Does Bloomie have the obligation?

Bloomberg ran as a Republican. Your own source says so. It also says he is conservative on domestic issues.

NYC obviously would elect a Republican mayor. Bloomberg is a Republican. His predecessor, Giuliani, was also a Republican.

If you need to make a distinction between his sugar drink policy and alleged "conservative" issues it is an admission that the big gulp decree is part of a liberal agenda.

Liberals are for truth in advertising, allowing the consumer to know what they are eating or drinking, nutritional information. Knowing the origin of the food, whether it organic, genetically engineered, treated with chemicals or additives, etc. We are also for education, letting people know that some choices may be unhealthy. Liberals (at least this one) are not for ruling by edict or forcing certain choices like this idiotic Big Gulp ban. Conservatives, on the other hand, don't want people to know they are eating chemically treated, genetically modified Frankenfood. They also like to tell people what to do with their bodies - opposition to birth control, abortion, gay rights, blue laws, etc. This smells more like Republican authoritarian caca than some supposed "liberal agenda."

Bullshit. Bloomberg went Republican because he couldn't nail the DNC nomination. He is an Authoritarian Elitist NY Liberal. You are an Ass. You don't know shit about NY Politics or Conservatism.
If you need to make a distinction between his sugar drink policy and alleged "conservative" issues it is an admission that the big gulp decree is part of a liberal agenda.

Liberals are for truth in advertising, allowing the consumer to know what they are eating or drinking, nutritional information. Knowing the origin of the food, whether it organic, genetically engineered, treated with chemicals or additives, etc. We are also for education, letting people know that some choices may be unhealthy. Liberals (at least this one) are not for ruling by edict or forcing certain choices like this idiotic Big Gulp ban. Conservatives, on the other hand, don't want people to know they are eating chemically treated, genetically modified Frankenfood. They also like to tell people what to do with their bodies - opposition to birth control, abortion, gay rights, blue laws, etc. This smells more like Republican authoritarian caca than some supposed "liberal agenda."

Bullshit. Bloomberg went Republican because he couldn't nail the DNC nomination. He is an Authoritarian Elitist NY Liberal. You are an Ass. You don't know shit about NY Politics or Conservatism.

Democrats didn't want him and Republicans did. You wanted him, you elected him, you got him. Breathe deep. You can almost smell the fascism. Hope you enjoy it. Glad I don't live there.
Liberals are for truth in advertising, allowing the consumer to know what they are eating or drinking, nutritional information. Knowing the origin of the food, whether it organic, genetically engineered, treated with chemicals or additives, etc. We are also for education, letting people know that some choices may be unhealthy. Liberals (at least this one) are not for ruling by edict or forcing certain choices like this idiotic Big Gulp ban. Conservatives, on the other hand, don't want people to know they are eating chemically treated, genetically modified Frankenfood. They also like to tell people what to do with their bodies - opposition to birth control, abortion, gay rights, blue laws, etc. This smells more like Republican authoritarian caca than some supposed "liberal agenda."

Bullshit. Bloomberg went Republican because he couldn't nail the DNC nomination. He is an Authoritarian Elitist NY Liberal. You are an Ass. You don't know shit about NY Politics or Conservatism.

Democrats didn't want him and Republicans did. You wanted him, you elected him, you got him. Breathe deep. You can almost smell the fascism. Hope you enjoy it. Glad I don't live there.

No, citizens of NYC elected short, liberal Democrats. They liked what he campaigned on and ignored what party he had most recently switched to.
This is in no way a "left vs. right" situation.

It's simply Bloomberg being an authoritarian fuckhead.

Sometimes the most simple statement is the most profound.

Bloomberg is a prick, he has taken the ambiance of a great metropolis and has attempted to neuter the very essence of what a New York is: the grit, toughness and sincerity of it's people.
Bullshit. Bloomberg went Republican because he couldn't nail the DNC nomination. He is an Authoritarian Elitist NY Liberal. You are an Ass. You don't know shit about NY Politics or Conservatism.

