Does Evolution Lead to Fear of Aliens?

Yes, I'm a liar and a sinner. I am no saint. I am the wretched of the wretched. I freely admit it. I don't claim to be perfect like you just did. Is that better? I'm not delusional. I live in reality.

Ok, you are a liar and a sinner. Who knew?

So what are you doing lying in the name of God, defying the first commandment as a most "holy" obligation and misleading other to do the same??

You think that's the way to paradise?

And you are trying to convince me that you are not delusional?

Why is so hard for you to believe that someone else could have enough substance to not grovel, not worship a false god, not lie in the name of God, and to not mislead others to do the same?

Don't you believe in the power of God to raise the dead?
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Yes, I'm a liar and a sinner. I am no saint. I am the wretched of the wretched. I freely admit it. I don't claim to be perfect like you just did. Is that better? I'm not delusional. I live in reality.

Ok, you are a liar and a sinner. Who knew?

So what are you doing lying in the name of God, defying the first commandment as a most "holy" obligation and misleading other to do the same??

You think that's way to paradise?

And you are trying to convince me that you are not delusional?

Why is so hard for you to believe that someone else could have enough substance to not speak lies, not worship a false god, not lie in the name of God and to not mislead others to their do the same?

Don't you believe in the power of God to raise the dead?
I think you are insane.

There is only one God. He doesn't care what you call Him. He just cares that you call Him. There's no other God out there to hear your pleas. Trust me, He won't be confused. He'll respond if you seek Him.
Yes, I'm a liar and a sinner. I am no saint. I am the wretched of the wretched. I freely admit it. I don't claim to be perfect like you just did. Is that better? I'm not delusional. I live in reality.

Ok, you are a liar and a sinner. Who knew?

So what are you doing lying in the name of God, defying the first commandment as a most "holy" obligation and misleading other to do the same??

You think that's way to paradise?

And you are trying to convince me that you are not delusional?

Why is so hard for you to believe that someone else could have enough substance to not speak lies, not worship a false god, not lie in the name of God and to not mislead others to their do the same?

Don't you believe in the power of God to raise the dead?
I think you are insane.

There is only one God. He doesn't care what you call Him. He just cares that you call Him. There's no other God out there to hear your pleas. Trust me, He won't be confused. He'll respond if you seek Him.

If there is only one God who is incorporeal who has no equal and there is no other god above or below him,

What are you doing on your knees praying to a coequal three in one god that became a man, whose torture and death you celebrate every other high holy day by desecrating his teaching and eating his flesh and drinking his blood in the form of a lifeless cracker in the hope of receiving eternal life?

And you think I am insane?

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

Remember what Jesus said? " I have not come to bring peace but a sword." Ever wonder what he was talking about?

Now you know.

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations."

Did you never realize that to Jesus and his disciples, the nations were the enemy?

Now you know.

Ever wonder why you can't stop sinning? Why you can't see God? Why you are so confused?

You are in a drunken stupor from a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine.

Now you know.
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I think you are a joke

Just because we disagree on who is telling the lies to themselves doesn't mean we can't discern what the truth is. For example, if atheists do not believe in God, then why are they always talking about God? The truth is they can't help themselves and thus God exists. Also, it makes it easy for the Christians because then I do not have to tell you to go to hell because it says so in the Bible.

At least admit that BreezeWood is wrong when he says I have a political agenda. What I said was I have a worldview that's based on religion, science and experience.
There are 5000 holy books. Who cares what your one says.

And yes your evil little cult says everyone who doesn't join burns in hell forever. For that I say fuck your imaginary God in his mother fucking imaginary asshole. Your God is a fucking c u n t.

We talk about imaginary God because it makes you people crazy. It's a bad idea that has caused many problems. Humans are stupid superstitious and gullible
Because it is the only revealed religion. None other make that claim.
Yes, revealed. No other religion makes the claim that God sought out man. All the other religions are men seeking God.
Yes, revealed. No other religion makes the claim that God sought out man. All the other religions are men seeking God.

you specifically for sure, you might reconsider what you believe they had to say to you ... the part about the verifiable evidence at the time of the event alludes you again, there is no resemblance of the 1st century in your 4th century book. try rewriting it, you might discover the truth.
Yes, I'm a liar and a sinner. I am no saint. I am the wretched of the wretched. I freely admit it. I don't claim to be perfect like you just did. Is that better? I'm not delusional. I live in reality.

