Does Bloomie have the obligation?

Bloomie is what? Right wing? The issue is left wing.

The "issue" (soda cups) is neither left-wing nor right-wing.

Words have meanings. "Left-wing" doesn't mean "everything I don't like".

Let me explain the meaning of these particular words. It seems that in a national sense liberal democrats are defending Bloomie's agenda and conservative republicans are against it. That makes it ...duh...a left -right issue.

Who are these liberals that are defending Bloomberg "in a national sense"?
Bloomberg is a liberal, they're the ones that want to control everything!

Here in Michigan they've taken soda's out of the machines in schools. This always made me wonder, how is that going to help students be healthy when they still serve crap at the cafeteria??? Lol!

He's a Republican. They only have room for conservatives and ultra-conservatives. They are the authoritarian asshole busybodies who want to control all aspects of a person's personal life from religious beliefs, who they can marry, what they can eat, drink, or otherwise partake of.

I don't care what letter comes after his name....he's an idiot. We have them on both sides....
Bloomberg is a liberal, they're the ones that want to control everything!

Here in Michigan they've taken soda's out of the machines in schools. This always made me wonder, how is that going to help students be healthy when they still serve crap at the cafeteria??? Lol!

He's a Republican. They only have room for conservatives and ultra-conservatives. They are the authoritarian asshole busybodies who want to control all aspects of a person's personal life from religious beliefs, who they can marry, what they can eat, drink, or otherwise partake of.

I don't care what letter comes after his name....he's an idiot. We have them on both sides....

Well, this particular nut is one of yours. Don't blame the "left". We are the ones who ran against him.
He's a Republican. They only have room for conservatives and ultra-conservatives. They are the authoritarian asshole busybodies who want to control all aspects of a person's personal life from religious beliefs, who they can marry, what they can eat, drink, or otherwise partake of.

I don't care what letter comes after his name....he's an idiot. We have them on both sides....

Well, this particular nut is one of yours. Don't blame the "left". We are the ones who ran against him.

Get off the political bandwagon noogie and tell us what you think of Bloomie's agenda. You like it don't you.
The "issue" (soda cups) is neither left-wing nor right-wing.

Words have meanings. "Left-wing" doesn't mean "everything I don't like".

Let me explain the meaning of these particular words. It seems that in a national sense liberal democrats are defending Bloomie's agenda and conservative republicans are against it. That makes it ...duh...a left -right issue.

Who are these liberals that are defending Bloomberg "in a national sense"?

Brian Williams, Rachel Maddow, Solidad O'Brien. Stop being so coy lefties. It ties in with Obama's health care law. If the government offers free health care it assumes the right to dictate a healthy life style.
The idea that you owe maintaining your good health to the collective is a leftist concept.
Bloomberg was a democrat before he became an independent. He was an independent before he became a republican. If he thought it would get him a vote,Bloomie would be a martian. The only thing he really is , is a hard core leftist.

You've got the order wrong.

He was a registered Democrat before he ran for office.

When he ran for Mayor, it was as a Republican. He also got the endorsement, and ballot line, of the Independence Party of New York.

The second (and third) time he ran for Mayor, he switched his registration to the Independence Party of New York - but remained the Republican Party candidate as well, keeping their ballot line and getting their endorsement.

All three times, the Democratic Party opposed him, and all 3 of his major challengers have come from the left.

Calling Bloomberg a "liberal" or a "leftist" doesn't make sense when the "liberals" and the "leftists" were the only ones running against him.

He's moderate on social issues, but fiscally, he's decidedly right of center.

His opposition was less left, and more Democratic NYC Machine politics.

He wasnt part of the system, although he agrees far more on most issues with NY Democrats than NY Republicans.
Bloomberg uses the political parities just to get elected.
First he was a Dem, then he was a Repub, now he is an Independent.
He is a progressive just like all the other progressives and they are in both parties.
They all think alike. They know better than you do what is good for you and what is not.
The population can not think for themselves , we are here to do it for you.
1/3rd of the population is fat, therefore we must not let the majority who are not fat, be able to drink large soda pops.
Bloomberg is a liberal, they're the ones that want to control everything!

Here in Michigan they've taken soda's out of the machines in schools. This always made me wonder, how is that going to help students be healthy when they still serve crap at the cafeteria??? Lol!

He's a Republican. They only have room for conservatives and ultra-conservatives. They are the authoritarian asshole busybodies who want to control all aspects of a person's personal life from religious beliefs, who they can marry, what they can eat, drink, or otherwise partake of.

