Does Evolution Lead to Fear of Aliens?

I'm tired of your "It's either science or it isn't." It sounds like what the ignorant internet atheists would say.....
Of course you are because I disagree with you. Petty people are often persnickety and snippy when others disagree with them.

I understand science and religion while it appears you only understand what the internet and the liberal elites tells you.....
Thanks for a more direct insult rather than the usual gutless innuendo you usually post. Have a nice day, sir. I hope you find an echo chamber to your liking.


Hahahahahahahahaha. What a ignorant coward you are. Do you profess to know science? Let's see you demonstrate how much or little you know. So far, I have seen the latter. Before you run away, why don't we discuss your Cold Fusion you brought up? Before you brought it up, ColdFusion was software to me. I used it during the 2000s to simplify web development. Now, I've caught up with what you brought up. If you put a gun to my head, then I would say not it's not possible. However, I checked with the creation scientists and they said potassium carbonate can be used in experiments to demonstrate, so here it is.

The above, I only watched for about a minute to understand what it is. CF is a reaction with relative low energy being put through a solution in order to provide some kind of what they say is a "nuclear" reaction. I suppose by using hydrogen. Potassium carbonate mixed with distilled water generates the H molecules for the electricity to spark off of.

The above experiment kinda sucked. If I were a well-respected nuclear physcist, then I would not waste my time on it. Leave it for the riff-raff scientists to make a mark in the world. Apparently, the DoD and few other companies are willing shell out millions to research on low energy nuclear reaction.

Here's a better and more dangerous experiment. This guy uses potassium hydroxid or KOH. More unstable stuff and could produce a nasty explosion. Maybe a better demonstration of ideas presented in this experiment would provoke some company to invest.

So you can run along now with your science is science blah blah.
Yeah, we do disagree here. My understanding from reading the Bible is that God created the Earth so we can live on it. It was created for Adam and Eve and not aliens.

Yes, we disagree. Still I would like to point out that when Adam and Eve were formed from the dust of the earth and became living beings the earth was already populated with many types of peoples indicated by the talking serpent and all of the trees in the garden of Eden whose fruit was pleasing to the eye and good to eat.
We are all formed from star dust, Einstein. And we shall return to dust.
The Bible states that God created the earth for us. That is all. I haven't seen any inconsistencies with this yet.

you are way way off man..

The bible states that God created heaven and earth and said, 'let there be light' when the world was without shape and void, which only means that divine law, like a light, was established in the midst of the darkness of a lawless planet which wasn't created for you anymore than it was created for a jellyfish.

Now, we get to the point where we disagree. I think we agree on what the Bible says, but it does state that earth was created for us in Genesis (my view). Now, this type of "geocentric" and "literal" thinking led us to interpret it to mean geocentrism which is way off, but these people did not back up their theory using science. That was one of the mistakes of Christian scientists using "God of the Gaps." Sir Francis Bacon warned us of that. (God of the Gaps was a warning by Christians to their scientists to not use God as an answer when they were stuck. Atheists usurped it for their own purposes when discussing the BBT.)

Does the Bible teach geocentrism?

I have more to say, but will stop here for your response.

The earth exists. To say that it was created for just 'us' is silly because as it exists it sustains all living things which suggests that if it was made for anything it was made for an amoeba as much as it was made for you.

What the bible states is that man was taken from the dust of the earth and formed into a living being to till the soil, which, if you think deeply enough, has nothing whatever to do with farming....
Not if you believe the purpose of creation was to produce beings that know and create.
We are all formed from star dust, Einstein. And we shall return to dust.

And we shall return to dust.

hopefully all christians ...

was the Almighty the Genome of Life that gave you your Spirit - no that came from the Everlasting where hopefully there is the Almighty that keeps it pure but anyway we'll use your dust to sprinkle a new Being after its decontamination and in your case chose it to be a tree.
We are all formed from star dust, Einstein. And we shall return to dust.

And we shall return to dust.

hopefully all christians ...

was the Almighty the Genome of Life that gave you your Spirit - no that came from the Everlasting where hopefully there is the Almighty that keeps it pure but anyway we'll use your dust to sprinkle a new Being after its decontamination and in your case chose it to be a tree.
Would you like to round up and exterminate all Christians, Ivan?
We are all formed from star dust, Einstein. And we shall return to dust.

