Does Biden really respect the constitution?

Do Trump and his followers respect the Constitution?

It should be quite a while before we trust the Republican Party again.
Trump's supporters are hard at it, creating chaos in preparation for the November mid-terms. In effect, they are endangering American democracy.

Because free elections are the foundation of American democracy, Trump's supporters are doing exactly what Vladimir Putin wants them to do.

In a way, Trump's cult is rewarding Putin for his efforts in 2016.

"The [Republican] Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office."

These are the same people who chose our President in 2016.

ABC explains, "In Colorado, supporters of Donald Trump seeking evidence of 2020 election fraud have flooded some county offices with so many records requests that officials say they have been unable to perform their primary duties.

"In Nevada, some election workers have been followed to their cars and harassed with threats.

"And in Philadelphia, concerns about the potential for violence around Election Day have prompted officials to install bulletproof glass at their ballot-processing center.

"With ten weeks to go until the 2022 midterms, dozens of state and local officials across the country tell ABC News that preparations for the election are being hampered by onerous public information requests, ongoing threats against election workers, and dangerous misinformation campaigns being waged by activists still intent on contesting the 2020 presidential election.

"Elizabeth Howard, senior counsel in the Elections and Government Program at the Brennan Center for Justice, a nonpartisan think tank that tracks election rules, said it smacks of a coordinated effort!"
So, which is it?
Does Biden have any real principles.?
Is Biden just a demagogue?
Is using the DOJ and FBI as political weapons constitutional?

09-01-22 “ MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution,”

View attachment 690549
Way more than any MAGA-fascist.
In NYC it takes 4-6 months and $500 in fees just to keep a revolver in your own house or apartment. That is in infringement.

No, they are just saying bake a contracted cake for a ceremony you find sinful or lose your business.

That's the truth.
No it is not. It is the crying baby's way to get upset it cannot go to sleep with a gun next to him.

Both paragraphs are nonsense from conspiracy sites.

Love those guns, love those conspiracies.

Infringement is keeping all other people safe is one simply handed a gun to anyone who wanted one, as it was during the Wild Wild West.

Does Biden really respect the constitution?​

I don't think anyone needs to spend even a second seriously cogitating that question. All Dems do is BITCH BITCH BITCH about the thing every chance they get-----

------except on that rare instance when it works in their favor------ like the LAW. Sticklers for the law and police now just because they hope to use it as J6 leverage against Trump, yet a year ago when they were being themselves, they wanted cities to completely fire their entire police force, after injuring thousands of cops in hundreds of unhinged riots!
No it is not. It is the crying baby's way to get upset it cannot go to sleep with a gun next to him.

Both paragraphs are nonsense from conspiracy sites.

Love those guns, love those conspiracies.

Infringement is keeping all other people safe is one simply handed a gun to anyone who wanted one, as it was during the Wild Wild West.

Both are reality. You can look up the NYC rules for keeping a handgun on your property.

First you go "you can get a gun" and then when I point out the infringement you go "you don't need a gun" you lying fucking hack twat.

The second example is also the truth, but you won't admit it, due to the above mentioned SJW hack twattery.

Your move, bitch.
Not one single Republican killed or even took a gun to the Capitol Building.

Police said they found a gun on Christopher Alberts while he was exiting the Capitol. The Maryland native tried to flee but was restrained by officers, who also found 25 rounds of ammunition, according to court documents. Alberts allegedly told police he had the gun for “personal protection,” and he hasn’t yet entered a plea, according to court records.

Other Trump supporters who came to Washington but didn’t enter the Capitol were discovered with a wide array of extremely dangerous weapons, according to the CNN review.

This photo from court filings by the DOJ, shows eleven mason jars and related items were parts designed to create a Molotov cocktails, a dangerous incendiary explosive, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms concluded.

This photo from court filings by the DOJ, shows eleven mason jars and related items were parts designed to create a Molotov cocktails, a dangerous incendiary explosive, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms concluded.

Lonnie Coffman of Alabama was arrested near the Capitol shortly before the attack and was found with what one judge called a “small armory” in his truck. Investigators discovered three guns, 11 Molotov cocktails, a crossbow with bolts, smoke bombs and a stun gun, according to court documents. Coffman, 70, pleaded not guilty last month to a 17-count criminal indictment.

(full article online)

No it is not. It is the crying baby's way to get upset it cannot go to sleep with a gun next to him.

Both paragraphs are nonsense from conspiracy sites.

Love those guns, love those conspiracies.

