Does Evolution Lead to Fear of Aliens?

What were they doing before Genesis ??

Genesis contains Moses' story of the creation of this Earth.

In Heaven, God and his Angles were already in existence.

Genesis does NOT talk about the creation of God or his Angels.
The first five books were written by Moses and focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel, but the first eleven chapters records the history that all nations have in common.
Since he does not believe in God's Heaven he will probably not gain admittance there:

Complete bullshit.

What did you or anybody have to do or believe to gain admittance to life here?

Aside from that since what many people believe about God is based on little more than hope, fantasy, and is completely false, both logically and factually, so when an atheist stands before he who truly is God he would have to say "well done" for their not believing in what is false.

On the other hand if a person has worshipped and prayed to and mislead others into believing in a god that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence when they stand before God he will say fuck off, I don't know who the hell you are.
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Since he does not believe in God's Heaven he will probably not gain admittance there:

Complete bullshit.

What did you or anybody have to do or believe to gain admittance to life here?

Aside from that since what many people believe about God is based on little more than hope, fantasy, and is completely false, both logically and factually, when an atheist stands before he who truly is God he would have to say "well done" for their not believing in what is false.

On the other hand if a person has worshipped and prayed to and mislead others into believing in a god that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence when they stand before God he will say fuck off, I don't know who the hell you are.
The problem with your analogy is that the atheist will have never sought to know God, just as you don't seek to know God. He has given you more than enough proof that He exists. He has given you more than enough proof that He revealed Himself to us, and He has given you more than enough proof that He wants us to know Him.
Since he does not believe in God's Heaven he will probably not gain admittance there:

Complete bullshit.

What did you or anybody have to do or believe to gain admittance to life here?

Aside from that since what many people believe about God is based on little more than hope, fantasy, and is completely false, both logically and factually, when an atheist stands before he who truly is God he would have to say "well done" for their not believing in what is false.

On the other hand if a person has worshipped and prayed to and mislead others into believing in a god that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence when they stand before God he will say fuck off, I don't know who the hell you are.
You are like Job was before he was convinced otherwise.

"...Job was a devout and righteous man, yet his suffering was terrible and came for no apparent reason. As a man of unwavering faith, Job could not reconcile his belief in a merciful G-d with the tragedy of his own lot. Therefore, he felt it was reasonable to surmise that in fact, G-d does not concern Himself with the welfare of human beings. He neither rewards nor punishes according to our deeds. G-d is too exalted and man is too lowly for Him to be bothered with our behavior and needs.

He concluded that the fate of mankind is out of our hands, that we are subject to mechanical forces beyond our control set irrevocably in motion at the time of creation. The results of our decisions and actions deceptively appear to be the outcome of our own free will. In reality they are a product of celestial prescripts. If our deeds are the consequence of predetermined design we cannot be rewarded or held accountable for them. Job’s answer to his own suffering is that he is the victim of fate, until his friend Elihu finally convinces him otherwise...."

Introduction •
Since he does not believe in God's Heaven he will probably not gain admittance there:

Complete bullshit.

What did you or anybody have to do or believe to gain admittance to life here?

Aside from that since what many people believe about God is based on little more than hope, fantasy, and is completely false, both logically and factually, when an atheist stands before he who truly is God he would have to say "well done" for their not believing in what is false.

On the other hand if a person has worshipped and prayed to and mislead others into believing in a god that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence when they stand before God he will say fuck off, I don't know who the hell you are.
God responds...

40 The Lord said to Job:

2 “Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him?
Let him who accuses God answer him!”
3 Then Job answered the Lord:

4 “I am unworthy—how can I reply to you?
I put my hand over my mouth.
5 I spoke once, but I have no answer—
twice, but I will say no more.”
6 Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm.

7 “Brace yourself like a man;
I will question you,
and you shall answer me.
8 “Would you discredit my justice?
Would you condemn me to justify yourself?
9 Do you have an arm like God’s,
and can your voice thunder like his?

You get the gist, right?
Since he does not believe in God's Heaven he will probably not gain admittance there:

Complete bullshit.

What did you or anybody have to do or believe to gain admittance to life here?

Aside from that since what many people believe about God is based on little more than hope, fantasy, and is completely false, both logically and factually, when an atheist stands before he who truly is God he would have to say "well done" for their not believing in what is false.