And we shall return to dust.

hopefully all christians ...

was the Almighty the Genome of Life that gave you your Spirit - no that came from the Everlasting where hopefully there is the Almighty that keeps it pure but anyway we'll use your dust to sprinkle a new Being after its decontamination and in your case chose it to be a tree.
Would you like to round up and exterminate all Christians, Ivan?
Would you like to round up and exterminate all Christians, Ivan?

as you well know christian and participate with the desert religions, the 4th century christian bible are examples of the barriers to the goals set out in the 1st century to correct the errant ways and to enable the proper path to the Everlasting to be available to Everyone.
We are all formed from star dust, Einstein. And we shall return to dust.

And we shall return to dust.

hopefully all christians ...

was the Almighty the Genome of Life that gave you your Spirit - no that came from the Everlasting where hopefully there is the Almighty that keeps it pure but anyway we'll use your dust to sprinkle a new Being after its decontamination and in your case chose it to be a tree.
Would you like to round up and exterminate all Christians, Ivan?
Would you like to round up and exterminate all Christians, Ivan?

as you well know christian and participate with the desert religions, the 4th century christian bible are examples of the barriers to the goals set out in the 1st century to correct the errant ways and to enable the proper path to the Everlasting to be available to Everyone.
That was even more than less than helpful in answering the question. I think I will put you down for a yes.
We are all formed from star dust, Einstein. And we shall return to dust.

And we shall return to dust.

hopefully all christians ...

was the Almighty the Genome of Life that gave you your Spirit - no that came from the Everlasting where hopefully there is the Almighty that keeps it pure but anyway we'll use your dust to sprinkle a new Being after its decontamination and in your case chose it to be a tree.
Would you like to round up and exterminate all Christians, Ivan?
Would you like to round up and exterminate all Christians, Ivan?

as you well know christian and participate with the desert religions, the 4th century christian bible are examples of the barriers to the goals set out in the 1st century to correct the errant ways and to enable the proper path to the Everlasting to be available to Everyone.
That was even more than less than helpful in answering the question. I think I will put you down for a yes.
That was even more than less than helpful in answering the question. I think I will put you down for a yes.

that's because as pointed out you are a christian, left wondering about your own query.
20 Reasons Why UFOs and Aliens Do Not Exist


They're figments of our imagination. We want to believe so our minds trick us into believing they're out there. Even the atheist scientists think that due to their million dollar telescopes and technology that we will encounter them within the next ten to thirty years. We will bury these atheist scientists and make mockery of them. I don't think we'll encounter them within our lifetimes. It's science fiction that is enjoyable, so enjoy the myths caused by evolution.

Do UFO’s and Aliens Exist? 20 Reasons to be Skeptical
20 Reasons Why UFOs and Aliens Do Not Exist


They're figments of our imagination. We want to believe so our minds trick us into believing they're out there. Even the atheist scientists think that due to their million dollar telescopes and technology that we will encounter them within the next ten to thirty years. We will bury these atheist scientists and make mockery of them. I don't think we'll encounter them within our lifetimes. It's science fiction that is enjoyable, so enjoy the myths caused by evolution.

Do UFO’s and Aliens Exist? 20 Reasons to be Skeptical
20 Reasons Why UFOs and Aliens Do Not Exist

one reason alone prevents interstellar travel, there is not a contiguous atmosphere linking all the universe to make it passable for living species to survive on their own.

unless they can survive in a vacuum we will never be seeing our neighbors.
20 Reasons Why UFOs and Aliens Do Not Exist


They're figments of our imagination. We want to believe so our minds trick us into believing they're out there. Even the atheist scientists think that due to their million dollar telescopes and technology that we will encounter them within the next ten to thirty years. We will bury these atheist scientists and make mockery of them. I don't think we'll encounter them within our lifetimes. It's science fiction that is enjoyable, so enjoy the myths caused by evolution.

