Does Evolution Lead to Fear of Aliens?

Logical argument for aliens (just replace God with aliens? What's strange is if it holds for aliens, then it holds for God.
your 4th century book is a vial corruption of the events of the 1st century and is unworthy to be published and read by the susceptible people without prior warning to its latent and thorough lack of verification for any of its literary content.

1st century religiosity will never go away bond and were you ever able to destroy it, it will be your final judgement as an utterly corrupt and mentally deranged sociopath, agent for the demise of all humanity.

Tsk, I think you're gripping BW since they took away your evidence for macroevo.
So after all this thread talk james bond do YOU still fear aliens ???

I live in the US. Illegal aliens + Democrats = Yes. Sci-fi ones = No.
My personal view is that the space aliens are too far away to reach us.

Their God must have given them shorter lifespans than the several million light years required to reach us.

The fallen angel aliens are here already haunting us in our dreams.

And the illegal aliens run dope to sell to those who buy it everywhere.

Assuming your first two statements are true, then they would have sent us some form of communications such as a time capsule as we are doing. This is one of the presumptions for SETI. Why hasn't SETI gotten any evidence? The too far theory seems to fall by the wayside. Your second statement falls because you're assuming their civilizations get destroyed after a period of time. I'll leave you with your fallen angel dreams.
The two morons who are chasing after SETI can't afford a Hubble of their own.

They should try feeding the poor in Africa and India with their millions raked and clawed from the stock markets instead.

Talk about space junk. First they invent routers. Then they waster all their money on aliens.

I know I know -- the aliens probably made them do it.

Or else it was the cocaine.

... AND ... NEVER ass-u-me.

They would have taught you that in anybody's boot camp had you gone and served.
Here's an ontological argument for God's existence. I suppose one could replace the word with aliens to make an argument. If the atheists did that, then would they have an argument or would it have a false statement?

Well you have skipped over a step ontologically:

1 - are Gods aliens?


I would say that Premise 3 would be false for aliens, but then selby and BW would disagree. I don't want to put words in their mouth though.


Unless aliens were our creators like you say, they would be able to exist in all possible worlds.
So today, we have religion, science and experience, i.e. politics, news, influential people, personal life experience all combined to make up our worldview. We have wikipedia, and who knows what else with a liberal bias. We have conservapedia with a conservative bias. An throughout all this confusion and heated arguments on who's telling the truth and what's true, the Bible has the answers in it if one just looks in there.
the Bible has the answers in it if one just looks in there.

your 4th century book is a vial corruption of the events of the 1st century and is unworthy to be published and read by the susceptible people without prior warning to its latent and thorough lack of verification for any of its literary content.

1st century religiosity will never go away bond and were you ever able to destroy it, it will be your final judgement as an utterly corrupt and mentally deranged sociopath, agent for the demise of all humanity.

Tsk, I think you're gripping BW since they took away your evidence for macroevo.
Tsk, I think you're gripping BW since they took away your evidence for macroevo.

your the one who searched for it bond, why is that.
So today, we have religion, science and experience, i.e. politics, news, influential people, personal life experience all combined to make up our worldview. We have wikipedia, and who knows what else with a liberal bias. We have conservapedia with a conservative bias. An throughout all this confusion and heated arguments on who's telling the truth and what's true, the Bible has the answers in it if one just looks in there.
the Bible has the answers in it if one just looks in there.

your 4th century book is a vial corruption of the events of the 1st century and is unworthy to be published and read by the susceptible people without prior warning to its latent and thorough lack of verification for any of its literary content.

1st century religiosity will never go away bond and were you ever able to destroy it, it will be your final judgement as an utterly corrupt and mentally deranged sociopath, agent for the demise of all humanity.

Tsk, I think you're gripping BW since they took away your evidence for macroevo.
Tsk, I think you're gripping BW since they took away your evidence for macroevo.

your the one who searched for it bond, why is that.

I wanted to show ding what you gave as evidence for macroevolution, but he already figured it out. He did, but it appears you didn't.

