Does Evolution Lead to Fear of Aliens?

Let's discuss some of what the atheist scientists like to believe such as the Drake Equation.

"The Drake equation is a probabilistic argument used to arrive at an estimate of the number of active, communicative extraterrestrial civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy.[1][2] The number of such civilizations, N, is assumed to be equal to the mathematical product of

  • (i) the average rate of star formation, R*, in our galaxy,
  • (ii) the fraction of formed stars, fp, that have planets,
  • (iii) the average number of planets per star, ne, that can potentially support life,
  • (iv) the fraction of those planets, fl, that actually develop life,
  • (v) the fraction of planets bearing life on which intelligent, civilized life, fi, has developed,
  • (vi) the fraction of these civilizations that have developed communications, fc, i.e., technologies that release detectable signs into space, and
  • (vii) the length of time, L, over which such civilizations release detectable signals, for a combined expression of:
N = R ∗ ⋅ f p ⋅ n e ⋅ f ℓ ⋅ f i ⋅ f c ⋅ L {\displaystyle N=R^{\ast }\cdot f_{p}\cdot n_{e}\cdot f_{\ell }\cdot f_{i}\cdot f_{c}\cdot L}
Drake equation - Wikipedia

Here's what creation scientists think:
"There is no scientific consensus on the probability of extraterrestrial civilizations; the famous Drake equation, which approximates this probability, can have many possible values over a wide range."

"The Fermi paradox or Fermi's paradox, named after physicist Enrico Fermi, is the apparent contradiction between the lack of evidence and high probability estimates, e.g., those given by the Drake equation, for the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.[1] The basic points of the argument, made by physicists Enrico Fermi (1901–1954) and Michael H. Hart (born 1932), are:
  • There are billions of stars in the galaxy that are similar to the Sun,[2][3] many of which are billions of years older than Earth.[4][5]
  • With high probability, some of these stars will have Earth-like planets,[6][7] and if the Earth is typical, some might develop intelligent life.
  • Some of these civilizations might develop interstellar travel, a step the Earth is investigating now.
  • Even at the slow pace of currently envisioned interstellar travel, the Milky Way galaxy could be completely traversed in a few million years.[8]
According to this line of reasoning, the Earth should have already been visited by extraterrestrial aliens. In an informal conversation, Fermi noted no convincing evidence of this, leading him to ask, "Where is everybody?"[9][10] There have been many attempts to explain the Fermi paradox,[11][12] primarily either suggesting that intelligent extraterrestrial life is extremely rare or proposing reasons that such civilizations have not contacted or visited Earth."

Fermi paradox - Wikipedia

We should've been invaded already lol!
Don't waste your money on this foolish book*.

The believers will stay and try to make the earth a better place.


"The race is on. Private companies, driven by iconoclastic entrepreneurs, such as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Paul Allen, and Sir Richard Branson; Dutch reality show and space mission Mars One; NASA; and the Chinese government are among the many groups competing to plant the first stake on Mars and open the door for human habitation. Why go to Mars? Life on Mars has potential life-saving possibilities for everyone on earth. Depleting water supplies, overwhelming climate change, and a host of other disasters—from terrorist attacks to meteor strikes—all loom large. We must become a space-faring species to survive. We have the technology not only to get humans to Mars, but to convert Mars into another habitable planet. It will likely take 300 years to “terraform” Mars, as the jargon goes, but we can turn it into a veritable second Garden of Eden. And we can live there, in specially designed habitations, within the next twenty years.

In this exciting chronicle, Petranek introduces the circus of lively characters all engaged in a dramatic effort to be the first to settle the Red Planet. How We’ll Live on Mars brings firsthand reporting, interviews with key participants, and extensive research to bear on the question of how we can expect to see life on Mars within the next twenty years."

Notice, the atheist no-goodnik Petranek steals the pharse "Garden of Eden."

* Unless, you're one of those who want to be the first to colonize Mars and are willing to put your money where your mouth is.
As for aliens, I am sure they are out there too -- just too far away to touch us here -- even as we ourselves are too far away to touch them.

All in all the Earthlings and Aliens are presently safe from each other.

Someday we will make radio contact, but even then they will still be too far away -- light years

Why radio? Isn't that a little primitive even for us? And what makes you think that time and distance equals safety simply because we haven't solved the problems presented by space and time?

What makes you think they haven't already been here?
They could be among but have the ability to look human because the might have the ability to take-on human form by stealing our bodies while we sleep.

Sure, maybe Jesus was an avatar from another world under orders, a higher form of intelligent life in a disturbing disguise, wearing the clothes of an uncultured first century Jewish peasant of no account with the ability to travel through space and time and the authority to direct the course of history for either good or evil by living among humans, testing their mettle, and disappearing into thin air relatively unnoticed at the time from time to time.....
That is such a deep concept I never thought of. Jesus was an alien and he definitely made an impact on the savages.

But funny Jesus actually had very little impact during his lifetime. He didn't convert anyone except for 11 guys tops. It was those guys who went and told the stories to people who didn't see it. Greeks, Hispanics, other Europeans. The Jews who lived among Jesus didn't convert and start Christianity. The 5000 who ate with Jesus five loaves and 3 fish didn't start the first church or build monuments. Their ancestors don't exist to this day.