On the other hand if a person has worshipped and prayed to and mislead others into believing in a god that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence when they stand before God he will say fuck off, I don't know who the hell you are.
The problem with your analogy is that the atheist will have never sought to know God, just as you don't seek to know God. He has given you more than enough proof that He exists. He has given you more than enough proof that He revealed Himself to us, and He has given you more than enough proof that He wants us to know Him.
Damn. still not able to retain information.. sheesh.

I am not looking for God, I am not seeking proof of his existence.

I already know him. He is in me and with me and I always do exactly as he commands.

I don't need to be forgiven for anything...I have already passed from death to life and will never again be subjected to divine judgment.

The truth is I do not believe you. You are a liar and a hypocrite, and I really don't give a shit if you don't like being exposed.
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Since he does not believe in God's Heaven he will probably not gain admittance there:

Complete bullshit.

What did you or anybody have to do or believe to gain admittance to life here?

Aside from that since what many people believe about God is based on little more than hope, fantasy, and is completely false, both logically and factually, so when an atheist stands before he who truly is God he would have to say "well done" for their not believing in what is false.

On the other hand if a person has worshipped and prayed to and mislead others into believing in a god that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence when they stand before God he will say fuck off, I don't know who the hell you are.
I am expressing a probability and you sound like you think you are God.

How funny !!!
Since he does not believe in God's Heaven he will probably not gain admittance there:

Complete bullshit.

What did you or anybody have to do or believe to gain admittance to life here?

Aside from that since what many people believe about God is based on little more than hope, fantasy, and is completely false, both logically and factually, so when an atheist stands before he who truly is God he would have to say "well done" for their not believing in what is false.

On the other hand if a person has worshipped and prayed to and mislead others into believing in a god that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence when they stand before God he will say fuck off, I don't know who the hell you are.
I am expressing a probability and you sound like you think you are God.

How funny !!!

Is that what you got out of what I posted? Really? You expressed a probability and I expressed an alternate one, but you think I sound like I think that I am God?

Who did you sound like? Who do you think you are?

Watch it fella. Words have a funny way of taking on a life of their own after being spoken.

Sowing the seeds of a rumor like that is what got Jesus killed and why many people still think that he was insane to this day.
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I have nothing to do with the history of your phony political agenda disguised as a religion bond, your just like the other ostriches, its comforting to your mentality so why face the truth.


you continue to take out of context metamorphosis which you clearly are unable to process, the evolution of a land being into an avian by a gnomic process representing two distinct beings - the same as a transition from one to another without an intermediary stage, the record of which you insist must exist.

Nothing phony about Jesus nor religion. It's one worldview.

Anyway, I had a revelation tonight. It has to do with what happens to people when the pressure is on. Some just shutdown. Others just start reacting. They lose the ability to think in those situations. Fortunately, we have many who can stay calm, think and take the appropriate measures.

What I think has happened to the atheists is they've lost the ability to think. Atheism is a new religion with the New Atheism. Some, like you, are shutting down. Others just end up reacting.

For example, you post a photo that has been removed. It's of little importance, but yet you desperately cling to a tiny thumbnail. This is evidence of your brain shutting down by societal pressure.
You tell yourself whatever you want to hear.

You make me laugh. Are you being serious? I don't believe it. You sound like me talking about the fake moon landing

Again, nothing phony about Jesus nor religion. It's one worldview. We've gone over this, but do you know the three things that make up our worldview? It's religion, science and experience.

What's phony are the atheists and atheist scientists who make up stuff to support their worldview. They may be in power now, but eventually truth will win out. It's circular logic to support each other's atheism and wrong science. I've given plenty of examples in this thread to show their wrongness. Isn't that the ultimate of atheists and atheist scientists telling each other what they want to hear? OTOH, the Bible tells Christians what the truth is. It's God word. One mind written by a variety of 40 authors. It's stood the test of human history and been accepted by the majority. It's the selfish atheists and atheist scientists that we need to expose so humankind can get on the right track again. No one group or worldview has all the answers, but to paraphrase Billy Graham, I'll believe in the Bible even though I can't explain everything (he means it will all be explained and made clear one day). Little by little, we make progress. Not regress.
I think you are a joke

Just because we disagree on who is telling the lies to themselves doesn't mean we can't discern what the truth is. For example, if atheists do not believe in God, then why are they always talking about God? The truth is they can't help themselves and thus God exists. Also, it makes it easy for the Christians because then I do not have to tell you to go to hell because it says so in the Bible.