Infringement is keeping all other people safe is one simply handed a gun to anyone who wanted one, as it was during the Wild Wild West.
That made no sense whatsoever.
No, he wars against it and the country. He is a dangerous threat to the constitution and the country.
Both are reality. You can look up the NYC rules for keeping a handgun on your property.

First you go "you can get a gun" and then when I point out the infringement you go "you don't need a gun" you lying fucking hack twat.

The second example is also the truth, but you won't admit it, due to the above mentioned SJW hack twattery.

Your move, bitch.
Good on NYC. Fight crime and people who do not need to have guns anyway one can.

I am all for it, gun lovers.
Good on NYC. Fight crime and people who do not need to have guns anyway one can.

I am all for it, gun lovers.

Then why did you respond the way you did in the first fucking place?

That means you think the 2nd amendment can be ignored, and like Biden feel you can ignore the constitution.

Also what happened to the whole "you are lying" schtick?

Oh right you got called out like a bitch and are now playing the "smarmy SJW cuck game"
I want to discuss some of the points raised in the OP's link.

"As I stand here tonight, equality and democracy are under assault." I would agree with that, but I think the assault is coming from a different direction than he does. First, I see no assault of equality on the part of the GOP or the MAGA people. Certainly there are some who are white supremacists, but they are not supported by the MAGA people any more than the ANTIFA people are by the democrats. Both sides have their extremists, and trying to paint everybody with one brush or another does little to promote unity.

Tell me about the assault on democracy. OK, there was the Jan 6th riot, a couple hundred people did something wrong. One fucking time, about 20 months ago, are we to forever paint every conservative with that unfortunate event? What was it, some 74 million votes for Trump in 2020, and Biden is bitching about a couple hundred protesters that got out of hand? Gee, like the democrats didn't ever do that, huh? Just not in the nation's capitol, so that makes it okay?

The repubs want to improve the integrity of our elections, when did that become anti-democracy? Trying to make sure every ballot is legal by requiring a voter-id would go a long way to increasing the trust in our elections, why is that a bad thing? Most people already have some kind of ID, is it that hard to get a picture ID? If a person can't be bothered then maybe that person shouldn't be voting in the 1st place.

"Biden said that it’s impossible to be “pro-insurrectionist and pro-America.” That is a bunch of God Damned bullshit, almost nobody is pro-insurrectionist.

"Biden said that “there’s no question that the Republican party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the the MAGA Republicans.” Yeah, and there is also no question that the Democratic Party is driven by the Far Left Socialist nutcases. Anybody here want to argue that the DP hasn't significantly moved to the Left? They don't elect moderates anymore, it's mostly fire-breathing liberal progressives that want to change our political system to their benefit so they can do whatever they want to. Now that's what I call an assault on democracy.

“MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law." That's rich coming from him. No less than Nancy Pelosi said that Biden couldn't mass forgive student loans, but he did it anyway. Recently the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, which is their sole function, to interpret the law. But Biden won't accept that, and he doesn't believe in the law or the Constitution unless it suits his purposes, like all democrats.

“MAGA Republicans are .... working right now as I speak in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself." This is absolute God Damned bullshit. All they're doing is trying to ensure every vote that gets counted is a legal one, and that is not undermining democracy.

Joe Biden is a demagogue of the 1st order. As our president he is supposed to be even-handed; he isn't even close. He used his position to give a partisan and political campaign speech on national TV. There are people who do not agree with his politics or his policies, and I am one of them. That, ladies and gentlemen, is what democracy is all about. Fuck the Cancel Culture, I get to disagree with whatever he or anyone else says or does. I think the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent, and I will go to my grave believing that. But that does not make me an anti-democracy extremist. Whether it was enough to change the outcome is moot anyway, at this point Joe Biden is the POTUS like it or not. Too bad he doesn't act like it.
Then why did you respond the way you did in the first fucking place?

That means you think the 2nd amendment can be ignored, and like Biden feel you can ignore the constitution.

Also what happened to the whole "you are lying" schtick?

Oh right you got called out like a bitch and are now playing the "smarmy SJW cuck game"
2nd amendment is not being ignored. But not everyone should be allowed to buy guns. And not every kind of guns.

MAGA like you will insult and insist that you have the RIGHT to buy and have whatever guns, and whenever you want to buy them, without any background check.

No thank.

Follow the laws.
2nd amendment is not being ignored. But not everyone should be allowed to buy guns. And not every kind of guns.

MAGA like you will insult and insist that you have the RIGHT to buy and have whatever guns, and whenever you want to buy them, without any background check.

No thank.

Follow the laws.

A revolver, 6 months of waiting, $400 in fees, just to keep on your own property, how is that not infringement? Not "any type of gun", a fucking REVOLVER.

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