I think Jesus is just the ultimate martyr story but I like the idea of him being a message from another planet. Next time he will bring weapons

not weapons.

It is written that when he returns he will return with myriads upon myriads of angels and saints, a mighty throng, like the tree of life coming down from the sky, laden with fruit for food and covered with many colored leaves purposed for the healing of the nations.

Sounds like a full blown worldwide invasion of extraterrestrial beings wearing strange and disturbing human disguises..

scary. lol...

Isn't that what believers have been praying for?
If they could come here looking like what we believe Peter Paul john and Jesus looked like, how many people would believe that's who they were? While their weapons made most of us appear to be taken like Armageddon described. The ones left would feel like they were chosen and they would worship them as gods. Same way Pharaohs were probably et's

Renowned celebrity physicist Stephen Hawking is at the forefront of the search for extra-terrestrial life. But he warns against making contact with aliens as he fears they will be two-billion-years ‘more evolved’.

"Time and again I am confronted with the view from young people that “Of course there are aliens out there. We can’t be the only ones.” This is a surprise to many of the older church folk in my acquaintance. However, CMI’s UFO authority, Gary Bates, indicates that in his experience belief in aliens can be found across all age groups—including churchgoers. Surveys estimate that more than 80% of Western peoples believe that ET is ‘out there somewhere’ which presumably encapsulates a lot of believers also.1 But many young folk in particular have been influenced by science fiction notions of aliens traversing the galaxy in their faster-than-light spaceships and advanced weaponry. And older folk are especially surprised to see that young people’s belief in extra-terrestrials often goes hand-in-hand with a morbid fear of what aliens will do to them.

Belief in aliens—and fear arising from that—is a logical outflow of our young people having been sold the idea that we are the result of evolution, not creation. Life evolved on Earth (the argument says), therefore elsewhere in the universe—billions of years older than our solar system according to evolutionary reckoning—it would surely have evolved there, too.2 As well-known Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) researcher Seth Shostak said when asked why he believed in the existence of intelligent extraterrestrials:

By hawking evolution to a vulnerable public, they’re also hawking fear of aliens, too
“To believe that they don’t exist requires positing that what’s happened on Earth is some sort of miracle. I find that premise a tougher sell than to think that intelligence is a fairly frequent development in a 14-billion-year-old cosmos.”3"

It's amusing in that it's science fiction, but I also know that people who believe in other people will believe it no matter how smart they think they are. To believe that they don't exist means that some kind of miracle happened on Earth.

  1. Bates, G., and Cosner, L., UFOlogy: the world’s fastest-growing ‘scientific’ religion?, 2016; ET needed evolution, 2016;
  2. DiGregorio, B., Interview: The alien hunter, New Scientist 199(2674):42–43, September 2008;
  3. DiGregorio, B., Interview: The alien hunter, New Scientist 199(2674):42–43, September 2008;
Full article here
Hawking fear of aliens -
Makes perfect sense to smart people.

If you believe in evolution vs the notion that God poofed fully grown land creatures magically into existence and you understand how many other planets are out there then you must believe we are not alone.

Then if you understand how technologically advanced they'd have to be.

Then if you think about human nature you'd be a fool not to fear a visit.

We haven't had one shred of evidence and now you're saying they're technologically advanced. I saw "Arrival" the other night and it was an enjoyable video. In it the world became afraid of the aliens. It's a smart sci-fi movie. That's what it is. It's not science, but fiction.

Show me one bacteria living on another planet and it cannot be there because we brought it from earth. I think you want to believe because of evolution. However, evolution does not create life on other planets like it does not create life here.
You don't believe because we don't know. I believe because I realize we know very little.

Amazing anyone still believes we are the only life in the universe

My evidence for no aliens is that the universe is not conducive for life. There is not one bacteria on the moon. That's a fact.

Maybe we'll be able to do interplanetary travel during our lifetimes, but what for? I'll take living on a space station.

The atheist scientist Paul Davies, of Arizona State University (for my dear departed cowardly "friend" Divine Wind), thinks the universe just breathes life. This isn't jackpot. It's crackpot.

There's probably fossils on Mars. We are too primitive we don't know yet. Still a ignorant species being held back by kings presidents and popes.
bond's existence has no context, residing purposely in a corrupt, makebelieve 4th century christian bible.

Renowned celebrity physicist Stephen Hawking is at the forefront of the search for extra-terrestrial life. But he warns against making contact with aliens as he fears they will be two-billion-years ‘more evolved’.

"Time and again I am confronted with the view from young people that “Of course there are aliens out there. We can’t be the only ones.” This is a surprise to many of the older church folk in my acquaintance. However, CMI’s UFO authority, Gary Bates, indicates that in his experience belief in aliens can be found across all age groups—including churchgoers. Surveys estimate that more than 80% of Western peoples believe that ET is ‘out there somewhere’ which presumably encapsulates a lot of believers also.1 But many young folk in particular have been influenced by science fiction notions of aliens traversing the galaxy in their faster-than-light spaceships and advanced weaponry. And older folk are especially surprised to see that young people’s belief in extra-terrestrials often goes hand-in-hand with a morbid fear of what aliens will do to them.

