Does Biden have a Stuh, Stuh, Stuttering Problem?

This guy has a serious slurring problem. Either he is drunk or he is stoned on the campaign trail. Or he has a stuh stuh stuh stuttering problem. Or maybe he is just too senile to run.

This was really, really bad.

‘Su-successful’ launch: Biden slurs and stammers through first campaign speech - Joe Biden is slurring his speech

Joe Biden:

I would lah, lah, luh luh luh like your vah vah veeh vah vuh vote for Pruh Preh, Pruh Prah President in tuh tah tuh tah two thousand and tuh teh tuh teh tuh ten!


Th Th Th That's All Folks!


A stutter? You pathetic, 'God fearing' Trumpbots are now lowering yourselves down to the point that you are creating threads just so you can make fun of people's physical abnormalities that they can do nothing about AND that will not affect their jobs in any meaningful way?

You people really are the dregs of America.
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This guy has a serious slurring problem. Either he is drunk or he is stoned on the campaign trail. Or he has a stuh stuh stuh stuttering problem. Or maybe he is just too senile to run.

This was really, really bad.

‘Su-successful’ launch: Biden slurs and stammers through first campaign speech - Joe Biden is slurring his speech

Joe Biden:

I would lah, lah, luh luh luh like your vah vah veeh vah vuh vote for Pruh Preh, Pruh Prah President in tuh tah tuh tah two thousand and tuh teh tuh teh tuh ten!


Th Th Th That's All Folks!


A stutter? You pathetic, 'God fearing' Trumpbots are now lowering yourselves down to the point that you are creating threads just so you can make fun of people's physical abnormalities that they can do nothing about AND that will not affect their jobs in any meaningful way?

You people really are the dregs of America.

And you filthy libs are the colon cancer of America [emoji631]

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if Biden does in fact embrace nuclear as a key component of his climate agenda, it will prove revolutionary on a global scale.

Just as Biden has landed on a pivotal and bipartisan issue in the matter of occupational licensing reform, he can take the helm of America's fight against climate change without punishing private industry by embracing nuclear power. That's a "middle ground" we should all enthusiastically support.
View attachment 260461

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If Rump put on blackface he wouldn't be allowed into his own apartment.

Not many people can say that.

“IF” you where gay you’d have balls on you chin

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Poor widdle snowflake erupts to white-knight for his comic book hero. :gay:

Sorry, I mean orange-knight.

I’m conservative which makes me a racist, libs are snowflakes. You can’t have everything snowflake [emoji3587]

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I’m guessing his face lift guy pulled something a bit too tight somewhere and it’s affecting his speech, although he does look great in a puffy Michelin Man sort of way. A shorter version of Mr. Teresa Heinz if you will.
View attachment 260461

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If Rump put on blackface he wouldn't be allowed into his own apartment.

Not many people can say that.

“IF” you where gay you’d have balls on you chin

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Poor widdle snowflake erupts to white-knight for his comic book hero. :gay:

Sorry, I mean orange-knight.

I’m conservative which makes me a racist, libs are snowflakes. You can’t have everything snowflake [emoji3587]

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Hate to disappoint you here but being conservative doesn't make you a racist. Being an asshole makes you a racist.

However if it's any consolation, being a racist does make you a conservative. As well as an asshole.
It's like Certs --- two mints in one.
However if it's any consolation, being a racist does make you a conservative.
Like this Democratic Party icon?

Not exactly.

Anything ass-ociated with the Klan associates out of hyperconservatism, of course. But Byrd' involvement in it and his involvment in in elected office were two different events which were never coincidental, so you're deliberately trying to set up a feeble Ass-ociation Fallacy here, and using an obviously temporally-challenged photoshop to do it.

Does that make you a conservative or a racist? We don't know either one. But we do know it makes you dishonest, so the former two questions are moot.
However if it's any consolation, being a racist does make you a conservative.
Like this Democratic Party icon?

Not exactly.

Anything ass-ociated with the Klan associates out of hyperconservatism, of course. But Byrd' involvement in it and his involvment in in elected office were two different events which were never coincidental, so you're deliberately trying to set up a feeble Ass-ociation Fallacy here, and using an obviously temporally-challenged photoshop to do it.

Does that make you a conservative or a racist? We don't know either one. But we do know it makes you dishonest, so the former two questions are moot.
You leftist assholes are forever trying to distance yourselves from Byrd, and you in particular are always throwing out your bullshit rationalizations about your sordid history of racism and slavery but the history is there (as much as you try to erase that history). In short, MF, you can run but you can't hide. The Democratic Party IS the party of racism.
BTW, Byrd was NOT a conservative, dickhead, and everyone (including you) knows it.
However if it's any consolation, being a racist does make you a conservative.
Like this Democratic Party icon?

Not exactly.

Anything ass-ociated with the Klan associates out of hyperconservatism, of course. But Byrd' involvement in it and his involvment in in elected office were two different events which were never coincidental, so you're deliberately trying to set up a feeble Ass-ociation Fallacy here, and using an obviously temporally-challenged photoshop to do it.

Does that make you a conservative or a racist? We don't know either one. But we do know it makes you dishonest, so the former two questions are moot.