Were you born retarded or were you hit in the head at some point in your life? He's a Republican like JakeFakey is a Republican.
Bloomberg was a democrat before he became an independent. He was an independent before he became a republican. If he thought it would get him a vote,Bloomie would be a martian. The only thing he really is , is a hard core leftist.

He's a Republican. You own him. You deal with him.

We are. We reject him for the fraud he is. Find a conservative who supports him. You will find his support comes from liberals.
Bloomberg was a democrat before he became an independent. He was an independent before he became a republican. If he thought it would get him a vote,Bloomie would be a martian. The only thing he really is , is a hard core leftist.

He's a Republican. You own him. You deal with him.

We are. We reject him for the fraud he is. Find a conservative who supports him. You will find his support comes from liberals.

Liberals ran against him. Conservatives put him in office. This is all on you folks. You are all for authoritarianism when it suits you. Looks like a typical Republican authoritarian over reach.
I don't care what letter comes after his name....he's an idiot. We have them on both sides....

Well, this particular nut is one of yours. Don't blame the "left". We are the ones who ran against him.

Get off the political bandwagon noogie and tell us what you think of Bloomie's agenda. You like it don't you.

I already said what I thought of him and his agenda. He's an over reaching, authoritarian, right wing douche. In other words, a typical Republican.
He's a Republican. You own him. You deal with him.

We are. We reject him for the fraud he is. Find a conservative who supports him. You will find his support comes from liberals.

Liberals ran against him. Conservatives put him in office. This is all on you folks. You are all for authoritarianism when it suits you. Looks like a typical Republican authoritarian over reach.

If you keep doing this $emot-jerkit.gifyou're just going to get stoopider. Stop while you have a few brain cells left to rub together.
Bloomberg was a democrat before he became an independent. He was an independent before he became a republican. If he thought it would get him a vote,Bloomie would be a martian. The only thing he really is , is a hard core leftist.

He's a Republican. You own him. You deal with him.

Not so fast....Google is our friend: Michael Bloomberg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bloomberg, a lifelong member of the Democratic Party, decided to run for mayor as a member of the Republican Party ticket. Some of the policies Bloomberg advocates parallel those of either the Democratic or the Republican party platform. He is socially liberal or progressive, supporting abortion rights, gay marriage, gun control, and amnesty for illegal immigrants, for example. On economics, foreign, and domestic issues, Bloomberg tends to be conservative. He opposed a timeline for withdrawal from the Iraq War, and criticized those who favored one. Economically, he supports government involvement in issues such as public welfare, while being strongly in favor of free trade, pro-business, and describing himself as a fiscal conservative because he balanced the city's budget.[64] Environmentally, he believes in man-made climate change

Seriously, you think NYC would elect a Republican mayor? Michael Bloomberg is a member of any party that it is politically expedient to be a member of.
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How could Bloomie be pro business when he has made a career out of driving business out of New York City. If he's pro business, it is only his business and those of his friends that he supports, like any democrat.
Bloomberg was a democrat before he became an independent. He was an independent before he became a republican. If he thought it would get him a vote,Bloomie would be a martian. The only thing he really is , is a hard core leftist.

He's a Republican. You own him. You deal with him.

Not so fast....Google is our friend: Michael Bloomberg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bloomberg, a lifelong member of the Democratic Party, decided to run for mayor as a member of the Republican Party ticket. Some of the policies Bloomberg advocates parallel those of either the Democratic or the Republican party platform. He is socially liberal or progressive, supporting abortion rights, gay marriage, gun control, and amnesty for illegal immigrants, for example. On economics, foreign, and domestic issues, Bloomberg tends to be conservative. He opposed a timeline for withdrawal from the Iraq War, and criticized those who favored one. Economically, he supports government involvement in issues such as public welfare, while being strongly in favor of free trade, pro-business, and describing himself as a fiscal conservative because he balanced the city's budget.[64] Environmentally, he believes in man-made climate change

Seriously, you think NYC would elect a Republican mayor? Michael Bloomberg is a member of any party that it is politically expedient to be a member of.

Bloomberg ran as a Republican. Your own source says so. It also says he is conservative on domestic issues.

NYC obviously would elect a Republican mayor. Bloomberg is a Republican. His predecessor, Giuliani, was also a Republican.
He's a Republican. You own him. You deal with him.