Belief in aliens—and fear arising from that—is a logical outflow of our young people having been sold the idea that we are the result of evolution, not creation. Life evolved on Earth (the argument says), therefore elsewhere in the universe—billions of years older than our solar system according to evolutionary reckoning—it would surely have evolved there, too.2 As well-known Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) researcher Seth Shostak said when asked why he believed in the existence of intelligent extraterrestrials:

By hawking evolution to a vulnerable public, they’re also hawking fear of aliens, too
“To believe that they don’t exist requires positing that what’s happened on Earth is some sort of miracle. I find that premise a tougher sell than to think that intelligence is a fairly frequent development in a 14-billion-year-old cosmos.”3"

It's amusing in that it's science fiction, but I also know that people who believe in other people will believe it no matter how smart they think they are. To believe that they don't exist means that some kind of miracle happened on Earth.

  1. Bates, G., and Cosner, L., UFOlogy: the world’s fastest-growing ‘scientific’ religion?, 2016; ET needed evolution, 2016;
  2. DiGregorio, B., Interview: The alien hunter, New Scientist 199(2674):42–43, September 2008;
  3. DiGregorio, B., Interview: The alien hunter, New Scientist 199(2674):42–43, September 2008;
Full article here
Hawking fear of aliens -
Makes perfect sense to smart people.

If you believe in evolution vs the notion that God poofed fully grown land creatures magically into existence and you understand how many other planets are out there then you must believe we are not alone.

Then if you understand how technologically advanced they'd have to be.

Then if you think about human nature you'd be a fool not to fear a visit.

We haven't had one shred of evidence and now you're saying they're technologically advanced. I saw "Arrival" the other night and it was an enjoyable video. In it the world became afraid of the aliens. It's a smart sci-fi movie. That's what it is. It's not science, but fiction.

Show me one bacteria living on another planet and it cannot be there because we brought it from earth. I think you want to believe because of evolution. However, evolution does not create life on other planets like it does not create life here.
You don't believe because we don't know. I believe because I realize we know very little.

Amazing anyone still believes we are the only life in the universe

My evidence for no aliens is that the universe is not conducive for life. There is not one bacteria on the moon. That's a fact.

Maybe we'll be able to do interplanetary travel during our lifetimes, but what for? I'll take living on a space station.

The atheist scientist Paul Davies, of Arizona State University (for my dear departed cowardly "friend" Divine Wind), thinks the universe just breathes life. This isn't jackpot. It's crackpot.

There's probably fossils on Mars. We are too primitive we don't know yet. Still a ignorant species being held back by kings presidents and popes.

Puhleeze. There are no fossils on Mars because there was no life there. Then fossilization doesn't happen that often. We do not have that many fossils and the dinosaur ones still have living tissue.

Do you want to go to Mars for vacation if you could sealybobo? I think you'll have a better time in Cleveland. I hope you saw that movie The Martian with Matt Damon. It's probably much worse than that. Why is it that liberals can't live on earth and think it's doomed because of global warming? The libs believe anything their masters tell them. I even found another Paul Davies in author Stephen Petranek I can complain about and beat up on.
Why radio? Isn't that a little primitive even for us? And what makes you think that time and distance equals safety simply because we haven't solved the problems presented by space and time?

What makes you think they haven't already been here?
They could be among but have the ability to look human because the might have the ability to take-on human form by stealing our bodies while we sleep.

Sure, maybe Jesus was an avatar from another world under orders, a higher form of intelligent life in a disturbing disguise, wearing the clothes of an uncultured first century Jewish peasant of no account with the ability to travel through space and time and the authority to direct the course of history for either good or evil by living among humans, testing their mettle, and disappearing into thin air relatively unnoticed at the time from time to time.....
That is such a deep concept I never thought of. Jesus was an alien and he definitely made an impact on the savages.

But funny Jesus actually had very little impact during his lifetime. He didn't convert anyone except for 11 guys tops. It was those guys who went and told the stories to people who didn't see it. Greeks, Hispanics, other Europeans. The Jews who lived among Jesus didn't convert and start Christianity. The 5000 who ate with Jesus five loaves and 3 fish didn't start the first church or build monuments. Their ancestors don't exist to this day.

I think Jesus is just the ultimate martyr story but I like the idea of him being a message from another planet. Next time he will bring weapons

not weapons.

It is written that when he returns he will return with myriads upon myriads of angels and saints, a mighty throng, like the tree of life coming down from the sky, laden with fruit for food and covered with many colored leaves purposed for the healing of the nations.

Sounds like a full blown worldwide invasion of extraterrestrial beings wearing strange and disturbing human disguises..

scary. lol...