Democrats didn't want him and Republicans did. You wanted him, you elected him, you got him. Breathe deep. You can almost smell the fascism. Hope you enjoy it. Glad I don't live there.

No, citizens of NYC elected short, liberal Democrats. They liked what he campaigned on and ignored what party he had most recently switched to.

Really? So everyone in NYC is a democrat? Democrats rejected their own candidate and voted for Republican Bloomberg instead? Republicans didn't vote?

Sounds more like yet another instance of Republicans not taking responsibility for their own choices.
Liberals are for truth in advertising, allowing the consumer to know what they are eating or drinking, nutritional information. Knowing the origin of the food, whether it organic, genetically engineered, treated with chemicals or additives, etc. We are also for education, letting people know that some choices may be unhealthy. Liberals (at least this one) are not for ruling by edict or forcing certain choices like this idiotic Big Gulp ban. Conservatives, on the other hand, don't want people to know they are eating chemically treated, genetically modified Frankenfood. They also like to tell people what to do with their bodies - opposition to birth control, abortion, gay rights, blue laws, etc. This smells more like Republican authoritarian caca than some supposed "liberal agenda."

Bullshit. Bloomberg went Republican because he couldn't nail the DNC nomination. He is an Authoritarian Elitist NY Liberal. You are an Ass. You don't know shit about NY Politics or Conservatism.

Democrats didn't want him and Republicans did. You wanted him, you elected him, you got him. Breathe deep. You can almost smell the fascism. Hope you enjoy it. Glad I don't live there.

Ya.....that's why straight across the graph shown here it's ALL democrat. That's all NY votes for. Why would they vote for Bloomberg if he was so "conservative"? The wouldn't.....and you're just being an ass about it because you know it's true. No republican would vote for him!
Political party strength in U.S. states - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bloomberg is a liberal, they're the ones that want to control everything!

Here in Michigan they've taken soda's out of the machines in schools. This always made me wonder, how is that going to help students be healthy when they still serve crap at the cafeteria??? Lol!
There are plenty of people on both sides of the aisle who want to "control everything.

What "liberal" policies has Bloomberg championed?

How about these?

He is socially liberal or progressive, supporting abortion rights, gay marriage, gun control, and amnesty for illegal immigrants, for example.
Michael Bloomberg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He leans conservative on a few things....but not much! Most conservatives would not have voted for him.
Bullshit. Bloomberg went Republican because he couldn't nail the DNC nomination. He is an Authoritarian Elitist NY Liberal. You are an Ass. You don't know shit about NY Politics or Conservatism.

Democrats didn't want him and Republicans did. You wanted him, you elected him, you got him. Breathe deep. You can almost smell the fascism. Hope you enjoy it. Glad I don't live there.

Ya.....that's why straight across the graph shown here it's ALL democrat. That's all NY votes for. Why would they vote for Bloomberg if he was so "conservative"? The wouldn't.....and you're just being an ass about it because you know it's true. No republican would vote for him!
Political party strength in U.S. states - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If no Republican would vote for him, how did he win the Republican primary? Why would the Republican party run him as their candidate? Who did Republicans vote for if not Bloomberg? Why would a Democrat vote for a Republican candidate rather than their own candidate? Your argument holds no water.
Without getting into a pissing contest about the merits of the republican party in the Big Apple, the point is that Bloomie is voicing the left wing agenda about dictating so-called healthy life styles. All the left wing media pundits defend him and it's a left wing issue. All we get is coy comments by the left because they can't even be honest about their own beliefs anymore. No wonder they believe everything president Hussein says.
Democrats didn't want him and Republicans did. You wanted him, you elected him, you got him. Breathe deep. You can almost smell the fascism. Hope you enjoy it. Glad I don't live there.