At least admit that BreezeWood is wrong when he says I have a political agenda. What I said was I have a worldview that's based on religion, science and experience.
There are 5000 holy books. Who cares what your one says.

And yes your evil little cult says everyone who doesn't join burns in hell forever. For that I say fuck your imaginary God in his mother fucking imaginary asshole. Your God is a fucking c u n t.

We talk about imaginary God because it makes you people crazy. It's a bad idea that has caused many problems. Humans are stupid superstitious and gullible
Nothing phony about Jesus nor religion. It's one worldview.

Anyway, I had a revelation tonight. It has to do with what happens to people when the pressure is on. Some just shutdown. Others just start reacting. They lose the ability to think in those situations. Fortunately, we have many who can stay calm, think and take the appropriate measures.

What I think has happened to the atheists is they've lost the ability to think. Atheism is a new religion with the New Atheism. Some, like you, are shutting down. Others just end up reacting.

For example, you post a photo that has been removed. It's of little importance, but yet you desperately cling to a tiny thumbnail. This is evidence of your brain shutting down by societal pressure.
You tell yourself whatever you want to hear.

You make me laugh. Are you being serious? I don't believe it. You sound like me talking about the fake moon landing

Again, nothing phony about Jesus nor religion. It's one worldview. We've gone over this, but do you know the three things that make up our worldview? It's religion, science and experience.

What's phony are the atheists and atheist scientists who make up stuff to support their worldview. They may be in power now, but eventually truth will win out. It's circular logic to support each other's atheism and wrong science. I've given plenty of examples in this thread to show their wrongness. Isn't that the ultimate of atheists and atheist scientists telling each other what they want to hear? OTOH, the Bible tells Christians what the truth is. It's God word. One mind written by a variety of 40 authors. It's stood the test of human history and been accepted by the majority. It's the selfish atheists and atheist scientists that we need to expose so humankind can get on the right track again. No one group or worldview has all the answers, but to paraphrase Billy Graham, I'll believe in the Bible even though I can't explain everything (he means it will all be explained and made clear one day). Little by little, we make progress. Not regress.
I think you are a joke
Right? He says he believes in the Bible even though he doesn't understand it.

How is it even possible to believe something written down that you don't understand?

If he doesn't understand it what could he possibly believe?

Sounds like a bunch of acting going on here, and not very good.

You're quote mining. I didn't say I didn't understand the Bible. I understand quite a bit, but there are things that I do not understand. I do not think anyone understands everything in it. Even Billy Graham said as much. Do you need to see the video where he says it?

What about the atheists such as BreezeWood who discuss the Bible when he clearly does not understand what he is talking about? Admit that he is a tool.
So you admit it's a book of ramblings not even you understand. No one does not even saint graham.

Breeze seems to understand this better than you
Since he does not believe in God's Heaven he will probably not gain admittance there:

Complete bullshit.

What did you or anybody have to do or believe to gain admittance to life here?

Aside from that since what many people believe about God is based on little more than hope, fantasy, and is completely false, both logically and factually, when an atheist stands before he who truly is God he would have to say "well done" for their not believing in what is false.

On the other hand if a person has worshipped and prayed to and mislead others into believing in a god that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence when they stand before God he will say fuck off, I don't know who the hell you are.
The problem with your analogy is that the atheist will have never sought to know God, just as you don't seek to know God. He has given you more than enough proof that He exists. He has given you more than enough proof that He revealed Himself to us, and He has given you more than enough proof that He wants us to know Him.
Damn. still not able to retain information.. sheesh.

I am not looking for God, I am not seeking proof of his existence.

I already know him. He is in me and with me and I always do exactly as he commands.

I don't need to be forgiven for anything...I have already passed from death to life and will never again be subjected to divine judgment.

The truth is I do not believe you. You are a liar and a hypocrite, and I really don't give a shit if you don't like being exposed.

My memory is fine. You obfuscate. You are like socialism. You deny examination.