Not so fast....Google is our friend: Michael Bloomberg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bloomberg, a lifelong member of the Democratic Party, decided to run for mayor as a member of the Republican Party ticket. Some of the policies Bloomberg advocates parallel those of either the Democratic or the Republican party platform. He is socially liberal or progressive, supporting abortion rights, gay marriage, gun control, and amnesty for illegal immigrants, for example. On economics, foreign, and domestic issues, Bloomberg tends to be conservative. He opposed a timeline for withdrawal from the Iraq War, and criticized those who favored one. Economically, he supports government involvement in issues such as public welfare, while being strongly in favor of free trade, pro-business, and describing himself as a fiscal conservative because he balanced the city's budget.[64] Environmentally, he believes in man-made climate change

Seriously, you think NYC would elect a Republican mayor? Michael Bloomberg is a member of any party that it is politically expedient to be a member of.

Bloomberg ran as a Republican. Your own source says so. It also says he is conservative on domestic issues.

NYC obviously would elect a Republican mayor. Bloomberg is a Republican. His predecessor, Giuliani, was also a Republican.

The source also claimed Bloomberg is a Democrat, it also claimed that Bloomberg is now an independent.
Giuliani, was also a Republican, how could that slip my mind.......that moron even ran for republican presidential nomination... I think I was just trying to forget all about that.
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He's a Republican. You own him. You deal with him.

Not so fast....Google is our friend: Michael Bloomberg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bloomberg, a lifelong member of the Democratic Party, decided to run for mayor as a member of the Republican Party ticket. Some of the policies Bloomberg advocates parallel those of either the Democratic or the Republican party platform. He is socially liberal or progressive, supporting abortion rights, gay marriage, gun control, and amnesty for illegal immigrants, for example. On economics, foreign, and domestic issues, Bloomberg tends to be conservative. He opposed a timeline for withdrawal from the Iraq War, and criticized those who favored one. Economically, he supports government involvement in issues such as public welfare, while being strongly in favor of free trade, pro-business, and describing himself as a fiscal conservative because he balanced the city's budget.[64] Environmentally, he believes in man-made climate change

Seriously, you think NYC would elect a Republican mayor? Michael Bloomberg is a member of any party that it is politically expedient to be a member of.

Bloomberg ran as a Republican. Your own source says so. It also says he is conservative on domestic issues.

NYC obviously would elect a Republican mayor. Bloomberg is a Republican. His predecessor, Giuliani, was also a Republican.

If you need to make a distinction between his sugar drink policy and alleged "conservative" issues it is an admission that the big gulp decree is part of a liberal agenda.
Not so fast....Google is our friend: Michael Bloomberg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bloomberg, a lifelong member of the Democratic Party, decided to run for mayor as a member of the Republican Party ticket. Some of the policies Bloomberg advocates parallel those of either the Democratic or the Republican party platform. He is socially liberal or progressive, supporting abortion rights, gay marriage, gun control, and amnesty for illegal immigrants, for example. On economics, foreign, and domestic issues, Bloomberg tends to be conservative. He opposed a timeline for withdrawal from the Iraq War, and criticized those who favored one. Economically, he supports government involvement in issues such as public welfare, while being strongly in favor of free trade, pro-business, and describing himself as a fiscal conservative because he balanced the city's budget.[64] Environmentally, he believes in man-made climate change

Seriously, you think NYC would elect a Republican mayor? Michael Bloomberg is a member of any party that it is politically expedient to be a member of.

Bloomberg ran as a Republican. Your own source says so. It also says he is conservative on domestic issues.

NYC obviously would elect a Republican mayor. Bloomberg is a Republican. His predecessor, Giuliani, was also a Republican.

If you need to make a distinction between his sugar drink policy and alleged "conservative" issues it is an admission that the big gulp decree is part of a liberal agenda.

Liberals are for truth in advertising, allowing the consumer to know what they are eating or drinking, nutritional information. Knowing the origin of the food, whether it organic, genetically engineered, treated with chemicals or additives, etc. We are also for education, letting people know that some choices may be unhealthy. Liberals (at least this one) are not for ruling by edict or forcing certain choices like this idiotic Big Gulp ban. Conservatives, on the other hand, don't want people to know they are eating chemically treated, genetically modified Frankenfood. They also like to tell people what to do with their bodies - opposition to birth control, abortion, gay rights, blue laws, etc. This smells more like Republican authoritarian caca than some supposed "liberal agenda."
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He's a Republican. They only have room for conservatives and ultra-conservatives. They are the authoritarian asshole busybodies who want to control all aspects of a person's personal life from religious beliefs, who they can marry, what they can eat, drink, or otherwise partake of.

I don't care what letter comes after his name....he's an idiot. We have them on both sides....

Well, this particular nut is one of yours. Don't blame the "left". We are the ones who ran against him.
What planet are you living on? Bloomberg isn't owned by one, any, or all Republicans. He does what he darn well pleases. Grilling another poster for what a politician does is beyond the pale, Borillar. :rolleyes:

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