Do UFO’s and Aliens Exist? 20 Reasons to be Skeptical
20 Reasons Why UFOs and Aliens Do Not Exist

one reason alone prevents interstellar travel, there is not a contiguous atmosphere linking all the universe to make it passable for living species to survive on their own.

unless they can survive in a vacuum we will never be seeing our neighbors.
Contiguous atmosphere? WTF
20 Reasons Why UFOs and Aliens Do Not Exist


They're figments of our imagination. We want to believe so our minds trick us into believing they're out there. Even the atheist scientists think that due to their million dollar telescopes and technology that we will encounter them within the next ten to thirty years. We will bury these atheist scientists and make mockery of them. I don't think we'll encounter them within our lifetimes. It's science fiction that is enjoyable, so enjoy the myths caused by evolution.

Do UFO’s and Aliens Exist? 20 Reasons to be Skeptical
20 Reasons Why UFOs and Aliens Do Not Exist

one reason alone prevents interstellar travel, there is not a contiguous atmosphere linking all the universe to make it passable for living species to survive on their own.

unless they can survive in a vacuum we will never be seeing our neighbors.

According to theoretical physicists, we're supposed to travel via a wormhole, then into a black hole to reach the other planets, and we communicate via a tesseract.
20 Reasons Why UFOs and Aliens Do Not Exist


They're figments of our imagination. We want to believe so our minds trick us into believing they're out there. Even the atheist scientists think that due to their million dollar telescopes and technology that we will encounter them within the next ten to thirty years. We will bury these atheist scientists and make mockery of them. I don't think we'll encounter them within our lifetimes. It's science fiction that is enjoyable, so enjoy the myths caused by evolution.

Do UFO’s and Aliens Exist? 20 Reasons to be Skeptical
20 Reasons Why UFOs and Aliens Do Not Exist

one reason alone prevents interstellar travel, there is not a contiguous atmosphere linking all the universe to make it passable for living species to survive on their own.

unless they can survive in a vacuum we will never be seeing our neighbors.
Contiguous atmosphere? WTF

Wait until you see BreezeWood's evidence of macroevolution ha ha.
I'm tired of your "It's either science or it isn't." It sounds like what the ignorant internet atheists would say.....
Of course you are because I disagree with you. Petty people are often persnickety and snippy when others disagree with them.

I understand science and religion while it appears you only understand what the internet and the liberal elites tells you.....
Thanks for a more direct insult rather than the usual gutless innuendo you usually post. Have a nice day, sir. I hope you find an echo chamber to your liking.


I'm feeling great this morning. I found more evidence for God this week. Atheist Wind brought up cold fusion to further a weak internet atheist argument of his. It was considered scientific fraud back in the day. However, i found that creation scientists said that potassium carbonate was used in cold fusion experiments. Even a bit of trivia from the creation scientists led to something. Cold fusion still lives. There are scientists still working on low energy nuclear reactions and the DoD and few companies fund it. It also goes to show that atheists are wrong as they usually are.

EDIT: This LENR could be what the BBT want. Don't they want a huge reaction from invisible particles? Their quantum physics want the big reaction ha ha.
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20 Reasons Why UFOs and Aliens Do Not Exist


They're figments of our imagination. We want to believe so our minds trick us into believing they're out there. Even the atheist scientists think that due to their million dollar telescopes and technology that we will encounter them within the next ten to thirty years. We will bury these atheist scientists and make mockery of them. I don't think we'll encounter them within our lifetimes. It's science fiction that is enjoyable, so enjoy the myths caused by evolution.

Do UFO’s and Aliens Exist? 20 Reasons to be Skeptical
20 Reasons Why UFOs and Aliens Do Not Exist

one reason alone prevents interstellar travel, there is not a contiguous atmosphere linking all the universe to make it passable for living species to survive on their own.

unless they can survive in a vacuum we will never be seeing our neighbors.
Contiguous atmosphere? WTF

Wait until you see BreezeWood's evidence of macroevolution ha ha.
That guy is a complete tool.
20 Reasons Why UFOs and Aliens Do Not Exist


They're figments of our imagination. We want to believe so our minds trick us into believing they're out there. Even the atheist scientists think that due to their million dollar telescopes and technology that we will encounter them within the next ten to thirty years. We will bury these atheist scientists and make mockery of them. I don't think we'll encounter them within our lifetimes. It's science fiction that is enjoyable, so enjoy the myths caused by evolution.

