Does international law require Israel to vacate the disputed territories

Your quite cavalier with the language.

In order to have been accurate your statement should have read

"I use the advisory opinions of the ICJ, they are the UN appointed representatives. Your ridiculous denial of these opinions changes nothing".

Although I could simply point out, in the words of one of those appointed representatives


Judge Buergenthal is prepared to assume that on a thorough analysis of all relevant facts, a finding could well be made that some or even all segments of the wall being constructed by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory violate international law. But he believes that for the Court to reach such conclusion with regard to the wall as a whole without having before it or seeking to ascertain all relevant facts bearing directly on issues of Israel’s legitimate right of self-defence, military necessity and security needs, given the repeated deadly terrorist attacks in and upon Israel proper coming from the Occupied Palestinian Territory to which Israel has been and continues to be subjected, cannot be justified as a matter of law. In this connection, Judge Buergenthal shows that the right of self-defence does not apply only to attacks by State actors and that armed attacks on Israel proper originating from the Occupied Palestinian Territory must be deemed, in the context of this case, to meet the requirements of Article 51 of the United Nations Charter.

Judge Buergenthal also concludes that the Court’s overall findings that the wall violates international humanitarian law and human rights instruments are not convincing because they fail to address any facts or evidence specifically rebutting Israel’s claim of military exigencies or requirements of national security. Judge Buergenthal recognises, however, that some international humanitarian law provisions the Court cites admit of no exceptions based on military exigencies, namely, Article 46 of the Hague Rules and paragraph 6 of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. While Judge Buergenthal believes that the Court’s analysis of the relevance to this case of Article 46 is not well founded, he concludes that Article 49, paragraph 6, which provides that “the Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies”, applies to the Israeli settlements in the West Bank, and that they violate Article 49, paragraph 6. Hence, the segments of the wall being built by Israel to protect the settlements are ipso facto in violation of that provision.

Finally, Judge Buergenthal notes that it could be argued that the Court lacked many relevant facts bearing on the legality of Israel’s construction of the wall because Israel failed to present them, and that the Court was therefore justified in relying almost exclusively on the United Nations reports submitted to it. This would be true if, instead of dealing with an advisory opinion request, the Court had before it a contentious case where each party has the burden of proving its claims. That is not the rule applicable to advisory opinion proceedings. Israel had no legal obligation to participate in these proceedings or to adduce evidence supporting its claim regarding the legality of the wall. Consequently, the Court may not draw any adverse evidentiary conclusions from Israel’s failure to supply it or assume, without itself fully inquiring into the matter, that the information before it is sufficient to support its sweeping legal conclusions.

End Quote

Summary of the Advisory Opinion

So not only did the court fail to investigate the premise of the claim concerning this wall distraction of yours but it was obvious they failed to investigate the assumptions within the request. That Israel was an occupying power, that a state of war does not exist. That Israel as the defending party is not bound by articles 47 or 59 of the IV Geneva convention. Or that Israel has a right to defend itself against a belligerent.

Which leaves us once again

If you can't establish within international law the exact statutes that support your claim, your claim is invalid.

Your incessant distractions only go to show you have no such facts within the law
Who exactly does Israel have to give the lands back to? land was owned by the Ottomans for the last 700 years, and then under the control of the British after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. The Arab nations rejected the partition and attacked Israel (not to create a mythical Palestine because they never be,I even in it either, but to destroy the Jewish state and "drive the Jews into the sea"). The Arabs failed however between 1948 to 1967, Jordan and Egypt occupied the West Bank and Gaza, and once again, there wasn't a peep from anybody during that time regarding this mythical Palestine. The Arab nations once again attacked Israel and this time lost the West Bank and Gaza.

So who again does Israel return the land to? Jordan and Egypt? The British? The Turks (LOL)? Certainly not the Palestinians since there never was a Palestinian nation, nor did Arabs had any say or control over the land for the last 700 years!

And why would Israel return land to a people who intend to commit genocide upon the Jews?
Its the same old song and dance. The racists who would speak out against Israel consistently misrepresent international conventions and laws in ways that just goes to prove their own ignorance.

for instance

Combatants are not given the same consideration as legitimate refugees.

Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949.

  • Art. 5 Where in the territory of a Party to the conflict, the latter is satisfied that an individual protected person is definitely suspected of or engaged in activities hostile to the security of the State, such individual person shall not be entitled to claim such rights and privileges under the present Convention as would, if exercised in the favour of such individual person, be prejudicial to the security of such State.

    Where in occupied territory an individual protected person is detained as a spy or saboteur, or as a person under definite suspicion of activity hostile to the security of the Occupying Power, such person shall, in those cases where absolute military security so requires, be regarded as having forfeited rights of communication under the present Convention.
End Quote

Its actually kinda fun to use their own references against them. Although I disagree with the use of the term occupying power if used in reference with Israel in the disputed territories.

