Does Islam promote violence?

"I will not grant you the gift of my hatred."

That's what Antoine Leiris, a Parisian whose wife was killed in the Paris terrorist attacks on Friday, wrote in a powerful Facebook status three days after the tragedy. His wife, 35-year-old hair and makeup artist Helene Muyal-Leiris, was killed in the Bataclan concert hall on Friday, HuffPost France reported Monday. Muyal-Leiris leaves behind her husband and one 17-month-old son, Melvil.
No doubt most ancient religious texts contain violence. But to equate the rise of radical Islam with modern day Christianity is absurd. Yes, there is the occasional crazy who may have claimed to be Christian, but there is no movement like ISIS in any other religion... it is almost certainly always Islamists causing the trouble. And oc course that is not to say all of Islam is off their rocker... but certainly a great many are.
what 500,000 dead Iraqi children? of what did they die?

Google is your friend you is something you might take a note of...the Secretary of State did not argue that it was not true...that is a huge clue........... she simply said the deaths of 500k Iraqi children was worth it in order to achieve political goals of the US..
ISIS says slaughtering Parisians is worth it to achieve its political goals....
Its symmetrical stuff

Political goals you seem to agree with...except they'd kill you right where you're sitting if they had the opportunity.

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not impressed------an "off the cuff comment during a hot interview" If Madeleine
were to explain that comment as------"yeah-----500,000 died"-----I might credit your
comment---------of what did 500,000 kids "DIE"?
You think those dang Muslims are ruthless killers ?? forget it they are amateurs
Madeleine Albright says 500,000 dead Iraqi Children was "worth it" wins Medal of Freedom

what 500,000 dead Iraqi children? of what did they die?

The aftermath of a war instigated by the US coupled with sanctions that were initiated by the US.

Wasn't pretty.
"I will not grant you the gift of my hatred."

That's what Antoine Leiris, a Parisian whose wife was killed in the Paris terrorist attacks on Friday, wrote in a powerful Facebook status three days after the tragedy. His wife, 35-year-old hair and makeup artist Helene Muyal-Leiris, was killed in the Bataclan concert hall on Friday, HuffPost France reported Monday. Muyal-Leiris leaves behind her husband and one 17-month-old son, Melvil.
Yet they will kill you for an insult, you're not helping your argument.

A typical "Modern Day" Christian. How soon they forget.
Because Islam ripped off Judaism and to a lesser extent Christianity, any pro-violence inherrent to Islam is in fact from the religions it's based upon. Makes it awkward then fro Jews and Christians to condemn Islam for supposedly being violent when it's only a ripoff of their faiths.

Nope…..the 10 commandments do not sanction the actions by muslims and they are the guiding laws of the Jews and Christians…..
Yes, Islam does historically promote violence.

So does the U.S.
And there you go folks. Fakey just let slip one more leftist tenet proving that he is a total democrat. Blame the USA for all the violence in the world. It's all our fault. That's what the left believes, blame America first, USA, the big bad USA, we should all be ashamed of our country.

Ya know what, Fakey, you little leftist freak, go fuck yourself with a chain saw, pajama boy, you sickening little brain dead twit.
Translation: I, 007, am a fucked up freaky far right ideologue who is exactly where he belongs on this board: in la la land.

Those of us who know US history from far right to far left know that our military industrial complex is out of control.
Yes, Islam does historically promote violence.

So does the U.S.
And there you go folks. Fakey just let slip one more leftist tenet proving that he is a total democrat. Blame the USA for all the violence in the world. It's all our fault. That's what the left believes, blame America first, USA, the big bad USA, we should all be ashamed of our country.

Ya know what, Fakey, you little leftist freak, go fuck yourself with a chain saw, pajama boy, you sickening little brain dead twit.
Translation: I, 007, am a fucked up freaky far right ideologue who is exactly where he belongs on this board: in la la land.

Those of us who know US history from far right to far left know that our military industrial complex is out of control.

bull shit
If leftist can't lie, they have nothing left. What you're seeing is the death gurgling of the left. The majority of the nation and the world is turning against their idiocy, so they're losing it. It's melt down time, and that means lie.

Deaths In Other Nations Since WW II Due To Us Interventions

History of U.S. Military Interventions since 1890
Deflection noted, however, irrelevant and deceptive lies.
007 translated: deflections of his are not working must point the other way.

