Does Donald Trump deserve to be made fun of and ridiculed?


Active Member
Sep 11, 2018
Why Donald Trump deserves every single insult and hate thrown at him

Do you think all the insults and hate towards Trump is necessary or justified? Why or why not? Discuss.
Your Saul Alinsky tactic of "make your opponent look ridiculous" failed. You made fun of him throughout the campaign and he still won. You made fun of him when he took office and he still made more progress in his first year than the Kenyan poser made in 8 years (in fairness, Obama wasn't trying to make progress). The ones who look ridiculous are Trump's opponents on the left...Crooked Hillary, One Percent Biden, Pocahontas, Spartacus, Crazy Bernie, the list goes on.
Does he deserve to be made fun of? It comes with the territory.
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Why Donald Trump deserves every single insult and hate thrown at him

Do you think all the insults and hate towards Trump is necessary or justified? Why or why not? Discuss.

The answer is obvious. This is the true Left all along, what they always wanted to be, but never had the right president so controversial (actually bucking Washington) and outspoken (daring to tell the truth about them unafraid), to both allow them to get away with it, and scaring the living crap out of them in a panic that if not destroyed, he might succeed in his programs. The dirty secret though is that this isn't a Trump thing: it is just the whole general trend of the Left--- anarchy.

They treated HW horribly, then went berserk with GW, you'd have thought HE was the one who destroyed the WTC, and now they've practically painted horns on Trump! If it's not horns, then it is a baby diaper. Total lack of respect for the office. Unchecked, it will only be worse for the next GOP president, that is, unless he agrees to be a total sellout sock-puppet of the Left, you know, kinda like McCain, whom they actually complimented at his funeral.

McCain was so bought and paid for, he even criticized his own VP for them!
Trump and his supporters are classical representations of "able to dish it out but can't take it". Trump supporters were name calling in rhe beginning posts of this thread.

Trump maliciously attacks anyone who disagrees with him or is critical of anything he does. What really makes him a disgusting and deplorable human being is that he consistently lies about his critics and opponents.
Trump and his supporters are classical representations of "able to dish it out but can't take it". Trump supporters were name calling in rhe beginning posts of this thread.

Trump maliciously attacks anyone who disagrees with him or is critical of anything he does. What really makes him a disgusting and deplorable human being is that he consistently lies about his critics and opponents.

False, it's actually the other way around. The left loves to dish it out but then when , not if, Trump responds they react like little babies "ERMERGAWD did you see what Trump said?"

That's why the hate really exists. They can't push him around the way they did past Republicans.
Trump and his supporters are classical representations of "able to dish it out but can't take it". Trump supporters were name calling in rhe beginning posts of this thread.

Trump maliciously attacks anyone who disagrees with him or is critical of anything he does. What really makes him a disgusting and deplorable human being is that he consistently lies about his critics and opponents.

False, it's actually the other way around. The left loves to dish it out but then when , not if, Trump responds they react like little babies "ERMERGAWD did you see what Trump said?"

That's why the hate really exists. They can't push him around the way they did past Republicans.

Just remember, when they paint a clown face on Trump, they all stand around and laugh and clap. But years ago when a rodeo clown put an Obama mask on himself for a laugh--- THEY FIRED HIM.
They are all serious mental cases. TDS is even worse that BDS.
Trump built his candidacy and entire Presidency on ridicule and gutter talk. If anybody deserves to be treated like a worthless clown, it’s him.

Yep. Trump has been pretty crude and tasteless at times. He is an equal-opportunity offender, Left AND Right. But only the Left have shown that they not only RELISH IT, but gladly get down a lot lower in the gutter right in with the leaf slugs, their natural home of homes. Like a pig in mud, they are loving it.
Trump and his supporters are classical representations of "able to dish it out but can't take it". Trump supporters were name calling in rhe beginning posts of this thread.

Trump maliciously attacks anyone who disagrees with him or is critical of anything he does. What really makes him a disgusting and deplorable human being is that he consistently lies about his critics and opponents.
I forgot. Who threw the first rock?

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