Ok, you are a liar and a sinner. Who knew?

Yes, I just told you so. Look... it's right there.

So what are you doing lying in the name of God, defying the first commandment as a most "holy" obligation and misleading other to do the same??

Didn't think I was. What business is it of your anyway?

You think that's the way to paradise?

I have no idea what you think that means, but it seems like a stupid question to me. I don't know what is next. I doubt you do either.

And you are trying to convince me that you are not delusional?

I wouldn't think of trying to convince you of anything. You are not objective or reasonable. It would be illogical for me to even try. I'm only here to defeat you using logic, reason and facts.

Why is so hard for you to believe that someone else could have enough substance to not grovel, not worship a false god, not lie in the name of God, and to not mislead others to do the same?

That's not what you are doing, Einstein. You are trying to sway others not to. By your standards every single Christian alive is in need of conversion. Are their some humanist moral laws you would like to peddle? Your whole religion is Christianity bad. You, Breezewood, Czernobog, Sealybobo, et al are a fucking joke.

Don't you believe in the power of God to raise the dead?

That's what my faith tells me. Other than metaphorically I don't see that happening on a daily basis in the physical world. I also don't concern myself about it and if I did I doubt I would be seeking you out to discover the mysteries of life.
I don't understand what happened with the angels. It seems that even some of the atheists believe in demons or the bad angels. When God created angels in heaven and gave them free will, some of them became too powerful and challenged God wanting to be Gods themselves. They became demons. They're supposed to be God's attendants and messengers in our world, but what were they doing in heaven before Genesis? What kind of power did they have to make some of them turn against God?

Then they're described as being soldiers. Did they really fight a war on earth?
Not "some of them" but "one of them" did fall "from grace" yes.

They are called the 7 archangels of the Book Of Enoch.

Wiki has a good summary of all this:

Seven Archangels - Wikipedia

Difficult to trust wikipedia and any student who uses it for a source would have their paper downgraded if I was a teacher. (The only things I look at are their links.)

They have a strong liberal bias and do not want to promote things not conducive to their views. The owner used to run a porn site. I had an update deleted from their site on an unrelated matter a couple days ago. Had nothing to do with religion or politics, but sports.

It's not just wikipedia, but with the liberal bias. Imagine a dictionary ha ha.

Compare what written in conservapedia -- Angel - Conservapedia . I don't think there is a complete answer to my question. Maybe I should read Dante's Paradisio again for the angel parts ha ha. My angel is Raphael.
What bugs me about the atheists is that they can't admit they're against the sophisticated monotheism. They can't admit that it's God that they deny exists. Then they want proof that he exists. That doesn't make any sense at all. If they deny the existence of God, then there is no proof that will convince them. They have to have an open mind first and faith that he does exist. Do they really question Hinduism a religion that has many gods? Or what about Islam? Why do they support Islam and will bend over backwards to show they're not extremists or terrorists and trying make Sharia Law the law of the land? They do not want to question illegal aliens and let them in the country in order to allow them to vote Democrat. Isn't that part of their political agenda? That and global warming, GMO foods, mutated products and so on. They do not want to admit atheism leads to communism. Why can't they just admit it's okay for them to go to hell since they deny its existence as well? For example, sealybobo goes to hell. Should he be insulted that we are talking about the literal place that he denies exists instead of taking it as an insult?
Atheism is a faith-based system.

They have faith in a negative: "There is no God ... ."

The moosleems add yet another clause to it: "There is no God ... but Allah."

Two very similar faith based systems. Both satanic.
Atheism is a little more than that. Atheism believes in materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure.