Isn't that what believers have been praying for?
If they could come here looking like what we believe Peter Paul john and Jesus looked like, how many people would believe that's who they were? While their weapons made most of us appear to be taken like Armageddon described. The ones left would feel like they were chosen and they would worship them as gods. Same way Pharaohs were probably et's

Who they were, what they looked like, whether they were healthy or dying, young or old, male or female, rich or poor, physically fit, handicapped, or paralyzed would be irrelevant. There could be a innumerable army of fiery winged angels of God but all anyone would see would be a bunch of fruit loops spouting hubris in a similar way that when two angels were sent to warn about the coming doom of Sodom and Gomorrah the only thing the crazies there saw was two potential victims of sexual assault.

When Jesus was hanging on the cross and said that he had at his disposal more than 12 legions of angels to save him from death when he was being taunted, he wasn't speaking hubris or delirious from suffering or talking about an alien invasion, he was referring to the throngs of pissed off Jews and Gentiles standing around, watching, who knew without any reservation or doubt that he was the Holy One of God and would have immediately freed him and then waged war had he given the word and released the four angels holding back the four winds......

When ezekiel was told to prophesy to the mountains of Israel about their future destruction, he didn't climb a mountain and speak to rocks. He upbraided the big shots, the men who loomed over the human landscape like mountains or whales from the bottom of the sea feasting on human krill, the rest of the population.

In the same way when scripture speaks of stars falling from the sky, mountains being laid low and crumbling into the sea, while valleys are lifted up and the earth and all the works therein are consumed by fire from the sky it is not talking about cosmic catastrophe.

Its about social upheaval and permanent change.

On either side of the river that flows from the throne of God, in the middle of paradise, stands a tree of life bearing 12 types of fruit. (Revelation 22:2)

Their leaves are for the healing of the nations.

So what are you? Are you a mountain or a valley? A leaf on the tree of life or a dead branch good for nothing but fuel for the fire?

An angel of God or a low-life looking for a victim of sexual assault?
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They could be among but have the ability to look human because the might have the ability to take-on human form by stealing our bodies while we sleep.

Sure, maybe Jesus was an avatar from another world under orders, a higher form of intelligent life in a disturbing disguise, wearing the clothes of an uncultured first century Jewish peasant of no account with the ability to travel through space and time and the authority to direct the course of history for either good or evil by living among humans, testing their mettle, and disappearing into thin air relatively unnoticed at the time from time to time.....
That is such a deep concept I never thought of. Jesus was an alien and he definitely made an impact on the savages.

But funny Jesus actually had very little impact during his lifetime. He didn't convert anyone except for 11 guys tops. It was those guys who went and told the stories to people who didn't see it. Greeks, Hispanics, other Europeans. The Jews who lived among Jesus didn't convert and start Christianity. The 5000 who ate with Jesus five loaves and 3 fish didn't start the first church or build monuments. Their ancestors don't exist to this day.

I think Jesus is just the ultimate martyr story but I like the idea of him being a message from another planet. Next time he will bring weapons

not weapons.

It is written that when he returns he will return with myriads upon myriads of angels and saints, a mighty throng, like the tree of life coming down from the sky, laden with fruit for food and covered with many colored leaves purposed for the healing of the nations.

Sounds like a full blown worldwide invasion of extraterrestrial beings wearing strange and disturbing human disguises..

scary. lol...

Isn't that what believers have been praying for?
If they could come here looking like what we believe Peter Paul john and Jesus looked like, how many people would believe that's who they were? While their weapons made most of us appear to be taken like Armageddon described. The ones left would feel like they were chosen and they would worship them as gods. Same way Pharaohs were probably et's

Who they were, what they looked like, whether they were healthy or dying, young or old, male or female, rich or poor, physically fit, handicapped, or paralyzed would be irrelevant. There could be a innumerable army of fiery winged angels of God but all anyone would see would be a bunch of fruit loops spouting hubris in a similar way that when two angels were sent to warn about the coming doom of Sodom and Gomorrah the only thing the crazies there saw was two potential victims of sexual assault.

When Jesus was hanging on the cross and said that he had at his disposal more than 12 legions of angels to save him from death when he was being taunted, he wasn't speaking hubris or delirious from suffering or talking about an alien invasion, he was referring to the throngs of pissed off Jews and Gentiles standing around, watching, who knew without any reservation or doubt that he was the Holy One of God and would have immediately freed him and then waged war had he given the word and released the four angels holding back the four winds......

When ezekiel was told to prophesy to the mountains of Israel about their future destruction, he didn't climb a mountain and speak to rocks. He upbraided the big shots, the men who loomed over the human landscape like mountains or whales from the bottom of the sea feasting on human krill, the rest of the population.

In the same way when scripture speaks of stars falling from the sky, mountains being laid low and crumbling into the sea, while valleys are lifted up and the earth and all the works therein are consumed by fire from the sky it is not talking about cosmic catastrophe.

Its about social upheaval and permanent change.

On either side of the river that flows from the throne of God, in the middle of paradise, stands a tree of life bearing 12 types of fruit. (Revelation 22:2)

Their leaves are for the healing of the nations.

So what are you? Are you a mountain or a valley? A leaf on the tree of life or a dead branch good for nothing but fuel for the fire?

