Does it Ring a Bell? Op-Ed: Jews are Excluded from European Universities. Does it Ring a Bell?

Academic boycotts of Israel are illegal, as the article makes clear. Clearly though some liberal influences are indirectly trying to boycott Israel. Nothing new there. Anti.semites abound and always have.

As a European though, I will never let them speak for me. Universities are not part of the real worl anyway.

Academic boycotts of Israel are not illegal in Europe.

Do you live here, because you don't know what you are talking about. We have stringent anti racism laws that could see you arrested for your comments on here if you set foot in Europe. Cross border arrests are now common place and you can be arrested in Italy for breaking the law in England while living in America.
You are full of shit. More likely you would get arrested for your racist Islamophobia.

The following are articles from U.S. mainstream news organizations generally considered pro Israel. Are they lying?

"European boycotts begin to bite, catching Israel's attention"

European boycotts begin to bite catching Israel s attention video -

Student Boycott
The growing scope of the challenge to Israel was illustrated this week with a vote by the U.K.’s National Union of Students to boycott settlement products. British student groups “boycott Israel but they refuse to boycott ISIS,” fumed Netanyahu, referring to Islamic State militants.

Israel Risks EU Settlement Label Threat as Boycott War Heats Up - Bloomberg Business
Academic boycotts of Israel are illegal, as the article makes clear. Clearly though some liberal influences are indirectly trying to boycott Israel. Nothing new there. Anti.semites abound and always have.

As a European though, I will never let them speak for me. Universities are not part of the real worl anyway.

Academic boycotts of Israel are not illegal in Europe.

BDS being the academic arm of worldwide Jihad and probably the arm of Islamic Brotherhood,
can't be legal as any religious war can't be legally supported.

How can that be Israel is fighting a religious war against non-Jews as the Jewish state.

WRONG it is the Palestinians that are fighting a religious war as shown by their charters. Israel is defending itself from terrorists and violent attacks from illegal weapons
You are full of shit. More likely you would get arrested for your racist Islamophobia.

The following are articles from U.S. mainstream news organizations generally considered pro Israel. Are they lying?

"European boycotts begin to bite, catching Israel's attention"

European boycotts begin to bite catching Israel s attention video -

Student Boycott

The growing scope of the challenge to Israel was illustrated this week with a vote by the U.K.’s National Union of Students to boycott settlement products. British student groups “boycott Israel but they refuse to boycott ISIS,” fumed Netanyahu, referring to Islamic State militants.

Israel Risks EU Settlement Label Threat as Boycott War Heats Up - Bloomberg Business

Isolated incidents that prove you don't know the first thing about Europeans. Most students eat cheap food because they cant afford anything else so never bought high end products like Dates or olives.
You are full of shit. More likely you would get arrested for your racist Islamophobia.

The following are articles from U.S. mainstream news organizations generally considered pro Israel. Are they lying?

"European boycotts begin to bite, catching Israel's attention"

European boycotts begin to bite catching Israel s attention video -

Student Boycott

The growing scope of the challenge to Israel was illustrated this week with a vote by the U.K.’s National Union of Students to boycott settlement products. British student groups “boycott Israel but they refuse to boycott ISIS,” fumed Netanyahu, referring to Islamic State militants.

Israel Risks EU Settlement Label Threat as Boycott War Heats Up - Bloomberg Business

Now that Monte is using the "CS Monitor" as a reliable source, let's see what else it says:
You are full of shit. More likely you would get arrested for your racist Islamophobia.

The following are articles from U.S. mainstream news organizations generally considered pro Israel. Are they lying?

"European boycotts begin to bite, catching Israel's attention"

European boycotts begin to bite catching Israel s attention video -

Student Boycott

The growing scope of the challenge to Israel was illustrated this week with a vote by the U.K.’s National Union of Students to boycott settlement products. British student groups “boycott Israel but they refuse to boycott ISIS,” fumed Netanyahu, referring to Islamic State militants.

Israel Risks EU Settlement Label Threat as Boycott War Heats Up - Bloomberg Business

Isolated incidents that prove you don't know the first thing about Europeans. Most students eat cheap food because they cant afford anything else so never bought high end products like Dates or olives.

So the articles are not describing fact according to you. Do you have any link to something that confirms your assertion that it is illegal to boycott Israel in Europe, or are bullshitting as usual?
You are full of shit. More likely you would get arrested for your racist Islamophobia.