I was referring to what the atheists here see themselves as on this forum. As a group, we could add socialism, communism, liberal politics, hypocrisy, blasphemy, fake news, pro-gun control, pro-abortion, pro-global warming, in other words a political organization and more ha ha.
I don't understand what happened with the angels. It seems that even some of the atheists believe in demons or the bad angels. When God created angels in heaven and gave them free will, some of them became too powerful and challenged God wanting to be Gods themselves. They became demons. They're supposed to be God's attendants and messengers in our world, but what were they doing in heaven before Genesis? What kind of power did they have to make some of them turn against God?

Then they're described as being soldiers. Did they really fight a war on earth?
Not "some of them" but "one of them" did fall "from grace" yes.

They are called the 7 archangels of the Book Of Enoch.

Wiki has a good summary of all this:

Seven Archangels - Wikipedia

Difficult to trust wikipedia and any student who uses it for a source would have their paper downgraded if I was a teacher. (The only things I look at are their links.)

They have a strong liberal bias and do not want to promote things not conducive to their views. The owner used to run a porn site. I had an update deleted from their site on an unrelated matter a couple days ago. Had nothing to do with religion or politics, but sports.

It's not just wikipedia, but with the liberal bias. Imagine a dictionary ha ha.

Compare what written in conservapedia -- Angel - Conservapedia . I don't think there is a complete answer to my question. Maybe I should read Dante's Paradisio again for the angel parts ha ha. My angel is Raphael.

>>In Heaven, God and his Angles were already in existence.<<

This is the part I have a question on. What were they doing and what caused them to become divided? We have a general picture of what happened in the Garden of Eden and why humans were created. The picture is not so clear why angels were created and what they were doing in heaven before humans. I ask because in the agnostic or atheist crowd, they are those who would believe in demons and God as evil than God as good. It's a common story line among liberal Christian interpretation. (Here's an example of this and I'll use the liberal wikipedia to demonstrate -- The Last Temptation of Christ (film) - Wikipedia .

>>Wiki has a good summary of the 7 days of creation.<<

Wikipedia lies calling it a myth. If blasphemy is the same as the worst sins of humankind, then I figure the wikipedia people will end up at the lowest level. Probably the liberal interpretation-ists of the Bible will as well, i.e. those who take advantage of Christians and then turn around and preach God as evil or dismiss God as myth. I am not sure if the lake of fire is for torture or 24/7 pain, but it doesn't like a pleasant situation to be in. I think it's more of feeling woe, grief and regret. Of course, it could be torture and pain of burning but that seems like something the Roman Catholics made up back in the day.

So does conservapedia.

"The fifty chapters of the book of Genesis can be divided into two parts: the early, primeval history of man from the Creation to the fall of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 1-11), and the Patriarchal History of Israel from Abraham and his son Isaac, grandson Jacob, and Jacob's sons, primarily Joseph (Genesis 12-50), although there is a continuous genealogy connecting both parts.

The Creation
For more detailed treatments, see creation week, creation story, and Biblical creation account.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth. This is one of the most famous statements in the Bible, and it starts the account of God's creation. Genesis 1:1 through 2:3 involved the first seven days in history:[3]

  • The first day, the creation of the heavens and the Earth, and light (Genesis 1:1-5 ).
  • The second day, the creation of a "firmament" or expanse, separating the waters (Genesis 1:6-8 ).
  • The third day, the creation of dry earth and plant life (Genesis 1:9-13 ).
  • The fourth day, the creation of the Sun, the moon, and the stars, to mark the seasons (Genesis 1:14-19 ).
  • The fifth day, the creation of the creatures of the sea and the fowl of the air (Genesis 1:20-23 ).
  • The sixth day, the creation of the animals of the land, and the creation of Man (Genesis 1:24-31 ).
  • The seventh day, on which God rested from his task of creating (Genesis 2:1-3 ).
The rest of chapter 2 through to the end of chapter 4 tell the story of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, and Adam and Steve's sons Cain, Abel, and Seth.

The fall of mankind into sin began when the serpent questioned one of God's commands, namely not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and convinced Eve to eat the fruit, followed by Adam. The result of disobeying this command resulted in the driving away of Adam and Eve from the Garden to live a life of subsistence farming, and eventually dying. Eve was additionally cursed with painful childbearing, and to be subservient to Adam. All of these curses were also applied to Adam and Eve's descendants. Genesis 3:15 is cited as being the first reference to the coming Messiah.