An angel of God or a low-life looking for a victim of sexual assault?
Are those my only two choices?
Sure, maybe Jesus was an avatar from another world under orders, a higher form of intelligent life in a disturbing disguise, wearing the clothes of an uncultured first century Jewish peasant of no account with the ability to travel through space and time and the authority to direct the course of history for either good or evil by living among humans, testing their mettle, and disappearing into thin air relatively unnoticed at the time from time to time.....
That is such a deep concept I never thought of. Jesus was an alien and he definitely made an impact on the savages.

But funny Jesus actually had very little impact during his lifetime. He didn't convert anyone except for 11 guys tops. It was those guys who went and told the stories to people who didn't see it. Greeks, Hispanics, other Europeans. The Jews who lived among Jesus didn't convert and start Christianity. The 5000 who ate with Jesus five loaves and 3 fish didn't start the first church or build monuments. Their ancestors don't exist to this day.

I think Jesus is just the ultimate martyr story but I like the idea of him being a message from another planet. Next time he will bring weapons

not weapons.

It is written that when he returns he will return with myriads upon myriads of angels and saints, a mighty throng, like the tree of life coming down from the sky, laden with fruit for food and covered with many colored leaves purposed for the healing of the nations.

Sounds like a full blown worldwide invasion of extraterrestrial beings wearing strange and disturbing human disguises..

scary. lol...

Isn't that what believers have been praying for?
If they could come here looking like what we believe Peter Paul john and Jesus looked like, how many people would believe that's who they were? While their weapons made most of us appear to be taken like Armageddon described. The ones left would feel like they were chosen and they would worship them as gods. Same way Pharaohs were probably et's

Who they were, what they looked like, whether they were healthy or dying, young or old, male or female, rich or poor, physically fit, handicapped, or paralyzed would be irrelevant. There could be a innumerable army of fiery winged angels of God but all anyone would see would be a bunch of fruit loops spouting hubris in a similar way that when two angels were sent to warn about the coming doom of Sodom and Gomorrah the only thing the crazies there saw was two potential victims of sexual assault.

When Jesus was hanging on the cross and said that he had at his disposal more than 12 legions of angels to save him from death when he was being taunted, he wasn't speaking hubris or delirious from suffering or talking about an alien invasion, he was referring to the throngs of pissed off Jews and Gentiles standing around, watching, who knew without any reservation or doubt that he was the Holy One of God and would have immediately freed him and then waged war had he given the word and released the four angels holding back the four winds......

When ezekiel was told to prophesy to the mountains of Israel about their future destruction, he didn't climb a mountain and speak to rocks. He upbraided the big shots, the men who loomed over the human landscape like mountains or whales from the bottom of the sea feasting on human krill, the rest of the population.

In the same way when scripture speaks of stars falling from the sky, mountains being laid low and crumbling into the sea, while valleys are lifted up and the earth and all the works therein are consumed by fire from the sky it is not talking about cosmic catastrophe.

Its about social upheaval and permanent change.

On either side of the river that flows from the throne of God, in the middle of paradise, stands a tree of life bearing 12 types of fruit. (Revelation 22:2)

Their leaves are for the healing of the nations.

So what are you? Are you a mountain or a valley? A leaf on the tree of life or a dead branch good for nothing but fuel for the fire?

An angel of God or a low-life looking for a victim of sexual assault?
Are those my only two choices?

You can be either hot or cold or stay right where you are, sitting on the fence.

If you do nothing and stay right where you are, by default, you will be digging your own grave for another thousand years.
bond's existence has no context, residing purposely in a corrupt, makebelieve 4th century christian bible.

Atheist BW is wrong again. It was the 1st century when it started.

I'm not a Bible-thumper but like most Christians believe it. I guess I've become a creation science thumper. The Bible wasn't questioned as much as it is today before the 1800s, but since then it has slowly been questioned and eroded by atheist evolution science. Thus, today part of the battle is creation vs evolution and liberal vs conservative politics. Politics in the sense that atheism leads to communism.

If the atheist scientists and atheists are so dang interested in going to Mars and forsaking earth, then I am all in. What it appears will happen is that it will be a one-way trip. There won't be enough fuel to come back the first time. The plan will be survive until the second launch bring more supplies. Who will be these challengers to go so far and die as martyrs for the atheist science cause? They may fall short of the destination, have a spectacular crash landing, end up on another planet or moon or just dies trying to survive. They will be the first aliens in the universe.
Makes perfect sense to smart people.

If you believe in evolution vs the notion that God poofed fully grown land creatures magically into existence and you understand how many other planets are out there then you must believe we are not alone.

Then if you understand how technologically advanced they'd have to be.

Then if you think about human nature you'd be a fool not to fear a visit.

We haven't had one shred of evidence and now you're saying they're technologically advanced. I saw "Arrival" the other night and it was an enjoyable video. In it the world became afraid of the aliens. It's a smart sci-fi movie. That's what it is. It's not science, but fiction.

Show me one bacteria living on another planet and it cannot be there because we brought it from earth. I think you want to believe because of evolution. However, evolution does not create life on other planets like it does not create life here.
You don't believe because we don't know. I believe because I realize we know very little.

Amazing anyone still believes we are the only life in the universe

My evidence for no aliens is that the universe is not conducive for life. There is not one bacteria on the moon. That's a fact.