The following are articles from U.S. mainstream news organizations generally considered pro Israel. Are they lying?

"European boycotts begin to bite, catching Israel's attention"

European boycotts begin to bite catching Israel s attention video -

Student Boycott

The growing scope of the challenge to Israel was illustrated this week with a vote by the U.K.’s National Union of Students to boycott settlement products. British student groups “boycott Israel but they refuse to boycott ISIS,” fumed Netanyahu, referring to Islamic State militants.

Israel Risks EU Settlement Label Threat as Boycott War Heats Up - Bloomberg Business

Isolated incidents that prove you don't know the first thing about Europeans. Most students eat cheap food because they cant afford anything else so never bought high end products like Dates or olives.

So the articles are not describing fact according to you. Do you have any link to something that confirms your assertion that it is illegal to boycott Israel in Europe, or are bullshitting as usual?


Hamas committed war crimes against Gaza civilians, report finds

Amnesty International said in a report on Wednesday that Gaza's dominant Islamist Hamas committed war crimes against Palestinian civilians during last year's war with Israel.

By Reuters MAY 27, 2015

"Hamas forces carried out a brutal campaign of abductions, torture and unlawful killings against Palestinians accused of 'collaborating' with Israel and others during Israel's military offensive against Gaza," London-based Amnesty's report said.

In Wednesday's report, Amnesty listed a number of cases it described as "spine-chilling" in which Palestinians accused by Hamas of helping Israel were tortured and killed.

"The de facto Hamas administration granted its security forces free rein to carry out horrific abuses including against people in its custody. These spine-chilling actions, some of which amount to war crimes, were designed to exact revenge and spread fear across the Gaza Strip," the Amnesty report said.

Hamas dominates the Gaza Strip, a densely populated desert enclave on the Mediterranean which borders Israel and Egypt
Obviously not enough, read the writers of Pnac, all Zionists, Clean Break, and if those darn Arab got through the Israel Security at the Airports then Israel should be blamed and pay. I guess your the one who see what he wants. I have no doubt Jews and scumbags like Rumsfled, and Cheney were in on it. Its all Zionist. Bush just let it happen.

Ok let's say I won't get into the failed logic of connecting a private Bush family owned firm
into some kind of representative of Israel- just to close the gaps in Your justifications of murder
and fellings of self-worthlessness (that's what anti-semitism is among others).

But tell me is there a place for an assumption in Your hate-filled head that zionism doesn't represent
all of the jews? Or do You have to generalize to deal with inconsistencies?

Are there non- jewish zionists? Well most of them.

this is a non issue for me, I know Zionist and some from our high places were behind it. Of course it doesn't represent all Zionist or jews or even the Israelites or whatever they want to be called. Not all jews are Zionist, most are not, jews are those who practice Judaism and most Israelites do not.

Well "I know"- should I take it as valid?? No disrespect but how does that look after You've
judged and sentenced a whole country (with questionable argumentation) then virtually connected all the jews to that accusation?

That's not an issue to You because as many of us You've been mislead into thinking You know
a something about Israel or Jews. You don't, and many jews actually don't.
Then the claim of religion VS race as a guise to dissconnect jews from their connection to the land.
Well it's funny because a "jew" is a definition of Judea tribe inhabitants. The word "gentile" is there for a reason and it doesn't concern religion. It's a certain lineage and not many are accepted to go through and convert to Judaism. So I seriously doubt You ever tried to look at the other side of propaganda, maybe because motivation is not truth oriented but an emotional discharge.

And Your second mistake is Your statement that most Israelis don"t follow Judaism- most of Israelis
do pay respect and celebrate the same holidays those 12 tribes originally celebrated. On "Yom Kippur" streets are flooded to the point that You can't drive through- those are fasting people.
Children are circumcised, soldiers have prayers and Israelis can actually read the Torah and understand it as opposed to illiterate muslims who take their immams' words for undeniable truth and religion.
During Passovers they retell their children the history of the nation- that's why people like You will never erase our identity,

Yes and even non Christians or lax Christians celebrate Christmas. AS it says on PM Bibi bio about secular Judaism, or secular Judaism wiki, they see the festivals as traditions of culture, not religious. Also Israel was begun as a secular state , not religious. I am not saying there are not orthodox Jews there , of course there are, the orthodox jews returned to Israel when the pogroms and Judaism begun the reform movement.

