try to tell you gullibles, that's simply BULLSHIT.

Then you can essplain to us all how all those slaves got here, got bought, got sold, got abused, got owned by white settlers all over the Colonies long before, and after, this country declared its independence, including four of the first five POTUSes, when no such "Democratic Party" even existed at all. PROVE ME WRONG.
It doesn't matter who brought them here. It was the Democrats who ended up with them and it was the Democrats who fought to keep them. And Democrats were the last ones to own slaves until the first REPUBLICAN President freed them. You're a GD liar.

Again --- BULLSHIT. See above and PROVE IT WRONG.

What part of "PROVE ME WRONG" sails over your hood here, Dumbass?? You made the ass-sertion, YOU get the burden of proof. DO IT or admit you pulled it out of your ass.

If you're trying in your pathetic wimpy way to refer to the Civil War, the Confederacy had no political parties, Dumbass. And before that War in the 1860 election the Democratic candidate came in dead last in a field of four, pulling exactly the same number of electoral votes from the South as Lincoln did --- Zero. If that's where you're going with that.

Prove THAT wrong.

NOR has there ever been a political party that "created the KKK"
Not the party itself, just it's [sic] members.

We've done this before. I've got names, dates and places, you don't. Again those are:
(Maj) James R. Crowe; Calvin Jones; (Capt) John B. Kennedy; (Capt) John Lester; (Maj) Frank O. McCord; Richard R. Reed --- 205 West Madison Street, Pulaski Tennessee, December 24, 1865 ---- a place that was not part of the United States and had no political parties at the time, six ex-soldiers who had no known political affiliations anyway.


Second iteration: William Joseph "Colonel Joe" Simmons, Stone Mountain, Atlanta Georgia, November 25, 1915. Again --- no known political affiliation even though Atlanta was part of the US and did have political parties.


Also learn how to spell the word its. You can't have "it is members".


Keep splitting those hairs. The purpose of the KKK was to intimidate Republicans.

BULLSHIT. Republicans hadn't even arrived in the occupied Confederacy at the time (first iteration in 1865), and the second iteration's purpose was to intimidate immigrants, blacks, Jews, Catholics, drunks, non-Protestant Christians and labor unions, and to that end actually got Republicans elected --- Senators in Maine (Brewster), Colorado (Means), governors in Kansas (Paulen), Indiana (Jackson), Colorado (Morley) a mayor in Portland OR (Baker) and numerous other lower offices, endorsed Hoover in 1924 and Coolidge in 1928 and ran a smear campaign against the Democrat in the latter year because he was a Catholic --- one of the Democratic Party's constituent groups along with the aforementioned Jews, labor unions and immigrants.

The purpose of the (original) Klan was a simple innocuous social club, as a goof. That's why it had all the silly K-alliterations: klaverns, kleagles, etc.


And you STILL can't defend your mendacious BULLSHIT about me being a "racist" and "slaveowner"
You defend racists and slave owners. That tells us all we need to know about you.

BULLSHIT. PROVE IT or admit you pulled it out of your ass.

Let's go WIMP.

I've refuted this shit for the entire six-plus years I've been here
You haven't refuted a damn thing and you know it. Claiming you have is the same kind of usual bullshit you've spewed since you've been here. It's all you've ever done.

You want links? I got 'em. Including threads YOU YOURSELF were in.

Fucking LIAR. :fu:
I defend the truth against bullshit like yours, is what I do. Photoshops. Ass-ociation fallacies. Made-up historical crap. It all gets called on the carpet. If you don't like the calling out, then don't post BULLSHIT in the first place. Not rocket surgery.

Nothing I said was made up.



you in particular are always throwing out your bullshit rationalizations about your sordid history of racism and slavery

I count a photoshop and two accusations against me about "racism and slavery",*ALL* of which were made up, fabricated, pulled out of your ass. I gave you the opportunity to prove ANY of it legitimate, and you CAN'T DO IT because you're a fucking LIAR. And here you even lied about the lying.

"Nothing you said was made up" huh?

Lying asshole FUCK. :fu:

There has never been a "party that owned slaves" or "beat them" or "sold them". Feel free to essplain to the class where and how anyone anywhere needed a political party to own, trade or abuse slaves at all.
Split those hairs, bitch. The slave owners were all Democrats. What party passed Jim Crow laws, asshole? Here's a hint: The Democratic Party.

Once AGAIN, NOBODY ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME, EVER needed a political party to own a slave. It's simply not involved. Just counting POTUSes alone Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Harrison I, Tyler, Taylor and Grant all owned slaves and none of them were "Democrats", which didn't even EXIST during the first four, nor did they exist during over a century and a half before that when slave-owning and trading was going on in earnest. Owning slaves has never been a political thing, Dumbass. I don't care what your freako-tribalism fetish blogs try to tell you gullibles, that's simply BULLSHIT.

Then you can essplain to us all how all those slaves got here, got bought, got sold, got abused, got owned by white settlers all over the Colonies long before, and after, this country declared its independence, including four of the first five POTUSes, when no such "Democratic Party" even existed at all. PROVE ME WRONG.
It doesn't matter who brought them here. It was the Democrats who ended up with them and it was the Democrats who fought to keep them. And Democrats were the last ones to own slaves until the first REPUBLICAN President freed them. You're a GD liar.

Again --- BULLSHIT. See above and PROVE IT WRONG.

What part of "PROVE ME WRONG" sails over your hood here, Dumbass?? You made the ass-sertion, YOU get the burden of proof. DO IT or admit you pulled it out of your ass.

If you're trying in your pathetic wimpy way to refer to the Civil War, the Confederacy had no political parties, Dumbass. And before that War in the 1860 election the Democratic candidate came in dead last in a field of four, pulling exactly the same number of electoral votes from the South as Lincoln did --- Zero. If that's where you're going with that.

Prove THAT wrong.

NOR has there ever been a political party that "created the KKK"
Not the party itself, just it's [sic] members.