Maybe we'll be able to do interplanetary travel during our lifetimes, but what for? I'll take living on a space station.

The atheist scientist Paul Davies, of Arizona State University (for my dear departed cowardly "friend" Divine Wind), thinks the universe just breathes life. This isn't jackpot. It's crackpot.

There's probably fossils on Mars. We are too primitive we don't know yet. Still a ignorant species being held back by kings presidents and popes.

Puhleeze. There are no fossils on Mars because there was no life there. Then fossilization doesn't happen that often. We do not have that many fossils and the dinosaur ones still have living tissue.

Do you want to go to Mars for vacation if you could sealybobo? I think you'll have a better time in Cleveland. I hope you saw that movie The Martian with Matt Damon. It's probably much worse than that. Why is it that liberals can't live on earth and think it's doomed because of global warming? The libs believe anything their masters tell them. I even found another Paul Davies in author Stephen Petranek I can complain about and beat up on.
Puhleeze. There are no fossils on Mars because there was no life there. Then fossilization doesn't happen that often. We do not have that many fossils and the dinosaur ones still have living tissue.

is that what the cartoons tell you, bond, the tissue is still living ... . :eusa_hand:

* how about the dinosaur they are attached to -

bond's existence has no context, residing purposely in a corrupt, makebelieve 4th century christian bible.

Atheist BW is wrong again. It was the 1st century when it started.

I'm not a Bible-thumper but like most Christians believe it. I guess I've become a creation science thumper. The Bible wasn't questioned as much as it is today before the 1800s, but since then it has slowly been questioned and eroded by atheist evolution science. Thus, today part of the battle is creation vs evolution and liberal vs conservative politics. Politics in the sense that atheism leads to communism.

If the atheist scientists and atheists are so dang interested in going to Mars and forsaking earth, then I am all in. What it appears will happen is that it will be a one-way trip. There won't be enough fuel to come back the first time. The plan will be survive until the second launch bring more supplies. Who will be these challengers to go so far and die as martyrs for the atheist science cause? They may fall short of the destination, have a spectacular crash landing, end up on another planet or moon or just dies trying to survive. They will be the first aliens in the universe.
Atheist BW is wrong again. It was the 1st century when it started.

Every church had its favored books, and since there was nothing like a clearly-defined orthodoxy until the 4th century, there were in fact many simultaneous literary traditions. The illusion that it was otherwise is created by the fact that the church that came out on top simply preserved texts in its favor and destroyed or let vanish opposing documents. Hence what we call "orthodoxy" is simply "the church that won."

just simply put, the late 4th century christian bible does not reflect the events of the 1st century.

for one observation of the difference is the 1st century was a spoken religion, The Triumph of Good vs Evil was that religions entire text.

your 4th century book bond is nothing more than a political agenda disguised as a religion. wrapped in sugar.

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We haven't had one shred of evidence and now you're saying they're technologically advanced. I saw "Arrival" the other night and it was an enjoyable video. In it the world became afraid of the aliens. It's a smart sci-fi movie. That's what it is. It's not science, but fiction.

Show me one bacteria living on another planet and it cannot be there because we brought it from earth. I think you want to believe because of evolution. However, evolution does not create life on other planets like it does not create life here.
You don't believe because we don't know. I believe because I realize we know very little.

Amazing anyone still believes we are the only life in the universe

My evidence for no aliens is that the universe is not conducive for life. There is not one bacteria on the moon. That's a fact.

Maybe we'll be able to do interplanetary travel during our lifetimes, but what for? I'll take living on a space station.

The atheist scientist Paul Davies, of Arizona State University (for my dear departed cowardly "friend" Divine Wind), thinks the universe just breathes life. This isn't jackpot. It's crackpot.

There's probably fossils on Mars. We are too primitive we don't know yet. Still a ignorant species being held back by kings presidents and popes.

Puhleeze. There are no fossils on Mars because there was no life there. Then fossilization doesn't happen that often. We do not have that many fossils and the dinosaur ones still have living tissue.

Do you want to go to Mars for vacation if you could sealybobo? I think you'll have a better time in Cleveland. I hope you saw that movie The Martian with Matt Damon. It's probably much worse than that. Why is it that liberals can't live on earth and think it's doomed because of global warming? The libs believe anything their masters tell them. I even found another Paul Davies in author Stephen Petranek I can complain about and beat up on.
Puhleeze. There are no fossils on Mars because there was no life there. Then fossilization doesn't happen that often. We do not have that many fossils and the dinosaur ones still have living tissue.

is that what the cartoons tell you, bond, the tissue is still living ... . :eusa_hand:

* how about the dinosaur they are attached to -


I misspoke. Meant "soft" tissue. It's not like you still thinking metamorphosis is macroevolution.

The important thing is what the creation scientists are claiming that the dinosaur bones could not be 245-million years old. "In the past ten years, there have been more and more reports coming out that show multiple fossilized dinosaur bones with soft tissue, blood vessels, bone matrix and elastic tissue. Scientifically, if the fossil was truly millions of years old, there should be no traces of soft tissue ore anything that delicate. Science has hypothesized and "explained" how there could be soft tissues in something millions of years old. The most stated theory of how something virtually impossible is possible is iron. Science has "proven" that iron in the fossils body had preserved the tissue before it could decay. There are still problems with this theory thought, scientists have believed that proteins that make up soft tissue would decay in less than one million years under the best condition possible."