Do UFO’s and Aliens Exist? 20 Reasons to be Skeptical
20 Reasons Why UFOs and Aliens Do Not Exist

one reason alone prevents interstellar travel, there is not a contiguous atmosphere linking all the universe to make it passable for living species to survive on their own.

unless they can survive in a vacuum we will never be seeing our neighbors.

According to theoretical physicists, we're supposed to travel via a wormhole, then into a black hole to reach the other planets, and we communicate via a tesseract.
According to theoretical physicists, we're supposed to travel via a wormhole, then into a black hole to reach the other planets, and we communicate via a tesseract.

According to theoretical physicists

those must be the creationist you slobber over, without an atmosphere Columbus will never take the trip, now or ever.
20 Reasons Why UFOs and Aliens Do Not Exist


They're figments of our imagination. We want to believe so our minds trick us into believing they're out there. Even the atheist scientists think that due to their million dollar telescopes and technology that we will encounter them within the next ten to thirty years. We will bury these atheist scientists and make mockery of them. I don't think we'll encounter them within our lifetimes. It's science fiction that is enjoyable, so enjoy the myths caused by evolution.

Do UFO’s and Aliens Exist? 20 Reasons to be Skeptical
20 Reasons Why UFOs and Aliens Do Not Exist

one reason alone prevents interstellar travel, there is not a contiguous atmosphere linking all the universe to make it passable for living species to survive on their own.

unless they can survive in a vacuum we will never be seeing our neighbors.

According to theoretical physicists, we're supposed to travel via a wormhole, then into a black hole to reach the other planets, and we communicate via a tesseract.
According to theoretical physicists, we're supposed to travel via a wormhole, then into a black hole to reach the other planets, and we communicate via a tesseract.

According to theoretical physicists

those must be the creationist you slobber over, without an atmosphere Columbus will never take the trip, now or ever.

Can you post your evidence of macroevolution for mr. ding? We want to see that science is science as Mr. Divine Wind claims. I wanted to ask him if he believes that a universe can pop up from nothing. If cold fusion is true, then it could be possible. It appears one is getting more energy out than what is being put in.
David Goodstein, Professor of Physics and Applied Physics at Caltech, backs me up on what I said about science and that science is about disagreements.

“Between cold fusion and respectable science there is virtually no communication at all.…because the Cold-Fusioners see themselves as a community under siege, there is little internal criticism. Experiments and theories tend to be accepted at face value, for fear of providing even more fuel for external critics, if anyone outside the group was bothering to listen. In these circumstances, crackpots flourish, making matters worse for those who believe that there is serious science going on here ... What all these experiments really need is critical examination by accomplished rivals intent on proving them wrong. That is part of the normal functioning of science. Unfortunately, in this area, science is not functioning normally. There is nobody out there listening.”

Yet, we continually get stuff like dark energy, dark matter, universe from nothing and what Richard Dawkins said coming down the pipeline. Maybe it's better that people like Divine Wind not listen to these people who are just philosophizing instead of working on a theory that is good enough for other scientists to disagree with.
20 Reasons Why UFOs and Aliens Do Not Exist


They're figments of our imagination. We want to believe so our minds trick us into believing they're out there. Even the atheist scientists think that due to their million dollar telescopes and technology that we will encounter them within the next ten to thirty years. We will bury these atheist scientists and make mockery of them. I don't think we'll encounter them within our lifetimes. It's science fiction that is enjoyable, so enjoy the myths caused by evolution.

Do UFO’s and Aliens Exist? 20 Reasons to be Skeptical
20 Reasons Why UFOs and Aliens Do Not Exist

one reason alone prevents interstellar travel, there is not a contiguous atmosphere linking all the universe to make it passable for living species to survive on their own.

unless they can survive in a vacuum we will never be seeing our neighbors.

According to theoretical physicists, we're supposed to travel via a wormhole, then into a black hole to reach the other planets, and we communicate via a tesseract.
According to theoretical physicists, we're supposed to travel via a wormhole, then into a black hole to reach the other planets, and we communicate via a tesseract.