Yes, I'm a liar and a sinner. I am no saint. I am the wretched of the wretched. I freely admit it. I don't claim to be perfect like you just did. Is that better? I'm not delusional. I live in reality.

You are clearly anti-Christian and have an ax to grind. I really couldn't care less why, but based upon what I have observed, you are going to have a hard time convincing me that you always do as He commands. I still think you are a subversive or a dupe of subversives.
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You tell yourself whatever you want to hear.

You make me laugh. Are you being serious? I don't believe it. You sound like me talking about the fake moon landing

Again, nothing phony about Jesus nor religion. It's one worldview. We've gone over this, but do you know the three things that make up our worldview? It's religion, science and experience.

What's phony are the atheists and atheist scientists who make up stuff to support their worldview. They may be in power now, but eventually truth will win out. It's circular logic to support each other's atheism and wrong science. I've given plenty of examples in this thread to show their wrongness. Isn't that the ultimate of atheists and atheist scientists telling each other what they want to hear? OTOH, the Bible tells Christians what the truth is. It's God word. One mind written by a variety of 40 authors. It's stood the test of human history and been accepted by the majority. It's the selfish atheists and atheist scientists that we need to expose so humankind can get on the right track again. No one group or worldview has all the answers, but to paraphrase Billy Graham, I'll believe in the Bible even though I can't explain everything (he means it will all be explained and made clear one day). Little by little, we make progress. Not regress.
I think you are a joke
Right? He says he believes in the Bible even though he doesn't understand it.

How is it even possible to believe something written down that you don't understand?

If he doesn't understand it what could he possibly believe?

Sounds like a bunch of acting going on here, and not very good.

You're quote mining. I didn't say I didn't understand the Bible. I understand quite a bit, but there are things that I do not understand. I do not think anyone understands everything in it. Even Billy Graham said as much. Do you need to see the video where he says it?

What about the atheists such as BreezeWood who discuss the Bible when he clearly does not understand what he is talking about? Admit that he is a tool.
So you admit it's a book of ramblings not even you understand. No one does not even saint graham.

Breeze seems to understand this better than you
That Book of ramblings correctly tells of the great migration from the cradle of civilization.
Nothing phony about Jesus nor religion. It's one worldview.

Anyway, I had a revelation tonight. It has to do with what happens to people when the pressure is on. Some just shutdown. Others just start reacting. They lose the ability to think in those situations. Fortunately, we have many who can stay calm, think and take the appropriate measures.

What I think has happened to the atheists is they've lost the ability to think. Atheism is a new religion with the New Atheism. Some, like you, are shutting down. Others just end up reacting.

For example, you post a photo that has been removed. It's of little importance, but yet you desperately cling to a tiny thumbnail. This is evidence of your brain shutting down by societal pressure.
You tell yourself whatever you want to hear.

You make me laugh. Are you being serious? I don't believe it. You sound like me talking about the fake moon landing

Again, nothing phony about Jesus nor religion. It's one worldview. We've gone over this, but do you know the three things that make up our worldview? It's religion, science and experience.

What's phony are the atheists and atheist scientists who make up stuff to support their worldview. They may be in power now, but eventually truth will win out. It's circular logic to support each other's atheism and wrong science. I've given plenty of examples in this thread to show their wrongness. Isn't that the ultimate of atheists and atheist scientists telling each other what they want to hear? OTOH, the Bible tells Christians what the truth is. It's God word. One mind written by a variety of 40 authors. It's stood the test of human history and been accepted by the majority. It's the selfish atheists and atheist scientists that we need to expose so humankind can get on the right track again. No one group or worldview has all the answers, but to paraphrase Billy Graham, I'll believe in the Bible even though I can't explain everything (he means it will all be explained and made clear one day). Little by little, we make progress. Not regress.
I think you are a joke

Just because we disagree on who is telling the lies to themselves doesn't mean we can't discern what the truth is. For example, if atheists do not believe in God, then why are they always talking about God? The truth is they can't help themselves and thus God exists. Also, it makes it easy for the Christians because then I do not have to tell you to go to hell because it says so in the Bible.

At least admit that BreezeWood is wrong when he says I have a political agenda. What I said was I have a worldview that's based on religion, science and experience.
There are 5000 holy books. Who cares what your one says.

