Does Donald Trump deserve to be made fun of and ridiculed?

Trump and his supporters are classical representations of "able to dish it out but can't take it". Trump supporters were name calling in rhe beginning posts of this thread.

Trump maliciously attacks anyone who disagrees with him or is critical of anything he does. What really makes him a disgusting and deplorable human being is that he consistently lies about his critics and opponents.
Name calling you say?...You mean like how the moonbat freaks called virtually anyone who opposed the Bamster a racist at the drop of a hat?

Name calling like that?
Your Saul Alinsky tactic of "make your opponent look ridiculous" failed. You made fun of him throughout the campaign and he still won. You made fun of him when he took office and he still made more progress in his first year than the Kenyan poser made in 8 years (in fairness, Obama wasn't trying to make progress). The ones who look ridiculous are Trump's opponents on the left...Crooked Hillary, One Percent Biden, Pocahontas, Spartacus, Crazy Bernie, the list goes on.
Does he deserve to be made fun of? It comes with the territory.
I think after all the names Trump has called other people, making fun of him is not something we want to do, it’s an obligation.
Trump and his supporters are classical representations of "able to dish it out but can't take it". Trump supporters were name calling in rhe beginning posts of this thread.

Trump maliciously attacks anyone who disagrees with him or is critical of anything he does. What really makes him a disgusting and deplorable human being is that he consistently lies about his critics and opponents.
Name calling you say?...You mean like how the moonbat freaks called virtually anyone who opposed the Bamster a racist at the drop of a hat?

Name calling like that?
You mean like tar baby and uppity and “boy” and other names Republicans called Obama? Is that what you’re talking about?

Saying Obama wasn’t born in the US is name calling. Saying Obama is a Muslim is name calling. Nobody is as good at name-calling as Republicans.
Why Donald Trump deserves every single insult and hate thrown at him

Do you think all the insults and hate towards Trump is necessary or justified? Why or why not? Discuss.
Drumph ridicules everyone who disagrees with him, everyone he doesn't like. He deserves what he gets: you reap what you sow. You have to face up to the consequences of your actions. Tit for tat. (Tit for tat is an English saying dating to 1556, from "tip for tap", meaning "blow for blow," i.e., retaliation in kind—or more broadly, an equivalent to an action given in return.)
Trump and his supporters are classical representations of "able to dish it out but can't take it". Trump supporters were name calling in rhe beginning posts of this thread.

Trump maliciously attacks anyone who disagrees with him or is critical of anything he does. What really makes him a disgusting and deplorable human being is that he consistently lies about his critics and opponents.
Name calling you say?...You mean like how the moonbat freaks called virtually anyone who opposed the Bamster a racist at the drop of a hat?

Name calling like that?
You mean like tar baby and uppity and “boy” and other names Republicans called Obama? Is that what you’re talking about?

Saying Obama wasn’t born in the US is name calling. Saying Obama is a Muslim is name calling. Nobody is as good at name-calling as Republicans.
Being allowed to insult and mock is written into the American Constitution. Various politicians are insulted and mocked as a daily routine here on USMB. Does a day go by here when Hillary or President Obama is not insulated and mocked? How about an hour? Does an hour go by where Hillary or Obama are not insulated and mocked? Why should Trump be different? Why is the question of "deserve" suddenly an issue for Trump?
Our culture has decayed to a point at which the most vicious possible personal insults and attacks are essentially normal.

We've done this to ourselves. We've lowered our standards right into the mud. And worse, it looks like many don't even care.
Why Donald Trump deserves every single insult and hate thrown at him

Do you think all the insults and hate towards Trump is necessary or justified? Why or why not? Discuss.
Drumph ridicules everyone who disagrees with him, everyone he doesn't like. He deserves what he gets: you reap what you sow. You have to face up to the consequences of your actions. Tit for tat. (Tit for tat is an English saying dating to 1556, from "tip for tap", meaning "blow for blow," i.e., retaliation in kind—or more broadly, an equivalent to an action given in return.)

I challenge you to find one person that Trump attacked first. I really don't think you can. Yes he swings down, and he swings hard, but he responds, he doesn't initiate.
Trump's "crimes".

1. He beat the Moon Bat's girl.

2. He understands that we must protect the border.

3. He understands that we need to put America's interest above foreign interest.

4. He improved the economy after eight years of the Obama disaster.

5. He championed a tax cut for the American people.

6. He is an obstacle to the Left's agenda to make America a socialist shithole.

7. He destroyed Obama's legacy of destruction.
Does Donald Trump deserve to be made fun of and ridiculed?

Hell YES!
He’s a MORON, as described by his former cabinet members.
He does not understand basic science.
He cares little about the environment, or poor unfortunate people.
He’s a sucker for lies from Putin, Saudi prince, that crazy N Korean leader, and others he wants to do “business” with.
He doesn’t read briefs (or resignation letters) from his staff unless they are only a half page or have pictures!
He has no patience for complicated foreign policy strategy or anything else more complicated than making easy money.

