Does Donald Trump really care about others? Serious question.

What does the public record say? Does Donald Trump really care about others?

  • yes

    Votes: 16 48.5%
  • no

    Votes: 17 51.5%
  • can you link to the public record to help me

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
JFK would be so pissed to have his picture next to a racist.

Since when? I'm certain that there are thousands of pictures with him next to Lyndon Baines Johnson.
trump tries to steal old woman's home thru eminent domain so he can have a casino parking lot.

Eminent domain is used every day of the year. The owner is paid a fair price. In fact, all my experience with eminent domain has resulted in the property owner receiving far more than the value of the property.

eminent domain is rarely used & when it is, it is to be used by the local government to benefit those living within the city limits as a whole... NOT by a private citizen to benefit the private citizen's private biz'nez. but that is who your president is & that is what your president does. trump is all about enriching trump.

btw - he lost the court case for exactly the reasons i stated.
donald trump only cares about donald trump & takes pleasure in creating pain for others.

How to Tell You're Dealing with a Malignant Narcissist
The intentional destruction of others while pathologically loving self.
Posted Feb 22, 2017

Malignant Narcissism

I want to explore with you the darker side of narcissistic personality disorder, where aggression, antisocial behaviors, and suspiciousness are as prominent as their poor sense of self, fragility, and egocentricity. (Below is a video clip that explores the symptoms of malignant narcissism.)

A person with malignant narcissism has the potential to destroy families, communities, nations, and work environments. This condition reflects a hybrid or blending of narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders. Psychologist Eric Fromm termed the disorder in 1964. Psychoanalyst Otto Kernberg later delineated the symptoms of the condition and presented it as an intermediary between narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders.

Why is the behavior of malignant narcissism often considered dangerous?

Individuals with this profile can form connections with others. However, they process information in ways that can hurt society in general, but also the people who love or depend on them. Family, co-workers, employees, and others in their lives often have to walk on eggshells to appease a fragile ego and minimize the occurrence of their unstable, impulsive, or aggressive behaviors.

They lash out or humiliate others for infractions of even the most frivolous nature (for example, you gave an opinion that differed from theirs; you demonstrated confidence, and it made them look bad; you told a joke that involved poking fun at them).

For some, their grandiosity and protection of their fragile "true self" can be at such extreme levels that they will lie and give the impression that simply because they say it, that makes it reality. Many will become angered if their lies are challenged with truth or facts. Of course, this can create problems for the people close to them, as this pattern of behavior can easily veer into gaslighting.

Malignant narcissism is a blend of two disorders that pose problems interpersonally for their victims — narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders. It is not uncommon for others to feel anxious, intimidated by, and fearful of people with this condition. The combination of poor empathy coupled with aggression, hypersensitivity, and suspiciousness can bring pain to others.

Those who interact with malignant narcissists often consider them jealous, petty, thin-skinned, punitive, hateful, cunning, and angry. Given their shallowness, they are not regulated emotionally and have beliefs that swing from one extreme to the next.

Their decisions can hurt others, because they rank relationships and people based on superficial standards and categories. They want to land on top, even when pretending to be altruistic or engaging in an activity that should not be "all about them." They often view the world through a primitive binary lens (for example, winner/loser; smart/dumb; rich/poor; pretty/ugly; black/white) — all the while sustaining the belief that they are superior. This is likely associated with problems processing emotional information, which reflects faulty neurobiology.

How to Tell You're Dealing with a Malignant Narcissist

sound familiar?
eminent domain is rarely used & when it is, it is to be used by the local government to benefit those living within the city limits as a whole... NOT by a private citizen to benefit the private citizen's private biz'nez. but that is who your president is & that is what your president does. trump is all about enriching trump.

btw - he lost the court case for exactly the reasons i stated.

What would you have done had it been your project?

Eminent domain has nothing, whatsoever, to do with city limits. How do you think highways, power lines, gas lines, and border walls are built?

Eminent domain is also used effectively to rehabilitate areas which are blighted. It has been, in my opinion, been misused at times but that has been remedied by the individual states.
donald trump only cares about donald trump & takes pleasure in creating pain for others.

How to Tell You're Dealing with a Malignant Narcissist
The intentional destruction of others while pathologically loving self.
Posted Feb 22, 2017

Malignant Narcissism

I want to explore with you the darker side of narcissistic personality disorder, where aggression, antisocial behaviors, and suspiciousness are as prominent as their poor sense of self, fragility, and egocentricity. (Below is a video clip that explores the symptoms of malignant narcissism.)

A person with malignant narcissism has the potential to destroy families, communities, nations, and work environments. This condition reflects a hybrid or blending of narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders. Psychologist Eric Fromm termed the disorder in 1964. Psychoanalyst Otto Kernberg later delineated the symptoms of the condition and presented it as an intermediary between narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders.

Why is the behavior of malignant narcissism often considered dangerous?