Soft tissue in fossils - CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science
bond's existence has no context, residing purposely in a corrupt, makebelieve 4th century christian bible.

Atheist BW is wrong again. It was the 1st century when it started.

I'm not a Bible-thumper but like most Christians believe it. I guess I've become a creation science thumper. The Bible wasn't questioned as much as it is today before the 1800s, but since then it has slowly been questioned and eroded by atheist evolution science. Thus, today part of the battle is creation vs evolution and liberal vs conservative politics. Politics in the sense that atheism leads to communism.

If the atheist scientists and atheists are so dang interested in going to Mars and forsaking earth, then I am all in. What it appears will happen is that it will be a one-way trip. There won't be enough fuel to come back the first time. The plan will be survive until the second launch bring more supplies. Who will be these challengers to go so far and die as martyrs for the atheist science cause? They may fall short of the destination, have a spectacular crash landing, end up on another planet or moon or just dies trying to survive. They will be the first aliens in the universe.
Atheist BW is wrong again. It was the 1st century when it started.

Every church had its favored books, and since there was nothing like a clearly-defined orthodoxy until the 4th century, there were in fact many simultaneous literary traditions. The illusion that it was otherwise is created by the fact that the church that came out on top simply preserved texts in its favor and destroyed or let vanish opposing documents. Hence what we call "orthodoxy" is simply "the church that won."

just simply put, the late 4th century christian bible does not reflect the events of the 1st century.

for one observation of the difference is the 1st century was a spoken religion, The Triumph of Good vs Evil was that religions entire text.

your 4th century book bond is nothing more than a political agenda disguised as a religion. raped is sugar.

I don't think you are qualified to make any kind of intelligent opinion on this matter. So far, I've ruled out the Bible and evolution for you.
bond's existence has no context, residing purposely in a corrupt, makebelieve 4th century christian bible.

Atheist BW is wrong again. It was the 1st century when it started.

I'm not a Bible-thumper but like most Christians believe it. I guess I've become a creation science thumper. The Bible wasn't questioned as much as it is today before the 1800s, but since then it has slowly been questioned and eroded by atheist evolution science. Thus, today part of the battle is creation vs evolution and liberal vs conservative politics. Politics in the sense that atheism leads to communism.

If the atheist scientists and atheists are so dang interested in going to Mars and forsaking earth, then I am all in. What it appears will happen is that it will be a one-way trip. There won't be enough fuel to come back the first time. The plan will be survive until the second launch bring more supplies. Who will be these challengers to go so far and die as martyrs for the atheist science cause? They may fall short of the destination, have a spectacular crash landing, end up on another planet or moon or just dies trying to survive. They will be the first aliens in the universe.
Atheist BW is wrong again. It was the 1st century when it started.
I don't think you are qualified to make any kind of intelligent opinion on this matter. So far, I've ruled out the Bible and evolution for you.

Every church had its favored books, and since there was nothing like a clearly-defined orthodoxy until the 4th century, there were in fact many simultaneous literary traditions. The illusion that it was otherwise is created by the fact that the church that came out on top simply preserved texts in its favor and destroyed or let vanish opposing documents. Hence what we call "orthodoxy" is simply "the church that won."

just simply put, the late 4th century christian bible does not reflect the events of the 1st century.

for one observation of the difference is the 1st century was a spoken religion, The Triumph of Good vs Evil was that religions entire text.

your 4th century book bond is nothing more than a political agenda disguised as a religion. raped is sugar.

I don't think you are qualified to make any kind of intelligent opinion on this matter. So far, I've ruled out the Bible and evolution for you.
I don't think you are qualified to make any kind of intelligent opinion on this matter. So far, I've ruled out the Bible and evolution for you.

I have nothing to do with the history of your phony political agenda disguised as a religion bond, your just like the other ostriches, its comforting to your mentality so why face the truth.


you continue to take out of context metamorphosis which you clearly are unable to process, the evolution of a land being into an avian by a gnomic process representing two distinct beings - the same as a transition from one to another without an intermediary stage, the record of which you insist must exist.
bond's existence has no context, residing purposely in a corrupt, makebelieve 4th century christian bible.

Atheist BW is wrong again. It was the 1st century when it started.

I'm not a Bible-thumper but like most Christians believe it. I guess I've become a creation science thumper. The Bible wasn't questioned as much as it is today before the 1800s, but since then it has slowly been questioned and eroded by atheist evolution science. Thus, today part of the battle is creation vs evolution and liberal vs conservative politics. Politics in the sense that atheism leads to communism.

