KJP claims grocery prices have gone down under Biden.

And beginning to come down

I mean, seems the consensus of other websites disagree the White House on the situation of grocery prices.

I mean, seems the consensus of other websites disagree the White House on the situation of grocery prices.
Six month old link
And beginning to come down
I don’t know about that. The White House article references price decline over the last year but the articles I linked show, as of 6 months ago, that prices are still increasing.

Also, the White House article is using increased wages as a reference to the fall in the percentage of pay used to buy groceries. Kind of a sleight of hand technique there.

If grocery prices are indeed falling that’s great but seems like every time I go to the store, I have to chop off a body part to pay for it.
Blatant lie. Funny thing is, many in the Bidenista Cult will believe it.

She has to be the worst spokesperson in history, for the worst President in history.
I'm guessing Snopes found this to be true, and will get around to calling it a lie in about 4 years.

maybe someone could ask her what commodity went down.
Perhaps at one time but certainly not now, dope.
That narrative has expired.
nope, up 21% today. Why don't you post yours and I'll post mine.


I mean, seems the consensus of other websites disagree the White House on the situation of grocery prices.
Expired information.

I mean, seems the consensus of other websites disagree the White House on the situation of grocery prices.
you mean the people who actually spend a dollar? wow, color me shocked.
Expired information.

Information doesn’t “expire” lol. The White House reports reference “over the last year” which the articles I posted clearly debunk.

Also, the White House tries to use this shell game by using “relative cost” as one of their metrics for success.

I’m looking at direct pricing of groceries and food, which the White House is claiming has fallen over then last year..which isn’t accurate. As of February this isn’t accurate and the first link I posted..from the government, was last updated this month which says food prices are expected to increase.
If we actually had a real press.
Notice the demfokie's in here ain't got any data?

I just looked at the consumer price indicator calculator off the US web page, they show only current percentage of inflation on whether the price went up from previous 12 months, so if a product for instance was 10 dollars three years ago and is 20 dollars today we would show that at a 20% increase. But they don't, they look back 12 months ago and if the 100% uptick was two years ago and today's price is only up 3.3% percent since that price increase, inflation only went up 3.3% and they advertise that as the inflation rate. hahahahahahahahahahha. government indeed thinks americans are stupid!!!!
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we don't play hidden trick games. ploy after ploy and you never stop, propaganda baby!!!!
Information doesn’t “expire” lol. The White House reports reference “over the last year” which the articles I posted clearly debunk.

Also, the White House tries to use this shell game by using “relative cost” as one of their metrics for success.

I’m looking at direct pricing of groceries and food, which the White House is claiming has fallen over then last year..which isn’t accurate. As of February this isn’t accurate and the first link I posted..from the government, was last updated this month which says food prices are expected to increase.
It does when it changes, dupe. Yesterday’s weather forecast has certainly expired.
ahhhh look the propoganda hat trick ploy article? hahahahaahahhahaahahaha what if no one got an increase in wages? what if what if what if, it's simply the demofk ploy from the professional con group demofks.
Wages have gone up. In fact…They’ve kept up with inflation.
That’s how it’s measured, dupe. Not by your feels.

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