Chapter 5 is a chronogenealogy from Adam to Noah and his sons."
I don't think you are qualified to make any kind of intelligent opinion on this matter. So far, I've ruled out the Bible and evolution for you.
I don't think you are qualified to make any kind of intelligent opinion on this matter. So far, I've ruled out the Bible and evolution for you.

I have nothing to do with the history of your phony political agenda disguised as a religion bond, your just like the other ostriches, its comforting to your mentality so why face the truth.


you continue to take out of context metamorphosis which you clearly are unable to process, the evolution of a land being into an avian by a gnomic process representing two distinct beings - the same as a transition from one to another without an intermediary stage, the record of which you insist must exist.

Nothing phony about Jesus nor religion. It's one worldview.

Anyway, I had a revelation tonight. It has to do with what happens to people when the pressure is on. Some just shutdown. Others just start reacting. They lose the ability to think in those situations. Fortunately, we have many who can stay calm, think and take the appropriate measures.

What I think has happened to the atheists is they've lost the ability to think. Atheism is a new religion with the New Atheism. Some, like you, are shutting down. Others just end up reacting.

For example, you post a photo that has been removed. It's of little importance, but yet you desperately cling to a tiny thumbnail. This is evidence of your brain shutting down by societal pressure.
You tell yourself whatever you want to hear.

You make me laugh. Are you being serious? I don't believe it. You sound like me talking about the fake moon landing

Again, nothing phony about Jesus nor religion. It's one worldview. We've gone over this, but do you know the three things that make up our worldview? It's religion, science and experience.

What's phony are the atheists and atheist scientists who make up stuff to support their worldview. They may be in power now, but eventually truth will win out. It's circular logic to support each other's atheism and wrong science. I've given plenty of examples in this thread to show their wrongness. Isn't that the ultimate of atheists and atheist scientists telling each other what they want to hear? OTOH, the Bible tells Christians what the truth is. It's God word. One mind written by a variety of 40 authors. It's stood the test of human history and been accepted by the majority. It's the selfish atheists and atheist scientists that we need to expose so humankind can get on the right track again. No one group or worldview has all the answers, but to paraphrase Billy Graham, I'll believe in the Bible even though I can't explain everything (he means it will all be explained and made clear one day). Little by little, we make progress. Not regress.
I think you are a joke

>>I think you are a joke<<

sealybobo, at least, you're starting to be real instead of posting those silly, unrelated videos with every post. What I would like to see is you being more real.

For example, a poster on another forum called himself "attaburnsinhell." What was unusual about him was he never complained about Christians and didn't question whether God existed or not. He never participated in religion, but was resolutely against conservatives and their politics. Thus, he didn't care if he burned in hell. At least, that I can respect. Otherwise, I have to come here to baby sit the non-believers and their complaints about Christians and the like.

I don't expect you be like him, but at least voice your complaints so that we can understand them. Is God evil? Is the Bible a myth? Am I unsure and question whether God exists or not or do I just deny that he does?
I don't understand what happened with the angels. It seems that even some of the atheists believe in demons or the bad angels. When God created angels in heaven and gave them free will, some of them became too powerful and challenged God wanting to be Gods themselves. They became demons. They're supposed to be God's attendants and messengers in our world, but what were they doing in heaven before Genesis? What kind of power did they have to make some of them turn against God?

Then they're described as being soldiers. Did they really fight a war on earth?
Not "some of them" but "one of them" did fall "from grace" yes.

They are called the 7 archangels of the Book Of Enoch.

Wiki has a good summary of all this:

Seven Archangels - Wikipedia

Difficult to trust wikipedia and any student who uses it for a source would have their paper downgraded if I was a teacher. (The only things I look at are their links.)

They have a strong liberal bias and do not want to promote things not conducive to their views. The owner used to run a porn site. I had an update deleted from their site on an unrelated matter a couple days ago. Had nothing to do with religion or politics, but sports.

It's not just wikipedia, but with the liberal bias. Imagine a dictionary ha ha.