What about my logical argument? Logically, they do not exist.
Here's what creationwiki states about aliens. They agree with me.


The universe is full of biological life foreign to planet earth.

  1. Models that predict extraterrestrial life, and more particularly extraterrestrial intelligent life, are based on unreasonable extrapolation of evolutionary cosmology models. Secular scientists view the universe through the lens of the Copernican Principle (the belief that neither human beings nor our solar system occupies any special place in the universe). They fail to acknowledge the degree of intelligent design in the universe and they do not take into account models that are galactocentric. Such models do not predict extraterrestrial life, intelligent or not, with any reasonable likelihood.
  2. Tipler argues that a highly advanced ET civilization would be smart enough to send out von Neumann machines across the universe. These endlessly self-replicating machines could explore every solar system in our galaxy in a "mere" 300 million years. In that case, the various space-exploration programs of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries should certainly have found at least one such machine, and probably several, in our own solar system, or even on our own earth—and no such machine has been found, although multiple out-of-place artifacts of other types have been found even in the deep strata. He then concludes that ET does not exist.[1]
  3. SETI has yet to find alien signals, but this can be dismissed by claiming it is only a matter of time.
  4. Apart from two unverified UFO sittings and the hype of supposed life being found on Mars[2], there is no evidence that aliens exist.
  1. References
  2. Frank J. Tipler, "Extraterrestrial Intelligent Beings do not Exist," Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 21 (September 1980), pp. 267-281.
    Sarfati J, "Life on Mars? Separating Fact from Fiction," Creation, 19(1):18-20, December 1996. Accessed December 15, 2008. <Life on Mars? -

Aliens exist (New Age) - CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science
One more piece of evidence based on how the Clintons were shown to be liars and criminals in the last election. You can't make these facts up.

"Life on Mars?
Separating fact from fiction
by Jonathan Sarfati

If asked ‘What was the hot media topic of 1996?’, many would reply, ‘The sensational claim that scientists have discovered life from Mars.’ It certainly dominated the newspapers and television channels for some time. The news has been great publicity for NASA, just when the US Congress was discussing funding cuts.

The timing of the announcement was brilliant, coinciding with the release of the blockbuster movie Independence Day, about an extraterrestrial invasion of Earth.

The possibility of life on Mars has fascinated many, including the wealthy American astronomer Percival Lowell, who erroneously thought he had discovered hundreds of canals by 1908. But when the Viking spacecraft visited Mars in 1976, no trace of life was found, despite sophisticated detection techniques.
Many articles have proclaimed that this latest ‘discovery’ would, if confirmed, disprove traditional Christianity. They argued that life on Mars would show that matter has an inbuilt tendency to form life. Thus, a Creator is unnecessary, and the Earth and humanity are nothing special. However, the professing evangelical President of the USA, Bill Clinton, was very enthusiastic, saying, ‘If this discovery is confirmed, it would surely be one of the most stunning insights into our universe that science has discovered.’1

1 - Time, August 19, 1996, p. 83. Such a pro-evolutionary stance is not surprising; Clinton’s disregard for the absolutes of Scripture in regard to abortion and homosexual activity is well-known.

The atheist scientists claim there is life on Mars based on the following:

"What was actually found?

No-one has found life on Mars; the announcement concerns a potato-sized rock on Earth (from Antarctica). This rock, thought to be a meteorite, contains tiny globules which superficially resemble bacteria in shape, and certain chemicals which supposedly came from once-living organisms. Note that the most which is being claimed is evidence for fossil microbial life, not ‘little green men’.


Life on Mars? -
So today, we have religion, science and experience, i.e. politics, news, influential people, personal life experience all combined to make up our worldview. We have wikipedia, and who knows what else with a liberal bias. We have conservapedia with a conservative bias. An throughout all this confusion and heated arguments on who's telling the truth and what's true, the Bible has the answers in it if one just looks in there.
the Bible has the answers in it if one just looks in there.

your 4th century book is a vial corruption of the events of the 1st century and is unworthy to be published and read by the susceptible people without prior warning to its latent and thorough lack of verification for any of its literary content.

