Does Joe Manchin realize he represents the 2nd poorest state in the country?

Didn't we fight a war over that?

Seems we turned a bunch of States that were united into the UNITED STATES

Actually no, we didn't. I'm talking about the founders original vision, you know, the one the States relied on to ratify the Constitution. Not the bastardized commie vision.

And as predicted, once the people find they can vote themselves money from the treasury, unless the trend can be reversed, this noble experiment in self governance shall disappear from the earth. And we all know, that's exactly your intent, but then what?

Joe Manchin has no control over the poverty in his state

But he can vote on Federal Programs that can help those struggling in his state

Programs like healthcare, education, childcare, infrastructure, poverty programs
Could it be that the people of West Virginia and millions of other self-respecting Americans do NOT want to end up as slaves on a plantation with the far-left holding the whip?

IF you believe that you can trust the government to provide you with a better life, look at the Indian Reservations and the inner cities. They don't want that for themselves and wonder why you demand that form of slavery for them.
Could it be that the people of West Virginia and millions of other self-respecting Americans do NOT want to end up as slaves on a plantation with the far-left holding the whip?

IF you believe that you can trust the government to provide you with a better life, look at the Indian Reservations and the inner cities. They don't want that for themselves and wonder why you demand that form of slavery for them.
No, not all of them

Just help those who need help
There are many in West Virginia
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Could it be that the people of West Virginia and millions of other self-respecting Americans do NOT want to end up as slaves on a plantation with the far-left holding the whip?

IF you believe that you can trust the government to provide you with a better life, look at the Indian Reservations and the inner cities. They don't want that for themselves and wonder why you demand that form of slavery for them.
Single-payer insurance would help everyone.....Medicare-for-all....whatever you want to call it.

There is no need for health insurance and drug companies to be
profiting AT OUR Expense.
No, not all of them

Just help those who need help
There are many in West Virginia
And the far-left will be the one who decides what "THEY NEED".

To which Democrats will respond, how do you know what you NEED until we (taxpayers) give it to you? You know, like Obamacare. Then, after we've (taxpayers) given it to you for a while, to take it away would be cruel and inhumane.

And the far-left will be the one who decides what "THEY NEED".

To which Democrats will respond, how do you know what you NEED until we (taxpayers) give it to you? You know, like Obamacare. Then, after we've (taxpayers) given it to you for a while, to take it away would be cruel and inhumane.


We the People vote in those who support what we need
West Virginia benefitted from Obamacare
Single-payer insurance would help everyone.....Medicare-for-all....whatever you want to call it.

There is no need for health insurance and drug companies to be
profiting AT OUR Expense.

This is the result of the Obamacare we have today. Liability, in this case, means debt for which we have no future income to pay.

Is Medicare not "Insurance"? What does the government do better than the private sector?

No need for drug companies to make a profit at "OUR" EXPENSE. Really?

Virtually, every nation in the world was greatly motivated to develop a Covid vaccine. Nations working together, were desperate to develop a vaccine. All those countries also wanted to develop an effective drug to use against the virus, once someone was sick.

Which country developed that vaccine, in a time frame we were told was impossible? Which country or countries developed effective drugs to use to combat the Covid virus?

How many million lives have been saved world wide by both of those developments? IF there was no profit, what would be their incentive? If you imagine that they would want to do it out of the goodness of their heart, why didn't any of the other nation make the same discoveries? They don't have good hearts?
Single-payer insurance would help everyone.....Medicare-for-all....whatever you want to call it.

There is no need for health insurance and drug companies to be
profiting AT OUR Expense.

If you're a really ignorant fucker, that could be said about Apple, Google, Target, Walmart, Home Depot, your internet provider and any other for profit company in the world. Of course you would have to be happy with living in the 6th century. Profit inspires innovation.

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Is Medicare not "Insurance"? What does the government do better than the private sector?

What the Government does better is provide medical insurance to those 65 and over
A demographic the private sector refused to cover
Single-payer insurance would help everyone.....Medicare-for-all....whatever you want to call it.

There is no need for health insurance and drug companies to be
profiting AT OUR Expense.
Offset it by ending the regime change wars, shutting down unneeded 3 letter federal agencies and a trillion a year defense budget.
We don't even have a company that manufactures GENERIC drugs anymore.
Talk about a risk to national security.

Not the poor and lower working class

You really are delusional, copays and deductibles grew so much they couldn't afford to use it. Many are still uninsured. When are you commies going to realize there are a very few things the feds do well, and taking care of people isn't one of them. And it was never intended to be.

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You really are delusional, copays and deductibles grew so much they couldn't afford to use it. Many are still uninsured. When are you commies going to realize there are a very few things the feds do well, and taking care of people isn't one of them. And is was never intended to be.

A poor state like West Virginia received many subsidies
Yeah, about that great job the government is doing.


Medicare provides invaluable coverage to our elderly
Do you have any idea what a 65 year old would pay for health insurance on the open market?
Do you know how many companies would be willing to cover an elderly person with pre-existing conditions?

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