Compare what written in conservapedia -- Angel - Conservapedia . I don't think there is a complete answer to my question. Maybe I should read Dante's Paradisio again for the angel parts ha ha. My angel is Raphael.

>>In Heaven, God and his Angles were already in existence.<<

This is the part I have a question on. What were they doing and what caused them to become divided? We have a general picture of what happened in the Garden of Eden and why humans were created. The picture is not so clear why angels were created and what they were doing in heaven before humans. I ask because in the agnostic or atheist crowd, they are those who would believe in demons and God as evil than God as good. It's a common story line among liberal Christian interpretation. (Here's an example of this and I'll use the liberal wikipedia to demonstrate -- The Last Temptation of Christ (film) - Wikipedia .

>>Wiki has a good summary of the 7 days of creation.<<

Wikipedia lies calling it a myth. If blasphemy is the same as the worst sins of humankind, then I figure the wikipedia people will end up at the lowest level. Probably the liberal interpretation-ists of the Bible will as well, i.e. those who take advantage of Christians and then turn around and preach God as evil or dismiss God as myth. I am not sure if the lake of fire is for torture or 24/7 pain, but it doesn't like a pleasant situation to be in. I think it's more of feeling woe, grief and regret. Of course, it could be torture and pain of burning but that seems like something the Roman Catholics made up back in the day.

So does conservapedia.

"The fifty chapters of the book of Genesis can be divided into two parts: the early, primeval history of man from the Creation to the fall of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 1-11), and the Patriarchal History of Israel from Abraham and his son Isaac, grandson Jacob, and Jacob's sons, primarily Joseph (Genesis 12-50), although there is a continuous genealogy connecting both parts.

The Creation
For more detailed treatments, see creation week, creation story, and Biblical creation account.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth. This is one of the most famous statements in the Bible, and it starts the account of God's creation. Genesis 1:1 through 2:3 involved the first seven days in history:[3]

  • The first day, the creation of the heavens and the Earth, and light (Genesis 1:1-5 ).
  • The second day, the creation of a "firmament" or expanse, separating the waters (Genesis 1:6-8 ).
  • The third day, the creation of dry earth and plant life (Genesis 1:9-13 ).
  • The fourth day, the creation of the Sun, the moon, and the stars, to mark the seasons (Genesis 1:14-19 ).
  • The fifth day, the creation of the creatures of the sea and the fowl of the air (Genesis 1:20-23 ).
  • The sixth day, the creation of the animals of the land, and the creation of Man (Genesis 1:24-31 ).
  • The seventh day, on which God rested from his task of creating (Genesis 2:1-3 ).
The rest of chapter 2 through to the end of chapter 4 tell the story of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, and Adam and Steve's sons Cain, Abel, and Seth.

The fall of mankind into sin began when the serpent questioned one of God's commands, namely not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and convinced Eve to eat the fruit, followed by Adam. The result of disobeying this command resulted in the driving away of Adam and Eve from the Garden to live a life of subsistence farming, and eventually dying. Eve was additionally cursed with painful childbearing, and to be subservient to Adam. All of these curses were also applied to Adam and Eve's descendants. Genesis 3:15 is cited as being the first reference to the coming Messiah.

Chapter 5 is a chronogenealogy from Adam to Noah and his sons."
The first day, the creation of the heavens and the Earth, and light (Genesis 1:1-5 ).

creation of the universe is not mentioned.

as has already been pointed out in this forum, the above references are creations within the universe and not the creation of the universe itself.

I was referring to what the atheists here see themselves as on this forum. As a group, we could add socialism, communism, liberal politics, hypocrisy, blasphemy, fake news, pro-gun control, pro-abortion, pro-global warming, in other words a political organization and more ha ha.


just curious bond what list are you adding your additions onto, did billy graham help you there as well ...
The first day, the creation of the heavens and the Earth, and light (Genesis 1:1-5 ).

creation of the universe is not mentioned.

as has already been pointed out in this forum, the above references are creations within the universe and not the creation of the universe itself.

You're still quote mining. Not only me, but now taking verse from the Bible and infusing ideas from Stephen Hawking and Lawrence Krauss and treating it as if God said it. How ugly is that?