Combatants are not refugees, which means that containing them within a secure compound is perfectly legal. The wall constitutes such a compound.
Its the same old song and dance. The racists who would speak out against Israel consistently misrepresent international conventions and laws in ways that just goes to prove their own ignorance.

for instance

Combatants are not given the same consideration as legitimate refugees.

Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949.

  • Art. 5 Where in the territory of a Party to the conflict, the latter is satisfied that an individual protected person is definitely suspected of or engaged in activities hostile to the security of the State, such individual person shall not be entitled to claim such rights and privileges under the present Convention as would, if exercised in the favour of such individual person, be prejudicial to the security of such State.

    Where in occupied territory an individual protected person is detained as a spy or saboteur, or as a person under definite suspicion of activity hostile to the security of the Occupying Power, such person shall, in those cases where absolute military security so requires, be regarded as having forfeited rights of communication under the present Convention.
End Quote

Its actually kinda fun to use their own references against them. Although I disagree with the use of the term occupying power if used in reference with Israel in the disputed territories.

Combatants are not refugees, which means that containing them within a secure compound is perfectly legal. The wall constitutes such a compound.

Sounds like we have a latte
Its the same old song and dance. The racists who would speak out against Israel consistently misrepresent international conventions and laws in ways that just goes to prove their own ignorance.

for instance

Combatants are not given the same consideration as legitimate refugees.

Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949.

  • Art. 5 Where in the territory of a Party to the conflict, the latter is satisfied that an individual protected person is definitely suspected of or engaged in activities hostile to the security of the State, such individual person shall not be entitled to claim such rights and privileges under the present Convention as would, if exercised in the favour of such individual person, be prejudicial to the security of such State.

    Where in occupied territory an individual protected person is detained as a spy or saboteur, or as a person under definite suspicion of activity hostile to the security of the Occupying Power, such person shall, in those cases where absolute military security so requires, be regarded as having forfeited rights of communication under the present Convention.
End Quote

Its actually kinda fun to use their own references against them. Although I disagree with the use of the term occupying power if used in reference with Israel in the disputed territories.

Combatants are not refugees, which means that containing them within a secure compound is perfectly legal. The wall constitutes such a compound.

Those 4 year old combatants are surely not entitled to claim the rights and privileges of protected persons.

So predictable

So how about it ? ;--)

If you can't establish within international law the exact statutes that support your claim, your claim is invalid.

Your incessant distractions only go to show you have no such facts within the law
So predictable

So how about it ? ;--)

If you can't establish within international law the exact statutes that support your claim, your claim is invalid.

Your incessant distractions only go to show you have no such facts within the law
If you can't establish within international law the exact statutes that support your claim, your claim is invalid.​

Good point, thanks.

What exact statutes within international law support your claim that Israel has any land?
Again predictable

The subject is the revisionist claim that Israel is in violation of international law in the disputed territories. I'm asking to see what exact international laws apply specifically to the Israeli's in the disputed territories.

If you'd prefer to change the subject, I can certainly understand, the revisionists aren't doing very well, o for 2 so far. But lets just hear the other 6 or so supposedly supporting elements of international law. I haven't reviewed them in a while and its always interesting to see how things change over time.

Again predictable

The subject is the revisionist claim that Israel is in violation of international law in the disputed territories. I'm asking to see what exact international laws apply specifically to the Israeli's in the disputed territories.

If you'd prefer to change the subject, I can certainly understand, the revisionists certainly aren't doing very well with this one. But lets just hear the other 6 or so supposedly supporting elements of international law. I haven't reviewed them in a while and its always interesting to see how things change over time.

That is my point.

What disputed territory?
Again predictable

The subject is the revisionist claim that Israel is in violation of international law in the disputed territories. I'm asking to see what exact international laws apply specifically to the Israeli's in the disputed territories.

If you'd prefer to change the subject, I can certainly understand, the revisionists certainly aren't doing very well with this one. But lets just hear the other 6 or so supposedly supporting elements of international law. I haven't reviewed them in a while and its always interesting to see how things change over time.

That is my point.

What disputed territory?

Actually your point is to distract from the subject at hand, that in fact there is no basis in international law for the revisionist claims.

Kinda hard not to notice you are desperate to change the subject
Again predictable

The subject is the revisionist claim that Israel is in violation of international law in the disputed territories. I'm asking to see what exact international laws apply specifically to the Israeli's in the disputed territories.

If you'd prefer to change the subject, I can certainly understand, the revisionists certainly aren't doing very well with this one. But lets just hear the other 6 or so supposedly supporting elements of international law. I haven't reviewed them in a while and its always interesting to see how things change over time.

That is my point.

What disputed territory?

Actually your point is to distract from the subject at hand, that in fact there is no basis in international law for the revisionist claims.

Kinda hard not to notice you are desperate to change the subject
Just clarifying a point.

What disputed territory? Where is the dispute?
If you'd like to start a new thread concerning definitions thats fine, If you are confused about the area in question I'd suggest doing a little homework. Not sure if there already is one but its probably not a bad idea since revisionists keep misrepresenting terms like colonists and occupation

If you would like to discuss what international law you believes directly supports the revisionist claims that "the area in question" must be vacated by Israel. then feel free to post here.
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If you'd like to start a new thread concerning definitions thats fine, If you are confused about the area in question I'd suggest doing a little homework.