1st century religiosity will never go away bond and were you ever able to destroy it, it will be your final judgement as an utterly corrupt and mentally deranged sociopath, agent for the demise of all humanity.

Tsk, I think you're gripping BW since they took away your evidence for macroevo.
Tsk, I think you're gripping BW since they took away your evidence for macroevo.

your the one who searched for it bond, why is that.

I wanted to show ding what you gave as evidence for macroevolution, but he already figured it out. He did, but it appears you didn't.

What about my logical argument? Logically, they do not exist.
I wanted to show ding what you gave as evidence for macroevolution, but he already figured it out. He did, but it appears you didn't.

What about my logical argument? Logically, they do not exist.


you continue to take out of context metamorphosis which you clearly are unable to process, the evolution of a land being into an avian by a gnomic process representing two distinct beings - the same as a transition from one to another without an intermediary stage, the record of which you insist must exist.

I gave you a visible, real life example of the gnomic process of becoming a new individual being from another, not only is there evidence for the process it is irrefutable and replicable - yours has never been logical, a trait bing knows well how to manipulate the same as yourself. of course you would find agreement with that person.
So today, we have religion, science and experience, i.e. politics, news, influential people, personal life experience all combined to make up our worldview. We have wikipedia, and who knows what else with a liberal bias. We have conservapedia with a conservative bias. An throughout all this confusion and heated arguments on who's telling the truth and what's true, the Bible has the answers in it if one just looks in there.
the Bible has the answers in it if one just looks in there.

your 4th century book is a vial corruption of the events of the 1st century and is unworthy to be published and read by the susceptible people without prior warning to its latent and thorough lack of verification for any of its literary content.

1st century religiosity will never go away bond and were you ever able to destroy it, it will be your final judgement as an utterly corrupt and mentally deranged sociopath, agent for the demise of all humanity.

Tsk, I think you're gripping BW since they took away your evidence for macroevo.
Tsk, I think you're gripping BW since they took away your evidence for macroevo.

your the one who searched for it bond, why is that.

I wanted to show ding what you gave as evidence for macroevolution, but he already figured it out. He did, but it appears you didn't.

What about my logical argument? Logically, they do not exist.
I wanted to show ding what you gave as evidence for macroevolution, but he already figured it out. He did, but it appears you didn't.

What about my logical argument? Logically, they do not exist.


you continue to take out of context metamorphosis which you clearly are unable to process, the evolution of a land being into an avian by a gnomic process representing two distinct beings - the same as a transition from one to another without an intermediary stage, the record of which you insist must exist.

I gave you a visible, real life example of the gnomic process of becoming a new individual being from another, not only is there evidence for the process it is irrefutable and replicable - yours has never been logical, a trait bing knows well how to manipulate the same as yourself. of course you would find agreement with that person.
You belong in a mental institution.
your 4th century book is a vial corruption of the events of the 1st century and is unworthy to be published and read by the susceptible people without prior warning to its latent and thorough lack of verification for any of its literary content.

1st century religiosity will never go away bond and were you ever able to destroy it, it will be your final judgement as an utterly corrupt and mentally deranged sociopath, agent for the demise of all humanity.

Tsk, I think you're gripping BW since they took away your evidence for macroevo.
Tsk, I think you're gripping BW since they took away your evidence for macroevo.

your the one who searched for it bond, why is that.

I wanted to show ding what you gave as evidence for macroevolution, but he already figured it out. He did, but it appears you didn't.

What about my logical argument? Logically, they do not exist.
I wanted to show ding what you gave as evidence for macroevolution, but he already figured it out. He did, but it appears you didn't.

What about my logical argument? Logically, they do not exist.


you continue to take out of context metamorphosis which you clearly are unable to process, the evolution of a land being into an avian by a gnomic process representing two distinct beings - the same as a transition from one to another without an intermediary stage, the record of which you insist must exist.