We've done this before. I've got names, dates and places, you don't. Again those are:
(Maj) James R. Crowe; Calvin Jones; (Capt) John B. Kennedy; (Capt) John Lester; (Maj) Frank O. McCord; Richard R. Reed --- 205 West Madison Street, Pulaski Tennessee, December 24, 1865 ---- a place that was not part of the United States and had no political parties at the time, six ex-soldiers who had no known political affiliations anyway.


Second iteration: William Joseph "Colonel Joe" Simmons, Stone Mountain, Atlanta Georgia, November 25, 1915. Again --- no known political affiliation even though Atlanta was part of the US and did have political parties.


Also learn how to spell the word its. You can't have "it is members".


Keep splitting those hairs. The purpose of the KKK was to intimidate Republicans.

BULLSHIT. Republicans hadn't even arrived in the occupied Confederacy at the time (first iteration in 1865), and the second iteration's purpose was to intimidate immigrants, blacks, Jews, Catholics, drunks, non-Protestant Christians and labor unions, and to that end actually got Republicans elected --- Senators in Maine (Brewster), Colorado (Means), governors in Kansas (Paulen), Indiana (Jackson), Colorado (Morley) a mayor in Portland OR (Baker) and numerous other lower offices, endorsed Hoover in 1924 and Coolidge in 1928 and ran a smear campaign against the Democrat in the latter year because he was a Catholic --- one of the Democratic Party's constituent groups along with the aforementioned Jews, labor unions and immigrants.

The purpose of the (original) Klan was a simple innocuous social club, as a goof. That's why it had all the silly K-alliterations: klaverns, kleagles, etc.


And you STILL can't defend your mendacious BULLSHIT about me being a "racist" and "slaveowner"
You defend racists and slave owners. That tells us all we need to know about you.

BULLSHIT. PROVE IT or admit you pulled it out of your ass.

Let's go WIMP.

I've refuted this shit for the entire six-plus years I've been here
You haven't refuted a damn thing and you know it. Claiming you have is the same kind of usual bullshit you've spewed since you've been here. It's all you've ever done.

You want links? I got 'em. Including threads YOU YOURSELF were in.

Fucking LIAR. :fu:
Hope this doesn't give you a stroke, racist...

Notice Stutterin' Joe at Byrd's funeral? He looks sad. So does his racist buddy standing next to him.

I defend the truth against bullshit like yours, is what I do. Photoshops. Ass-ociation fallacies. Made-up historical crap. It all gets called on the carpet. If you don't like the calling out, then don't post BULLSHIT in the first place. Not rocket surgery.

Nothing I said was made up.



you in particular are always throwing out your bullshit rationalizations about your sordid history of racism and slavery

I count a photoshop and two accusations against me about "racism and slavery",*ALL* of which were made up, fabricated, pulled out of your ass. I gave you the opportunity to prove ANY of it legitimate, and you CAN'T DO IT because you're a fucking LIAR. And here you even lied about the lying.

"Nothing you said was made up" huh?

Lying asshole FUCK. :fu:

There has never been a "party that owned slaves" or "beat them" or "sold them". Feel free to essplain to the class where and how anyone anywhere needed a political party to own, trade or abuse slaves at all.
Split those hairs, bitch. The slave owners were all Democrats. What party passed Jim Crow laws, asshole? Here's a hint: The Democratic Party.

Once AGAIN, NOBODY ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME, EVER needed a political party to own a slave. It's simply not involved. Just counting POTUSes alone Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Harrison I, Tyler, Taylor and Grant all owned slaves and none of them were "Democrats", which didn't even EXIST during the first four, nor did they exist during over a century and a half before that when slave-owning and trading was going on in earnest. Owning slaves has never been a political thing, Dumbass. I don't care what your freako-tribalism fetish blogs try to tell you gullibles, that's simply BULLSHIT.

Then you can essplain to us all how all those slaves got here, got bought, got sold, got abused, got owned by white settlers all over the Colonies long before, and after, this country declared its independence, including four of the first five POTUSes, when no such "Democratic Party" even existed at all. PROVE ME WRONG.
It doesn't matter who brought them here. It was the Democrats who ended up with them and it was the Democrats who fought to keep them. And Democrats were the last ones to own slaves until the first REPUBLICAN President freed them. You're a GD liar.

Again --- BULLSHIT. See above and PROVE IT WRONG.

What part of "PROVE ME WRONG" sails over your hood here, Dumbass?? You made the ass-sertion, YOU get the burden of proof. DO IT or admit you pulled it out of your ass.

If you're trying in your pathetic wimpy way to refer to the Civil War, the Confederacy had no political parties, Dumbass. And before that War in the 1860 election the Democratic candidate came in dead last in a field of four, pulling exactly the same number of electoral votes from the South as Lincoln did --- Zero. If that's where you're going with that.

Prove THAT wrong.

NOR has there ever been a political party that "created the KKK"
Not the party itself, just it's [sic] members.

We've done this before. I've got names, dates and places, you don't. Again those are:
(Maj) James R. Crowe; Calvin Jones; (Capt) John B. Kennedy; (Capt) John Lester; (Maj) Frank O. McCord; Richard R. Reed --- 205 West Madison Street, Pulaski Tennessee, December 24, 1865 ---- a place that was not part of the United States and had no political parties at the time, six ex-soldiers who had no known political affiliations anyway.


Second iteration: William Joseph "Colonel Joe" Simmons, Stone Mountain, Atlanta Georgia, November 25, 1915. Again --- no known political affiliation even though Atlanta was part of the US and did have political parties.


Also learn how to spell the word its. You can't have "it is members".


Keep splitting those hairs. The purpose of the KKK was to intimidate Republicans.

BULLSHIT. Republicans hadn't even arrived in the occupied Confederacy at the time (first iteration in 1865), and the second iteration's purpose was to intimidate immigrants, blacks, Jews, Catholics, drunks, non-Protestant Christians and labor unions, and to that end actually got Republicans elected --- Senators in Maine (Brewster), Colorado (Means), governors in Kansas (Paulen), Indiana (Jackson), Colorado (Morley) a mayor in Portland OR (Baker) and numerous other lower offices, endorsed Hoover in 1924 and Coolidge in 1928 and ran a smear campaign against the Democrat in the latter year because he was a Catholic --- one of the Democratic Party's constituent groups along with the aforementioned Jews, labor unions and immigrants.