Yes You're right about zionist Israel being conceived as a secular state, I have a full topic on that.
But comparing Christmas which is celebrated by most western countries and mostly secular
people as "a slave's" holiday...even secular jews celebrate it in Russia for example.
I was talking about majority of Israelis in most cities celebrating 3 most important jewish holidays
throughout the year as they were written and celebrated in the Torah. There are also fasting dates
for different historical occasions and the biggest Jewish holiday- Yom Kippur. Majority of the people
fast for a full day and an hour, gather for prayers and ask for forgiveness from fellow people.
So zionists failed to keep it a fully secular community. Nothing like in US or Europe...
In the last 6-5 years the Rabbi Amnon Itzhak converted 1+ million Israeli and American
jews to keep the laws of the book.

That's not in your ability to judge on this subject. And reformists have nothing to do with
people keeping Shabbas, wearing Tfilin and Tzizit, or praying before a fight.
it's quiet the opposite of what they preach.

So it's not only the closed orthodox communities. There open communities like Breslev and Chabad
who have connections between jews around the globe. All them keep the laws in the book and keep
teaching children to stand for jewish identity.

None of Your evading arguments will change this programming which kept us a nation
for thousands of years. You clearly have no clue about the structure.

Which book, the Talmud . I am fully aware even the OT has a different meaning to jews than for us Christians as only jews are considered man and the laws between Jews and Jews and Jews and Gentiles are different. Its not stealing if stealing form a Pal is it, but for Christians its stealing no matter who one steals from. The glue that holds you together is not God or Yahweh (by the way Yahweh believed in other Gods as he was jealous of them) but the fact that you only give to each other and well us goy are only here to serve you, so for the evans out there, what a waste of money to send it to Israel and how Israel is laughing about it. Since most of you do not believe in God, you have the jewish tradition which is a glue. Kinda like Halloween or thanksgiving , the 4th or whatever. I can only imagine how the Hispanic Jew will do in Israel.

Maybe we should make the US an Christian nation and charge fines to non Christians, how does that sound.
Ok let's say I won't get into the failed logic of connecting a private Bush family owned firm
into some kind of representative of Israel- just to close the gaps in Your justifications of murder
and fellings of self-worthlessness (that's what anti-semitism is among others).

But tell me is there a place for an assumption in Your hate-filled head that zionism doesn't represent
all of the jews? Or do You have to generalize to deal with inconsistencies?

Are there non- jewish zionists? Well most of them.

this is a non issue for me, I know Zionist and some from our high places were behind it. Of course it doesn't represent all Zionist or jews or even the Israelites or whatever they want to be called. Not all jews are Zionist, most are not, jews are those who practice Judaism and most Israelites do not.

Well "I know"- should I take it as valid?? No disrespect but how does that look after You've
judged and sentenced a whole country (with questionable argumentation) then virtually connected all the jews to that accusation?

That's not an issue to You because as many of us You've been mislead into thinking You know
a something about Israel or Jews. You don't, and many jews actually don't.
Then the claim of religion VS race as a guise to dissconnect jews from their connection to the land.
Well it's funny because a "jew" is a definition of Judea tribe inhabitants. The word "gentile" is there for a reason and it doesn't concern religion. It's a certain lineage and not many are accepted to go through and convert to Judaism. So I seriously doubt You ever tried to look at the other side of propaganda, maybe because motivation is not truth oriented but an emotional discharge.

And Your second mistake is Your statement that most Israelis don"t follow Judaism- most of Israelis
do pay respect and celebrate the same holidays those 12 tribes originally celebrated. On "Yom Kippur" streets are flooded to the point that You can't drive through- those are fasting people.
Children are circumcised, soldiers have prayers and Israelis can actually read the Torah and understand it as opposed to illiterate muslims who take their immams' words for undeniable truth and religion.
During Passovers they retell their children the history of the nation- that's why people like You will never erase our identity,

Yes and even non Christians or lax Christians celebrate Christmas. AS it says on PM Bibi bio about secular Judaism, or secular Judaism wiki, they see the festivals as traditions of culture, not religious. Also Israel was begun as a secular state , not religious. I am not saying there are not orthodox Jews there , of course there are, the orthodox jews returned to Israel when the pogroms and Judaism begun the reform movement.