Trump indeed is a CLOWN, a :290968001256257790-final:
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I think he deserves criticism for his boorish behavior and megalomania, but the degree of Trump derangement syndrome amongthe press and the uneducated portion of the left is downright ridiculous.

Good grief, when I was young, liberals wanted tarriffs to protect the working man. Today, all the regressive leftists who hate liberalism want to hang him over it.

That's the problem with the regressive left .They don't know what they stand FOR, only against.
Your Saul Alinsky tactic of "make your opponent look ridiculous" failed. You made fun of him throughout the campaign and he still won. You made fun of him when he took office and he still made more progress in his first year than the Kenyan poser made in 8 years (in fairness, Obama wasn't trying to make progress). The ones who look ridiculous are Trump's opponents on the left...Crooked Hillary, One Percent Biden, Pocahontas, Spartacus, Crazy Bernie, the list goes on.
Does he deserve to be made fun of? It comes with the territory.
Obama isn't without his accomplishments, dude.

He accomplished a lot in the middle east by destabilizing it and allowing ISIS to grow into a major force in the region .
Yes, he is a horrible human being, even though he is a half decent President.
Does Donald Trump deserve to be made fun of and ridiculed?

Hell YES!
He’s a MORON, as described by his former cabinet members.
He does not understand basic science.
He cares little about the environment, or poor unfortunate people.
He’s a sucker for lies from Putin, Saudi prince, that crazy N Korean leader, and others he wants to do “business” with.
He doesn’t read briefs (or resignation letters) from his staff unless they are only a half page or have pictures!
He has no patience for complicated foreign policy strategy or anything else more complicated than making easy money.

Trump indeed is a CLOWN, a :290968001256257790-final:
Basic science?

DO you mean like believing that men can transform into women, or that fetuses aren't humans unless the mother wants someone punished for killing it without her permission? Or how about the science of "man made global warming" you mean that sort of science. Maybe you mean the "some people are just born gay" science?

Party of science my ass. The Democrats are the party that hates science, just as they hate any and all facts.
Does Donald Trump deserve to be made fun of and ridiculed?

Hell YES!
He’s a MORON, as described by his former cabinet members.
He does not understand basic science.
He cares little about the environment, or poor unfortunate people.
He’s a sucker for lies from Putin, Saudi prince, that crazy N Korean leader, and others he wants to do “business” with.
He doesn’t read briefs (or resignation letters) from his staff unless they are only a half page or have pictures!
He has no patience for complicated foreign policy strategy or anything else more complicated than making easy money.

Trump indeed is a CLOWN, a :290968001256257790-final:
Basic science?

DO you mean like believing that men can transform into women, or that fetuses aren't humans unless the mother wants someone punished for killing it without her permission? Or how about the science of "man made global warming" you mean that sort of science. Maybe you mean the "some people are just born gay" science?

Party of science my ass. The Democrats are the party that hates science, just as they hate any and all facts.
You are an excellent example of a moron who does not understand part 1 of basic science: using the scientific method to form logical hypotheses and investigating them with conceptual snd operational definitions, a relevant data producing strategy, and comparing results with statistical analyses BEFORE making any relevant conclusions.

what does what I posted have to do with the scientific method at all, let alone indicate to you that I don't know about it?
Does he deserve it

Of course he does because he is the one who starts it

his base gets a good laugh when he does it and says nothing

but get all defensive when the table are turn against their guy

let see he called kim the rocket man
Crooked Hillary
Lyin' Hillary now that is the pot calling the kettle black
Slimeball James Comey
Jeff Flakey

the list is endless

if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen
if you resort to name calling then be prepared for they will do the same

The question is should a President behave like that ?
Trump's "crimes".

1. He beat the Moon Bat's girl.

2. He understands that we must protect the border.

3. He understands that we need to put America's interest above foreign interest.

4. He improved the economy after eight years of the Obama disaster.

5. He championed a tax cut for the American people.

6. He is an obstacle to the Left's agenda to make America a socialist shithole.

7. He destroyed Obama's legacy of destruction.
He didn't destroy Obama's legacy. He showed the world that Obama was a GREAT President and Trump is an embarrassment. It's set in stone.

True story.


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