The purpose of the (original) Klan was a simple innocuous social club, as a goof. That's why it had all the silly K-alliterations: klaverns, kleagles, etc.


And you STILL can't defend your mendacious BULLSHIT about me being a "racist" and "slaveowner"
You defend racists and slave owners. That tells us all we need to know about you.

BULLSHIT. PROVE IT or admit you pulled it out of your ass.

Let's go WIMP.

I've refuted this shit for the entire six-plus years I've been here
You haven't refuted a damn thing and you know it. Claiming you have is the same kind of usual bullshit you've spewed since you've been here. It's all you've ever done.

You want links? I got 'em. Including threads YOU YOURSELF were in.

Fucking LIAR. :fu:
Hope this doesn't give you a stroke, racist...

Notice Stutterin' Joe at Byrd's funeral? He looks sad. So does his racist buddy standing next to him.

Obama was the biggest Uncle Tom that I have ever seen, A Total Traitor to his so called "race" President Trump has helped Black Americans far more than Obama ever did.
I defend the truth against bullshit like yours, is what I do. Photoshops. Ass-ociation fallacies. Made-up historical crap. It all gets called on the carpet. If you don't like the calling out, then don't post BULLSHIT in the first place. Not rocket surgery.

Nothing I said was made up.



you in particular are always throwing out your bullshit rationalizations about your sordid history of racism and slavery

I count a photoshop and two accusations against me about "racism and slavery",*ALL* of which were made up, fabricated, pulled out of your ass. I gave you the opportunity to prove ANY of it legitimate, and you CAN'T DO IT because you're a fucking LIAR. And here you even lied about the lying.

"Nothing you said was made up" huh?

Lying asshole FUCK. :fu:

There has never been a "party that owned slaves" or "beat them" or "sold them". Feel free to essplain to the class where and how anyone anywhere needed a political party to own, trade or abuse slaves at all.
Split those hairs, bitch. The slave owners were all Democrats. What party passed Jim Crow laws, asshole? Here's a hint: The Democratic Party.

Once AGAIN, NOBODY ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME, EVER needed a political party to own a slave. It's simply not involved. Just counting POTUSes alone Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Harrison I, Tyler, Taylor and Grant all owned slaves and none of them were "Democrats", which didn't even EXIST during the first four, nor did they exist during over a century and a half before that when slave-owning and trading was going on in earnest. Owning slaves has never been a political thing, Dumbass. I don't care what your freako-tribalism fetish blogs try to tell you gullibles, that's simply BULLSHIT.

Then you can essplain to us all how all those slaves got here, got bought, got sold, got abused, got owned by white settlers all over the Colonies long before, and after, this country declared its independence, including four of the first five POTUSes, when no such "Democratic Party" even existed at all. PROVE ME WRONG.
It doesn't matter who brought them here. It was the Democrats who ended up with them and it was the Democrats who fought to keep them. And Democrats were the last ones to own slaves until the first REPUBLICAN President freed them. You're a GD liar.

Again --- BULLSHIT. See above and PROVE IT WRONG.

What part of "PROVE ME WRONG" sails over your hood here, Dumbass?? You made the ass-sertion, YOU get the burden of proof. DO IT or admit you pulled it out of your ass.

If you're trying in your pathetic wimpy way to refer to the Civil War, the Confederacy had no political parties, Dumbass. And before that War in the 1860 election the Democratic candidate came in dead last in a field of four, pulling exactly the same number of electoral votes from the South as Lincoln did --- Zero. If that's where you're going with that.

Prove THAT wrong.

NOR has there ever been a political party that "created the KKK"
Not the party itself, just it's [sic] members.

We've done this before. I've got names, dates and places, you don't. Again those are:
(Maj) James R. Crowe; Calvin Jones; (Capt) John B. Kennedy; (Capt) John Lester; (Maj) Frank O. McCord; Richard R. Reed --- 205 West Madison Street, Pulaski Tennessee, December 24, 1865 ---- a place that was not part of the United States and had no political parties at the time, six ex-soldiers who had no known political affiliations anyway.


Second iteration: William Joseph "Colonel Joe" Simmons, Stone Mountain, Atlanta Georgia, November 25, 1915. Again --- no known political affiliation even though Atlanta was part of the US and did have political parties.


Also learn how to spell the word its. You can't have "it is members".


Keep splitting those hairs. The purpose of the KKK was to intimidate Republicans.

BULLSHIT. Republicans hadn't even arrived in the occupied Confederacy at the time (first iteration in 1865), and the second iteration's purpose was to intimidate immigrants, blacks, Jews, Catholics, drunks, non-Protestant Christians and labor unions, and to that end actually got Republicans elected --- Senators in Maine (Brewster), Colorado (Means), governors in Kansas (Paulen), Indiana (Jackson), Colorado (Morley) a mayor in Portland OR (Baker) and numerous other lower offices, endorsed Hoover in 1924 and Coolidge in 1928 and ran a smear campaign against the Democrat in the latter year because he was a Catholic --- one of the Democratic Party's constituent groups along with the aforementioned Jews, labor unions and immigrants.

The purpose of the (original) Klan was a simple innocuous social club, as a goof. That's why it had all the silly K-alliterations: klaverns, kleagles, etc.


And you STILL can't defend your mendacious BULLSHIT about me being a "racist" and "slaveowner"
You defend racists and slave owners. That tells us all we need to know about you.

BULLSHIT. PROVE IT or admit you pulled it out of your ass.

Let's go WIMP.

I've refuted this shit for the entire six-plus years I've been here
You haven't refuted a damn thing and you know it. Claiming you have is the same kind of usual bullshit you've spewed since you've been here. It's all you've ever done.

You want links? I got 'em. Including threads YOU YOURSELF were in.

Fucking LIAR. :fu:
Hope this doesn't give you a stroke, racist...

Notice Stutterin' Joe at Byrd's funeral? He looks sad. So does his racist buddy standing next to him.