I gave you a visible, real life example of the gnomic process of becoming a new individual being from another, not only is there evidence for the process it is irrefutable and replicable - yours has never been logical, a trait bing knows well how to manipulate the same as yourself. of course you would find agreement with that person.
You belong in a mental institution.
You belong in a mental institution.

not that may are deceived over time by your extortion of facts bing, I doubt it will be long before your boredom takes you elsewhere.
Tsk, I think you're gripping BW since they took away your evidence for macroevo.
Tsk, I think you're gripping BW since they took away your evidence for macroevo.

your the one who searched for it bond, why is that.

I wanted to show ding what you gave as evidence for macroevolution, but he already figured it out. He did, but it appears you didn't.

What about my logical argument? Logically, they do not exist.
I wanted to show ding what you gave as evidence for macroevolution, but he already figured it out. He did, but it appears you didn't.

What about my logical argument? Logically, they do not exist.


you continue to take out of context metamorphosis which you clearly are unable to process, the evolution of a land being into an avian by a gnomic process representing two distinct beings - the same as a transition from one to another without an intermediary stage, the record of which you insist must exist.

I gave you a visible, real life example of the gnomic process of becoming a new individual being from another, not only is there evidence for the process it is irrefutable and replicable - yours has never been logical, a trait bing knows well how to manipulate the same as yourself. of course you would find agreement with that person.
You belong in a mental institution.
You belong in a mental institution.

not that may are deceived over time by your extortion of facts bing, I doubt it will be long before your boredom takes you elsewhere.
Then you don't know me very well, lol.
your 4th century book is a vial corruption of the events of the 1st century and is unworthy to be published and read by the susceptible people without prior warning to its latent and thorough lack of verification for any of its literary content.

1st century religiosity will never go away bond and were you ever able to destroy it, it will be your final judgement as an utterly corrupt and mentally deranged sociopath, agent for the demise of all humanity.

Tsk, I think you're gripping BW since they took away your evidence for macroevo.
Tsk, I think you're gripping BW since they took away your evidence for macroevo.

your the one who searched for it bond, why is that.

I wanted to show ding what you gave as evidence for macroevolution, but he already figured it out. He did, but it appears you didn't.

What about my logical argument? Logically, they do not exist.
I wanted to show ding what you gave as evidence for macroevolution, but he already figured it out. He did, but it appears you didn't.

What about my logical argument? Logically, they do not exist.


you continue to take out of context metamorphosis which you clearly are unable to process, the evolution of a land being into an avian by a gnomic process representing two distinct beings - the same as a transition from one to another without an intermediary stage, the record of which you insist must exist.

I gave you a visible, real life example of the gnomic process of becoming a new individual being from another, not only is there evidence for the process it is irrefutable and replicable - yours has never been logical, a trait bing knows well how to manipulate the same as yourself. of course you would find agreement with that person.
You belong in a mental institution.

LMAO. I figured his photo and explanation would be good for one.
300,000,000,000 stars in our galaxy
At least one planet around each star
1/4th to 1/5th of all of these planets are rocky and within the zone that can support liquid water on their surface.

Yeah, I'd fear Aliens a hell of a lot more then our dead beat heavenly father.
I gave you a visible, real life example of the gnomic process of becoming a new individual being from another, not only is there evidence for the process it is irrefutable and replicable - yours has never been logical, a trait bing knows well how to manipulate the same as yourself. of course you would find agreement with that person.

Sounds like liberal logic, BW.


You should go to Mars and be the first alien.

The atheist scientists take this seriously.

1st Mars Colonists Should Be 'Prepared to Die,' Elon Musk Says
300,000,000,000 stars in our galaxy
At least one planet around each star
1/4th to 1/5th of all of these planets are rocky and within the zone that can support liquid water on their surface.