Individuals with this profile can form connections with others. However, they process information in ways that can hurt society in general, but also the people who love or depend on them. Family, co-workers, employees, and others in their lives often have to walk on eggshells to appease a fragile ego and minimize the occurrence of their unstable, impulsive, or aggressive behaviors.

They lash out or humiliate others for infractions of even the most frivolous nature (for example, you gave an opinion that differed from theirs; you demonstrated confidence, and it made them look bad; you told a joke that involved poking fun at them).

For some, their grandiosity and protection of their fragile "true self" can be at such extreme levels that they will lie and give the impression that simply because they say it, that makes it reality. Many will become angered if their lies are challenged with truth or facts. Of course, this can create problems for the people close to them, as this pattern of behavior can easily veer into gaslighting.

Malignant narcissism is a blend of two disorders that pose problems interpersonally for their victims — narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders. It is not uncommon for others to feel anxious, intimidated by, and fearful of people with this condition. The combination of poor empathy coupled with aggression, hypersensitivity, and suspiciousness can bring pain to others.

Those who interact with malignant narcissists often consider them jealous, petty, thin-skinned, punitive, hateful, cunning, and angry. Given their shallowness, they are not regulated emotionally and have beliefs that swing from one extreme to the next.

Their decisions can hurt others, because they rank relationships and people based on superficial standards and categories. They want to land on top, even when pretending to be altruistic or engaging in an activity that should not be "all about them." They often view the world through a primitive binary lens (for example, winner/loser; smart/dumb; rich/poor; pretty/ugly; black/white) — all the while sustaining the belief that they are superior. This is likely associated with problems processing emotional information, which reflects faulty neurobiology.

How to Tell You're Dealing with a Malignant Narcissist

sound familiar?

I didn't read your desperate soliloquy, it serves no purpose. Instead of that, why don't you tell us all the terrible things for America President Donald Trump has done?

Has there been a more ego driven, narcissist than failed former President Barack Hussen Obama? How?

2018 Midterms: All About Obama
Michelle Malkin
Posted: Oct 24, 2018 12:01 AM

Former President Selfie Stick is back in action, firing up Democrats before the midterms with his signature rallying cries:

I, I, I, I! Me, me, me! My, my, my!

According to a tally by The American Mirror's Kyle Olson, Barack Obama's campaign speech Monday for Nevada Senate Democratic candidate Jacky Rosen referred to himself 92 times in 38 minutes -- or an average self-allusion every 24.7 seconds.

2018 Midterms: All About Obama

I kind of miss the "I, me, and my" count on failed former President Barack Hussein Obama's speeches. Oh, and the "uh" count whenever he didn't have a teleprompter.
Okay read the first question in the thread title; still waiting for the 'Serious Question part to show up.

What is the serious question?
Translation into English = Posing the question seriously.

thank you for trying
Okay, no longer in original forum CDZ. So how does that changes things? Can people be civil when being asked a question in a serious manner? Of course, it is also a serious question in itself, since there is a decades long public record addressing this issue
I believe he cares about the American middle class and the Americans in the lower class who want to work hard and make something of themselves. Surprisingly, he seems to care about liberal racism against Asian-Americans, which I didn't find out until after I voted for him. Hence, #MAGA forever.
You're being serious? LOL
Does Donald Trump really care about others? Serious question.

I ask because people like Trump have been in the public spotlight for ages. Their exists a public record on people like him.

What does the public record say?

I guess I have to ask.....why does this matter ?
It would matter if one wanted to know the credibility and truth of a man's claims

Does Donald Trump really care about others? Serious question.

I ask because people like Trump have been in the public spotlight for ages. Their exists a public record on people like him.

What does the public record say?
Is this what you're looking for?...…..

Which addresses the issue of opportunity and optics of being right before serious election

"The Donald" formally launched his campaign on June 16, 2015, strolling down that tacky gauche escalator at Trump Tower in New York City.

December 2015 some anonymous "Growing America" posts the video online:
Growing America is the leading online news source focusing exclusively on local farm news. Our audience includes farmers, agribusiness leaders and policy makers. Each day Growing America publishes news, features and videos that help farmers make the best decisions for their operations.
Facebook Growing AmericaGoogle+ Growing America
Stats Joined Jan 29, 2015

=========== Wow! Does the headline match up with any known facts? Always check and recheck a Trump story

Here is a real story:
Norma Foerderer, a spokesman for Mr. Trump,
said, ''Trump phoned down to the auction block and stopped it and he guaranteed that he would assist them in this thing.''

Ms. Foerderer said she believed Mr. Trump offered about $20,000 to Mr. Hill's wife, Annabell, to save at least part of the farm. Trump Helps Reclaim Georgia Suicide's Farm

In the bedroom of the Hill home, along with the .22-caliber rifle that did the work, was a neat stack of life insurance policies and other papers on the nightstand. Hill had intended for the life insurance payout to cover most of his $300,000 debt and so save the family farm for another generation.

That time when Donald Trump saved a Georgia farm
By any reasonable standard he is not doing "a good job".

We're trying to be gracious. You're right, he's not doing a good job, he's doing a FANTASTIC job!