That's pretty damn funny, trying to pretend a street march is a political convention. :rofl:

Almost as funny as when two of your fellow traveller history-mythologists tried to tell this board that a Klan funeral march was the 1924 Democratic convention. Outside, on wet trolley tracks. In the rain. A month after the election was already over. In Wisconsin, a thousand miles away from where the actual convention had been held six months prior.

That image you have there would be the Klan march in DC of either August 1925 or September 1926 --- in between the elections when KKK endorsed Hoover and the one when it endorsed Coolidge, running a national smear campaign against Democrat Al Smith, because he was Catholic. It would be a couple of years after they got Ed Jackson, Rice Means, Clarence Morley, Owen Brewster, George Luis Baker, Ben Paulen elected to Senate, Governor and Mayor seats, all as Republicans. And it would be just after this thing happened:

Perhaps you'd like to essplain to the class, in that special way of yours, why a "Democratic Party organization" would be going to these lengths to elect Republicans running against its own candidates.

Perhaps not.

Fucking dishonest HACK.
Last edited:
I defend the truth against bullshit like yours, is what I do. Photoshops. Ass-ociation fallacies. Made-up historical crap. It all gets called on the carpet. If you don't like the calling out, then don't post BULLSHIT in the first place. Not rocket surgery.

Nothing I said was made up.



you in particular are always throwing out your bullshit rationalizations about your sordid history of racism and slavery

I count a photoshop and two accusations against me about "racism and slavery",*ALL* of which were made up, fabricated, pulled out of your ass. I gave you the opportunity to prove ANY of it legitimate, and you CAN'T DO IT because you're a fucking LIAR. And here you even lied about the lying.

"Nothing you said was made up" huh?

Lying asshole FUCK. :fu:

There has never been a "party that owned slaves" or "beat them" or "sold them". Feel free to essplain to the class where and how anyone anywhere needed a political party to own, trade or abuse slaves at all.
Split those hairs, bitch. The slave owners were all Democrats. What party passed Jim Crow laws, asshole? Here's a hint: The Democratic Party.

Once AGAIN, NOBODY ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME, EVER needed a political party to own a slave. It's simply not involved. Just counting POTUSes alone Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Harrison I, Tyler, Taylor and Grant all owned slaves and none of them were "Democrats", which didn't even EXIST during the first four, nor did they exist during over a century and a half before that when slave-owning and trading was going on in earnest. Owning slaves has never been a political thing, Dumbass. I don't care what your freako-tribalism fetish blogs try to tell you gullibles, that's simply BULLSHIT.

Then you can essplain to us all how all those slaves got here, got bought, got sold, got abused, got owned by white settlers all over the Colonies long before, and after, this country declared its independence, including four of the first five POTUSes, when no such "Democratic Party" even existed at all. PROVE ME WRONG.
It doesn't matter who brought them here. It was the Democrats who ended up with them and it was the Democrats who fought to keep them. And Democrats were the last ones to own slaves until the first REPUBLICAN President freed them. You're a GD liar.

Again --- BULLSHIT. See above and PROVE IT WRONG.

What part of "PROVE ME WRONG" sails over your hood here, Dumbass?? You made the ass-sertion, YOU get the burden of proof. DO IT or admit you pulled it out of your ass.

If you're trying in your pathetic wimpy way to refer to the Civil War, the Confederacy had no political parties, Dumbass. And before that War in the 1860 election the Democratic candidate came in dead last in a field of four, pulling exactly the same number of electoral votes from the South as Lincoln did --- Zero. If that's where you're going with that.

Prove THAT wrong.

NOR has there ever been a political party that "created the KKK"
Not the party itself, just it's [sic] members.

We've done this before. I've got names, dates and places, you don't. Again those are:
(Maj) James R. Crowe; Calvin Jones; (Capt) John B. Kennedy; (Capt) John Lester; (Maj) Frank O. McCord; Richard R. Reed --- 205 West Madison Street, Pulaski Tennessee, December 24, 1865 ---- a place that was not part of the United States and had no political parties at the time, six ex-soldiers who had no known political affiliations anyway.


Second iteration: William Joseph "Colonel Joe" Simmons, Stone Mountain, Atlanta Georgia, November 25, 1915. Again --- no known political affiliation even though Atlanta was part of the US and did have political parties.


Also learn how to spell the word its. You can't have "it is members".


Keep splitting those hairs. The purpose of the KKK was to intimidate Republicans.

BULLSHIT. Republicans hadn't even arrived in the occupied Confederacy at the time (first iteration in 1865), and the second iteration's purpose was to intimidate immigrants, blacks, Jews, Catholics, drunks, non-Protestant Christians and labor unions, and to that end actually got Republicans elected --- Senators in Maine (Brewster), Colorado (Means), governors in Kansas (Paulen), Indiana (Jackson), Colorado (Morley) a mayor in Portland OR (Baker) and numerous other lower offices, endorsed Hoover in 1924 and Coolidge in 1928 and ran a smear campaign against the Democrat in the latter year because he was a Catholic --- one of the Democratic Party's constituent groups along with the aforementioned Jews, labor unions and immigrants.

The purpose of the (original) Klan was a simple innocuous social club, as a goof. That's why it had all the silly K-alliterations: klaverns, kleagles, etc.


And you STILL can't defend your mendacious BULLSHIT about me being a "racist" and "slaveowner"
You defend racists and slave owners. That tells us all we need to know about you.

BULLSHIT. PROVE IT or admit you pulled it out of your ass.

Let's go WIMP.

I've refuted this shit for the entire six-plus years I've been here
You haven't refuted a damn thing and you know it. Claiming you have is the same kind of usual bullshit you've spewed since you've been here. It's all you've ever done.

You want links? I got 'em. Including threads YOU YOURSELF were in.

Fucking LIAR. :fu:
Hope this doesn't give you a stroke, racist...

Notice Stutterin' Joe at Byrd's funeral? He looks sad. So does his racist buddy standing next to him.

That's pretty damn funny, trying to pretend a street march is a political convention. :rofl:

Almost as funny as when two of your fellow traveller history-mythologists tried to tell this board that a Klan funeral march was the 1924 Democratic convention. Outside, on wet trolley tracks. In the rain. A month after the election was already over. In Wisconsin, a thousand miles away from where the actual convention had been held six months prior.