Ya.....that's why straight across the graph shown here it's ALL democrat. That's all NY votes for. Why would they vote for Bloomberg if he was so "conservative"? The wouldn't.....and you're just being an ass about it because you know it's true. No republican would vote for him!
Political party strength in U.S. states - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If no Republican would vote for him, how did he win the Republican primary? Why would the Republican party run him as their candidate? Who did Republicans vote for if not Bloomberg? Why would a Democrat vote for a Republican candidate rather than their own candidate? Your argument holds no water.
Why would you hold other people responsible for someone elses' right and wrongs? Ever heard of individual choices?

Bloomberg has to report to his constituents, and he apparently does, because he won the vote.

It's silly to make people in all 50 states that you do not care for responsible for what goes on in the Big Apple.

Don't like him? Fine. Run against him, beat him, and then you can do things your way. Meanwhile, I'm going to go sew in my sewing room where I don't have to think about your silly carryings-on about how I and others are responsible for what goes on in the Big Apple that you don't like and you don't have the cajones to run for political office to beat the guy you don't like so you can do his job for him.

You're all filled up hot air Borillar, and you better watch out, because that kind of stuff can float a man off into the high atmosphere where it is terribly difficult to stay warm for any amount of time, and I hear it's very lonely up there. :lmao:
Ya.....that's why straight across the graph shown here it's ALL democrat. That's all NY votes for. Why would they vote for Bloomberg if he was so "conservative"? The wouldn't.....and you're just being an ass about it because you know it's true. No republican would vote for him!
Political party strength in U.S. states - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If no Republican would vote for him, how did he win the Republican primary? Why would the Republican party run him as their candidate? Who did Republicans vote for if not Bloomberg? Why would a Democrat vote for a Republican candidate rather than their own candidate? Your argument holds no water.
Why would you hold other people responsible for someone elses' right and wrongs? Ever heard of individual choices?

Bloomberg has to report to his constituents, and he apparently does, because he won the vote.

It's silly to make people in all 50 states that you do not care for responsible for what goes on in the Big Apple.

Don't like him? Fine. Run against him, beat him, and then you can do things your way. Meanwhile, I'm going to go sew in my sewing room where I don't have to think about your silly carryings-on about how I and others are responsible for what goes on in the Big Apple that you don't like and you don't have the cajones to run for political office to beat the guy you don't like so you can do his job for him.

You're all filled up hot air Borillar, and you better watch out, because that kind of stuff can float a man off into the high atmosphere where it is terribly difficult to stay warm for any amount of time, and I hear it's very lonely up there. :lmao:

Bullshit. You high and mighty right wingers are blaming the left for the things your duly elected right wing Republican Mayor is doing. The claim that the left is responsible for Bloomberg is ridiculous. The claim that NYC is purely Democratic is also ridiculous given that Republicans have held the Mayor's office for nearly 20 years. In fact, any time one of your Republican politicians does something you don't like, that politician suddenly magically transforms into a "liberal". You people voted for Bush twice, but now in the new reinvented history, he was just a liberal RINO so none of the crap he did sticks to you. You people never take responsibility for anything.
If no Republican would vote for him, how did he win the Republican primary? Why would the Republican party run him as their candidate? Who did Republicans vote for if not Bloomberg? Why would a Democrat vote for a Republican candidate rather than their own candidate? Your argument holds no water.
Why would you hold other people responsible for someone elses' right and wrongs? Ever heard of individual choices?

Bloomberg has to report to his constituents, and he apparently does, because he won the vote.

It's silly to make people in all 50 states that you do not care for responsible for what goes on in the Big Apple.

Don't like him? Fine. Run against him, beat him, and then you can do things your way. Meanwhile, I'm going to go sew in my sewing room where I don't have to think about your silly carryings-on about how I and others are responsible for what goes on in the Big Apple that you don't like and you don't have the cajones to run for political office to beat the guy you don't like so you can do his job for him.