And yes your evil little cult says everyone who doesn't join burns in hell forever. For that I say fuck your imaginary God in his mother fucking imaginary asshole. Your God is a fucking c u n t.

We talk about imaginary God because it makes you people crazy. It's a bad idea that has caused many problems. Humans are stupid superstitious and gullible
Because it is the only revealed religion. None other make that claim.
You tell yourself whatever you want to hear.

You make me laugh. Are you being serious? I don't believe it. You sound like me talking about the fake moon landing

Again, nothing phony about Jesus nor religion. It's one worldview. We've gone over this, but do you know the three things that make up our worldview? It's religion, science and experience.

What's phony are the atheists and atheist scientists who make up stuff to support their worldview. They may be in power now, but eventually truth will win out. It's circular logic to support each other's atheism and wrong science. I've given plenty of examples in this thread to show their wrongness. Isn't that the ultimate of atheists and atheist scientists telling each other what they want to hear? OTOH, the Bible tells Christians what the truth is. It's God word. One mind written by a variety of 40 authors. It's stood the test of human history and been accepted by the majority. It's the selfish atheists and atheist scientists that we need to expose so humankind can get on the right track again. No one group or worldview has all the answers, but to paraphrase Billy Graham, I'll believe in the Bible even though I can't explain everything (he means it will all be explained and made clear one day). Little by little, we make progress. Not regress.
I think you are a joke

Just because we disagree on who is telling the lies to themselves doesn't mean we can't discern what the truth is. For example, if atheists do not believe in God, then why are they always talking about God? The truth is they can't help themselves and thus God exists. Also, it makes it easy for the Christians because then I do not have to tell you to go to hell because it says so in the Bible.

At least admit that BreezeWood is wrong when he says I have a political agenda. What I said was I have a worldview that's based on religion, science and experience.
There are 5000 holy books. Who cares what your one says.

And yes your evil little cult says everyone who doesn't join burns in hell forever. For that I say fuck your imaginary God in his mother fucking imaginary asshole. Your God is a fucking c u n t.

We talk about imaginary God because it makes you people crazy. It's a bad idea that has caused many problems. Humans are stupid superstitious and gullible
Because it is the only revealed religion. None other make that claim.
Because it is the only revealed religion. None other make that claim.

what is your claim bing, you are unable to use your own reasoning to arrive a conclusion for the existence of the Almighty without their help - is your claim, right [sic] ... you confirm again you are one sick puppy.

and coincidentally it requires all 10,000 pages of your 4th century book to see the light -

howabout a single corroborating witness or physical attribution associated with a single literary revelation within any of those 10000 pages - from the time of the event or as an unhindered display anywhere on Earth.

None other make that claim.

* so which of the other two desert religions are lying the most ... and include also the few thousand others than just those two that make the same "claim" as you have.
Again, nothing phony about Jesus nor religion. It's one worldview. We've gone over this, but do you know the three things that make up our worldview? It's religion, science and experience.

What's phony are the atheists and atheist scientists who make up stuff to support their worldview. They may be in power now, but eventually truth will win out. It's circular logic to support each other's atheism and wrong science. I've given plenty of examples in this thread to show their wrongness. Isn't that the ultimate of atheists and atheist scientists telling each other what they want to hear? OTOH, the Bible tells Christians what the truth is. It's God word. One mind written by a variety of 40 authors. It's stood the test of human history and been accepted by the majority. It's the selfish atheists and atheist scientists that we need to expose so humankind can get on the right track again. No one group or worldview has all the answers, but to paraphrase Billy Graham, I'll believe in the Bible even though I can't explain everything (he means it will all be explained and made clear one day). Little by little, we make progress. Not regress.
I think you are a joke
Right? He says he believes in the Bible even though he doesn't understand it.

How is it even possible to believe something written down that you don't understand?

If he doesn't understand it what could he possibly believe?

Sounds like a bunch of acting going on here, and not very good.

You're quote mining. I didn't say I didn't understand the Bible. I understand quite a bit, but there are things that I do not understand. I do not think anyone understands everything in it. Even Billy Graham said as much. Do you need to see the video where he says it?

What about the atheists such as BreezeWood who discuss the Bible when he clearly does not understand what he is talking about? Admit that he is a tool.
So you admit it's a book of ramblings not even you understand. No one does not even saint graham.