That image you have there would be the Klan march in DC of either August 1925 or September 1926 --- in between the elections when KKK endorsed Hoover and the one when it endorsed Coolidge, running a national smear campaign against Democrat Al Smith, because he was Catholic. It would be a couple of years after they got Ed Jackson, Rice Means, Clarence Morley, Owen Brewster, George Luis Baker, Ben Paulen elected to Senate, Governor and Mayor seats, all as Republicans. And it would be just after this thing happened:

Perhaps you'd like to essplain to the class, in that special way of yours, why a "Democratic Party organization" would be going to these lengths to elect Republicans running against its own candidates.

Perhaps not.

Fucking dishonest HACK.

Nice try, asshole but your trick didn't work.

This site is not secure

This might mean that someone’s trying to fool you or steal any info you send to the server. You should close this site immediately.
I defend the truth against bullshit like yours, is what I do. Photoshops. Ass-ociation fallacies. Made-up historical crap. It all gets called on the carpet. If you don't like the calling out, then don't post BULLSHIT in the first place. Not rocket surgery.

Nothing I said was made up.



you in particular are always throwing out your bullshit rationalizations about your sordid history of racism and slavery

I count a photoshop and two accusations against me about "racism and slavery",*ALL* of which were made up, fabricated, pulled out of your ass. I gave you the opportunity to prove ANY of it legitimate, and you CAN'T DO IT because you're a fucking LIAR. And here you even lied about the lying.

"Nothing you said was made up" huh?

Lying asshole FUCK. :fu:

There has never been a "party that owned slaves" or "beat them" or "sold them". Feel free to essplain to the class where and how anyone anywhere needed a political party to own, trade or abuse slaves at all.
Split those hairs, bitch. The slave owners were all Democrats. What party passed Jim Crow laws, asshole? Here's a hint: The Democratic Party.

Once AGAIN, NOBODY ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME, EVER needed a political party to own a slave. It's simply not involved. Just counting POTUSes alone Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Harrison I, Tyler, Taylor and Grant all owned slaves and none of them were "Democrats", which didn't even EXIST during the first four, nor did they exist during over a century and a half before that when slave-owning and trading was going on in earnest. Owning slaves has never been a political thing, Dumbass. I don't care what your freako-tribalism fetish blogs try to tell you gullibles, that's simply BULLSHIT.

Then you can essplain to us all how all those slaves got here, got bought, got sold, got abused, got owned by white settlers all over the Colonies long before, and after, this country declared its independence, including four of the first five POTUSes, when no such "Democratic Party" even existed at all. PROVE ME WRONG.
It doesn't matter who brought them here. It was the Democrats who ended up with them and it was the Democrats who fought to keep them. And Democrats were the last ones to own slaves until the first REPUBLICAN President freed them. You're a GD liar.

Again --- BULLSHIT. See above and PROVE IT WRONG.

What part of "PROVE ME WRONG" sails over your hood here, Dumbass?? You made the ass-sertion, YOU get the burden of proof. DO IT or admit you pulled it out of your ass.

If you're trying in your pathetic wimpy way to refer to the Civil War, the Confederacy had no political parties, Dumbass. And before that War in the 1860 election the Democratic candidate came in dead last in a field of four, pulling exactly the same number of electoral votes from the South as Lincoln did --- Zero. If that's where you're going with that.

Prove THAT wrong.

NOR has there ever been a political party that "created the KKK"
Not the party itself, just it's [sic] members.

We've done this before. I've got names, dates and places, you don't. Again those are:
(Maj) James R. Crowe; Calvin Jones; (Capt) John B. Kennedy; (Capt) John Lester; (Maj) Frank O. McCord; Richard R. Reed --- 205 West Madison Street, Pulaski Tennessee, December 24, 1865 ---- a place that was not part of the United States and had no political parties at the time, six ex-soldiers who had no known political affiliations anyway.


Second iteration: William Joseph "Colonel Joe" Simmons, Stone Mountain, Atlanta Georgia, November 25, 1915. Again --- no known political affiliation even though Atlanta was part of the US and did have political parties.


Also learn how to spell the word its. You can't have "it is members".


Keep splitting those hairs. The purpose of the KKK was to intimidate Republicans.

BULLSHIT. Republicans hadn't even arrived in the occupied Confederacy at the time (first iteration in 1865), and the second iteration's purpose was to intimidate immigrants, blacks, Jews, Catholics, drunks, non-Protestant Christians and labor unions, and to that end actually got Republicans elected --- Senators in Maine (Brewster), Colorado (Means), governors in Kansas (Paulen), Indiana (Jackson), Colorado (Morley) a mayor in Portland OR (Baker) and numerous other lower offices, endorsed Hoover in 1924 and Coolidge in 1928 and ran a smear campaign against the Democrat in the latter year because he was a Catholic --- one of the Democratic Party's constituent groups along with the aforementioned Jews, labor unions and immigrants.

The purpose of the (original) Klan was a simple innocuous social club, as a goof. That's why it had all the silly K-alliterations: klaverns, kleagles, etc.


And you STILL can't defend your mendacious BULLSHIT about me being a "racist" and "slaveowner"
You defend racists and slave owners. That tells us all we need to know about you.

BULLSHIT. PROVE IT or admit you pulled it out of your ass.

Let's go WIMP.

I've refuted this shit for the entire six-plus years I've been here
You haven't refuted a damn thing and you know it. Claiming you have is the same kind of usual bullshit you've spewed since you've been here. It's all you've ever done.

You want links? I got 'em. Including threads YOU YOURSELF were in.

Fucking LIAR. :fu:
Hope this doesn't give you a stroke, racist...

Notice Stutterin' Joe at Byrd's funeral? He looks sad. So does his racist buddy standing next to him.

That's pretty damn funny, trying to pretend a street march is a political convention. :rofl:

Almost as funny as when two of your fellow traveller history-mythologists tried to tell this board that a Klan funeral march was the 1924 Democratic convention. Outside, on wet trolley tracks. In the rain. A month after the election was already over. In Wisconsin, a thousand miles away from where the actual convention had been held six months prior.