You're all filled up hot air Borillar, and you better watch out, because that kind of stuff can float a man off into the high atmosphere where it is terribly difficult to stay warm for any amount of time, and I hear it's very lonely up there. :lmao:

Bullshit. You high and mighty right wingers are blaming the left for the things your duly elected right wing Republican Mayor is doing. The claim that the left is responsible for Bloomberg is ridiculous. The claim that NYC is purely Democratic is also ridiculous given that Republicans have held the Mayor's office for nearly 20 years. In fact, any time one of your Republican politicians does something you don't like, that politician suddenly magically transforms into a "liberal". You people voted for Bush twice, but now in the new reinvented history, he was just a liberal RINO so none of the crap he did sticks to you. You people never take responsibility for anything.

Bloomberg is a right wing as Hugo Chavez was. He ran as a Republican because the Democratic Machine would not nominate him. He's a statist progressive, who never met a government regulation he didnt like, and that puts him in line far more with our current crop of democrats than it puts him with republicans.
Why would you hold other people responsible for someone elses' right and wrongs? Ever heard of individual choices?

Bloomberg has to report to his constituents, and he apparently does, because he won the vote.

It's silly to make people in all 50 states that you do not care for responsible for what goes on in the Big Apple.

Don't like him? Fine. Run against him, beat him, and then you can do things your way. Meanwhile, I'm going to go sew in my sewing room where I don't have to think about your silly carryings-on about how I and others are responsible for what goes on in the Big Apple that you don't like and you don't have the cajones to run for political office to beat the guy you don't like so you can do his job for him.

You're all filled up hot air Borillar, and you better watch out, because that kind of stuff can float a man off into the high atmosphere where it is terribly difficult to stay warm for any amount of time, and I hear it's very lonely up there. :lmao:

Bullshit. You high and mighty right wingers are blaming the left for the things your duly elected right wing Republican Mayor is doing. The claim that the left is responsible for Bloomberg is ridiculous. The claim that NYC is purely Democratic is also ridiculous given that Republicans have held the Mayor's office for nearly 20 years. In fact, any time one of your Republican politicians does something you don't like, that politician suddenly magically transforms into a "liberal". You people voted for Bush twice, but now in the new reinvented history, he was just a liberal RINO so none of the crap he did sticks to you. You people never take responsibility for anything.

Bloomberg is a right wing as Hugo Chavez was. He ran as a Republican because the Democratic Machine would not nominate him. He's a statist progressive, who never met a government regulation he didnt like, and that puts him in line far more with our current crop of democrats than it puts him with republicans.

If the Democrats would not nominate him, how does that put him in line with Democrats? If he is a "statist progressive", whatever that label means, why would the Republicans run him and elect him unless he was in line with the Republican agenda?
By now it seems that mayor Bloomberg does not have the authority to dictate the quantity of soft drinks fast food places serve. The question is whether a mayor, even the mayor of the Big Apple, is responsible for the healthy food choices of the citizens. Even though Bloomie is a RINO republican the issue seems to be left vs right. It seems that the same people who were screaming about the right to burn the Flag and how we should never trust government have grown up and now think that a mayor has the right and the authority as well as the duty to dictate how much food they can consume.

I agree.

Who the hell needs someone telling them what they can eat or drink? If the folks in NYC put up with that bs one has to wonder what other bs they will put up with.

Bloobergs a jackass.
Bullshit. You high and mighty right wingers are blaming the left for the things your duly elected right wing Republican Mayor is doing. The claim that the left is responsible for Bloomberg is ridiculous. The claim that NYC is purely Democratic is also ridiculous given that Republicans have held the Mayor's office for nearly 20 years. In fact, any time one of your Republican politicians does something you don't like, that politician suddenly magically transforms into a "liberal". You people voted for Bush twice, but now in the new reinvented history, he was just a liberal RINO so none of the crap he did sticks to you. You people never take responsibility for anything.

Bloomberg is a right wing as Hugo Chavez was. He ran as a Republican because the Democratic Machine would not nominate him. He's a statist progressive, who never met a government regulation he didnt like, and that puts him in line far more with our current crop of democrats than it puts him with republicans.