None of those are what any thinking being would call an accomplishment.
And then there's this..... skip to the 2:10 mark

What Sort of Man Is Donald Trump?

the baby, William Trump—whose father, Fred Trump III, is Freddy’s son—had been diagnosed with “infantile spasms, a rare disorder that can lead to cerebral palsy or autism and a lifetime of care.” (The Times article notes that William did develop cerebral palsy.) This chronic illness required round-the-clock nursing care and frequent visits to medical specialists and emergency rooms. Twice in the first eight months of his life, William stopped breathing. At that stage, fortunately for the baby and his family, he was being covered under a medical plan paid for by a Trump family company.

Trump and his siblings insisted that the will accurately reflected their father’s wishes. After the challenge, it didn’t take them long to retaliate. On March 30th, Fred III received a certified letter telling him that the medical benefits provided to his family by the Trump organization would end on May 1st. The letter prompted Fred III to return to court, this time in Nassau County, where a judge ordered the Trumps to restore the health coverage until the dispute was resolved. “I will stick to my guns,” Fred III told Evans. “I just think it was wrong. These are not warm and fuzzy people. They never even came to see William in the hospital. Our family puts the ‘fun’ in dysfunctional.” Fred III’s sister, Mary, told Evans, “William is my father’s grandson. He is as much a part of that family as anybody else. He desperately needs extra care.”

Trump, for his part, was unapologetic about his actions. “Why should we give him medical coverage?” he told Evans. When she asked him if he thought he might come across as cold-hearted, given the baby’s medical condition, he said, “I can’t help that. It’s cold when someone sues my father. Had he come to see me, things could very possibly have been much different for them.”
Does Donald Trump really care about others? Serious question.

I ask because people like Trump have been in the public spotlight for ages. Their exists a public record on people like him.

What does the public record say?
Oh hell no.
I will suggest to people, that using Trump's own words and deeds that exist in the public record, I can prove that Trump cares of little outside of Trump.

Trump like every politician cares about you only when you vote and afterwards him and every politician forget you until the next election cycle.

Now explain to the board why you care so much about Trump lack of caring before he became President?
I can be certain that President Trump cares about the American people. So much so, you will never hear or see that by the MSM, or other liberal sources. Because they rather distort and "makeup stories as they go along". They won't report on any of his successes. They would only report if he fails. It makes news for them. As long as it gives them ratings, that's all it matters to them.

Although I don't agree with some of his policies, I can say that he has done a much better job than his predecessor - Barrack "Insane" Obama.

Like I have said in my previous comments, I didn't vote for him in 2016. But I will vote for him in 2020. Because, even though he is a good businessman, he is a good President, as well.
I am speaking of the decades long public record. Can you point to it and give links to things that prove your point?
Who knew Trump liked ice skating that much?
As with the padding of bills to inflate things (Trump's dada and he and cousin) , story is Trump had people who wanted to get paid for other jobs, take part in his poublicity stump. A friggin skating rink? give me a break.
Trump like every politician cares about you only when you vote and afterwards him and every politician forget you until the next election cycle.

Now explain to the board why you care so much about Trump lack of caring before he became President?
Nope, many other politicians have real charities. Trump's whole family has scam charities. Started with Daddy Fred Trump.

NY Times reporter details examination of Trump finances

4 Ways Fred Trump Made Donald Trump and His Siblings Rich

11 Takeaways From The Times’s Investigation Into Trump’s Wealth
Does Donald Trump really care about others? Serious question.

I ask because people like Trump have been in the public spotlight for ages. Their exists a public record on people like him.

What does the public record say?
Oh hell no.

That's alright! I know you will either not, or won't, accept the fact that Trump is doing a good job. It's not like you Democrats or/and liberals even care either way. You rather bitch about his past, or how he "tweets". But that's alright. You must be really proud for being a bunch of snowflakes that rather dwell in failures. Rather than success.
By any reasonable standard he is not doing "a good job".

True; he's doing a great job. By merely tweeting he's reduced the MSM and the Democratic Party to blathering lunacy and whimpering imbecility all by himself.
It never was this way, but now a days, after what has taken place this last week with these hate filled acts and why no one noticed their deep seeded hatred that lead to their atrocious acts, it gives me pause when I read posts filled with visceral like yours, and wonder.... are YOU the Next murderer or bomber? Hatred kills the soul Picaro... :(
There are dozens of potentials here.
Trump like every politician cares about you only when you vote and afterwards him and every politician forget you until the next election cycle.

Now explain to the board why you care so much about Trump lack of caring before he became President?

President Donald Trump is not a politician. That's why we elected him.

Last edited:
Trump like every politician cares about you only when you vote and afterwards him and every politician forget you until the next election cycle.

Now explain to the board why you care so much about Trump lack of caring before he became President?

President Donald Trump is not a politician. That's why we elected him.

The man kept entering and then dropping out of election runs, and that makes him a politician.

May as well say Michael Bloomberg is not a politician.

what a goofy statement you made

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