That image you have there would be the Klan march in DC of either August 1925 or September 1926 --- in between the elections when KKK endorsed Hoover and the one when it endorsed Coolidge, running a national smear campaign against Democrat Al Smith, because he was Catholic. It would be a couple of years after they got Ed Jackson, Rice Means, Clarence Morley, Owen Brewster, George Luis Baker, Ben Paulen elected to Senate, Governor and Mayor seats, all as Republicans. And it would be just after this thing happened:

Perhaps you'd like to essplain to the class, in that special way of yours, why a "Democratic Party organization" would be going to these lengths to elect Republicans running against its own candidates.

Perhaps not.

Fucking dishonest HACK.

Nice try, asshole but your trick didn't work.

This site is not secure

This might mean that someone’s trying to fool you or steal any info you send to the server. You should close this site immediately.


Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

I gave you a link where you would be signed in. You want to view it signed out? Be my jest.

Nothing I said was made up.



you in particular are always throwing out your bullshit rationalizations about your sordid history of racism and slavery

I count a photoshop and two accusations against me about "racism and slavery",*ALL* of which were made up, fabricated, pulled out of your ass. I gave you the opportunity to prove ANY of it legitimate, and you CAN'T DO IT because you're a fucking LIAR. And here you even lied about the lying.

"Nothing you said was made up" huh?

Lying asshole FUCK. :fu:

Split those hairs, bitch. The slave owners were all Democrats. What party passed Jim Crow laws, asshole? Here's a hint: The Democratic Party.

Once AGAIN, NOBODY ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME, EVER needed a political party to own a slave. It's simply not involved. Just counting POTUSes alone Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Harrison I, Tyler, Taylor and Grant all owned slaves and none of them were "Democrats", which didn't even EXIST during the first four, nor did they exist during over a century and a half before that when slave-owning and trading was going on in earnest. Owning slaves has never been a political thing, Dumbass. I don't care what your freako-tribalism fetish blogs try to tell you gullibles, that's simply BULLSHIT.

It doesn't matter who brought them here. It was the Democrats who ended up with them and it was the Democrats who fought to keep them. And Democrats were the last ones to own slaves until the first REPUBLICAN President freed them. You're a GD liar.

Again --- BULLSHIT. See above and PROVE IT WRONG.

What part of "PROVE ME WRONG" sails over your hood here, Dumbass?? You made the ass-sertion, YOU get the burden of proof. DO IT or admit you pulled it out of your ass.

If you're trying in your pathetic wimpy way to refer to the Civil War, the Confederacy had no political parties, Dumbass. And before that War in the 1860 election the Democratic candidate came in dead last in a field of four, pulling exactly the same number of electoral votes from the South as Lincoln did --- Zero. If that's where you're going with that.

Prove THAT wrong.

Not the party itself, just it's [sic] members.

We've done this before. I've got names, dates and places, you don't. Again those are:
(Maj) James R. Crowe; Calvin Jones; (Capt) John B. Kennedy; (Capt) John Lester; (Maj) Frank O. McCord; Richard R. Reed --- 205 West Madison Street, Pulaski Tennessee, December 24, 1865 ---- a place that was not part of the United States and had no political parties at the time, six ex-soldiers who had no known political affiliations anyway.


Second iteration: William Joseph "Colonel Joe" Simmons, Stone Mountain, Atlanta Georgia, November 25, 1915. Again --- no known political affiliation even though Atlanta was part of the US and did have political parties.


Also learn how to spell the word its. You can't have "it is members".


Keep splitting those hairs. The purpose of the KKK was to intimidate Republicans.

BULLSHIT. Republicans hadn't even arrived in the occupied Confederacy at the time (first iteration in 1865), and the second iteration's purpose was to intimidate immigrants, blacks, Jews, Catholics, drunks, non-Protestant Christians and labor unions, and to that end actually got Republicans elected --- Senators in Maine (Brewster), Colorado (Means), governors in Kansas (Paulen), Indiana (Jackson), Colorado (Morley) a mayor in Portland OR (Baker) and numerous other lower offices, endorsed Hoover in 1924 and Coolidge in 1928 and ran a smear campaign against the Democrat in the latter year because he was a Catholic --- one of the Democratic Party's constituent groups along with the aforementioned Jews, labor unions and immigrants.

The purpose of the (original) Klan was a simple innocuous social club, as a goof. That's why it had all the silly K-alliterations: klaverns, kleagles, etc.


You defend racists and slave owners. That tells us all we need to know about you.

BULLSHIT. PROVE IT or admit you pulled it out of your ass.

Let's go WIMP.

You haven't refuted a damn thing and you know it. Claiming you have is the same kind of usual bullshit you've spewed since you've been here. It's all you've ever done.

You want links? I got 'em. Including threads YOU YOURSELF were in.

Fucking LIAR. :fu:
Hope this doesn't give you a stroke, racist...

Notice Stutterin' Joe at Byrd's funeral? He looks sad. So does his racist buddy standing next to him.

That's pretty damn funny, trying to pretend a street march is a political convention. :rofl:

Almost as funny as when two of your fellow traveller history-mythologists tried to tell this board that a Klan funeral march was the 1924 Democratic convention. Outside, on wet trolley tracks. In the rain. A month after the election was already over. In Wisconsin, a thousand miles away from where the actual convention had been held six months prior.

That image you have there would be the Klan march in DC of either August 1925 or September 1926 --- in between the elections when KKK endorsed Hoover and the one when it endorsed Coolidge, running a national smear campaign against Democrat Al Smith, because he was Catholic. It would be a couple of years after they got Ed Jackson, Rice Means, Clarence Morley, Owen Brewster, George Luis Baker, Ben Paulen elected to Senate, Governor and Mayor seats, all as Republicans. And it would be just after this thing happened:

Perhaps you'd like to essplain to the class, in that special way of yours, why a "Democratic Party organization" would be going to these lengths to elect Republicans running against its own candidates.

Perhaps not.

Fucking dishonest HACK.

Nice try, asshole but your trick didn't work.

This site is not secure

This might mean that someone’s trying to fool you or steal any info you send to the server. You should close this site immediately.


Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

I gave you a link where you would be signed in. You want to view it signed out? Be my jest.


Fuck you and your virus links, bitch. If I were the administrator here I would permaban your ass.


I count a photoshop and two accusations against me about "racism and slavery",*ALL* of which were made up, fabricated, pulled out of your ass. I gave you the opportunity to prove ANY of it legitimate, and you CAN'T DO IT because you're a fucking LIAR. And here you even lied about the lying.

"Nothing you said was made up" huh?

Lying asshole FUCK. :fu:

Once AGAIN, NOBODY ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME, EVER needed a political party to own a slave. It's simply not involved. Just counting POTUSes alone Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Harrison I, Tyler, Taylor and Grant all owned slaves and none of them were "Democrats", which didn't even EXIST during the first four, nor did they exist during over a century and a half before that when slave-owning and trading was going on in earnest. Owning slaves has never been a political thing, Dumbass. I don't care what your freako-tribalism fetish blogs try to tell you gullibles, that's simply BULLSHIT.

Again --- BULLSHIT. See above and PROVE IT WRONG.

What part of "PROVE ME WRONG" sails over your hood here, Dumbass?? You made the ass-sertion, YOU get the burden of proof. DO IT or admit you pulled it out of your ass.

If you're trying in your pathetic wimpy way to refer to the Civil War, the Confederacy had no political parties, Dumbass. And before that War in the 1860 election the Democratic candidate came in dead last in a field of four, pulling exactly the same number of electoral votes from the South as Lincoln did --- Zero. If that's where you're going with that.

Prove THAT wrong.

We've done this before. I've got names, dates and places, you don't. Again those are:
(Maj) James R. Crowe; Calvin Jones; (Capt) John B. Kennedy; (Capt) John Lester; (Maj) Frank O. McCord; Richard R. Reed --- 205 West Madison Street, Pulaski Tennessee, December 24, 1865 ---- a place that was not part of the United States and had no political parties at the time, six ex-soldiers who had no known political affiliations anyway.


Second iteration: William Joseph "Colonel Joe" Simmons, Stone Mountain, Atlanta Georgia, November 25, 1915. Again --- no known political affiliation even though Atlanta was part of the US and did have political parties.


Also learn how to spell the word its. You can't have "it is members".


BULLSHIT. Republicans hadn't even arrived in the occupied Confederacy at the time (first iteration in 1865), and the second iteration's purpose was to intimidate immigrants, blacks, Jews, Catholics, drunks, non-Protestant Christians and labor unions, and to that end actually got Republicans elected --- Senators in Maine (Brewster), Colorado (Means), governors in Kansas (Paulen), Indiana (Jackson), Colorado (Morley) a mayor in Portland OR (Baker) and numerous other lower offices, endorsed Hoover in 1924 and Coolidge in 1928 and ran a smear campaign against the Democrat in the latter year because he was a Catholic --- one of the Democratic Party's constituent groups along with the aforementioned Jews, labor unions and immigrants.

The purpose of the (original) Klan was a simple innocuous social club, as a goof. That's why it had all the silly K-alliterations: klaverns, kleagles, etc.


BULLSHIT. PROVE IT or admit you pulled it out of your ass.

Let's go WIMP.

You want links? I got 'em. Including threads YOU YOURSELF were in.

Fucking LIAR. :fu:
Hope this doesn't give you a stroke, racist...

Notice Stutterin' Joe at Byrd's funeral? He looks sad. So does his racist buddy standing next to him.

That's pretty damn funny, trying to pretend a street march is a political convention. :rofl:

Almost as funny as when two of your fellow traveller history-mythologists tried to tell this board that a Klan funeral march was the 1924 Democratic convention. Outside, on wet trolley tracks. In the rain. A month after the election was already over. In Wisconsin, a thousand miles away from where the actual convention had been held six months prior.

That image you have there would be the Klan march in DC of either August 1925 or September 1926 --- in between the elections when KKK endorsed Hoover and the one when it endorsed Coolidge, running a national smear campaign against Democrat Al Smith, because he was Catholic. It would be a couple of years after they got Ed Jackson, Rice Means, Clarence Morley, Owen Brewster, George Luis Baker, Ben Paulen elected to Senate, Governor and Mayor seats, all as Republicans. And it would be just after this thing happened:

Perhaps you'd like to essplain to the class, in that special way of yours, why a "Democratic Party organization" would be going to these lengths to elect Republicans running against its own candidates.

Perhaps not.

Fucking dishonest HACK.

Nice try, asshole but your trick didn't work.

This site is not secure

This might mean that someone’s trying to fool you or steal any info you send to the server. You should close this site immediately.


Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

I gave you a link where you would be signed in. You want to view it signed out? Be my jest.


Fuck you and your virus links, bitch. If I were the administrator here I would permaban your ass.

Poor Blippo McTonguespot. Skeered to death to click a link for fear he'll be exposed as the whiny little pull-it-out-the-ass bitch we all already know he is.


The fact remains, you advanced several fabrications here, you can't back ANY of them up, and then you lied about having pulled out those fabrications. So you're not only a liar, you're even dishonest about your own lying.

Enviable position, that. Takes a lot of work.
Hope this doesn't give you a stroke, racist...

Notice Stutterin' Joe at Byrd's funeral? He looks sad. So does his racist buddy standing next to him.

That's pretty damn funny, trying to pretend a street march is a political convention. :rofl:

Almost as funny as when two of your fellow traveller history-mythologists tried to tell this board that a Klan funeral march was the 1924 Democratic convention. Outside, on wet trolley tracks. In the rain. A month after the election was already over. In Wisconsin, a thousand miles away from where the actual convention had been held six months prior.

That image you have there would be the Klan march in DC of either August 1925 or September 1926 --- in between the elections when KKK endorsed Hoover and the one when it endorsed Coolidge, running a national smear campaign against Democrat Al Smith, because he was Catholic. It would be a couple of years after they got Ed Jackson, Rice Means, Clarence Morley, Owen Brewster, George Luis Baker, Ben Paulen elected to Senate, Governor and Mayor seats, all as Republicans. And it would be just after this thing happened:

Perhaps you'd like to essplain to the class, in that special way of yours, why a "Democratic Party organization" would be going to these lengths to elect Republicans running against its own candidates.

