Does God Favor The Seahawks?

Many of the Seahawks give the credit for their success to the Almighty.

Is that missed kick by the Vikings some kind of a bone tossed by God to Seattle for all the effort the players expend on praising their deity?


I have it on good authority that God is a Patriots fan. Like Donald Trump, they are both huge Tom Brady supporters.

I knew Lucifer was a Pat fan!

Indeed he must be Lucifer if he is a fan of Shady Brady.:D

Brady will win another Super Bowl ring this year.

Cam Newton...
Many of the Seahawks give the credit for their success to the Almighty.

Is that missed kick by the Vikings some kind of a bone tossed by God to Seattle for all the effort the players expend on praising their deity?


I have it on good authority that God is a Patriots fan. Like Donald Trump, they are both huge Tom Brady supporters.

I knew Lucifer was a Pat fan!

Indeed he must be Lucifer if he is a fan of Shady Brady.:D

Brady will win another Super Bowl ring this year.

Cam Newton...

The best way for Newton to see a SB ring is to become Wilson's pal and visit him here in Seattle after the playoffs where he can see two of them.

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