Hawking denys God so much that he circumvents the truth and you blindly believe it. He wants to create the universe from nothing, these invisible particles. This is atheist science. If matter and universes can just pop so easily from invisible particles, then we should see more of them and other smaller objects pop into existence. Where's that In-N-Out burger I wanted materialized from nothing? You can pump all the power you want into the LHC and it won't create my burger from those invisible particles.

I was referring to what the atheists here see themselves as on this forum. As a group, we could add socialism, communism, liberal politics, hypocrisy, blasphemy, fake news, pro-gun control, pro-abortion, pro-global warming, in other words a political organization and more ha ha.


just curious bond what list are you adding your additions onto, did billy graham help you there as well ...[/QUOTE]

Let's start with atheism leads to communism. It's religion and politics rolled up into one. Isn't that what sealybobo accused us Christians of?

BTW Billy Graham is before my time. So was Charles Templeton. However, the divergent views and lives of these men are the interesting part. Just like me, he can't explain everything in the Bible using today's atheist science. However, I can using creation science. I do not know BG's science background.

However, Graham is still alive while Templeton died early. I think Christians follow Jesus and thus live longer, maybe as long as 120-yr life span. Atheist science continues and try to do this by creating the magic pill and with GMO foods and mutated products. I think it will make your lives shorter, not longer.
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So today, we have religion, science and experience, i.e. politics, news, influential people, personal life experience all combined to make up our worldview. We have wikipedia, and who knows what else with a liberal bias. We have conservapedia with a conservative bias. An throughout all this confusion and heated arguments on who's telling the truth and what's true, the Bible has the answers in it if one just looks in there.
So today, we have religion, science and experience, i.e. politics, news, influential people, personal life experience all combined to make up our worldview. We have wikipedia, and who knows what else with a liberal bias. We have conservapedia with a conservative bias. An throughout all this confusion and heated arguments on who's telling the truth and what's true, the Bible has the answers in it if one just looks in there.
the Bible has the answers in it if one just looks in there.

your 4th century book is a vial corruption of the events of the 1st century and is unworthy to be published and read by the susceptible people without prior warning to its latent and thorough lack of verification for any of its literary content.

1st century religiosity will never go away bond and were you ever able to destroy it, it will be your final judgement as an utterly corrupt and mentally deranged sociopath, agent for the demise of all humanity.
So today, we have religion, science and experience, i.e. politics, news, influential people, personal life experience all combined to make up our worldview. We have wikipedia, and who knows what else with a liberal bias. We have conservapedia with a conservative bias. An throughout all this confusion and heated arguments on who's telling the truth and what's true, the Bible has the answers in it if one just looks in there.
the Bible has the answers in it if one just looks in there.

your 4th century book is a vial corruption of the events of the 1st century and is unworthy to be published and read by the susceptible people without prior warning to its latent and thorough lack of verification for any of its literary content.

1st century religiosity will never go away bond and were you ever able to destroy it, it will be your final judgement as an utterly corrupt and mentally deranged sociopath, agent for the demise of all humanity.

Tsk, I think you're gripping BW since they took away your evidence for macroevo.
So today, we have religion, science and experience, i.e. politics, news, influential people, personal life experience all combined to make up our worldview. We have wikipedia, and who knows what else with a liberal bias. We have conservapedia with a conservative bias. An throughout all this confusion and heated arguments on who's telling the truth and what's true, the Bible has the answers in it if one just looks in there.
the Bible has the answers in it if one just looks in there.

your 4th century book is a vial corruption of the events of the 1st century and is unworthy to be published and read by the susceptible people without prior warning to its latent and thorough lack of verification for any of its literary content.

1st century religiosity will never go away bond and were you ever able to destroy it, it will be your final judgement as an utterly corrupt and mentally deranged sociopath, agent for the demise of all humanity.