Perhaps not.

Fucking dishonest HACK.

Nice try, asshole but your trick didn't work.

This site is not secure

This might mean that someone’s trying to fool you or steal any info you send to the server. You should close this site immediately.


Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

I gave you a link where you would be signed in. You want to view it signed out? Be my jest.


Fuck you and your virus links, bitch. If I were the administrator here I would permaban your ass.

Poor Blippo McTonguespot. Skeered to death to click a link for fear he'll be exposed as the whiny little pull-it-out-the-ass bitch we all already know he is.


The fact remains, you advanced several fabrications here, you can't back ANY of them up, and then you lied about having pulled out those fabrications. So you're not only a liar, you're even dishonest about your own lying.

Enviable position, that. Takes a lot of work.

Why don't you ask one of the administrators to clink on your link, bitch?

Fact still remains that you belong to (and defend) the party that gave us slavery, Jim Crow laws, the KKK, segregation, poll taxes, and everything else they could think of to keep black people ignorant, uneducated, and poor. Then you constantly try to hang that legacy on the party that put an end to it. You're a disgusting racist, and like every other disgusting thing leftists do, you accuse Republicans of doing. That's why you always rant and rave every time I call you out on it. Post #144 is a good example. Keep running from your racist past, which I'll be happy to remind you of whenever you call someone else a racist. We're done here now, you can go to Hell.
That's pretty damn funny, trying to pretend a street march is a political convention. :rofl:

Almost as funny as when two of your fellow traveller history-mythologists tried to tell this board that a Klan funeral march was the 1924 Democratic convention. Outside, on wet trolley tracks. In the rain. A month after the election was already over. In Wisconsin, a thousand miles away from where the actual convention had been held six months prior.

That image you have there would be the Klan march in DC of either August 1925 or September 1926 --- in between the elections when KKK endorsed Hoover and the one when it endorsed Coolidge, running a national smear campaign against Democrat Al Smith, because he was Catholic. It would be a couple of years after they got Ed Jackson, Rice Means, Clarence Morley, Owen Brewster, George Luis Baker, Ben Paulen elected to Senate, Governor and Mayor seats, all as Republicans. And it would be just after this thing happened:

Perhaps you'd like to essplain to the class, in that special way of yours, why a "Democratic Party organization" would be going to these lengths to elect Republicans running against its own candidates.

Perhaps not.

Fucking dishonest HACK.

Nice try, asshole but your trick didn't work.

This site is not secure

This might mean that someone’s trying to fool you or steal any info you send to the server. You should close this site immediately.


Liberals Aren’t Liking This Newly-Discovered Photo Of The 1924 Democratic Convention…

I gave you a link where you would be signed in. You want to view it signed out? Be my jest.


Fuck you and your virus links, bitch. If I were the administrator here I would permaban your ass.

Poor Blippo McTonguespot. Skeered to death to click a link for fear he'll be exposed as the whiny little pull-it-out-the-ass bitch we all already know he is.


The fact remains, you advanced several fabrications here, you can't back ANY of them up, and then you lied about having pulled out those fabrications. So you're not only a liar, you're even dishonest about your own lying.

Enviable position, that. Takes a lot of work.

Why don't you ask one of the administrators to clink on your link, bitch?

Fact still remains that you belong to (and defend) the party that gave us slavery, Jim Crow laws, the KKK, segregation, poll taxes, and everything else they could think of to keep black people ignorant, uneducated, and poor. Then you constantly try to hang that legacy on the party that put an end to it. You're a disgusting racist, and like every other disgusting thing leftists do, you accuse Republicans of doing. That's why you always rant and rave every time I call you out on it. Post #144 is a good example. Keep running from your racist past, which I'll be happy to remind you of whenever you call someone else a racist. We're done here now, you can go to Hell.

Blippo McTonguemaggot, still at it. Flinging accusations like so many turds yet running away and hiding whenever he's challenged to back any of 'em up.

Jellyfish fucking Wimp. :gay:
Blippo McTonguemaggot, still at it. Flinging accusations like so many turds yet running away and hiding whenever he's challenged to back 'em up.

Jellyfish fucking Wimp. :gay:
Grow the fuck up.

Looks like Ass-Jay went and looked up just enough Ed Jacksons and W.J. Simmonses and Calvin Coolidges and Clarence Morleys and histories of the Klan and histories of slavery and histories of the Civil War to find out that everything I posted was spot-on correctomundo and his mythology was in an uncontrolled vertical dive. :lol:

Now he wants me "permabanned" so as to avoid the inconvenience of that "truth" jazz. Typical mendacious-asshole bullshit.

Another day, another mythologist grounded. In flames.
This guy has a serious slurring problem. Either he is drunk or he is stoned on the campaign trail. Or he has a stuh stuh stuh stuttering problem. Or maybe he is just too senile to run.

This was really, really bad.

‘Su-successful’ launch: Biden slurs and stammers through first campaign speech - Joe Biden is slurring his speech

Joe Biden:

I would lah, lah, luh luh luh like your vah vah veeh vah vuh vote for Pruh Preh, Pruh Prah President in tuh tah tuh tah two thousand and tuh teh tuh teh tuh ten!


Th Th Th That's All Folks!


This well-researched article concludes that he lied about his lifelong stuttering problem which he uses as a cover for his serious mental decline....

This guy has a serious slurring problem. Either he is drunk or he is stoned on the campaign trail. Or he has a stuh stuh stuh stuttering problem. Or maybe he is just too senile to run.

This was really, really bad.

‘Su-successful’ launch: Biden slurs and stammers through first campaign speech - Joe Biden is slurring his speech

Joe Biden:

I would lah, lah, luh luh luh like your vah vah veeh vah vuh vote for Pruh Preh, Pruh Prah President in tuh tah tuh tah two thousand and tuh teh tuh teh tuh ten!


Th Th Th That's All Folks!


This is so RUDE, making fun of any one with a speech disability, in fact it should be a point in his favor.
those with the ability to not let there disability keep them from success in there chosen field.

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