Does Joe Manchin realize he represents the 2nd poorest state in the country?

How many constituents of those 49 senators took advantage of that child tax credit that Biden is responsible for, asscrack?
Take another drink moron. 50 democrats minus Joe Manchin = 49. So why don't you tell me how many welfare recipients did took advantage of it dumb fuck.
Take another drink moron. 50 democrats minus Joe Manchin = 49. So why don't you tell me how many welfare recipients did took advantage of it dumb fuck.
I drink rarely, fuckface. Are you including welfare recipients in red states with GOP senators, asswipe?
Insurance companies should pick up people with pre existing conditions. That's what insurance is for. One pays in and then one gets sick and no more coverage?
You really are delusional, copays and deductibles grew so much they couldn't afford to use it. Many are still uninsured. When are you commies going to realize there are a very few things the feds do well, and taking care of people isn't one of them. And it was never intended to be.

That comment you made to another poster up above about being an ignorant fucker, well look it the mirror you ignorant fucker. The lower the FPL the lower the co pays and deductibles. You know nothing about obamacare.
How many constituents of those 49 senators took advantage of that child tax credit that Biden is responsible for, asscrack?
That's just childish, even you know that to be true.

If someone is handing out "FREE MONEY" who is going to refuse? In this case, that money is coming from the other folks who have worked hard to earn that money. Only to have it given to those who made bad decisions.

That's good for America how?
despite Manchin’s "deep concerns" about the national debt, he voted for $53 billion in corporate welfare that would go to a handful of profitable microchip companies – completely unpaid for.
despite Manchin’s "deep concerns" about the national debt, he voted for $53 billion in corporate welfare that would go to a handful of profitable microchip companies – completely unpaid for.
Was that to lure high paying jobs in the microchip industry to West Virginia? How shameful!
Second only to Mississippi, West Virginia is home to some of the worst poverty in the US., but if you're like Senator Joe Manchin, worth $8 million (that we know of), the grass is a little greener on the other side of the fence.

He probably really cares about his constituents, but he drew the shortest straw and was picked to be the bad guy.

He chose the short straw because he didn't cow to the democrat mob....
Forgot how Trump ran up the debt, didntcha, clown.

That's what happens when you're on a four year Trump asslicking delusuon.
I think you ought to check out the history of the US debt from the CBO website. You might get enlightened but I seriously doubt it. Morons of your ilk get dick slapped with facts regularly and never seem to get it.
That comment you made to another poster up above about being an ignorant fucker, well look it the mirror you ignorant fucker. The lower the FPL the lower the co pays and deductibles. You know nothing about obamacare.

All I know is what my middle class friends told me. They were screwed by maobamacare. You can spew all the propaganda you want, it won't help them.

WV had a decent economy before Democrats killed the coal industry.
Democrats didn't kill the Coal jobs...

It was combination of :
  • Gas (it is more economical)
  • Automation (Strip mining and more machines)
Trump said he would bring them back and the market decided... It was one big
That comment you made to another poster up above about being an ignorant fucker, well look it the mirror you ignorant fucker. The lower the FPL the lower the co pays and deductibles. You know nothing about obamacare.
I was in the workforce for over 50 years. I saw employer provided insurance go from absolute FULL coverage with no copays or deductibles to the poor excuse that we have currently. The one thing that I see that is different is that people on the dole are demanding the same quality of insurance for free that the workforce enjoys. To this, I say, BEGGARS CAN'T BE CHOOSERS. The workforce EARNED those benefits. When they were also required to make sure that Obamacare premiums were spread as a tax to provide for those parasites to the same level as what the workforce EARNED, the inevitable result was more care for the parasites and less for the people who EARNED it. Ignorant fucker--you don't know shit about how reality works.
I was in the workforce for over 50 years. I saw employer provided insurance go from absolute FULL coverage with no copays or deductibles to the poor excuse that we have currently. The one thing that I see that is different is that people on the dole are demanding the same quality of insurance for free that the workforce enjoys. To this, I say, BEGGARS CAN'T BE CHOOSERS. The workforce EARNED those benefits. When they were also required to make sure that Obamacare premiums were spread as a tax to provide for those parasites to the same level as what the workforce EARNED, the inevitable result was more care for the parasites and less for the people who EARNED it. Ignorant fucker--you don't know shit about how reality works.
You're getting less care then those who have insurance because of Obama Care? Sure you are. They must be cutting coverage for your shrink.

I have employer sponsered insurance & my coverage has actually improved since the ACA took effect.

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