You leftist assholes are forever trying to distance yourselves from Byrd, and you in particular are always throwing out your bullshit rationalizations about your sordid history of racism and slavery but the history is there (as much as you try to erase that history). In short, MF, you can run but you can't hide. The Democratic Party IS the party of racism.
BTW, Byrd was NOT a conservative, dickhead, and everyone (including you) knows it.

I have no such "sordid history" of racism OR slavery, Dumbshit, Go ahead and prove you're not a fucking liar.

And yes, Byrd was obviously conservative, and no, racism has no "political party". It was brought about LOOOONG before any political parties ever existed as a marketing tactic to excuse human trafficking so those traffickers could make a PROFIT from it, and that was going on LOOOONG before we were even a British/Spanish/French colony let alone a country let alone one with political parties, NONE of which have ever been necessary to either own slaves OR be a racist since racism is a SOCIAL STRUCTURE construct, not a fucking political policy, so your unspeakably lame-ass attempt to dichotomize to try to score "points" for "muh team" is almost as pathetic as your ludicrous attempt to call me a "slaveowner" just because you're a dishonest HACK who puts up an obvious photoshop thinking anybody in the world was going to buy it,
However if it's any consolation, being a racist does make you a conservative.
Like this Democratic Party icon?

Not exactly.

Anything ass-ociated with the Klan associates out of hyperconservatism, of course. But Byrd' involvement in it and his involvment in in elected office were two different events which were never coincidental, so you're deliberately trying to set up a feeble Ass-ociation Fallacy here, and using an obviously temporally-challenged photoshop to do it.

Does that make you a conservative or a racist? We don't know either one. But we do know it makes you dishonest, so the former two questions are moot.

You leftist assholes are forever trying to distance yourselves from Byrd, and you in particular are always throwing out your bullshit rationalizations about your sordid history of racism and slavery but the history is there (as much as you try to erase that history). In short, MF, you can run but you can't hide. The Democratic Party IS the party of racism.
BTW, Byrd was NOT a conservative, dickhead, and everyone (including you) knows it.

I have no such "sordid history" of racism OR slavery, Dumbshit, Go ahead and prove you're not a fucking liar.

And yes, Byrd was obviously conservative, and no, racism has no "political party". It was brought about LOOOONG before any political parties ever existed as a marketing tactic to excuse human trafficking so those traffickers could make a PROFIT from it, and that was going on LOOOONG before we were even a British/Spanish/French colony let alone a country let alone one with political parties, NONE of which have ever been necessary to either own slaves OR be a racist since racism is a SOCIAL STRUCTURE construct, not a fucking political policy, so your unspeakably lame-ass attempt to dichotomize to try to score "points" for "muh team" is almost as pathetic as your ludicrous attempt to call me a "slaveowner" just because you're a dishonest HACK who puts up an obvious photoshop thinking anybody in the world was going to buy it,

You can mark it "funny" all you want but you can't counter the points.

Which means by your own admission of omission, you're a fucking liar.
Biden was called "Joe Impedimenta" by his schoolmates. he once ripped a nun's bonnett off after she called him "Bi...Bi...Blackbird"

Joe Biden
However if it's any consolation, being a racist does make you a conservative.
Like this Democratic Party icon?

Not exactly.

Anything ass-ociated with the Klan associates out of hyperconservatism, of course. But Byrd' involvement in it and his involvment in in elected office were two different events which were never coincidental, so you're deliberately trying to set up a feeble Ass-ociation Fallacy here, and using an obviously temporally-challenged photoshop to do it.

Does that make you a conservative or a racist? We don't know either one. But we do know it makes you dishonest, so the former two questions are moot.

You leftist assholes are forever trying to distance yourselves from Byrd, and you in particular are always throwing out your bullshit rationalizations about your sordid history of racism and slavery but the history is there (as much as you try to erase that history). In short, MF, you can run but you can't hide. The Democratic Party IS the party of racism.
BTW, Byrd was NOT a conservative, dickhead, and everyone (including you) knows it.

I have no such "sordid history" of racism OR slavery, Dumbshit, Go ahead and prove you're not a fucking liar.

And yes, Byrd was obviously conservative, and no, racism has no "political party". It was brought about LOOOONG before any political parties ever existed as a marketing tactic to excuse human trafficking so those traffickers could make a PROFIT from it, and that was going on LOOOONG before we were even a British/Spanish/French colony let alone a country let alone one with political parties, NONE of which have ever been necessary to either own slaves OR be a racist since racism is a SOCIAL STRUCTURE construct, not a fucking political policy, so your unspeakably lame-ass attempt to dichotomize to try to score "points" for "muh team" is almost as pathetic as your ludicrous attempt to call me a "slaveowner" just because you're a dishonest HACK who puts up an obvious photoshop thinking anybody in the world was going to buy it,
YOU constantly defend the party that here, in the United States, owned slaves, beat them, bought and sold them, went to war to keep them, created the KKK when they lost the fight, passed laws to keep former slaves uneducated so they couldn't get jobs, fought against civil rights legislation, and held a KKK recruiter in the highest regard until he died after serving as their majority leader longer than any Senator in U.S. history. Embrace your disgusting legacy, leftist. You own it, and so does Mr. Bi Bi Biden.
"Looks like Bernie Sanders is history. Sleepy Joe Biden is pulling ahead and think about it, I’m only here because of Sleepy Joe and the man who took him off the 1% trash heap, President Obama! China wants Sleepy Joe BADLY!" - Trump

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