Yeah, I'd fear Aliens a hell of a lot more then our dead beat heavenly father.
There is a lot more than that that goes into calculating the probability of intelligent life existing on other planets. It is not as likely as you think.
300,000,000,000 stars in our galaxy
At least one planet around each star
1/4th to 1/5th of all of these planets are rocky and within the zone that can support liquid water on their surface.

Yeah, I'd fear Aliens a hell of a lot more then our dead beat heavenly father.

Interesting you said hell and dead beat heavenly father in the same sentence.
I gave you a visible, real life example of the gnomic process of becoming a new individual being from another, not only is there evidence for the process it is irrefutable and replicable - yours has never been logical, a trait bing knows well how to manipulate the same as yourself. of course you would find agreement with that person.

Sounds like liberal logic, BW.


You should go to Mars and be the first alien.

The atheist scientists take this seriously.

1st Mars Colonists Should Be 'Prepared to Die,' Elon Musk Says
Sounds like liberal logic, BW.

1st century logic is the reason they wrote your 4th century book ...

you are good at deflection when an answer is given to explain a facet of your argument you project as unsolvable - - mine is just another avenue.

key word is "answer" which seems like a plague to those people not really in search of one.

the bones are proof enough for evolution but the real explanation is the genomic process that is responsible for the progression of all life during and from its beginning.
I gave you a visible, real life example of the gnomic process of becoming a new individual being from another, not only is there evidence for the process it is irrefutable and replicable - yours has never been logical, a trait bing knows well how to manipulate the same as yourself. of course you would find agreement with that person.

Sounds like liberal logic, BW.


You should go to Mars and be the first alien.

The atheist scientists take this seriously.

1st Mars Colonists Should Be 'Prepared to Die,' Elon Musk Says
Sounds like liberal logic, BW.

1st century logic is the reason they wrote your 4th century book ...

you are good at deflection when an answer is given to explain a facet of your argument you project as unsolvable - - mine is just another avenue.

key word is "answer" which seems like a plague to those people not really in search of one.

the bones are proof enough for evolution but the real explanation is the genomic process that is responsible for the progression of all life during and from its beginning.

Back to the 1st century again. Do you even know what the times and people were like? It's well known that atheists are historically illiterate. They claim Jesus didn't exist and was a myth. Like I said. Atheists are usually wrong. Go ahead and tell us what life was like since you know their logic so well to claim why different people from various walks of life wrote the OT.

And more lunacy with your "bones are proof enough for evolution." That's like saying the potato sized rock proved aliens ha ha. You are looney tunes.
I gave you a visible, real life example of the gnomic process of becoming a new individual being from another, not only is there evidence for the process it is irrefutable and replicable - yours has never been logical, a trait bing knows well how to manipulate the same as yourself. of course you would find agreement with that person.

Sounds like liberal logic, BW.


You should go to Mars and be the first alien.

The atheist scientists take this seriously.

1st Mars Colonists Should Be 'Prepared to Die,' Elon Musk Says
Sounds like liberal logic, BW.

1st century logic is the reason they wrote your 4th century book ...

you are good at deflection when an answer is given to explain a facet of your argument you project as unsolvable - - mine is just another avenue.

key word is "answer" which seems like a plague to those people not really in search of one.

the bones are proof enough for evolution but the real explanation is the genomic process that is responsible for the progression of all life during and from its beginning.

Back to the 1st century again. Do you even know what the times and people were like? It's well known that atheists are historically illiterate. They claim Jesus didn't exist and was a myth. Like I said. Atheists are usually wrong. Go ahead and tell us what life was like since you know their logic so well to claim why different people from various walks of life wrote the OT.

And more lunacy with your "bones are proof enough for evolution." That's like saying the potato sized rock proved aliens ha ha. You are looney tunes.
Go ahead and tell us what life was like since you know their logic so well to claim why different people from various walks of life wrote the OT.

what I said was the logic of the 1st century was why they wrote "your" 4th century book. the sad part is everyone knows by the history of christianity from the 4th century to the present what your logic proved itself to be - (you being the example) .... time to move over bond, give peace and the True religion a chance.

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