According to theoretical physicists

those must be the creationist you slobber over, without an atmosphere Columbus will never take the trip, now or ever.

Can you post your evidence of macroevolution for mr. ding? We want to see that science is science as Mr. Divine Wind claims. I wanted to ask him if he believes that a universe can pop up from nothing. If cold fusion is true, then it could be possible. It appears one is getting more energy out than what is being put in.
You mean the theory of inflation as developed by Alan Guth, et al? Sure.

If the universe is expanding then it must have a beginning. If you follow it backwards in time, then any object must come to a boundary of space time. You cannot continue that history indefinitely. This is still true even if a universe has periods of contraction. It still has to have a beginning if expansion over weights the contraction. Physicists have been uncomfortable with the idea of a beginning since the work of Friedman which showed that the solutions of Einstein's equation showed that the universe had a beginning. The problem with a cyclical universe is with the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. If it is a periodic universe then the entropy will increase with each cycle. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is a fundamental law of nature which tells us that entropy can only increase or stay the same. Entropy can never decrease. Which means that in a finite amount of time, a finite system will reach a maximum state of disorder which is called thermal equilibrium and then it will stay in that state. A cyclical universe cannot avoid this problem. The model by Steinhardt and Turok does not have this problem. They have cycles but the size of the cycle increases with time. So the next cycle is bigger than the first. So in this sense the total entropy of the universe still increases but the entropy you see in your limited region may not grow. This model does no contradict the inflation model because since each cycle is bigger than the previous cycle you still have expansion. And since you still have expansion, it still has to have a beginning because if you follow it backwards in time, then any object must come to a boundary of space time. The best explanation for how the universe began is the inflation model. It is possible for matter to have a beginning. In a closed universe the gravitational energy which is always negative exactly compensates the positive energy of matter. So the energy of a closed universe is always zero. So nothing prevents this universe from being spontaneously created. Because the net energy is always zero. The positive energy of matter is balanced by the negative energy of the gravity of that matter which is the space time curvature of that matter. There is no conservation law that prevents the formation of such a universe. In quantum mechanics if something is not forbidden by conservation laws, then it necessarily happens with some non-zero probability. So a closed universe can spontaneously appear - through the laws of quantum mechanics - out of nothing. And in fact there is an elegant mathematical description which describes this process and shows that a tiny closed universe having very high energy can spontaneously pop into existence and immediately start to expand and cool. In this description, the same laws that describe the evolution of the universe also describe the appearance of the universe which means that the laws were in place before the universe itself.

Before the Big Bang?
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20 Reasons Why UFOs and Aliens Do Not Exist


They're figments of our imagination. We want to believe so our minds trick us into believing they're out there. Even the atheist scientists think that due to their million dollar telescopes and technology that we will encounter them within the next ten to thirty years. We will bury these atheist scientists and make mockery of them. I don't think we'll encounter them within our lifetimes. It's science fiction that is enjoyable, so enjoy the myths caused by evolution.

Do UFO’s and Aliens Exist? 20 Reasons to be Skeptical
20 Reasons Why UFOs and Aliens Do Not Exist

one reason alone prevents interstellar travel, there is not a contiguous atmosphere linking all the universe to make it passable for living species to survive on their own.

unless they can survive in a vacuum we will never be seeing our neighbors.

According to theoretical physicists, we're supposed to travel via a wormhole, then into a black hole to reach the other planets, and we communicate via a tesseract.
According to theoretical physicists, we're supposed to travel via a wormhole, then into a black hole to reach the other planets, and we communicate via a tesseract.

According to theoretical physicists

those must be the creationist you slobber over, without an atmosphere Columbus will never take the trip, now or ever.

Can you post your evidence of macroevolution for mr. ding? We want to see that science is science as Mr. Divine Wind claims. I wanted to ask him if he believes that a universe can pop up from nothing. If cold fusion is true, then it could be possible. It appears one is getting more energy out than what is being put in.
Or did you mean how the laws of nature pre-ordained that beings that know and create would eventually arise?

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