Breeze seems to understand this better than you
That Book of ramblings correctly tells of the great migration from the cradle of civilization.
It does? How did adult mammals get here?
You tell yourself whatever you want to hear.

You make me laugh. Are you being serious? I don't believe it. You sound like me talking about the fake moon landing

Again, nothing phony about Jesus nor religion. It's one worldview. We've gone over this, but do you know the three things that make up our worldview? It's religion, science and experience.

What's phony are the atheists and atheist scientists who make up stuff to support their worldview. They may be in power now, but eventually truth will win out. It's circular logic to support each other's atheism and wrong science. I've given plenty of examples in this thread to show their wrongness. Isn't that the ultimate of atheists and atheist scientists telling each other what they want to hear? OTOH, the Bible tells Christians what the truth is. It's God word. One mind written by a variety of 40 authors. It's stood the test of human history and been accepted by the majority. It's the selfish atheists and atheist scientists that we need to expose so humankind can get on the right track again. No one group or worldview has all the answers, but to paraphrase Billy Graham, I'll believe in the Bible even though I can't explain everything (he means it will all be explained and made clear one day). Little by little, we make progress. Not regress.
I think you are a joke

Just because we disagree on who is telling the lies to themselves doesn't mean we can't discern what the truth is. For example, if atheists do not believe in God, then why are they always talking about God? The truth is they can't help themselves and thus God exists. Also, it makes it easy for the Christians because then I do not have to tell you to go to hell because it says so in the Bible.

At least admit that BreezeWood is wrong when he says I have a political agenda. What I said was I have a worldview that's based on religion, science and experience.
There are 5000 holy books. Who cares what your one says.

And yes your evil little cult says everyone who doesn't join burns in hell forever. For that I say fuck your imaginary God in his mother fucking imaginary asshole. Your God is a fucking c u n t.

We talk about imaginary God because it makes you people crazy. It's a bad idea that has caused many problems. Humans are stupid superstitious and gullible
Because it is the only revealed religion. None other make that claim.
Again, nothing phony about Jesus nor religion. It's one worldview. We've gone over this, but do you know the three things that make up our worldview? It's religion, science and experience.

What's phony are the atheists and atheist scientists who make up stuff to support their worldview. They may be in power now, but eventually truth will win out. It's circular logic to support each other's atheism and wrong science. I've given plenty of examples in this thread to show their wrongness. Isn't that the ultimate of atheists and atheist scientists telling each other what they want to hear? OTOH, the Bible tells Christians what the truth is. It's God word. One mind written by a variety of 40 authors. It's stood the test of human history and been accepted by the majority. It's the selfish atheists and atheist scientists that we need to expose so humankind can get on the right track again. No one group or worldview has all the answers, but to paraphrase Billy Graham, I'll believe in the Bible even though I can't explain everything (he means it will all be explained and made clear one day). Little by little, we make progress. Not regress.
I think you are a joke

Just because we disagree on who is telling the lies to themselves doesn't mean we can't discern what the truth is. For example, if atheists do not believe in God, then why are they always talking about God? The truth is they can't help themselves and thus God exists. Also, it makes it easy for the Christians because then I do not have to tell you to go to hell because it says so in the Bible.

At least admit that BreezeWood is wrong when he says I have a political agenda. What I said was I have a worldview that's based on religion, science and experience.
There are 5000 holy books. Who cares what your one says.

And yes your evil little cult says everyone who doesn't join burns in hell forever. For that I say fuck your imaginary God in his mother fucking imaginary asshole. Your God is a fucking c u n t.

We talk about imaginary God because it makes you people crazy. It's a bad idea that has caused many problems. Humans are stupid superstitious and gullible
Because it is the only revealed religion. None other make that claim.
Because it is the only revealed religion. None other make that claim.

what is your claim bing, you are unable to use your own reasoning to arrive a conclusion for the existence of the Almighty without their help - is your claim, right [sic] ... you confirm again you are one sick puppy.

and coincidentally it requires all 10,000 pages of your 4th century book to see the light -

howabout a single corroborating witness or physical attribution associated with a single literary revelation within any of those 10000 pages - from the time of the event or as an unhindered display anywhere on Earth.

None other make that claim.