If the Democrats would not nominate him, how does that put him in line with Democrats? If he is a "statist progressive", whatever that label means, why would the Republicans run him and elect him unless he was in line with the Republican agenda?

Because the political machine that gives a nod to and support for candidates and the voters are two entirely different things.

It's got to hurt to keep having your partisan ass handed to you repeatedly.
Bullshit. You high and mighty right wingers are blaming the left for the things your duly elected right wing Republican Mayor is doing. The claim that the left is responsible for Bloomberg is ridiculous. The claim that NYC is purely Democratic is also ridiculous given that Republicans have held the Mayor's office for nearly 20 years. In fact, any time one of your Republican politicians does something you don't like, that politician suddenly magically transforms into a "liberal". You people voted for Bush twice, but now in the new reinvented history, he was just a liberal RINO so none of the crap he did sticks to you. You people never take responsibility for anything.

Bloomberg is a right wing as Hugo Chavez was. He ran as a Republican because the Democratic Machine would not nominate him. He's a statist progressive, who never met a government regulation he didnt like, and that puts him in line far more with our current crop of democrats than it puts him with republicans.

If the Democrats would not nominate him, how does that put him in line with Democrats? If he is a "statist progressive", whatever that label means, why would the Republicans run him and elect him unless he was in line with the Republican agenda?

The NY democratic machine only elects its own for mayoral elections. Bloomberg was a democrat, but not a machine democrat, and republicans in NY are usually about as RINO as you can get. To them ANYONE is better than the crap the democrats were throwing up into the election.

Think of it as electing the least appaling person.
Bloomberg is a right wing as Hugo Chavez was. He ran as a Republican because the Democratic Machine would not nominate him. He's a statist progressive, who never met a government regulation he didnt like, and that puts him in line far more with our current crop of democrats than it puts him with republicans.

If the Democrats would not nominate him, how does that put him in line with Democrats? If he is a "statist progressive", whatever that label means, why would the Republicans run him and elect him unless he was in line with the Republican agenda?

Because the political machine that gives a nod to and support for candidates and the voters are two entirely different things.

It's got to hurt to keep having your partisan ass handed to you repeatedly.

I guess you would know since I have been handing yours to you repeatedly. I'm not the one blaming Republicans for what Democrats do. You are the one blaming Democrats for what Republicans do. That makes YOU the partisan.
Bloomberg is a right wing as Hugo Chavez was. He ran as a Republican because the Democratic Machine would not nominate him. He's a statist progressive, who never met a government regulation he didnt like, and that puts him in line far more with our current crop of democrats than it puts him with republicans.

If the Democrats would not nominate him, how does that put him in line with Democrats? If he is a "statist progressive", whatever that label means, why would the Republicans run him and elect him unless he was in line with the Republican agenda?

The NY democratic machine only elects its own for mayoral elections. Bloomberg was a democrat, but not a machine democrat, and republicans in NY are usually about as RINO as you can get. To them ANYONE is better than the crap the democrats were throwing up into the election.

Think of it as electing the least appaling person.

OK, I guess I can follow that train of thought. That is probably how Romney got the nomination from the Republicans. He was the least appalling candidate.
If the Democrats would not nominate him, how does that put him in line with Democrats? If he is a "statist progressive", whatever that label means, why would the Republicans run him and elect him unless he was in line with the Republican agenda?

The NY democratic machine only elects its own for mayoral elections. Bloomberg was a democrat, but not a machine democrat, and republicans in NY are usually about as RINO as you can get. To them ANYONE is better than the crap the democrats were throwing up into the election.

Think of it as electing the least appaling person.

OK, I guess I can follow that train of thought. That is probably how Romney got the nomination from the Republicans. He was the least appalling candidate.

Close. Its more that the candidate's the democrats have put up against first Guiliani the Bloomberg have been nothing but machine hacks, and the voters knew it.

The republicans are also known for 1 thing in NYC, letting the cops do what they have to do. Democrats kowtow to whatever group has the anti-cop butthurt dejuour.

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