Yes You're right about zionist Israel being conceived as a secular state, I have a full topic on that.
But comparing Christmas which is celebrated by most western countries and mostly secular
people as "a slave's" holiday...even secular jews celebrate it in Russia for example.
I was talking about majority of Israelis in most cities celebrating 3 most important jewish holidays
throughout the year as they were written and celebrated in the Torah. There are also fasting dates
for different historical occasions and the biggest Jewish holiday- Yom Kippur. Majority of the people
fast for a full day and an hour, gather for prayers and ask for forgiveness from fellow people.
So zionists failed to keep it a fully secular community. Nothing like in US or Europe...
In the last 6-5 years the Rabbi Amnon Itzhak converted 1+ million Israeli and American
jews to keep the laws of the book.

That's not in your ability to judge on this subject. And reformists have nothing to do with
people keeping Shabbas, wearing Tfilin and Tzizit, or praying before a fight.
it's quiet the opposite of what they preach.

So it's not only the closed orthodox communities. There open communities like Breslev and Chabad
who have connections between jews around the globe. All them keep the laws in the book and keep
teaching children to stand for jewish identity.

None of Your evading arguments will change this programming which kept us a nation
for thousands of years. You clearly have no clue about the structure.

Which book, the Talmud . I am fully aware even the OT has a different meaning to jews than for us Christians as only jews are considered man and the laws between Jews and Jews and Jews and Gentiles are different. Its not stealing if stealing form a Pal is it, but for Christians its stealing no matter who one steals from. The glue that holds you together is not God or Yahweh (by the way Yahweh believed in other Gods as he was jealous of them) but the fact that you only give to each other and well us goy are only here to serve you, so for the evans out there, what a waste of money to send it to Israel and how Israel is laughing about it. Since most of you do not believe in God, you have the jewish tradition which is a glue. Kinda like Halloween or thanksgiving , the 4th or whatever. I can only imagine how the Hispanic Jew will do in Israel.

Maybe we should make the US an Christian nation and charge fines to non Christians, how does that sound.

That's totally wrong. You do have a mixed understanding of THE BOOK and THE LAW.
I've seen those "quotes" from Talmud. FALSE.

YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND what the Talmud is.

It's centuries long hard arguments between the biggest rabbis of the community.
Those quotes are parts of much longer conversations, debates, arguments where no rabbi
is ashamed to show an extreme point of view just to clarify the law. When dealing with laws on murder-You speak ugly things.

I doubt You have any understanding in Persian, Arameic...or had once read the commentaries.
Even the orthodox needs the commentaries but You hater surely can understand Torah and Talmud better.

Talmud is no THE LAW, TORAH is before every other book. No other book can be accepted
if i contradicts Torah in anyway. And for centuries if a Hazan sang one vowel or letter wrong
not according to what's written, everyone in he Synagogue would stop him, correct him and only then they continue, even among jews, no mistakes are tolerated even changing a vowel.

This argument is not Yours, speak for Yourself once.
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Academic boycotts of Israel are illegal, as the article makes clear. Clearly though some liberal influences are indirectly trying to boycott Israel. Nothing new there. Anti.semites abound and always have.

As a European though, I will never let them speak for me. Universities are not part of the real worl anyway.

Academic boycotts of Israel are not illegal in Europe.

BDS being the academic arm of worldwide Jihad and probably the arm of Islamic Brotherhood,
can't be legal as any religious war can't be legally supported.

How can that be Israel is fighting a religious war against non-Jews as the Jewish state.

Show me how zionist Israel fights a religious war?
Because in reality I see that zionism is fighting an anti-religious war on the identity of jews,
and puts Orthodox Jews on the streets while giving their houses to the most
unaccepted among arabs.
You are full of shit. More likely you would get arrested for your racist Islamophobia.

The following are articles from U.S. mainstream news organizations generally considered pro Israel. Are they lying?

"European boycotts begin to bite, catching Israel's attention"

European boycotts begin to bite catching Israel s attention video -

Student Boycott

The growing scope of the challenge to Israel was illustrated this week with a vote by the U.K.’s National Union of Students to boycott settlement products. British student groups “boycott Israel but they refuse to boycott ISIS,” fumed Netanyahu, referring to Islamic State militants.

Israel Risks EU Settlement Label Threat as Boycott War Heats Up - Bloomberg Business

Isolated incidents that prove you don't know the first thing about Europeans. Most students eat cheap food because they cant afford anything else so never bought high end products like Dates or olives.

So the articles are not describing fact according to you. Do you have any link to something that confirms your assertion that it is illegal to boycott Israel in Europe, or are bullshitting as usual?

So you admit that you have a problem understanding English, I said isolated incidents that prove you know nothing

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