* so which of the other two desert religions are lying the most ... and include also the few thousand others than just those two that make the same "claim" as you have.
Why give tax breaks to the 4999 other religions if Christianity is the only real one?
Again, nothing phony about Jesus nor religion. It's one worldview. We've gone over this, but do you know the three things that make up our worldview? It's religion, science and experience.

What's phony are the atheists and atheist scientists who make up stuff to support their worldview. They may be in power now, but eventually truth will win out. It's circular logic to support each other's atheism and wrong science. I've given plenty of examples in this thread to show their wrongness. Isn't that the ultimate of atheists and atheist scientists telling each other what they want to hear? OTOH, the Bible tells Christians what the truth is. It's God word. One mind written by a variety of 40 authors. It's stood the test of human history and been accepted by the majority. It's the selfish atheists and atheist scientists that we need to expose so humankind can get on the right track again. No one group or worldview has all the answers, but to paraphrase Billy Graham, I'll believe in the Bible even though I can't explain everything (he means it will all be explained and made clear one day). Little by little, we make progress. Not regress.
I think you are a joke

Just because we disagree on who is telling the lies to themselves doesn't mean we can't discern what the truth is. For example, if atheists do not believe in God, then why are they always talking about God? The truth is they can't help themselves and thus God exists. Also, it makes it easy for the Christians because then I do not have to tell you to go to hell because it says so in the Bible.

At least admit that BreezeWood is wrong when he says I have a political agenda. What I said was I have a worldview that's based on religion, science and experience.
There are 5000 holy books. Who cares what your one says.

And yes your evil little cult says everyone who doesn't join burns in hell forever. For that I say fuck your imaginary God in his mother fucking imaginary asshole. Your God is a fucking c u n t.

We talk about imaginary God because it makes you people crazy. It's a bad idea that has caused many problems. Humans are stupid superstitious and gullible
Because it is the only revealed religion. None other make that claim.
Yes, revealed. No other religion makes the claim that God sought out man. All the other religions are men seeking God.
I think you are a joke

Just because we disagree on who is telling the lies to themselves doesn't mean we can't discern what the truth is. For example, if atheists do not believe in God, then why are they always talking about God? The truth is they can't help themselves and thus God exists. Also, it makes it easy for the Christians because then I do not have to tell you to go to hell because it says so in the Bible.

At least admit that BreezeWood is wrong when he says I have a political agenda. What I said was I have a worldview that's based on religion, science and experience.
There are 5000 holy books. Who cares what your one says.

And yes your evil little cult says everyone who doesn't join burns in hell forever. For that I say fuck your imaginary God in his mother fucking imaginary asshole. Your God is a fucking c u n t.

We talk about imaginary God because it makes you people crazy. It's a bad idea that has caused many problems. Humans are stupid superstitious and gullible
Because it is the only revealed religion. None other make that claim.
Because it is the only revealed religion. None other make that claim.

what is your claim bing, you are unable to use your own reasoning to arrive a conclusion for the existence of the Almighty without their help - is your claim, right [sic] ... you confirm again you are one sick puppy.

and coincidentally it requires all 10,000 pages of your 4th century book to see the light -

howabout a single corroborating witness or physical attribution associated with a single literary revelation within any of those 10000 pages - from the time of the event or as an unhindered display anywhere on Earth.

None other make that claim.

* so which of the other two desert religions are lying the most ... and include also the few thousand others than just those two that make the same "claim" as you have.
Why give tax breaks to the 4999 other religions if Christianity is the only real one?
Laughing leads to crying.
I think you are a joke
Right? He says he believes in the Bible even though he doesn't understand it.

How is it even possible to believe something written down that you don't understand?

If he doesn't understand it what could he possibly believe?

Sounds like a bunch of acting going on here, and not very good.

You're quote mining. I didn't say I didn't understand the Bible. I understand quite a bit, but there are things that I do not understand. I do not think anyone understands everything in it. Even Billy Graham said as much. Do you need to see the video where he says it?

What about the atheists such as BreezeWood who discuss the Bible when he clearly does not understand what he is talking about? Admit that he is a tool.
So you admit it's a book of ramblings not even you understand. No one does not even saint graham.

Breeze seems to understand this better than you
That Book of ramblings correctly tells of the great migration from the cradle of civilization.
It does? How did adult mammals get here?
You mean you don't know?

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