If the atheist scientists and atheists are so dang interested in going to Mars and forsaking earth, then I am all in. What it appears will happen is that it will be a one-way trip. There won't be enough fuel to come back the first time. The plan will be survive until the second launch bring more supplies. Who will be these challengers to go so far and die as martyrs for the atheist science cause? They may fall short of the destination, have a spectacular crash landing, end up on another planet or moon or just dies trying to survive. They will be the first aliens in the universe.
Atheist BW is wrong again. It was the 1st century when it started.
I don't think you are qualified to make any kind of intelligent opinion on this matter. So far, I've ruled out the Bible and evolution for you.

Every church had its favored books, and since there was nothing like a clearly-defined orthodoxy until the 4th century, there were in fact many simultaneous literary traditions. The illusion that it was otherwise is created by the fact that the church that came out on top simply preserved texts in its favor and destroyed or let vanish opposing documents. Hence what we call "orthodoxy" is simply "the church that won."

just simply put, the late 4th century christian bible does not reflect the events of the 1st century.

for one observation of the difference is the 1st century was a spoken religion, The Triumph of Good vs Evil was that religions entire text.

your 4th century book bond is nothing more than a political agenda disguised as a religion. raped is sugar.

I don't think you are qualified to make any kind of intelligent opinion on this matter. So far, I've ruled out the Bible and evolution for you.
I don't think you are qualified to make any kind of intelligent opinion on this matter. So far, I've ruled out the Bible and evolution for you.

I have nothing to do with the history of your phony political agenda disguised as a religion bond, your just like the other ostriches, its comforting to your mentality so why face the truth.


you continue to take out of context metamorphosis which you clearly are unable to process, the evolution of a land being into an avian by a gnomic process representing two distinct beings - the same as a transition from one to another without an intermediary stage, the record of which you insist must exist.

Nothing phony about Jesus nor religion. It's one worldview.

Anyway, I had a revelation tonight. It has to do with what happens to people when the pressure is on. Some just shutdown. Others just start reacting. They lose the ability to think in those situations. Fortunately, we have many who can stay calm, think and take the appropriate measures.

What I think has happened to the atheists is they've lost the ability to think. Atheism is a new religion with the New Atheism. Some, like you, are shutting down. Others just end up reacting.

For example, you post a photo that has been removed. It's of little importance, but yet you desperately cling to a tiny thumbnail. This is evidence of your brain shutting down by societal pressure.
bond's existence has no context, residing purposely in a corrupt, makebelieve 4th century christian bible.

Atheist BW is wrong again. It was the 1st century when it started.

I'm not a Bible-thumper but like most Christians believe it. I guess I've become a creation science thumper. The Bible wasn't questioned as much as it is today before the 1800s, but since then it has slowly been questioned and eroded by atheist evolution science. Thus, today part of the battle is creation vs evolution and liberal vs conservative politics. Politics in the sense that atheism leads to communism.

If the atheist scientists and atheists are so dang interested in going to Mars and forsaking earth, then I am all in. What it appears will happen is that it will be a one-way trip. There won't be enough fuel to come back the first time. The plan will be survive until the second launch bring more supplies. Who will be these challengers to go so far and die as martyrs for the atheist science cause? They may fall short of the destination, have a spectacular crash landing, end up on another planet or moon or just dies trying to survive. They will be the first aliens in the universe.
Atheist BW is wrong again. It was the 1st century when it started.
I don't think you are qualified to make any kind of intelligent opinion on this matter. So far, I've ruled out the Bible and evolution for you.

Every church had its favored books, and since there was nothing like a clearly-defined orthodoxy until the 4th century, there were in fact many simultaneous literary traditions. The illusion that it was otherwise is created by the fact that the church that came out on top simply preserved texts in its favor and destroyed or let vanish opposing documents. Hence what we call "orthodoxy" is simply "the church that won."

just simply put, the late 4th century christian bible does not reflect the events of the 1st century.

for one observation of the difference is the 1st century was a spoken religion, The Triumph of Good vs Evil was that religions entire text.

your 4th century book bond is nothing more than a political agenda disguised as a religion. raped is sugar.

I don't think you are qualified to make any kind of intelligent opinion on this matter. So far, I've ruled out the Bible and evolution for you.
I don't think you are qualified to make any kind of intelligent opinion on this matter. So far, I've ruled out the Bible and evolution for you.

I have nothing to do with the history of your phony political agenda disguised as a religion bond, your just like the other ostriches, its comforting to your mentality so why face the truth.


you continue to take out of context metamorphosis which you clearly are unable to process, the evolution of a land being into an avian by a gnomic process representing two distinct beings - the same as a transition from one to another without an intermediary stage, the record of which you insist must exist.

Nothing phony about Jesus nor religion. It's one worldview.

Anyway, I had a revelation tonight. It has to do with what happens to people when the pressure is on. Some just shutdown. Others just start reacting. They lose the ability to think in those situations. Fortunately, we have many who can stay calm, think and take the appropriate measures.

What I think has happened to the atheists is they've lost the ability to think. Atheism is a new religion with the New Atheism. Some, like you, are shutting down. Others just end up reacting.

For example, you post a photo that has been removed. It's of little importance, but yet you desperately cling to a tiny thumbnail. This is evidence of your brain shutting down by societal pressure.
You tell yourself whatever you want to hear.

You make me laugh. Are you being serious? I don't believe it. You sound like me talking about the fake moon landing

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