Baghdad007, you are simply creepy.
The Koran promotes violence against the infidels and the jihad which lives ideologically in the 6th century follows the Koran. Therefore Islam promotes violence. The phonies who enjoy the freedom and the wealth of the greatest Country in the world were conditioned by years of left wing propaganda to hate their own Country but deep down in their bi-polar small minds they wouldn't trade life in the good old USA for the promise of 100 virgins in the afterlife.
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The Koran promotes violence against the infidels and the jihad which lives ideologically in the 6th century follows the Koran. Therefore Islam promotes violence.

the idea of islam is EMULATON OF AL NABI-------al nabi started his career
as a caravan robber------easily killing to get his hands on the Loot----the Loot
being stuff being transported from the EAST---plus whatever he could capture to use or sell as slaves NOBLE GUY THAT HE WAS. Later on he branched out to
brutal attacks on towns and cities------murder rape and pillage for the pleasure
If leftist can't lie, they have nothing left. What you're seeing is the death gurgling of the left. The majority of the nation and the world is turning against their idiocy, so they're losing it. It's melt down time, and that means lie.

Deaths In Other Nations Since WW II Due To Us Interventions

History of U.S. Military Interventions since 1890
Deflection noted, however, irrelevant and deceptive lies.
007 translated: deflections of his are not working must point the other way.

Baghdad007, you are simply creepy.
What's that Fakey... you're whining again because you're not getting enough attention?

You think those dang Muslims are ruthless killers ?? forget it they are amateurs
Madeleine Albright says 500,000 dead Iraqi Children was "worth it" wins Medal of Freedom

what 500,000 dead Iraqi children? of what did they die?

The aftermath of a war instigated by the US coupled with sanctions that were initiated by the US.

Wasn't pretty.

bull shit

Not "bullshit"

History. You can even google it if you are too lazy to go to the library.
You think those dang Muslims are ruthless killers ?? forget it they are amateurs
Madeleine Albright says 500,000 dead Iraqi Children was "worth it" wins Medal of Freedom

what 500,000 dead Iraqi children? of what did they die?

The aftermath of a war instigated by the US coupled with sanctions that were initiated by the US.

Wasn't pretty.

bull shit

Not "bullshit"

History. You can even google it if you are too lazy to go to the library.

I am familiar with the "so called incident"-----and the claim that economic sanctions resulted in the DEATH BY STARVATION AND SICKNESS of half a million Iraqi children--------the claim was never verified or documented IN ANY WAY. You got some pictures of emaciated starving Iraqi children? there were plenty of pictures of dying of starvation BIAFRAN children-----way back Circa 1970. There were plenty of pictures of Kurdish dead kids rotting in the sun------murdered by Saddam
The use of military force during the 20th century was justified in every case but one. You could say Wilson was a liar and a hypocrite but defending France from the Hun was a legitimate use of force. FDR's tactics might have been faulty but we were attacked at Pearl Harbor and lost 3,000 people in the day before the war started. Harry Truman's intentions were right if his choice of leaders was faulty and we saved South Korea from the communist hoard. Maybe LBJ was right when he decided to save South Vietnam from the communist hoard but it was thoroughly bungled. The one case is Bill Clinton's authorization to bomb a defenseless country in Europe to deflect attention from his peculiar sexual urges. Why was it O.K. for the left to see people in a cosmopolitan city of Belgrade running for their lives when U.N. bombers attacked? We were attacked in the dawn of the 21st century and ironically lost as many people as we did at Pearl Harbor. Congress authorized boots on the ground to enforce U.N. sanctions against a tyrant. The left approved until they saw a chance to make some political points with their left wing base and then they undermined the mission.
Yes, Islam does historically promote violence.

So does the U.S.
And there you go folks. Fakey just let slip one more leftist tenet proving that he is a total democrat. Blame the USA for all the violence in the world. It's all our fault. That's what the left believes, blame America first, USA, the big bad USA, we should all be ashamed of our country.

Ya know what, Fakey, you little leftist freak, go fuck yourself with a chain saw, pajama boy, you sickening little brain dead twit.
Translation: I, 007, am a fucked up freaky far right ideologue who is exactly where he belongs on this board: in la la land.

Those of us who know US history from far right to far left know that our military industrial complex is out of control.

bull shit
Yes, what you wrote is BS. What I wrote is the absolute truth.
The Koran promotes violence against the infidels and the jihad which lives ideologically in the 6th century follows the Koran. Therefore Islam promotes violence. The phonies who enjoy the freedom and the wealth of the greatest Country in the world were conditioned by years of left wing propaganda to hate their own Country but deep down in their bi-polar small minds they wouldn't trade life in the good old USA for the promise of 100 virgins in the afterlife.
You go right ahead and live in the 6th century.

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