If you would like to discuss what international law you believes directly supports the revisionist claims that "the area in question" must be vacated by Israel. then feel free to post here.
I am not confused at all. Your OP implies that there is disputed territory. You made a valid point.

If you can't establish within international law the exact statutes that support your claim, your claim is invalid.
In response I asked a valid question.

What exact statutes within international law support your claim that Israel has any land?
Now you are ducking my question which is in line with the OP.
If you'd like to start a new thread concerning definitions thats fine, If you are confused about the area in question I'd suggest doing a little homework.

If you would like to discuss what international law you believes directly supports the revisionist claims that "the area in question" must be vacated by Israel. then feel free to post here.
I am not confused at all. Your OP implies that there is disputed territory. You made a valid point.

If you can't establish within international law the exact statutes that support your claim, your claim is invalid.
In response I asked a valid question.

What exact statutes within international law support your claim that Israel has any land?
Now you are ducking my question which is in line with the OP.

LOL your funny. So you think you are answering a question, with a question. Sorry thats a common revisionist trick, change the subject every time you get cornered. If you'd like to start a new thread concerning your interest in Israel's legal rights to land thats awesome. However this thread is concerning the revisionist claim that Israel is legally obligated by international law to leave the disputed territories.

The burden of proof is on you. If your having trouble understanding the terminology feel free to do a little homework

Maybe if I help you out a little and start a new thread regarding your concerns over definitions you will be polite enough to not distract from the subject at hand in this one

I'm giving the revisionists a chance to back up their claim that international law supports their view. I keep hearing about how Israel is illegally occupying palestinian land. So show me within international law the supporting statutes ;--)
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If you'd like to start a new thread concerning definitions thats fine, If you are confused about the area in question I'd suggest doing a little homework.

If you would like to discuss what international law you believes directly supports the revisionist claims that "the area in question" must be vacated by Israel. then feel free to post here.
I am not confused at all. Your OP implies that there is disputed territory. You made a valid point.

If you can't establish within international law the exact statutes that support your claim, your claim is invalid.
In response I asked a valid question.

What exact statutes within international law support your claim that Israel has any land?
Now you are ducking my question which is in line with the OP.

LOL your funny. So you think you are answering a question, with a question. Sorry thats a common revisionist trick, change the subject every time you get cornered. If you'd like to start a new thread concerning your interest in Israel's legal rights to land thats awesome. However this thread is concerning the revisionist claim that Israel is legally obligated by international law to leave the disputed territories.

The burden of proof is on you. If your having trouble understanding the terminology feel free to do a little homework
You are the one implying that there is disputed territory. I am merely asking you to prove your point.

And you are ducking out.
LOL, are you saying that their isn't a disputed territory ? thats awesome, then we can all go home and live in peace ;--)

How many times have I heard from the revisionists that Israel is illegally occupying palestinian land ? Yet when those same revisionists are given a chance to point out the exact statutes that support their claim. They refuse to do so, and desperately engage in distraction tactics.

But I'm ducking out

Really ?

OK there's a thread available for you to learn about the common terminology used within this discussion.

Definitions within the Israeli palestine issue
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LOL, I'm ducking out. How many times have I heard from the revisionists that Israel is illegally occupying palestinian land ?

Yet when those same revisionists are given a chance to point out the exact statutes that support their claim. They refuse to do so, and desperately engage in distraction tactics.

But I'm ducking out

Really ?
You are the one implying that it is Israeli land not Palestinian.

What exact statutes within international law support your claim that Israel has any land?​

So prove your point.

If you are going to be so rude as to absolutely insist on distracting from the subject even after i started a thread for you to express your concerns then you leave me no choice but to lodge a complaint.

Your assumptions concerning implications can be discussed elsewhere

If you are going to be so rude as to absolutely insist on distracting from the subject even after i started a thread for you to express your concerns then you leave me no choice but to lodge a complaint.

Your assumptions concerning implications can be discussed elsewhere
WOW, you go to extremes to duck a valid question.
No, I take the necessary action to keep the thread on track.

The constant claim that Israel is illegally occupying palestinian land should be fairly easy to support in international law. Yet it appears that no such law or laws exists and it would appear that the revisionists are unable to quote such law or laws ;--)

Its an important fact

One that isn't going to be distracted from with assumptions or silly questions.

What international laws require Israel to vacate the disputed territories
No, I take the necessary action to keep the thread on track.

The constant claim that Israel is illegally occupying palestinian land should be fairly easy to support in international law. Yet it appears that no such law or laws exists and it would appear that the revisionists are unable to quote such law or laws ;--)

Its an important fact

One that isn't going to be distracted from with assumptions or silly questions.

What international laws require Israel to vacate the disputed territories
Is it Israel's land or not? If not it is occupied.

That was my question.

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