Tsk, I think you're gripping BW since they took away your evidence for macroevo.
So after all this thread talk james bond do YOU still fear aliens ???
Logical argument for aliens (just replace God with aliens? What's strange is if it holds for aliens, then it holds for God.
So today, we have religion, science and experience, i.e. politics, news, influential people, personal life experience all combined to make up our worldview. We have wikipedia, and who knows what else with a liberal bias. We have conservapedia with a conservative bias. An throughout all this confusion and heated arguments on who's telling the truth and what's true, the Bible has the answers in it if one just looks in there.
the Bible has the answers in it if one just looks in there.

your 4th century book is a vial corruption of the events of the 1st century and is unworthy to be published and read by the susceptible people without prior warning to its latent and thorough lack of verification for any of its literary content.

1st century religiosity will never go away bond and were you ever able to destroy it, it will be your final judgement as an utterly corrupt and mentally deranged sociopath, agent for the demise of all humanity.

Tsk, I think you're gripping BW since they took away your evidence for macroevo.
So after all this thread talk james bond do YOU still fear aliens ???

I live in the US. Illegal aliens + Democrats = Yes. Sci-fi ones = No.
Logical argument for aliens (just replace God with aliens? What's strange is if it holds for aliens, then it holds for God.
So today, we have religion, science and experience, i.e. politics, news, influential people, personal life experience all combined to make up our worldview. We have wikipedia, and who knows what else with a liberal bias. We have conservapedia with a conservative bias. An throughout all this confusion and heated arguments on who's telling the truth and what's true, the Bible has the answers in it if one just looks in there.
the Bible has the answers in it if one just looks in there.

your 4th century book is a vial corruption of the events of the 1st century and is unworthy to be published and read by the susceptible people without prior warning to its latent and thorough lack of verification for any of its literary content.

1st century religiosity will never go away bond and were you ever able to destroy it, it will be your final judgement as an utterly corrupt and mentally deranged sociopath, agent for the demise of all humanity.

Tsk, I think you're gripping BW since they took away your evidence for macroevo.
So after all this thread talk james bond do YOU still fear aliens ???

I live in the US. Illegal aliens + Democrats = Yes. Sci-fi ones = No.
My personal view is that the space aliens are too far away to reach us.

Their God must have given them shorter lifespans than the several million light years required to reach us.

The fallen angel aliens are here already haunting us in our dreams.

And the illegal aliens run dope to sell to those who buy it everywhere.
Here's an ontological argument for God's existence. I suppose one could replace the word with aliens to make an argument. If the atheists did that, then would they have an argument or would it have a false statement?

Here's an ontological argument for God's existence. I suppose one could replace the word with aliens to make an argument. If the atheists did that, then would they have an argument or would it have a false statement?

Well you have skipped over a step ontologically:

1 - are Gods aliens?
Logical argument for aliens (just replace God with aliens? What's strange is if it holds for aliens, then it holds for God.
So today, we have religion, science and experience, i.e. politics, news, influential people, personal life experience all combined to make up our worldview. We have wikipedia, and who knows what else with a liberal bias. We have conservapedia with a conservative bias. An throughout all this confusion and heated arguments on who's telling the truth and what's true, the Bible has the answers in it if one just looks in there.
the Bible has the answers in it if one just looks in there.

your 4th century book is a vial corruption of the events of the 1st century and is unworthy to be published and read by the susceptible people without prior warning to its latent and thorough lack of verification for any of its literary content.

1st century religiosity will never go away bond and were you ever able to destroy it, it will be your final judgement as an utterly corrupt and mentally deranged sociopath, agent for the demise of all humanity.

Tsk, I think you're gripping BW since they took away your evidence for macroevo.
So after all this thread talk james bond do YOU still fear aliens ???

I live in the US. Illegal aliens + Democrats = Yes. Sci-fi ones = No.
My personal view is that the space aliens are too far away to reach us.

Their God must have given them shorter lifespans than the several million light years required to reach us.

The fallen angel aliens are here already haunting us in our dreams.

And the illegal aliens run dope to sell to those who buy it everywhere.

Assuming your first two statements are true, then they would have sent us some form of communications such as a time capsule as we are doing. This is one of the presumptions for SETI. Why hasn't SETI gotten any evidence? The too far theory seems to fall by the wayside. Your second statement falls because you're assuming their civilizations get destroyed after a period of time. I'll leave you with your fallen angel dreams.

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